0:00:00.907,0:00:03.335 You know, it's a big privilege for me 0:00:03.335,0:00:07.227 to be working in one of the[br]biodiversity hotspots in the world: 0:00:07.227,0:00:09.928 the Mascarene Islands in the Indian Ocean. 0:00:09.928,0:00:13.673 These islands — Mauritius,[br]Rodrigues, and Réunion — 0:00:13.673,0:00:16.811 along with the island of Madagascar, 0:00:16.811,0:00:18.727 they are blessed with unique plants 0:00:18.727,0:00:21.250 found nowhere else in the world. 0:00:21.250,0:00:23.529 And today I will tell you about five of them 0:00:23.529,0:00:25.524 and their particular features 0:00:25.524,0:00:28.408 and why these plants are so unique. 0:00:28.408,0:00:29.968 Take a look at this plant. 0:00:29.968,0:00:33.372 I call it "Benjoin" in the local vernacular, 0:00:33.372,0:00:37.298 and the botanical name is terminalia bentzoe, 0:00:37.298,0:00:39.199 subspecies bentzoe. 0:00:39.199,0:00:42.507 This subspecies is endemic to Mauritius, 0:00:42.507,0:00:44.318 and its particular feature 0:00:44.318,0:00:46.792 is its heterofelicity. 0:00:46.792,0:00:48.918 What do I mean by heterofelicity? 0:00:48.918,0:00:50.561 It's that the same plant 0:00:50.561,0:00:53.564 has got leaves that are different shapes and sizes. 0:00:53.564,0:00:55.149 Now, these plants have evolved 0:00:55.149,0:00:57.503 very far away from the mainland, 0:00:57.503,0:01:00.901 and within specific ecosystems. 0:01:00.901,0:01:03.725 Often, these particular features 0:01:03.725,0:01:06.536 have evolved as a response to the threat 0:01:06.536,0:01:08.973 presented by the local fauna, 0:01:08.973,0:01:12.593 in this case, grazing tortoises. 0:01:12.593,0:01:15.749 Tortoises are known to have poor eyesight, 0:01:15.749,0:01:18.235 and as such, they tend to avoid the plants 0:01:18.235,0:01:20.294 they don't recognize. 0:01:20.294,0:01:23.668 So this evolutionary foil safeguards the plant 0:01:23.668,0:01:26.593 against these rather cute animals, 0:01:26.593,0:01:31.651 and protects it and of course ensures its survival. 0:01:31.651,0:01:34.661 Now the question you're probably asking yourself is, 0:01:34.661,0:01:37.562 why is she telling us all these stories? 0:01:37.562,0:01:41.248 The reason for that is that we tend to overlook 0:01:41.248,0:01:45.632 the diversity and the variety of the natural world. 0:01:45.632,0:01:48.525 These particular habitats are unique 0:01:48.525,0:01:52.753 and they are host to a whole [???] of plants. 0:01:52.753,0:01:54.924 We don't realize how valuable 0:01:54.924,0:01:57.534 and how precious these resources are, 0:01:57.534,0:01:59.729 and yet, through our insouciance, 0:01:59.729,0:02:01.898 we keep on destroying them. 0:02:01.898,0:02:03.630 You know, we're all familiar 0:02:03.630,0:02:06.825 with the macro impact of urbanization, 0:02:06.825,0:02:10.267 climate change, resource exploitation, 0:02:10.267,0:02:12.440 but when that one last plant, 0:02:12.440,0:02:14.649 or animal for that matter, 0:02:14.649,0:02:16.848 when that very last specimen 0:02:16.848,0:02:18.959 has disappeared from the face of this Earth, 0:02:18.959,0:02:20.355 we would have lost 0:02:20.355,0:02:24.261 an entire subset of the Earth's biology, 0:02:24.261,0:02:27.939 and with it, important plants with medicinal potential 0:02:27.939,0:02:29.874 or which could have ingredients 0:02:29.874,0:02:31.395 that would speak to the cosmetic, 0:02:31.395,0:02:33.316 nutrition, pharma, 0:02:33.316,0:02:35.735 and even the ethno-veterinary sectors, 0:02:35.735,0:02:37.478 be gone forever. 0:02:37.478,0:02:39.413 And here we have a very prime example 0:02:39.413,0:02:42.158 of the iconic dodo, which comes from Mauritius, 0:02:42.158,0:02:46.545 and which we know is now a symbol of extinction. 0:02:46.545,0:02:49.165 And we know plants have a fundamental role to play. 0:02:49.165,0:02:51.000 Well first of all, it feeds us, 0:02:51.000,0:02:53.890 and they also give us the oxygen we breathe, 0:02:53.890,0:02:56.207 but plants are also the source 0:02:56.207,0:02:59.762 of important, biologically active ingredients 0:02:59.762,0:03:02.964 that we should be studying very carefully, 0:03:02.964,0:03:07.254 because you know, human societies over the millenia 0:03:07.254,0:03:10.302 they have developed important knowledge, 0:03:10.302,0:03:12.120 cultural traditions, 0:03:12.120,0:03:16.646 and important plant-based medicinal resources. 0:03:16.646,0:03:18.401 Here's a data point: 0:03:18.401,0:03:22.563 1.4 percent of the entire land surface 0:03:22.563,0:03:26.467 are home to 40 percent of[br]the species of higher plants, 0:03:26.467,0:03:29.155 35 percent of the species of vertebrates, 0:03:29.155,0:03:31.698 and these 1.4 percent 0:03:31.698,0:03:36.366 represent the 25 biodiversity hotspots in the world, 0:03:36.366,0:03:39.524 and this 1.4 percent of the entire land surface 0:03:39.524,0:03:42.406 already provide for 35 percent 0:03:42.406,0:03:44.240 of the ecosystem services 0:03:44.240,0:03:46.918 that vulnerable people depend on. 0:03:46.918,0:03:48.266 And as you can see, 0:03:48.266,0:03:49.679 the island of Mauritius 0:03:49.679,0:03:51.762 where I work and where I live, 0:03:51.762,0:03:54.467 belongs to one such biodiversity hotspot, 0:03:54.467,0:03:56.681 and I study the unique plants 0:03:56.681,0:04:00.663 on the island for their biomedical applications. 0:04:00.663,0:04:01.680 Now, let's go back again 0:04:01.680,0:04:03.520 to that first plant I showed you, 0:04:03.520,0:04:06.547 the one with different-shaped leaves 0:04:06.547,0:04:09.403 and different sizes, terminalia bentzoe, 0:04:09.403,0:04:11.070 subspecies bentzoe, 0:04:11.070,0:04:13.665 a plant only found in Mauritius. 0:04:13.665,0:04:15.110 Now, the local people, 0:04:15.110,0:04:17.336 they used a decoction of the leaves 0:04:17.336,0:04:19.867 against infectious diseases. 0:04:19.867,0:04:22.319 Now, our work that is 0:04:22.319,0:04:25.728 the scientific validation of this traditional information 0:04:25.728,0:04:27.800 has shown that precisely 0:04:27.800,0:04:32.129 the leaf extract shows activity, potent activity, 0:04:32.129,0:04:34.351 against a wide range of bacteria 0:04:34.351,0:04:37.427 that could be pathogenic to humans. 0:04:37.427,0:04:39.868 Now, could this plant be the answer 0:04:39.868,0:04:42.489 to antibiotic resistance? 0:04:42.489,0:04:44.840 You know, antibiotic resistance is proving to be 0:04:44.840,0:04:47.560 a big challenge globally. 0:04:47.560,0:04:50.363 While we may not be sure, one thing is certain: 0:04:50.363,0:04:52.972 we will not want this plant to disappear. 0:04:52.972,0:04:55.616 But the harsh reality is that 0:04:55.616,0:04:58.300 this particular plant is in fact 0:04:58.300,0:04:59.650 considered to be vulnerable 0:04:59.650,0:05:01.630 in its natural habitat. 0:05:01.630,0:05:03.778 This brings me to another example. 0:05:03.778,0:05:07.568 This bush here is known as baume de l'isle plate 0:05:07.568,0:05:09.290 in the local vernacular. 0:05:09.290,0:05:11.945 The botanical name is psiadia arguta. 0:05:11.945,0:05:13.836 It's a plant which is rare, 0:05:13.836,0:05:16.548 which is endemic to Mauritius. 0:05:16.548,0:05:17.770 It used to grow on the mainland, 0:05:17.770,0:05:20.213 but through the sheer pressures of urbanization 0:05:20.213,0:05:22.492 has been pushed out of the mainland, 0:05:22.492,0:05:24.193 and we've managed to bring it back 0:05:24.193,0:05:25.669 from the brink of extinction 0:05:25.669,0:05:27.736 by developing in vitro plants 0:05:27.736,0:05:30.134 which are now growing in the wild. 0:05:30.134,0:05:31.780 Now, one thing I must point out straightaway 0:05:31.780,0:05:34.657 is that not all plants 0:05:34.657,0:05:37.573 can be developed in vitro. 0:05:37.573,0:05:41.396 While we humans, we are happy in our comfort zone, 0:05:41.396,0:05:43.632 these plants also need 0:05:43.632,0:05:46.366 their ecosystem to be preserved, 0:05:46.366,0:05:48.199 and they don't react, endemic plants 0:05:48.199,0:05:51.518 don't react to very harsh changes in their ecosystem, 0:05:51.518,0:05:53.779 and yet we know, what are the challenges 0:05:53.779,0:05:54.867 that climate change, for example, 0:05:54.867,0:05:56.910 is posing to these plants. 0:05:56.910,0:05:59.438 Now, the local people again use the leaves 0:05:59.438,0:06:01.192 in traditional medicine 0:06:01.192,0:06:03.872 against respiratory problems. 0:06:03.872,0:06:05.961 Now, our preliminary labwork 0:06:05.961,0:06:07.693 on the leaf extract have shown 0:06:07.693,0:06:11.822 that precisely these leaves contain ingredients 0:06:11.822,0:06:14.917 that are very closely, in terms of structures, 0:06:14.917,0:06:17.283 chemical structures, to those medicines 0:06:17.283,0:06:18.802 which are sold in the chemist's shop 0:06:18.802,0:06:20.777 against asthma. 0:06:20.777,0:06:22.687 So who knows 0:06:22.687,0:06:24.773 what humanity will benefit from 0:06:24.773,0:06:30.191 should this plant decide to reveal all its secrets. 0:06:30.191,0:06:32.682 Now, I come from the developing world 0:06:32.682,0:06:35.275 where we are forever being challenged with this issue 0:06:35.275,0:06:37.879 of population explosion. 0:06:37.879,0:06:40.693 Africa is the continent which is getting younger, 0:06:40.693,0:06:44.396 and whenever one talks about population explosion, 0:06:44.396,0:06:46.901 one talks about the issue of food security 0:06:46.901,0:06:49.581 as being the other side of the same coin. 0:06:49.581,0:06:51.899 Now this plant here, the baobab, 0:06:51.899,0:06:53.421 could be part of the answer. 0:06:53.421,0:06:56.566 It's an underutilized, neglected food plant. 0:06:56.566,0:06:59.059 It defines the landscape of West Africa, 0:06:59.059,0:07:01.605 where it is known as the tree of life, 0:07:01.605,0:07:04.103 and later on I will tell you why 0:07:04.103,0:07:07.214 the Africans consider it to be the tree of life. 0:07:07.214,0:07:09.132 Now interestingly, there are many legends 0:07:09.132,0:07:11.240 which are associated with this plant. 0:07:11.240,0:07:13.012 Because of its sheer size, 0:07:13.012,0:07:15.914 it was meant to be lording over lesser plants, 0:07:15.914,0:07:17.872 so God didn't like this arrogance, 0:07:17.872,0:07:20.660 uprooted it, and planted it upside down, 0:07:20.660,0:07:23.182 hence its particular shape. 0:07:23.182,0:07:25.690 And if you look at this tree again 0:07:25.690,0:07:27.852 within the African context, 0:07:27.852,0:07:31.517 in West Africa, it's known as the palaver tree, 0:07:31.517,0:07:34.587 because it performs great social functions. 0:07:34.587,0:07:36.806 Now if you have a problem in the community, 0:07:36.806,0:07:38.544 meeting under the palaver tree 0:07:38.544,0:07:40.523 with the chiefs or the tribesmen 0:07:40.523,0:07:42.685 would be synonymous to trying to find a solution 0:07:42.685,0:07:44.130 to that particular problem, 0:07:44.130,0:07:47.250 and also to reinforce trust and respect 0:07:47.250,0:07:49.591 among members of the community. 0:07:49.591,0:07:51.987 From the scientific point of view, 0:07:51.987,0:07:54.682 there are eight species of baobab in the world. 0:07:54.682,0:07:56.664 There's one from Africa, 0:07:56.664,0:07:58.333 one from Australia, 0:07:58.333,0:08:01.080 and six are endemic 0:08:01.080,0:08:02.727 to the island of Madagascar. 0:08:02.727,0:08:04.359 The one I have showed you 0:08:04.359,0:08:05.949 is the one from Africa, 0:08:05.949,0:08:08.210 adansonia digitata. 0:08:08.210,0:08:10.190 Now, the flower, this beautiful white flower, 0:08:10.190,0:08:12.314 it opens at night, is pollinated by bats, 0:08:12.314,0:08:14.913 and it gives rise to the fruit 0:08:14.913,0:08:16.465 which is curiously known 0:08:16.465,0:08:18.200 as the monkey apple. 0:08:18.200,0:08:19.693 You know, the monkey are not stupid animals. 0:08:19.693,0:08:21.426 They know what's good for them. 0:08:21.426,0:08:24.227 Now, if you open the fruit of the baobab, 0:08:24.227,0:08:26.820 you'll see a white, floury pulp 0:08:26.820,0:08:28.917 which is very rich in nutrients 0:08:28.917,0:08:31.291 and has got proteins, 0:08:31.291,0:08:35.409 more proteins than that in human milk. 0:08:35.409,0:08:37.197 Yes, you heard right: 0:08:37.197,0:08:40.605 more protein than in human milk. 0:08:40.605,0:08:42.495 And this is one of the reasons why 0:08:42.495,0:08:44.317 the nutrition companies of this world, 0:08:44.317,0:08:46.702 they are looking for this fruit to provide 0:08:46.702,0:08:49.289 what we know as reinforce food. 0:08:49.289,0:08:53.170 The seeds give an oil, a very stable oil 0:08:53.170,0:08:56.240 which is sought after by the cosmetic industry 0:08:56.240,0:08:59.502 to give to produce body lotions for example, 0:08:59.502,0:09:01.131 and if you look at the trunk, 0:09:01.131,0:09:04.734 the trunk of course safeguards water, 0:09:04.734,0:09:07.535 which is often harvested by a thirsty traveler, 0:09:07.535,0:09:09.213 and the leaves are used in traditional medicine 0:09:09.213,0:09:11.168 against infectious disease. 0:09:11.168,0:09:13.744 Now, you can see now why the Africans consider it 0:09:13.744,0:09:15.544 to be the tree of life. 0:09:15.544,0:09:17.209 It's a complete plant, 0:09:17.209,0:09:19.751 and in fact, the sheer size of these trees, 0:09:19.751,0:09:21.854 in fact, are hiding a massive potential, 0:09:21.854,0:09:25.296 not only for the pharma, nutrition,[br]and the cosmetic industry. 0:09:25.296,0:09:27.302 What I have showed you here 0:09:27.302,0:09:29.532 is only the species from Africa, 0:09:29.532,0:09:31.416 adansonia digitata. 0:09:31.416,0:09:34.080 We have six species yet in Madagascar, 0:09:34.080,0:09:37.564 and we don't know what is the potential of this plant, 0:09:37.564,0:09:40.030 but one thing we know is that the flora 0:09:40.030,0:09:42.592 is considered to be threatened with extinction. 0:09:42.592,0:09:45.796 Let me again take you to Africa again, 0:09:45.796,0:09:48.300 and introduce you to one of my very favorite, 0:09:48.300,0:09:50.410 the resurrection plant. 0:09:50.410,0:09:51.477 Now here you'll find 0:09:51.477,0:09:53.395 that even Jesus has competition. 0:09:53.395,0:09:54.998 (Laughter) 0:09:54.998,0:09:57.991 Now, this plant here has developed 0:09:57.991,0:10:00.970 remarkable tolerance to drought, 0:10:00.970,0:10:03.068 which enables it to withstand 0:10:03.068,0:10:07.313 up to 98 percent dehydration over the period of a year 0:10:07.313,0:10:09.417 without damage, 0:10:09.417,0:10:13.567 and yet it can regenerate itself almost completely 0:10:13.567,0:10:17.647 overnight, over 24 hours, and flower. 0:10:17.647,0:10:19.880 Now, us human beings, you know, 0:10:19.880,0:10:23.106 we're always on the lookout for the elixir of youth. 0:10:23.106,0:10:24.940 We don't want to get old, and rightly so. 0:10:24.940,0:10:28.179 Why should we, especially if you can afford it? 0:10:28.179,0:10:30.362 And this gives you an indication 0:10:30.362,0:10:33.714 of what the plant looks like before. 0:10:33.714,0:10:36.560 Now, if you are an unexperienced gardener, 0:10:36.560,0:10:38.052 the first thing you'll do when you visit the garden 0:10:38.052,0:10:40.776 is to uproot this plant, because, I mean, it's dead, 0:10:40.776,0:10:45.578 but if you water it, this is what you get. 0:10:45.578,0:10:47.754 Absolutely amazing. 0:10:47.754,0:10:50.250 Now, if you look at our aging process, 0:10:50.250,0:10:52.700 the aging process is in fact the loss of water 0:10:52.700,0:10:55.874 from the upper epidermis, resulting in wrinkling 0:10:55.874,0:10:57.441 as we know it, especially women, 0:10:57.441,0:10:59.282 we are so conscious of this, 0:10:59.282,0:11:03.963 and this plant, in fact, is giving the cosmetic chemists 0:11:03.963,0:11:05.953 very important ingredients 0:11:05.953,0:11:08.720 that are actually finding ways 0:11:08.720,0:11:11.300 to slowing down the aging process 0:11:11.300,0:11:13.490 and at the same time reinforce the cells 0:11:13.490,0:11:17.777 against the onslaught of environmental toxins. 0:11:17.777,0:11:20.414 Now, these four examples 0:11:20.414,0:11:23.321 I have just given you 0:11:23.321,0:11:26.755 are just a very tiny reminder 0:11:26.755,0:11:30.492 as to how our health 0:11:30.492,0:11:33.996 and our survival are closely linked 0:11:33.996,0:11:36.808 to the health and the resilience 0:11:36.808,0:11:38.653 of our ecosystem, 0:11:38.653,0:11:40.587 and why we should be very careful 0:11:40.587,0:11:43.288 about preserving biodiversity. 0:11:43.288,0:11:46.490 Every time a forest is cut down, 0:11:46.490,0:11:50.110 every time a marsh is filled in, 0:11:50.110,0:11:53.860 it is a potential lab that goes with it, 0:11:53.860,0:11:56.168 and which we will never, ever recover. 0:11:56.168,0:11:57.325 And I know what I'm talking about 0:11:57.325,0:12:01.387 coming from Mauritius and missing the dodo. 0:12:01.387,0:12:05.425 Let me finish with just one last example. 0:12:05.425,0:12:09.240 You know conservation issues are normally guided 0:12:09.240,0:12:12.208 towards rare, endemic plants, 0:12:12.208,0:12:14.750 but what we call exotic plants, 0:12:14.750,0:12:18.227 that is the ones which grow in many[br]different habitats across the world, 0:12:18.227,0:12:20.633 they also need to be considered. 0:12:20.633,0:12:23.772 You know why? Because the environment plays 0:12:23.772,0:12:25.527 a very important role 0:12:25.527,0:12:28.186 on modifying the composition of that plant. 0:12:28.186,0:12:30.817 So let's take a look at this plant here, 0:12:30.817,0:12:33.300 centella asiatica. It's a weed. 0:12:33.300,0:12:35.448 We call it a weed. 0:12:35.448,0:12:38.324 Now, centella asiatica grows across the world 0:12:38.324,0:12:41.106 in many different habitats, in Africa, in Asia, 0:12:41.106,0:12:43.125 and this plant has been instrumental 0:12:43.125,0:12:45.892 in providing a solution to that dreadful disease 0:12:45.892,0:12:50.338 called leprosy in Madagascar in the 1940s. 0:12:50.338,0:12:53.868 Now, while centella grows across the world, 0:12:53.868,0:12:57.159 in Africa, in Asia, the best quality centella 0:12:57.159,0:12:59.503 comes from Madagascar, 0:12:59.503,0:13:03.688 because that centella contains[br]the three vital ingredients 0:13:03.688,0:13:05.914 which are sought after by the pharma 0:13:05.914,0:13:08.548 and the cosmetic companies. 0:13:08.548,0:13:10.797 And the cosmetic companies is already using it 0:13:10.797,0:13:13.879 to make regenerating cream. 0:13:13.879,0:13:16.668 Now, there is an ancient saying 0:13:16.668,0:13:20.212 that for every disease known to mankind, 0:13:20.212,0:13:22.394 there is a plant to cure it. 0:13:22.394,0:13:24.622 Now, you may not believe in ancient sayings. 0:13:24.622,0:13:26.185 You may think they're obsolete 0:13:26.185,0:13:29.133 now that our science and technology are so powerful. 0:13:29.133,0:13:31.169 So, I mean, you may look on centella as being 0:13:31.169,0:13:34.374 an insignificant, humble weed, 0:13:34.374,0:13:37.700 which if destroyed won't be missed. 0:13:37.700,0:13:40.135 But you know, there is no such thing as a weed. 0:13:40.135,0:13:41.889 It's a plant. 0:13:41.889,0:13:44.768 It's a living biological lab 0:13:44.768,0:13:46.669 that may well have answers 0:13:46.669,0:13:48.627 to the question that we may have 0:13:48.627,0:13:50.517 but we have to ensure 0:13:50.517,0:13:53.250 that it has the right to live. 0:13:53.250,0:13:55.128 Thank you. 0:13:55.128,0:13:59.128 (Applause)