I'm a independent filmmaker and also a translator. I'm with Forum Lenteng with friends. We create video projects, video workshop, media literacy. If we're talking about the impact of what we've created works that we have made Right from the beginning, when we create the film we must think about that... We have think about that, but a workshop focused on impact for our work, well we didn't have that yet. Maybe we call it differently. Before, in Forum Lenteng, we have this media literacy (program). Media literacy is too broad. And everybody has already talked about this. Something like that. Hello, my name is Muna Rif'atil Akhlaq. I'm from the Qoryah Thoyibah Community Learning Center, Salatiga (Central Java, Indonesia). There we are learning many skills of every sort that can benefit us. And we created videos, but they are not long documentaries. It's not like a long, well-made film. In short, we've made this video which talks about young people today. We call it 'Lost Identity'. In this video we tell a story about young people in this era who spend a lot of time on the Internet rather than socialize with their community. I'm Yuniatifa from Kebumen SMK 1 High School. And I'm with Belum Bikin Production, it's my community. The target of this film is all levels of society. We didn't target only high schools, or government officials, but all levels in our society. And actually this video provides new information to everyone or new knowledge to respect to local culture in your area. I'm Ilun from Jakarta. A freelancer filmmaker. Fiction and documentary film. I have produced many films for personal and social impact. These videos highlight many issues such as human rights in 'Black Umbrella'. - So in 2011, we produced this video with a producer named Carolin Monteiro, that focuses on women who brought about change in Indonesia. We used two important subjects and the situation hasn't changed much until now. We've followed the daily activities of these two subjects. After we finished production, this video gave us some important impact which was quite strong for the subject matters themselves. They used the video for advocacy. And with this video, the subjects felt being represented, and they used it in their seminars. They screened it and it became a powerful tool because it's visual. And I've got several other films which has a theme that is close to us, corruption. And this is a fiction film but based on true story. Aand the government was also involved in this project. As for the government, they felt that this short film can be an efective tool for outreach to young people. They can quickly grasp the visual language rather than discussion in a seminar. So with this film, they also realized what they did before did not achieve a lot of outcomes. For example, in the KPK (Anti-Graft Commission) film production about how education systems reproduced corruption. The headmaster and all the students worked together to figure out how to utilize some oportunity to raise the book prices. Then the mothers will raise the prices to their husbands. Their husbands will the cheat in the office with their bosses. So it's like producing a vicious circle at a smaller level. I tried to capture this and it's effective enough. And we screened this video in several high schools and junior high schools. They became more critical. So they realized that this kind of behavior is wrong. And that they haven't cared about it for a long time.