WEBVTT 00:00:00.629 --> 00:00:02.473 Welcome to the spiritual field. 00:00:02.473 --> 00:00:04.760 The land of confusion. 00:00:04.760 --> 00:00:07.340 So many people have so many different opinions, 00:00:07.340 --> 00:00:09.489 and so many of them contradict. 00:00:09.489 --> 00:00:13.789 It's almost impossible to figure out what the hell is right and wrong 00:00:13.789 --> 00:00:16.230 in this field of different opinions. 00:00:16.230 --> 00:00:18.294 And this confusion is compounded 00:00:18.294 --> 00:00:22.429 when some of these perspectives are being offered by channelers. 00:00:22.429 --> 00:00:23.989 For that reason, 00:00:23.989 --> 00:00:25.879 I am going to clear up for you, 00:00:25.879 --> 00:00:28.004 some of that confusion you have today, 00:00:28.004 --> 00:00:32.209 by explaining to you channeling and channelers. 00:00:36.459 --> 00:00:40.369 The Truth About Channels and Channeling 00:00:41.400 --> 00:00:45.280 Everything in this universe is made of consciousness. 00:00:45.530 --> 00:00:47.840 Everything in existence. 00:00:47.840 --> 00:00:50.039 What that means is interesting; 00:00:50.039 --> 00:00:54.089 It means that everything can technically be channeled. 00:00:54.089 --> 00:00:57.289 What a method actor knows, that most people don't know, 00:00:57.289 --> 00:01:01.099 is that they are not limited by their individual perspective. 00:01:01.099 --> 00:01:03.340 Now, the only thing that prevents us 00:01:03.340 --> 00:01:06.160 from accessing other consciousnesses 00:01:06.160 --> 00:01:09.090 is our identification with our own. 00:01:09.450 --> 00:01:11.309 What a method actor knows 00:01:11.309 --> 00:01:13.779 is that they can actually take on the consciousness 00:01:13.779 --> 00:01:15.849 of someone or something entirely different 00:01:15.849 --> 00:01:19.159 By letting go of their own consciousness and perspective first. 00:01:19.159 --> 00:01:21.179 They can get to character so deep 00:01:21.179 --> 00:01:24.690 that they don't even relate to themselves anymore. 00:01:24.690 --> 00:01:26.755 Often a method actor dies, 00:01:26.755 --> 00:01:30.987 either during or after their most dark and tragic role, 00:01:30.987 --> 00:01:33.130 for this very reason. 00:01:33.130 --> 00:01:35.259 When this is happening, 00:01:35.259 --> 00:01:37.790 a person isn't pretending. 00:01:37.790 --> 00:01:40.990 In pretending you're using your mind to imagine 00:01:40.990 --> 00:01:43.620 what it might be, to be something else. 00:01:43.620 --> 00:01:46.430 When we're pretending, we are experiencing something else 00:01:46.430 --> 00:01:49.089 through the filter of our own consciousness. 00:01:49.089 --> 00:01:52.499 What a method actor is doing is removing this filter entirely. 00:01:52.499 --> 00:01:55.870 He or she is consciously choosing to become possessed. 00:01:55.870 --> 00:01:58.599 It is a form of willing possession. 00:01:58.599 --> 00:02:00.679 What they are doing is allowing their body 00:02:00.679 --> 00:02:03.899 to be taken over by another stream of consciousness. 00:02:03.899 --> 00:02:07.034 In the same way that a radio, allows itself to be taken over 00:02:07.034 --> 00:02:11.290 by a specific channel being played at a specific frequency. 00:02:11.510 --> 00:02:13.794 A method actor is good at doing this. 00:02:13.794 --> 00:02:17.356 Why? Because often a method actor has a very poor grasp 00:02:17.356 --> 00:02:20.139 on their own individual identity. 00:02:20.139 --> 00:02:23.259 It may be a detriment to them in some ways, 00:02:23.259 --> 00:02:26.789 but when it comes to their career, it's a massive benefit. 00:02:26.789 --> 00:02:29.554 This is why they find this process so easy though. 00:02:29.554 --> 00:02:31.180 But here's the thing; 00:02:31.180 --> 00:02:34.279 All people are actually capable of doing this. 00:02:34.279 --> 00:02:37.749 But most people are completely identified. 00:02:37.749 --> 00:02:40.479 That's why they can't do it. 00:02:40.479 --> 00:02:43.174 Intentional channeling is simply another word 00:02:43.174 --> 00:02:44.849 for intentional possession. 00:02:44.849 --> 00:02:46.669 I know that the concept of possession 00:02:46.669 --> 00:02:48.749 makes people really really uncomfortable. 00:02:48.749 --> 00:02:51.943 And it's got such a connotation with somebody not even choosing, 00:02:51.943 --> 00:02:54.228 but it's just happening to them. 00:02:54.228 --> 00:02:56.574 But there really is no genuine difference 00:02:56.574 --> 00:02:59.470 between possession and channeling. 00:02:59.470 --> 00:03:01.949 Some people who we call channels, 00:03:01.949 --> 00:03:03.289 like method actors, 00:03:03.289 --> 00:03:07.509 are particularly adept at this process of dis identifying, 00:03:07.509 --> 00:03:09.939 so as to make complete open space 00:03:09.939 --> 00:03:12.989 to allow their body to act like a radio, 00:03:12.989 --> 00:03:16.899 that is receiving a channel being broadcasted at a specific frequency. 00:03:16.899 --> 00:03:20.820 They're adapted allowing themselves to become possessed. 00:03:20.820 --> 00:03:22.919 Now technically, like I said before, 00:03:22.919 --> 00:03:25.849 because everything in this universe is made of consciousness, 00:03:25.849 --> 00:03:28.819 technically anything in existence could be channeled. 00:03:28.819 --> 00:03:32.269 But when we talk about channels in the spiritual field, 00:03:32.269 --> 00:03:35.030 we're talking about a specific thing. 00:03:35.030 --> 00:03:36.949 Channels like Abraham Hicks 00:03:36.949 --> 00:03:38.889 or Jane Roberts and Seth, 00:03:38.889 --> 00:03:40.759 or jay-z Knight and Ramtha, 00:03:40.759 --> 00:03:43.269 or Lee Carolyn Kryon, for example. 00:03:43.269 --> 00:03:46.429 What we are referring to when we talk about channels 00:03:46.429 --> 00:03:48.419 in the spiritual field like this, 00:03:48.419 --> 00:03:52.719 is that a person is channeling a specific entity, 00:03:52.719 --> 00:03:55.154 or a specific group consciousness, 00:03:55.154 --> 00:03:57.910 for the sake of human awakening. 00:03:57.910 --> 00:04:00.630 Now, obviously, if what they are channeling 00:04:00.630 --> 00:04:04.950 is a non-physical being or a non-physical group consciousness, 00:04:05.260 --> 00:04:08.180 then these consciousness streams, 00:04:08.180 --> 00:04:10.559 exists at a higher dimensional plane. 00:04:10.559 --> 00:04:13.829 That means that technically, they have a more objective perspective 00:04:13.829 --> 00:04:16.680 than we do in the physical time-space reality. 00:04:16.680 --> 00:04:21.219 For this reason, they have a very valuable perspective to share. 00:04:21.219 --> 00:04:24.224 This higher frequency perspective 00:04:24.224 --> 00:04:26.510 is why it can be so good 00:04:26.510 --> 00:04:29.249 to get their opinion, to get their perspective. 00:04:29.250 --> 00:04:31.575 It's also why it can feel so good 00:04:31.575 --> 00:04:36.240 just to listen to the frequency of what they are communicating. 00:04:36.520 --> 00:04:40.390 And on top of it being beneficial, 00:04:40.390 --> 00:04:43.504 there are also some things you need to understand 00:04:43.504 --> 00:04:45.459 about channels and channeling. 00:04:45.459 --> 00:04:48.394 Otherwise you are going to slip into the world of confusion, 00:04:48.394 --> 00:04:50.380 when listening to them. 00:04:50.620 --> 00:04:53.970 1. A consciousness that is being channeled 00:04:53.970 --> 00:04:58.019 is limited by the consciousness of the person channeling it. 00:04:58.220 --> 00:05:00.720 Anytime a consciousness goes through a channel, 00:05:00.720 --> 00:05:04.750 it is being altered because it is being passed through a translation device. 00:05:04.750 --> 00:05:07.430 The best channelers in the world are simply those 00:05:07.430 --> 00:05:09.250 that can alter it the least. 00:05:09.250 --> 00:05:11.980 We call these clear channels. 00:05:11.980 --> 00:05:13.490 Think about it; 00:05:13.490 --> 00:05:15.735 No language actually exists 00:05:15.735 --> 00:05:19.420 beyond the dimensions where time and space exist. 00:05:19.420 --> 00:05:21.989 It would make no sense, would it? 00:05:21.989 --> 00:05:24.844 You have to perceive yourself to be separate from something 00:05:24.844 --> 00:05:27.489 to have to communicate through language. 00:05:27.489 --> 00:05:31.820 Not only that, we have issues with language on our own planet. 00:05:31.820 --> 00:05:36.400 What do you think the translation is like when you try to change, 00:05:36.400 --> 00:05:40.120 let's say Swahili into English? 00:05:40.120 --> 00:05:42.610 Knowing that, what could be the issue 00:05:42.610 --> 00:05:45.505 with changing an extraterrestrial language, 00:05:45.505 --> 00:05:49.310 into the English language, or something of the sort? 00:05:49.310 --> 00:05:53.210 One classic example that we saw of this, is with the Bible. 00:05:53.210 --> 00:05:56.514 Note the language that the Bible was originally written in, 00:05:56.514 --> 00:05:59.630 made for a really crap translation when it went into English. 00:05:59.630 --> 00:06:03.024 Why? Because when people were talking about Jesus 00:06:03.024 --> 00:06:05.629 speaking of himself as "The Son of God", 00:06:05.629 --> 00:06:07.668 what was not understood is that, 00:06:07.668 --> 00:06:10.040 the meaning of son in that culture, 00:06:10.040 --> 00:06:11.694 was extension. 00:06:11.694 --> 00:06:15.491 In the same way that a painter would consider 00:06:15.491 --> 00:06:18.290 a painting an extension of himself. 00:06:18.290 --> 00:06:20.665 So it's much more likely 00:06:20.665 --> 00:06:25.430 to translate as "I am a creation or an extension of God", 00:06:25.430 --> 00:06:27.889 than: "I am the direct son of God", 00:06:27.889 --> 00:06:31.920 as we think in English language as a singular progeny. 00:06:31.920 --> 00:06:35.839 In a universe with twelve distinct dimensions, 00:06:35.839 --> 00:06:40.619 language begins to fall apart, at about the fifth dimension. 00:06:40.619 --> 00:06:43.099 And most beings who are being channeled, 00:06:43.099 --> 00:06:47.000 exist from the six dimensional consciousness and above. 00:06:47.270 --> 00:06:50.620 This means, that even finding a language 00:06:50.620 --> 00:06:52.290 to convey that information 00:06:52.290 --> 00:06:55.735 that is being broadcasted by these beings or entities, 00:06:55.735 --> 00:06:58.690 is nothing more than a matching game. 00:06:58.690 --> 00:07:01.460 It is finding the word that most closely vibrates 00:07:01.460 --> 00:07:04.020 at a frequency of the concept. 00:07:04.020 --> 00:07:08.540 And believe me, this is way, way limited. 00:07:08.740 --> 00:07:12.524 Also if a channeler has a fixed way of thinking, 00:07:12.524 --> 00:07:14.509 a fixed set of beliefs, 00:07:14.509 --> 00:07:19.309 that will inhibit what this channeler is capable of processing, 00:07:19.309 --> 00:07:22.540 and what they are capable of translating. 00:07:22.540 --> 00:07:26.960 For example, if somebody adheres to the concept of the Bible, 00:07:26.960 --> 00:07:30.035 Everything that is being received through their channel, 00:07:30.035 --> 00:07:33.770 is going to be filtered through the concept of the biblical understanding 00:07:33.770 --> 00:07:36.000 of your time-space reality. 00:07:36.000 --> 00:07:37.940 Quite limited, isn't it? 00:07:37.940 --> 00:07:40.910 Also Manipulation is a huge, huge issue, 00:07:40.910 --> 00:07:42.780 when it comes to channeling. 00:07:42.780 --> 00:07:46.674 If you so, so desperately are attached to getting a specific answer, 00:07:46.674 --> 00:07:48.911 the chances are you're gonna channel something 00:07:48.911 --> 00:07:50.429 in alignment with that answer, 00:07:50.429 --> 00:07:53.009 Regardless of whether or not, it is the actual answer 00:07:53.009 --> 00:07:55.059 that you're being given by these entities. 00:07:55.070 --> 00:07:58.544 So we have to get, that channels are living translation devices. 00:07:58.544 --> 00:08:01.950 Some are simply much, much better than others. 00:08:01.950 --> 00:08:03.880 To be a truly great channel, 00:08:03.880 --> 00:08:06.900 you have to be willing to have no stable and fixed perspective, 00:08:06.900 --> 00:08:09.840 and allow the perceptual rug to get pulled out from under you 00:08:09.840 --> 00:08:11.220 over and over again. 00:08:11.220 --> 00:08:13.989 You have to be an expert of stretching your perspective 00:08:13.989 --> 00:08:16.409 and total disidentification. 00:08:16.700 --> 00:08:19.060 Even when an entity chooses a person 00:08:19.060 --> 00:08:21.450 because they have an empty enough mind 00:08:21.450 --> 00:08:25.239 to not contradict the frequency with opposing thoughts, 00:08:25.239 --> 00:08:28.169 or even when they have a loose enough grip on their identity, 00:08:28.169 --> 00:08:30.639 to be a more clear channel for them, 00:08:30.639 --> 00:08:33.869 it still takes a lot of personal work, 00:08:33.869 --> 00:08:36.608 to get your consciousness high enough, to be a match, 00:08:36.608 --> 00:08:39.190 to the consciousness that you are receiving. 00:08:39.190 --> 00:08:41.240 And to stay a match to it. 00:08:41.240 --> 00:08:44.389 This is the only way to make what is being channeled, 00:08:44.650 --> 00:08:48.410 pure and purely what is actually being conveyed, 00:08:48.410 --> 00:08:51.395 rather than a concept that is being conveyed 00:08:51.395 --> 00:08:54.080 and then crammed into the limited perceptual reality 00:08:54.080 --> 00:08:56.430 of the channeler him or herself. 00:08:56.430 --> 00:08:58.619 2. People tend to think, 00:08:58.619 --> 00:09:01.449 that these entities being channelled or that spirit guides, 00:09:01.449 --> 00:09:03.469 (these higher dimensional entities) 00:09:03.469 --> 00:09:06.790 are always right because they always have the ultimate perspective. 00:09:06.790 --> 00:09:08.410 This actually isn't the case. 00:09:08.410 --> 00:09:11.719 I know that what I'm about to say, is going to make some of you feel 00:09:11.719 --> 00:09:13.979 a lot more unsafe within the greater universe, 00:09:13.979 --> 00:09:16.094 But it's something that you have to know. 00:09:16.094 --> 00:09:19.062 These beings that exist in these higher dimensional planes, 00:09:19.062 --> 00:09:22.370 they still have a consciousness. 00:09:22.370 --> 00:09:24.329 They still have an identity. 00:09:24.329 --> 00:09:27.359 They still have a perspective. 00:09:27.580 --> 00:09:31.280 This means, their perspective may not actually be, 00:09:31.460 --> 00:09:33.420 objective perspective. 00:09:33.420 --> 00:09:35.819 This means, they have motives. 00:09:35.819 --> 00:09:38.759 This means, they have a rigid perspective. 00:09:38.759 --> 00:09:41.979 It may be open or not open to changing. 00:09:42.330 --> 00:09:46.510 This means they have perspectives just like humans do. 00:09:46.510 --> 00:09:51.420 This means even the perspectives of extra dimensional beings, 00:09:51.420 --> 00:09:53.230 including spirit guides, 00:09:53.230 --> 00:09:54.620 can be limited. 00:09:54.620 --> 00:09:56.300 These beings are in the process 00:09:56.300 --> 00:09:58.840 of expanding their conscious awareness as well. 00:09:58.840 --> 00:10:00.994 Their expansion is created 00:10:00.994 --> 00:10:05.509 through teaching and assisting someone else's life experience. 00:10:05.509 --> 00:10:07.778 Most of the time they simply see 00:10:07.778 --> 00:10:10.548 from a higher, more objective vantage point, than we do. 00:10:10.548 --> 00:10:13.442 That's why it's so valuable to get their perspective. 00:10:13.442 --> 00:10:16.690 But that does not mean that there are not consciousnesses 00:10:16.690 --> 00:10:19.989 that exist, that are more objective than their own. 00:10:19.990 --> 00:10:22.800 For example, you could say that the average kindergartner 00:10:22.800 --> 00:10:25.330 in the world today, has a more expanded perspective 00:10:25.330 --> 00:10:27.810 of the world in general, than an ant does. 00:10:27.810 --> 00:10:30.514 But it's easy to see that there are so many people 00:10:30.514 --> 00:10:32.949 and that's just people, not even other beings 00:10:32.949 --> 00:10:35.459 within our universe, that have a much more expanded 00:10:35.459 --> 00:10:38.379 consciousness and understanding of the world today, 00:10:38.379 --> 00:10:40.309 than the average kindergartner. 00:10:40.309 --> 00:10:43.334 the reason to listen to these beings that are being channeled, 00:10:43.334 --> 00:10:48.280 is because, they hold such a more expansive perspective 00:10:48.280 --> 00:10:50.840 than the average physical human holds. 00:10:50.840 --> 00:10:53.004 However, never fall into the trap 00:10:53.004 --> 00:10:56.346 of thinking that there is not some consciousness 00:10:56.346 --> 00:10:59.209 which makes theirs seem limited. 00:10:59.209 --> 00:11:00.863 In other words, 00:11:00.863 --> 00:11:03.800 there are levels of consciousness in this universe, 00:11:03.800 --> 00:11:06.130 that would view the perspectives 00:11:06.130 --> 00:11:09.609 that your spirit guides and the beings that are being channeled hold, 00:11:09.609 --> 00:11:12.789 in the same way that we perceive the perspective of an ant. 00:11:12.789 --> 00:11:15.369 That it is adorably limited. 00:11:15.369 --> 00:11:18.793 3. Seeing is how so many of these entities come from 00:11:18.793 --> 00:11:20.998 eleventh dimensional consciousness, 00:11:20.998 --> 00:11:22.943 you need to have a very firm grasp 00:11:22.943 --> 00:11:25.819 and understanding of eleven dimensional consciousness. 00:11:25.819 --> 00:11:28.504 And also see why it is such a huge issue 00:11:28.504 --> 00:11:31.026 when eleventh dimensional consciousness, 00:11:31.026 --> 00:11:34.049 is being conveyed to a physical human. 00:11:34.049 --> 00:11:36.069 When an entity or group of entities 00:11:36.069 --> 00:11:38.629 is coming from an eleventh dimensional consciousness, 00:11:38.629 --> 00:11:40.723 they are coming from a certain perspective. 00:11:40.723 --> 00:11:42.850 And it is a perspective that invalidates 00:11:42.850 --> 00:11:45.068 the perspectives at lower dimensional levels. 00:11:45.068 --> 00:11:47.223 To 11th dimensional consciousness, 00:11:47.223 --> 00:11:49.481 there is no such thing as death. 00:11:49.481 --> 00:11:52.749 There is no such thing as time and space. 00:11:52.749 --> 00:11:55.549 Pain is a complete illusion. 00:11:55.810 --> 00:11:59.209 From 11th dimensional perspective, there is no point to integrate, 00:11:59.209 --> 00:12:01.229 because the purpose of universal expansion 00:12:01.229 --> 00:12:04.239 through negative and positive, is not only apparent 00:12:04.239 --> 00:12:07.194 but has been specifically chosen by those who exist 00:12:07.194 --> 00:12:09.430 at that dimensional wavelength. 00:12:09.430 --> 00:12:11.770 In eleventh dimensional consciousness, 00:12:11.770 --> 00:12:15.280 free will is an absolute of your existence. 00:12:15.550 --> 00:12:18.149 From a physical dimensional perspective, 00:12:18.149 --> 00:12:20.009 death does exist. 00:12:20.009 --> 00:12:23.969 So does pain, it's absolutely not an illusion. 00:12:23.969 --> 00:12:26.509 Time and space exist. 00:12:26.509 --> 00:12:29.009 It is necessary to integrate, 00:12:29.009 --> 00:12:31.199 because from 3d perspective, 00:12:31.199 --> 00:12:34.869 we are constantly Influenced by the fragmentation, 00:12:34.869 --> 00:12:39.889 which is a reality, where separation does exist. 00:12:39.889 --> 00:12:45.329 In 3d reality It's absolutely essential to integrate, 00:12:45.329 --> 00:12:49.060 because we have no access to free will. 00:12:49.060 --> 00:12:51.295 Most of us are operating, in fact, 00:12:51.295 --> 00:12:54.659 from a space of complete determinism. 00:12:54.659 --> 00:12:57.480 Now, 11th dimensional reality 00:12:57.480 --> 00:13:00.599 sees no reason for integration, 00:13:00.599 --> 00:13:03.789 because it believes it's already integrated. 00:13:03.789 --> 00:13:05.759 And that's the problem. 00:13:05.759 --> 00:13:08.963 From 11th dimensional consciousness, it is integrated. 00:13:08.963 --> 00:13:12.898 From 3d dimensional consciousness, it isn't integrated. 00:13:12.898 --> 00:13:15.323 So 11th dimensional consciousness 00:13:15.323 --> 00:13:18.225 isn't actually integrated in the rest of the universe. 00:13:18.225 --> 00:13:20.098 It thinks it is. 00:13:20.098 --> 00:13:22.523 It thinks it is just like a narcissist 00:13:22.523 --> 00:13:25.339 thinks that everyone is an extension of himself. 00:13:25.339 --> 00:13:27.729 Because it does not experience death, 00:13:27.730 --> 00:13:30.740 it does not consider death a reality. 00:13:30.740 --> 00:13:33.994 Because no separation exists, in the 11th dimensional field, 00:13:33.994 --> 00:13:36.639 or should I say, the perception of it doesn't exist, 00:13:36.639 --> 00:13:38.700 even though it exists in the universe, 00:13:38.700 --> 00:13:40.260 there is no pain. 00:13:40.260 --> 00:13:42.899 It's an illusion, because there is no separation, 00:13:42.899 --> 00:13:45.450 and all pain is caused by some form of separation. 00:13:45.450 --> 00:13:48.335 Because it does not experience its fragmentation, 00:13:48.335 --> 00:13:51.510 it's not the one that's in that perception of separation, 00:13:51.510 --> 00:13:54.400 it doesn't think fragmentation exists. 00:13:54.400 --> 00:13:58.110 Because it sees 3d reality as something it created 00:13:58.110 --> 00:14:00.785 for a learning hologram experience, 00:14:00.785 --> 00:14:03.060 it doesn't see the "reality" 00:14:03.060 --> 00:14:05.744 the same way that we do, of 3d. 00:14:05.744 --> 00:14:08.959 In the same way that we don't see a video game 00:14:08.959 --> 00:14:11.290 that we create, as a "reality". 00:14:11.290 --> 00:14:13.180 It will not recognize the difference 00:14:13.180 --> 00:14:15.570 between itself and lower dimensional perspective, 00:14:15.570 --> 00:14:17.690 so as to actually find the uniting factor 00:14:17.690 --> 00:14:20.530 that creates the integration between dimensions. 00:14:20.530 --> 00:14:23.584 Now if you cannot expand wide enough 00:14:23.584 --> 00:14:26.241 to integrate 11th dimensional perspective, 00:14:26.241 --> 00:14:28.999 with 3rd dimensional perspective, 00:14:28.999 --> 00:14:31.874 you are in fact enhancing the separation inherent 00:14:31.874 --> 00:14:33.720 in this universe at large. 00:14:33.720 --> 00:14:36.049 You are unintentionally and unknowingly 00:14:36.049 --> 00:14:38.454 on the site of separation and therefore suffering. 00:14:38.454 --> 00:14:40.776 And you will therefore be selectively identified 00:14:40.776 --> 00:14:42.699 with your non-physical perspective, 00:14:42.699 --> 00:14:45.149 to the detriment, of your physical perspective. 00:14:45.149 --> 00:14:47.414 The teachers that teach from this perspective, 00:14:47.414 --> 00:14:50.447 are some of the most dangerous people walking the planet today, 00:14:50.447 --> 00:14:52.380 but they don't think they are. 00:14:52.380 --> 00:14:54.919 The best way to imagine this is to think of yourself 00:14:54.919 --> 00:14:57.870 sitting on the couch and playing a virtual reality video game 00:14:57.870 --> 00:15:00.180 in which you have chosen an avatar for the game. 00:15:00.180 --> 00:15:02.530 If you come from an 11th dimensional perspective, 00:15:02.530 --> 00:15:04.720 you do not forget that you created the avatar 00:15:04.720 --> 00:15:08.180 and you have not forgotten that you are technically sitting on a couch. 00:15:08.180 --> 00:15:10.480 You know you are not the avatar. 00:15:10.480 --> 00:15:12.894 You don't have a huge issue with this game, 00:15:12.894 --> 00:15:15.029 because you know, it's a game. 00:15:15.029 --> 00:15:16.340 But believe me, 00:15:16.340 --> 00:15:19.780 if you are quite literally stuck in the perspective of the avatar, 00:15:19.780 --> 00:15:22.970 having no memory of the aspect of you sitting on the couch, 00:15:22.970 --> 00:15:25.625 you better believe that it's an issue to you, 00:15:25.625 --> 00:15:29.530 if your game is Grand Theft Auto and you get in a car accident. 00:15:29.530 --> 00:15:31.814 The failure of the consciousness 00:15:31.814 --> 00:15:35.506 belonging to beings who exists in the 11th dimensional frequency 00:15:35.506 --> 00:15:40.179 to genuinely own the reality of 3d perspective, 00:15:40.179 --> 00:15:43.294 is what makes it so difficult 00:15:43.294 --> 00:15:47.719 for channels to be accurate guides through the process of life. 00:15:47.719 --> 00:15:52.950 They so often lead people into resistance to their own 3d selves. 00:15:52.950 --> 00:15:55.584 Also, even if an avatar with in a video game 00:15:55.584 --> 00:15:57.141 wakes up to the fact that: 00:15:57.141 --> 00:15:59.229 "Wait a minute this isn't all of Who I am." 00:15:59.229 --> 00:16:01.773 "I'm also the being sitting on the couch." 00:16:01.773 --> 00:16:04.789 That doesn't mean that they don't also experience, 00:16:04.789 --> 00:16:07.549 death within that game. 00:16:07.549 --> 00:16:10.589 Even though reality is different in these different dimensions, 00:16:10.589 --> 00:16:13.548 it doesn't mean each reality is not equally real. 00:16:13.548 --> 00:16:15.828 This means whether 11th dimensional perspective 00:16:15.828 --> 00:16:18.638 would like to admit it or not, death is a reality. 00:16:18.638 --> 00:16:20.283 So it's no death. 00:16:20.283 --> 00:16:21.928 Suffering is a reality. 00:16:21.929 --> 00:16:24.209 So it's the idea that suffering is an illusion. 00:16:24.209 --> 00:16:26.389 To understand more about all of this, 00:16:26.389 --> 00:16:27.784 watch my video titled: 00:16:27.784 --> 00:16:29.799 The Sad Truth About Most Gurus 00:16:29.799 --> 00:16:32.700 And realize that most spirit guides are, in essence, Gurus 00:16:32.700 --> 00:16:35.554 that are identified with the 11th dimensional perspective 00:16:35.554 --> 00:16:37.591 because that is where they exist. 00:16:37.591 --> 00:16:40.729 And they do not have physical bodies. 00:16:40.729 --> 00:16:43.584 Now an entity that is typically being channeled 00:16:43.584 --> 00:16:45.889 from the 11th dimensional perspective will say: 00:16:45.889 --> 00:16:48.138 "Of course we have a body, because we are you." 00:16:48.138 --> 00:16:50.668 "We are experiencing the physical, and non-physical." 00:16:50.668 --> 00:16:54.959 But be honest, you in the physical, do you feel the separation? 00:16:54.959 --> 00:16:59.104 Then eleventh dimensional failing is to not recognize 00:16:59.104 --> 00:17:03.799 that separation is a reality for those in the 3d experience. 00:17:03.799 --> 00:17:08.248 They have to be able to develop "And Consciousness" 00:17:08.248 --> 00:17:10.523 (the capacity to hold space for 00:17:10.523 --> 00:17:12.641 the illusion of suffering, and the fact 00:17:12.641 --> 00:17:14.699 that suffering is no illusion at all). 00:17:14.699 --> 00:17:16.669 They have to be able to hold space for 00:17:16.669 --> 00:17:18.889 completely contradictory truths. 00:17:18.889 --> 00:17:20.899 And not just negate 3d reality, 00:17:20.899 --> 00:17:23.688 with their eleventh dimensional perspective. 00:17:23.688 --> 00:17:26.273 Also, I want you to watch my video titled: 00:17:26.273 --> 00:17:29.830 Why Are Spiritual Teachers So Contradictory? 00:17:29.830 --> 00:17:30.999 4. 00:17:30.999 --> 00:17:32.914 Entities that are being channeled 00:17:32.914 --> 00:17:35.121 from these higher dimensional frequencies, 00:17:35.121 --> 00:17:38.379 do not have the same attachment to honesty that humans do. 00:17:38.379 --> 00:17:41.379 Honesty is actually a human value. 00:17:41.379 --> 00:17:43.418 What these beings will do, 00:17:43.418 --> 00:17:46.388 will be to tell you whatever you need to hear at a given time, 00:17:46.388 --> 00:17:48.488 for the sake of your own personal expansion. 00:17:48.488 --> 00:17:51.038 This is especially true if personal expansion 00:17:51.038 --> 00:17:55.299 of a physical human is their ultimate goal or purpose, 00:17:55.299 --> 00:17:58.290 for even being channeled in the first place. 00:17:58.290 --> 00:18:00.585 They will tell you whatever you need to hear, 00:18:00.585 --> 00:18:03.000 regardless of whether it is true or not. 00:18:03.000 --> 00:18:04.600 This is why so often, 00:18:04.600 --> 00:18:07.834 what entities will do when they are first being channeled, 00:18:07.834 --> 00:18:10.231 is that they will have a certain message 00:18:10.231 --> 00:18:12.159 to broadcast to the human race. 00:18:12.159 --> 00:18:15.684 Now based on how the human consciousness receives that information, 00:18:15.684 --> 00:18:17.589 they will alter their message, 00:18:17.590 --> 00:18:20.165 so as to get whatever they want to get, 00:18:20.165 --> 00:18:21.990 in terms of a shift. 00:18:21.990 --> 00:18:24.160 For example, in the eighties, 00:18:24.160 --> 00:18:26.539 So many of these beings being channeled, 00:18:26.539 --> 00:18:28.499 came down to warn the human race, 00:18:28.499 --> 00:18:31.139 with what the humans were a match to, 00:18:31.139 --> 00:18:34.429 based off of their process of unconscious creation. 00:18:34.429 --> 00:18:37.024 What they found out quite quickly is that 00:18:37.024 --> 00:18:40.189 warning a person doesn't make a person shift their focus, 00:18:40.189 --> 00:18:41.949 so as to create something else. 00:18:41.949 --> 00:18:45.104 Instead, it makes them focus squarely upon it. 00:18:45.104 --> 00:18:47.079 So that they create it. 00:18:47.080 --> 00:18:50.199 So then, a lot of these entities switched up their game 00:18:50.199 --> 00:18:52.389 and instead of warning the physical humans, 00:18:52.389 --> 00:18:54.049 told the physical humans, 00:18:54.049 --> 00:18:57.429 everything in your future is perfectly amazing. 00:18:57.590 --> 00:19:01.110 So as to get them to release resistance. 00:19:01.219 --> 00:19:03.828 We can't call it complete and total truth, 00:19:03.828 --> 00:19:07.393 because what most of these beings, being in 11 dimensional consciousness 00:19:07.393 --> 00:19:09.888 saw, was all of the Life Path Potentials on earth. 00:19:09.888 --> 00:19:12.550 What they saw was the human race 00:19:12.550 --> 00:19:15.419 barreling towards a third world war. 00:19:15.419 --> 00:19:17.959 But obviously, you can't warn people about that 00:19:17.959 --> 00:19:19.879 without them creating it right? 00:19:19.879 --> 00:19:21.309 So what do you do? 00:19:21.309 --> 00:19:24.219 You tell them about a utopian society? 00:19:24.400 --> 00:19:28.489 So the truth that many of these beings who are being channeled, 00:19:28.489 --> 00:19:31.254 actually hold, is that truth in and of itself, 00:19:31.254 --> 00:19:34.390 is often what leads people into a state of resistance, 00:19:34.390 --> 00:19:36.680 instead of conscious creation. 00:19:36.680 --> 00:19:38.714 So they don't have massive motive, 00:19:38.714 --> 00:19:42.201 being aligned with personal expansion and universal expansion with it, 00:19:42.201 --> 00:19:45.009 to teach you what is true. 00:19:45.189 --> 00:19:49.929 5. There is something beyond 11th dimensional reality. 00:19:50.150 --> 00:19:52.390 There is something beyond oneness. 00:19:52.390 --> 00:19:55.229 If you want to learn more about this watch my video titled: 00:19:55.229 --> 00:19:58.360 Oneness is Not the Ultimate Truth of the Universe 00:19:58.360 --> 00:20:01.440 Universal expansion, is already something 00:20:01.440 --> 00:20:03.550 that this aspect of consciousness 00:20:03.550 --> 00:20:05.865 that exists beyond the 11th dimension, 00:20:05.865 --> 00:20:08.080 has already evolved beyond. 00:20:08.080 --> 00:20:11.214 Therefore the most objective consciousness in the universe so far 00:20:11.214 --> 00:20:14.890 has outgrown the idea of universal expansion through polarization. 00:20:14.890 --> 00:20:18.810 (The contrast of positive negative wanted and unwanted.) 00:20:18.810 --> 00:20:22.549 The universe has recognized its own "split". 00:20:22.770 --> 00:20:25.179 By "split" I mean polarities. 00:20:25.179 --> 00:20:28.160 It has already recognized that polarity in and of itself, 00:20:28.160 --> 00:20:31.189 though being the basis for expansion within this universe, 00:20:31.189 --> 00:20:35.019 is actually the cause of suffering within itself. 00:20:35.290 --> 00:20:38.490 That means for this ultimate aspect 00:20:38.490 --> 00:20:40.460 of universal consciousness, 00:20:40.460 --> 00:20:43.970 integration is therefore its new desire. 00:20:43.970 --> 00:20:47.270 To create or to be pure positive, 00:20:47.270 --> 00:20:51.220 is no longer the dominant desire within source consciousness. 00:20:51.220 --> 00:20:53.130 Which is why you're going to see 00:20:53.130 --> 00:20:56.215 the entities that are channeling this consciousness, 00:20:56.215 --> 00:20:57.930 go into retirement. 00:20:57.930 --> 00:21:00.954 To create or be pure positive is no longer the desire 00:21:00.954 --> 00:21:04.259 within you once you recognize all things as part of yourself. 00:21:04.259 --> 00:21:06.770 Which is what this universe has done. 00:21:06.770 --> 00:21:09.829 You no longer see things from a perspective of polarity. 00:21:09.829 --> 00:21:11.739 At that point, the desire to integrate, 00:21:11.739 --> 00:21:13.244 is not coming from the idea 00:21:13.244 --> 00:21:15.870 that you have to accept what you don't want to accept, 00:21:15.870 --> 00:21:17.644 or like what you do not like. 00:21:17.644 --> 00:21:19.499 In fact, it can't come from this idea. 00:21:19.499 --> 00:21:22.370 Integration is seen as the only way to end resistance. 00:21:22.370 --> 00:21:24.835 Polarity including wanted and unwanted, 00:21:24.835 --> 00:21:27.130 positive and negative, is in and of itself, 00:21:27.130 --> 00:21:29.460 a resistant state of being. 00:21:29.460 --> 00:21:32.365 It is resistance to who and what the universe really is. 00:21:32.365 --> 00:21:35.590 And therefore, the only way for the universe 00:21:35.590 --> 00:21:37.445 to be authentic, 00:21:37.445 --> 00:21:40.160 is to be integrating. 00:21:40.160 --> 00:21:42.990 I Love channeling. 00:21:42.990 --> 00:21:45.109 I love channels. 00:21:45.109 --> 00:21:47.200 The perspective that they have 00:21:47.200 --> 00:21:49.214 can be so incredibly beneficial 00:21:49.214 --> 00:21:51.781 to break you out of these limited paradigms, 00:21:51.781 --> 00:21:53.625 that so many of you have 00:21:53.625 --> 00:21:55.629 in the third dimensional perspectives. 00:21:55.629 --> 00:21:58.564 However, if you don't understand these things about channels 00:21:58.564 --> 00:22:02.060 and channeling, you can lead yourself far down the path 00:22:02.060 --> 00:22:05.790 of confusion and limited perspective. 00:22:06.240 --> 00:22:09.909 So it's time to expand your mind. 00:22:10.299 --> 00:22:12.589 ;) have a good week 00:22:28.721 --> 00:22:31.841 Subtitles by: Tanya Duarte