0:00:00.440,0:00:02.520 [Music] 0:00:04.839,0:00:06.640 action thank 0:00:06.640,0:00:09.640 you 0:00:09.800,0:00:11.759 okay there's something I've been 0:00:11.759,0:00:16.400 thinking about a lot um recently is we 0:00:16.400,0:00:18.359 have to check our hearts because in a 0:00:18.359,0:00:20.560 world that's ever increasingly 0:00:20.560,0:00:24.519 divisive um pmic do we find our heart 0:00:24.519,0:00:26.679 slowly slipping into being 0:00:26.679,0:00:29.640 judgmental uh you know divisive finding 0:00:29.640,0:00:31.560 it difficult to forgive finding it 0:00:31.560,0:00:33.520 difficult to be compassionate judging 0:00:33.520,0:00:35.680 people and I think that's one of the 0:00:35.680,0:00:37.960 greatest temptations that we Face to put 0:00:37.960,0:00:39.840 ourself in the position of Judge whereas 0:00:39.840,0:00:42.800 that's not a position that God gives us 0:00:42.800,0:00:45.960 as children of God whilst we're on this 0:00:45.960,0:00:48.920 Earth it's not our place to judge 0:00:48.920,0:00:51.039 because God is the judge and I think so 0:00:51.039,0:00:53.440 many of us maybe consciously 0:00:53.440,0:00:55.840 subconsciously find ourselves slipping 0:00:55.840,0:00:59.000 into that judgmental position what what 0:00:59.000,0:01:02.680 can you say about this H what is 0:01:02.680,0:01:06.360 Judgment well when we judge someone's 0:01:06.360,0:01:08.840 motives or think that we know the reason 0:01:08.840,0:01:10.479 why someone does something and and say 0:01:10.479,0:01:12.080 whether it's good or bad thank you for 0:01:12.080,0:01:14.600 saying motive we need to understand when 0:01:14.600,0:01:16.119 it comes to 0:01:16.119,0:01:18.880 judgment Jesus standard of judgment is 0:01:18.880,0:01:21.079 different from man's 0:01:21.079,0:01:24.560 judgment that the Lord does not judge 0:01:24.560,0:01:27.960 what we say what we do on Face 0:01:27.960,0:01:31.680 Value the lord always looks our heart to 0:01:31.680,0:01:34.759 judge the motivation why we are doing 0:01:34.759,0:01:38.240 this and that's the purpose that brings 0:01:38.240,0:01:41.320 God's approval or the reprove of God in 0:01:41.320,0:01:44.439 our actions and decisions every day as 0:01:44.439,0:01:46.240 you said 0:01:46.240,0:01:49.240 today God is all about relationship we 0:01:49.240,0:01:52.000 should not forget that the heart of the 0:01:52.000,0:01:55.360 matter of this Bible is to restore the 0:01:55.360,0:01:58.159 relationship between God and man and 0:01:58.159,0:02:00.200 that's a love relationship absolutely 0:02:00.200,0:02:02.520 not only between God and man between man 0:02:02.520,0:02:04.280 to other fellow human beings I say 0:02:04.280,0:02:06.759 mankind today relationships are under 0:02:06.759,0:02:09.119 repair everywhere not only towards God 0:02:09.119,0:02:11.039 but towards our neighbor towards our 0:02:11.039,0:02:12.800 brother towards our sisters towards our 0:02:12.800,0:02:14.160 friends and towards even those who are 0:02:14.160,0:02:16.760 not our friends why we are saying this 0:02:16.760,0:02:19.760 Jesus said you should love the Lord your 0:02:19.760,0:02:21.680 God with all your heart with all your 0:02:21.680,0:02:23.680 mind with all your strength and love 0:02:23.680,0:02:26.760 your neighbor as yourself good as 0:02:26.760,0:02:29.400 yourself that love starts first with the 0:02:29.400,0:02:31.400 love of God 0:02:31.400,0:02:34.080 and that's the love of God in us as the 0:02:34.080,0:02:36.120 Bible says is poured by the holy spirit 0:02:36.120,0:02:38.080 in our heart Romans 0:02:38.080,0:02:41.680 5:5 that overflows if I have a cup of 0:02:41.680,0:02:44.560 water you cannot quench my thirst with a 0:02:44.560,0:02:46.680 cup of water share with me that's why 0:02:46.680,0:02:49.360 Jesus said if you know who is speaking 0:02:49.360,0:02:51.760 to you and what is the gift of God in 0:02:51.760,0:02:55.000 John chapter 4 you would have ask me and 0:02:55.000,0:02:57.440 I will give you living water Living 0:02:57.440,0:02:59.920 Waters and the water I give you will 0:02:59.920,0:03:02.360 well up within you will well up overflow 0:03:02.360,0:03:05.480 to everlasting life oh my God God has 0:03:05.480,0:03:07.680 set a table before us and he want us to 0:03:07.680,0:03:10.560 be blessed abundantly so we can have 0:03:10.560,0:03:13.040 something to share with 0:03:13.040,0:03:16.280 others means our request when we come 0:03:16.280,0:03:18.799 before God should not be self-centered 0:03:18.799,0:03:21.080 if we ask for God's sake the blessing 0:03:21.080,0:03:22.040 will 0:03:22.040,0:03:24.599 overflow if you ask for God's sake God 0:03:24.599,0:03:26.560 know you not asking just for you but for 0:03:26.560,0:03:28.400 your neighbor that means one of the 0:03:28.400,0:03:31.840 major obstacles is actually selfishness 0:03:31.840,0:03:34.000 absolutely and that makes us also want 0:03:34.000,0:03:36.280 to judge people that is the problem we 0:03:36.280,0:03:39.080 have that's why James say when he come 0:03:39.080,0:03:41.319 in God's presence you ask and you don't 0:03:41.319,0:03:44.480 receive because we ask wrong wrongly why 0:03:44.480,0:03:47.560 we ask for selfish classic and matal 0:03:47.560,0:03:50.319 reason the motivation God approves when 0:03:50.319,0:03:52.319 the reason behind the action is for 0:03:52.319,0:03:55.079 God's sake and it's only s God that can 0:03:55.079,0:03:57.480 see that motive we can't see thank you 0:03:57.480,0:04:00.720 people's motives God can only see it and 0:04:00.720,0:04:02.159 that's what is important because we not 0:04:02.159,0:04:05.159 asking man we asking God you want God to 0:04:05.159,0:04:07.120 hear you you want God to answer our 0:04:07.120,0:04:11.360 prayers so remember when we come to him 0:04:11.360,0:04:14.879 with our lips he listens to our heart 0:04:14.879,0:04:17.680 then we go to that Mathew chapter 0:04:17.680,0:04:20.519 15:8 that will lay down the principle of 0:04:20.519,0:04:23.160 this message Matthew chapter 0:04:23.160,0:04:25.840 15:8 let's listen to what Jesus Christ 0:04:25.840,0:04:27.720 the righteous judge said but don't 0:04:27.720,0:04:30.520 forget the Bible called calls Jesus the 0:04:30.520,0:04:32.199 judge of the living and of the Dead 0:04:32.199,0:04:34.280 let's listen to Judgment of Christ these 0:04:34.280,0:04:36.320 people draw near to me with their mouth 0:04:36.320,0:04:38.199 and honor me with their lips but their 0:04:38.199,0:04:40.759 heart is far from me good and in vain 0:04:40.759,0:04:43.039 they worship me teaching as doctrines 0:04:43.039,0:04:46.120 the Commandments of men in vain we pray 0:04:46.120,0:04:48.280 in vain we ask when we come with our 0:04:48.280,0:04:51.280 mouth alone but our hearts far from God 0:04:51.280,0:04:53.919 how sad that is that people think 0:04:53.919,0:04:55.720 they're worshiping but actually it's in 0:04:55.720,0:05:00.280 vain yes because our heart is far from 0:05:00.280,0:05:03.600 God means when we come to God we should 0:05:03.600,0:05:05.960 bring our heart first before our mouth 0:05:05.960,0:05:08.160 we should not be too quick to speak when 0:05:08.160,0:05:09.600 you bring your heart when you engage 0:05:09.600,0:05:11.560 your heart before God the scripture say 0:05:11.560,0:05:13.400 we don't know what to ask we don't know 0:05:13.400,0:05:16.320 what to pray for Romans 8 2627 that's 0:05:16.320,0:05:18.120 why the Holy Spirit intercedes 0:05:18.120,0:05:21.800 absolutely in words we cannot yes go 0:05:21.800,0:05:23.680 ahead those you cannot we cannot 0:05:23.680,0:05:25.880 comprehend thank you when the Holy 0:05:25.880,0:05:28.360 Spirit Come he will take you to God's 0:05:28.360,0:05:30.400 presence first and then will help you 0:05:30.400,0:05:32.440 how to pray and what to pray for we 0:05:32.440,0:05:36.080 often hear that Prayer Changes Things 0:05:36.080,0:05:38.319 and that's not entirely true yes prayer 0:05:38.319,0:05:42.039 changes us prayer changes us and Faith 0:05:42.039,0:05:44.479 changes things Faith causing things to 0:05:44.479,0:05:47.160 happen let's break that run down prayer 0:05:47.160,0:05:49.639 changes me because it takes our Focus 0:05:49.639,0:05:51.400 off ourself we all enter God's presence 0:05:51.400,0:05:52.800 because we have trouble because nobody 0:05:52.800,0:05:55.400 comes to Jesus in Comfort am I right 0:05:55.400,0:05:57.440 very often we come because of our burden 0:05:57.440,0:05:59.199 but the Bible say don't don't be too 0:05:59.199,0:06:00.400 quick 0:06:00.400,0:06:03.440 to ask for solution try to find out what 0:06:03.440,0:06:06.000 God is saying in the matter that's why 0:06:06.000,0:06:09.199 we bring all burdens before Jesus to God 0:06:09.199,0:06:11.840 and asking to know God's opinion on the 0:06:11.840,0:06:14.160 matter it is God's opinion on the matter 0:06:14.160,0:06:16.919 that will reveal his will on the matter 0:06:16.919,0:06:18.800 Jesus walking towards the cross was not 0:06:18.800,0:06:20.120 for 0:06:20.120,0:06:22.680 himself it was for you and I for 0:06:22.680,0:06:24.840 humankind because he said nobody takes 0:06:24.840,0:06:28.919 my life I lay down myself I have the 0:06:28.919,0:06:30.680 power to give my life and to take it 0:06:30.680,0:06:34.039 back that's the command of my father so 0:06:34.039,0:06:36.800 it is the motivation that is important 0:06:36.800,0:06:38.960 when Peter heard what Jesus said I'm 0:06:38.960,0:06:41.759 going to Jerusalem they will arrest me 0:06:41.759,0:06:43.840 they will spit on me and they will kill 0:06:43.840,0:06:47.319 me on the third day I will rise Peter 0:06:47.319,0:06:49.759 say what God forbid never happened to 0:06:49.759,0:06:51.880 you why 0:06:51.880,0:06:54.280 selfishness Peter was focusing on 0:06:54.280,0:06:56.960 himself on the natural side with emotion 0:06:56.960,0:06:59.960 with love for Jesus but Jesus was 0:06:59.960,0:07:01.919 thinking the thoughts of God not the 0:07:01.919,0:07:04.160 thoughts of man so when we judge 0:07:04.160,0:07:06.599 situations and others from a human point 0:07:06.599,0:07:11.199 of view it's actually a selfish attitude 0:07:11.199,0:07:13.199 is that right absolutely because very 0:07:13.199,0:07:16.319 often we judge people because we have a 0:07:16.319,0:07:19.720 mindset a negative mindset prejudgment 0:07:19.720,0:07:21.960 against others and that is not good 0:07:21.960,0:07:24.720 remember in John chapter 8 verse 11 when 0:07:24.720,0:07:26.680 they brought the adulterous woman before 0:07:26.680,0:07:29.520 Jesus the Pharisees the Sadducees the 0:07:29.520,0:07:31.319 the teachers of the law who brought that 0:07:31.319,0:07:33.440 woman to Jesus for judgment that's why 0:07:33.440,0:07:34.879 they brought her for judgment because 0:07:34.879,0:07:37.080 the law of Moses said anybody who commit 0:07:37.080,0:07:39.479 a sin must be ston to death so the 0:07:39.479,0:07:41.479 decision was made 0:07:41.479,0:07:44.479 already they had a prejudgment on woman 0:07:44.479,0:07:46.680 already they judg her in their hearts 0:07:46.680,0:07:49.039 already they just want confirmation and 0:07:49.039,0:07:50.319 when they brought it to Jesus said 0:07:50.319,0:07:53.039 Master the law of Moses said if you 0:07:53.039,0:07:56.800 catch any person on the act of doing 0:07:56.800,0:07:58.960 adultery that such person should be 0:07:58.960,0:08:00.560 stoned to that's what the law of Moses 0:08:00.560,0:08:02.280 say yeah they were trying to trick him 0:08:02.280,0:08:03.879 you what do you 0:08:03.879,0:08:06.680 say so when we take the situation on 0:08:06.680,0:08:09.240 literal senses on the letter you're 0:08:09.240,0:08:11.720 going to Stone the woman that's what the 0:08:11.720,0:08:13.400 letter says that's why even a judg when 0:08:13.400,0:08:16.039 you go to any court today no judge will 0:08:16.039,0:08:17.800 go by the face value they do 0:08:17.800,0:08:20.919 investigation to find out what was the 0:08:20.919,0:08:22.840 motivation of the person you will never 0:08:22.840,0:08:24.440 condemn any person if you realize the 0:08:24.440,0:08:26.039 person has psychatric 0:08:26.039,0:08:29.000 problem the first is the person has his 0:08:29.000,0:08:30.960 own mind 0:08:30.960,0:08:32.719 has he done this act willfully 0:08:32.719,0:08:35.279 consciously with all his mind that's 0:08:35.279,0:08:37.680 when guilt can come because if the 0:08:37.680,0:08:39.959 person is out of his mind because he has 0:08:39.959,0:08:42.479 psychc problem you canot say he Express 0:08:42.479,0:08:44.560 his will he doesn't know what he's doing 0:08:44.560,0:08:46.600 so rather than judge him take him to 0:08:46.600,0:08:47.760 prison they will take him to hospital 0:08:47.760,0:08:49.279 for treatment and that was the right 0:08:49.279,0:08:51.600 judgment right but in the case we're 0:08:51.600,0:08:53.760 talking about when they brought the 0:08:53.760,0:08:57.519 woman to Jesus Jesus looked at him said 0:08:57.519,0:09:00.000 if any of you has not never committed 0:09:00.000,0:09:03.399 sin be the first to throw the 0:09:03.399,0:09:06.959 stor I just love that word that Jesus 0:09:06.959,0:09:09.720 spoke because it just shows that Jesus 0:09:09.720,0:09:13.640 is the father of every heart every heart 0:09:13.640,0:09:17.120 from now till the end of the ages and 0:09:17.120,0:09:19.480 everyone has to answer to him whether we 0:09:19.480,0:09:20.800 understand it or not or we realize it or 0:09:20.800,0:09:23.839 not we do have to answer to him and that 0:09:23.839,0:09:26.279 is why he he knew what had happened in 0:09:26.279,0:09:28.160 each person's heart because he knew the 0:09:28.160,0:09:31.000 motive and that's he only he was in the 0:09:31.000,0:09:34.880 position to say that judgment rightful 0:09:34.880,0:09:38.839 judgment is to get into the heart of the 0:09:38.839,0:09:41.000 matter and you can't do that without the 0:09:41.000,0:09:43.079 Holy Spirit no you because the holy 0:09:43.079,0:09:44.640 spirit always gets into the heart of the 0:09:44.640,0:09:47.560 matter he never judges situation by Fai 0:09:47.560,0:09:50.519 Val or by hear say or by what situation 0:09:50.519,0:09:53.079 looks like he looks beyond to the heart 0:09:53.079,0:09:55.600 to find up the motivation of the person 0:09:55.600,0:09:57.600 behind that action we should not be 0:09:57.600,0:10:00.000 quick to judge not be too quick to judge 0:10:00.000,0:10:02.360 judge if the rightful judge who sees a 0:10:02.360,0:10:04.600 heart does not rush into judgment why 0:10:04.600,0:10:06.720 should we rush into judgment that's why 0:10:06.720,0:10:09.519 many relationships have been 0:10:09.519,0:10:11.120 so 0:10:11.120,0:10:13.720 strained because we we we judge people 0:10:13.720,0:10:16.519 on on today okay and we don't know what 0:10:16.519,0:10:19.480 tomorrow brings husband and wife today 0:10:19.480,0:10:23.640 we have many if I ask if we are honest 0:10:23.640,0:10:27.040 we have so many marriages relationship 0:10:27.040,0:10:28.880 marri to relationship that are strain 0:10:28.880,0:10:31.880 today because of this 0:10:31.880,0:10:35.440 mindset marriage is a Unity of heart and 0:10:35.440,0:10:39.079 purpose and mind the heart agrees right 0:10:39.079,0:10:41.079 if our heart agrees we should not have 0:10:41.079,0:10:43.800 any division in our hearts and that's 0:10:43.800,0:10:45.320 why God said in the Book of Malachi 0:10:45.320,0:10:47.399 chapter 2 I am the witness of your 0:10:47.399,0:10:50.360 wedding that's what God said be careful 0:10:50.360,0:10:52.279 that in your heart you will not betray 0:10:52.279,0:10:54.880 your wife or your husband the heart 0:10:54.880,0:10:56.920 that's why Jesus say if a man looks at a 0:10:56.920,0:10:59.079 woman it his heart without saying any 0:10:59.079,0:10:59.760 words 0:10:59.760,0:11:01.720 but desire to have relation with a woman 0:11:01.720,0:11:03.720 he has committed adultery in his 0:11:03.720,0:11:06.680 heart Jesus always gets into the heart 0:11:06.680,0:11:09.760 of the matter the heart and he said if 0:11:09.760,0:11:11.800 anyone of you has not committed any sin 0:11:11.800,0:11:14.079 be the first to throw he just 0:11:14.079,0:11:15.760 demonstrated with just that sentence 0:11:15.760,0:11:17.079 that he's the father of every heart 0:11:17.079,0:11:20.040 absolutely by saying this the motivation 0:11:20.040,0:11:22.279 what brought that woman to that act 0:11:22.279,0:11:25.240 however sinful it is the same Temptation 0:11:25.240,0:11:27.399 everybody's faced today the hierarchy of 0:11:27.399,0:11:29.480 sin can only be determined by Jesus sin 0:11:29.480,0:11:33.440 sin lying is sin killing is sin the sin 0:11:33.440,0:11:36.560 of Adam just disobeying to 0:11:36.560,0:11:40.240 Adam the SE of Adam that disob eating a 0:11:40.240,0:11:43.360 food and say how can this bring death to 0:11:43.360,0:11:44.720 him not only to him but to the whole 0:11:44.720,0:11:47.920 world what matters is not the action but 0:11:47.920,0:11:50.240 the motivation behind the action we have 0:11:50.240,0:11:54.160 time to talk about it in in depth but if 0:11:54.160,0:11:56.200 you see yeah because he willfully 0:11:56.200,0:11:58.120 disobeyed God and he had chance to 0:11:58.120,0:12:01.560 repent and he didn't good if I see you 0:12:01.560,0:12:04.279 doing something which does not seem 0:12:04.279,0:12:06.600 right to me which does not 0:12:06.600,0:12:10.399 seem instead of me praying over it or 0:12:10.399,0:12:13.639 asking you I come to a conclusion 0:12:13.639,0:12:16.279 because I expect you to do right thing 0:12:16.279,0:12:19.000 so I said ah what she did it seems 0:12:19.000,0:12:21.320 strength to me instead of inquiring from 0:12:21.320,0:12:24.000 God or finding out you come to Quick 0:12:24.000,0:12:26.160 mindset and judgment that's why mindset 0:12:26.160,0:12:28.720 is a problem negative mindset negative 0:12:28.720,0:12:31.000 mindset bad feeling towards others 0:12:31.000,0:12:33.399 prejudgment which is fed by pure 0:12:33.399,0:12:35.720 ignorance can come to a judgment wrong 0:12:35.720,0:12:37.600 judgment that's why I was thinking at 0:12:37.600,0:12:39.839 the I said at the beginning that we as 0:12:39.839,0:12:41.560 Believers you know we we are supposed to 0:12:41.560,0:12:43.240 be with a difference we're in this world 0:12:43.240,0:12:49.040 but not part of it so we should refrain 0:12:49.040,0:12:52.279 from allowing our hearts to be drawn to 0:12:52.279,0:12:55.000 division to 0:12:55.000,0:12:59.600 judgment um to anger to bitterness when 0:12:59.600,0:13:01.600 we see or hear things that's happening 0:13:01.600,0:13:03.760 around us and rather we should we should 0:13:03.760,0:13:05.480 do what is good to change the bad we see 0:13:05.480,0:13:08.040 be a force for love judgment is is 0:13:08.040,0:13:10.440 double edged sword you can judge what is 0:13:10.440,0:13:11.440 not 0:13:11.440,0:13:13.440 right but you must have a sense of 0:13:13.440,0:13:15.040 judgment to do what is right and that is 0:13:15.040,0:13:18.079 what I want to say if I have judgment is 0:13:18.079,0:13:20.480 not just to say this is bad this is bad 0:13:20.480,0:13:22.079 but the rightful judgment say this is 0:13:22.079,0:13:23.560 good this is what you should 0:13:23.560,0:13:28.199 do yes it's a double side what I mean 0:13:28.199,0:13:30.240 okay when I enter into relationship with 0:13:30.240,0:13:31.040 the 0:13:31.040,0:13:33.360 person what is the motivation to say 0:13:33.360,0:13:36.279 this is the person this is this before 0:13:36.279,0:13:38.800 you go the Bible says inquire from God 0:13:38.800,0:13:40.440 when you inquire from God you have the 0:13:40.440,0:13:42.800 rightful Judgment of anything you do you 0:13:42.800,0:13:44.760 will know the right place to go the 0:13:44.760,0:13:46.440 right type of people to meet the right 0:13:46.440,0:13:48.160 type of job to have that's rightful 0:13:48.160,0:13:49.560 judgment we need to have the positive 0:13:49.560,0:13:53.240 side of it if we have rightful judgment 0:13:53.240,0:13:55.000 and that cannot happen without inquiring 0:13:55.000,0:13:57.800 from the Holy Spirit then we should 0:13:57.800,0:13:59.720 guard against judging people 0:13:59.720,0:14:02.519 because no one is righteous not even one 0:14:02.519,0:14:04.199 without Holy Ghost we cannot get into 0:14:04.199,0:14:07.160 the heart of the matter if you ask 0:14:07.160,0:14:09.199 anyone who is honest and sincere what 0:14:09.199,0:14:11.600 type of person I want to marry I want to 0:14:11.600,0:14:14.959 live in they will mention criteria that 0:14:14.959,0:14:18.959 are all based on the 0:14:19.160,0:14:21.519 outside beautiful beautiful eyes 0:14:21.519,0:14:23.519 beautiful nose beautiful body tall 0:14:23.519,0:14:25.759 whatever everybody has his own how how 0:14:25.759,0:14:27.600 do you call it 0:14:27.600,0:14:29.639 preferences but 0:14:29.639,0:14:31.639 the most important is the inside who we 0:14:31.639,0:14:33.399 talk about the heart a man or woman that 0:14:33.399,0:14:36.160 fears God that's the 0:14:36.160,0:14:39.480 heart our heart does things before our 0:14:39.480,0:14:41.759 mouth that's the 0:14:41.759,0:14:43.800 motivation that's why the Bible say when 0:14:43.800,0:14:45.800 you think 0:14:45.800,0:14:47.759 negatively you are bound to speak 0:14:47.759,0:14:49.920 negatively and act 0:14:49.920,0:14:52.120 negatively that's why the Lord warns 0:14:52.120,0:14:54.680 everybody in that Matthew chter 0:14:54.680,0:14:57.959 15:8 that what defiles us is what comes 0:14:57.959,0:15:01.839 from our mouth all our motivation anger 0:15:01.839,0:15:04.839 resentment divorce separation attack 0:15:04.839,0:15:07.519 always come from the heart of a 0:15:07.519,0:15:10.079 person that's why remember what Peter 0:15:10.079,0:15:12.680 said to ananas in act chapter 0:15:12.680,0:15:15.079 5 that's that's a clear example of 0:15:15.079,0:15:18.440 judgment let's take the example at early 0:15:18.440,0:15:19.600 church in the 0:15:19.600,0:15:22.480 beginning the disciples were selling all 0:15:22.480,0:15:23.199 their 0:15:23.199,0:15:26.120 properties and bring it in common in the 0:15:26.120,0:15:28.639 treasury so anybody who's in need 0:15:28.639,0:15:31.959 receive help right yeah we have Anan and 0:15:31.959,0:15:35.160 sa Safa they came to the they sell their 0:15:35.160,0:15:37.160 property it was their own property they 0:15:37.160,0:15:38.399 have the right to do whatever they want 0:15:38.399,0:15:40.720 to do it they sell their property let's 0:15:40.720,0:15:43.480 say the house is 1 million they say 0:15:43.480,0:15:47.720 let's tell them the house is half 0:15:47.720,0:15:50.600 500,000 he came they say okay our house 0:15:50.600,0:15:53.360 was sold 500,000 this 500,000 and the 0:15:53.360,0:15:56.560 less they kept it that's what they did 0:15:56.560,0:15:59.079 it was a property 0:15:59.079,0:16:01.839 could have said okay I give him 500 if 0:16:01.839,0:16:03.360 they said to Peter the house is 1 0:16:03.360,0:16:06.639 million I get 500 and I give nothing 0:16:06.639,0:16:07.839 would have happen I really believe 0:16:07.839,0:16:09.279 because you're free it's your free will 0:16:09.279,0:16:10.959 offering from your heart but they were 0:16:10.959,0:16:13.560 trying to but they came to say they're 0:16:13.560,0:16:16.160 entirely from Jesus the house is sold at 0:16:16.160,0:16:17.680 this 0:16:17.680,0:16:21.279 price Peter was a man led by the Holy 0:16:21.279,0:16:22.920 Ghost with rightful 0:16:22.920,0:16:25.000 judgment inquire from the Holy Spirit 0:16:25.000,0:16:26.199 the Holy Spirit revealed to him the 0:16:26.199,0:16:27.759 truth that the P of house is not what 0:16:27.759,0:16:30.000 they said this the real 0:16:30.000,0:16:33.319 price when Peter heard this what did he 0:16:33.319,0:16:35.639 say he said you have sinned against the 0:16:35.639,0:16:38.079 Holy Spirit why you allow Satan to fill 0:16:38.079,0:16:40.560 your heart so that you can lie to the 0:16:40.560,0:16:44.079 Holy Spirit you have not lied to man but 0:16:44.079,0:16:46.959 to God that was a judgment and when we 0:16:46.959,0:16:48.399 read the Bible we got scared by the 0:16:48.399,0:16:51.120 Judgment they came and immediately what 0:16:51.120,0:16:54.519 happened to they fell dead yeah anytime 0:16:54.519,0:16:56.240 that P I got extremely scar say thank 0:16:56.240,0:16:58.560 God we don't have this but there was a 0:16:58.560,0:17:00.920 sense of Judge rightful judgment which 0:17:00.920,0:17:03.160 was extremely clear on motivational 0:17:03.160,0:17:05.439 actions and also knowing that the holy 0:17:05.439,0:17:07.240 spirit is there in every single decision 0:17:07.240,0:17:10.039 that you make every single thought in 0:17:10.039,0:17:11.720 your heart the holy spirit is witnessed 0:17:11.720,0:17:15.000 to that thank you for saying this now if 0:17:15.000,0:17:17.000 you have awareness if I have awareness 0:17:17.000,0:17:19.240 the Holy Ghost is inside of 0:17:19.240,0:17:22.439 me I should be extremely careful of my 0:17:22.439,0:17:25.319 thoughts first before I talk about my 0:17:25.319,0:17:28.000 words because everything starts in the 0:17:28.000,0:17:30.200 thoughts m 0:17:30.200,0:17:32.400 that's why as a Christian a Believer 0:17:32.400,0:17:36.039 should be careful of what he looks at 0:17:36.039,0:17:37.799 what he sees what he touches that can 0:17:37.799,0:17:39.240 influence his 0:17:39.240,0:17:41.640 thoughts bad feelings negative thoughts 0:17:41.640,0:17:43.760 start from here you don't need to 0:17:43.760,0:17:46.120 express it but God hears it and it 0:17:46.120,0:17:48.120 matters to the Holy Spirit that's why 0:17:48.120,0:17:50.120 when we have the sensitivity of God's 0:17:50.120,0:17:51.480 presence in our heart through the Holy 0:17:51.480,0:17:54.320 Ghost anytime our mind begin to drift 0:17:54.320,0:17:56.200 towards something that's not 0:17:56.200,0:17:58.200 right your conscious will dud 0:17:58.200,0:18:00.120 immediately because of who because the 0:18:00.120,0:18:02.000 Holy Ghost will prompt your heart before 0:18:02.000,0:18:03.960 you step into action that's why we need 0:18:03.960,0:18:06.159 to be always be sensitive to the voice 0:18:06.159,0:18:07.840 of our conscience because that's how the 0:18:07.840,0:18:09.840 Holy Spirit speaks to us absolutely 0:18:09.840,0:18:12.440 that's why Jam say nobody can tempt God 0:18:12.440,0:18:15.000 canot be tempted but sin is when we are 0:18:15.000,0:18:17.919 attracted by our own Desire by our own 0:18:17.919,0:18:20.840 will that we then we are enticed to fall 0:18:20.840,0:18:23.080 into the temptation of prejudgment Jud 0:18:23.080,0:18:25.480 judging others the question is the 0:18:25.480,0:18:28.280 person you are judging today no matter 0:18:28.280,0:18:31.799 how bad the person may seem Look to You 0:18:31.799,0:18:33.320 on human 0:18:33.320,0:18:37.400 judgment ask yourself what does Jesus 0:18:37.400,0:18:40.080 think about that person because we we 0:18:40.080,0:18:41.880 are not God we have to keep reminding 0:18:41.880,0:18:43.640 ourselves that God's standard of 0:18:43.640,0:18:46.200 judgment is different from our own God 0:18:46.200,0:18:49.120 tests our heart to reward us because 0:18:49.120,0:18:51.960 he's his focus is the motive behind what 0:18:51.960,0:18:56.679 we do exact Soul we know Soul we know 0:18:56.679,0:19:01.000 Soul who was soul well Saul was the one 0:19:01.000,0:19:03.280 who was persecuting all the Christians 0:19:03.280,0:19:06.320 yes terribly in a very harsh weight 0:19:06.320,0:19:08.640 forces them to 0:19:08.640,0:19:11.400 blashe he was his chosen vessel yes no 0:19:11.400,0:19:13.080 when he was going to persecute the 0:19:13.080,0:19:16.000 people in Damascus having letters of 0:19:16.000,0:19:17.760 recommendation from the teachers of the 0:19:17.760,0:19:20.559 law Steven he stood there as Steven was 0:19:20.559,0:19:23.080 killed and stoned to death yes that was 0:19:23.080,0:19:26.080 his Zeal but he had a Zeal for the law 0:19:26.080,0:19:29.039 of Moses but Zeal marked with with 0:19:29.039,0:19:31.200 ignorance of spiritual 0:19:31.200,0:19:34.840 things he judges the situation on the 0:19:34.840,0:19:37.600 letter we judge but the word of God we 0:19:37.600,0:19:39.120 approach it in the letter we have the 0:19:39.120,0:19:41.360 wrong judgment there's a letter of the 0:19:41.360,0:19:44.480 word there a spirit of the of the word 0:19:44.480,0:19:46.120 wait say that again there's the letter 0:19:46.120,0:19:48.360 of the word and we have the spirit of 0:19:48.360,0:19:50.600 the word the Divine meaning of the word 0:19:50.600,0:19:52.360 so you can be very 0:19:52.360,0:19:55.600 committed zealous for towards the letter 0:19:55.600,0:19:57.240 of the word and yet completely missing 0:19:57.240,0:19:59.440 the point if it's not spirit is not in 0:19:59.440,0:20:00.720 truth and so it's all nothing that's 0:20:00.720,0:20:02.760 what Jesus said to them if you know that 0:20:02.760,0:20:04.880 I Del like Mercy you will never condemn 0:20:04.880,0:20:07.679 innocent people that's what Jesus said 0:20:07.679,0:20:11.640 Jesus met ananas one of the disciples 0:20:11.640,0:20:15.320 who knew who Soul was in the dream and 0:20:15.320,0:20:17.440 when Jesus mentioned the name of Saul he 0:20:17.440,0:20:21.799 say hey Lord this man is a wolf he's a 0:20:21.799,0:20:23.080 terrible person no I mean just think 0:20:23.080,0:20:25.640 about it in today's society if someone 0:20:25.640,0:20:27.159 who's 0:20:27.159,0:20:29.559 publicly persecuted in people that 0:20:29.559,0:20:32.720 believe in Jesus and then suddenly God 0:20:32.720,0:20:35.120 reveals to you that oh this is actually 0:20:35.120,0:20:36.919 the one I want to use as my chosen 0:20:36.919,0:20:39.720 vessel wow and that's what happened and 0:20:39.720,0:20:44.080 I mean yeah motivation behind the action 0:20:44.080,0:20:47.320 of Soul was pure ignorance he had a Zeal 0:20:47.320,0:20:49.799 without knowledge and he even said it in 0:20:49.799,0:20:53.200 that book of Timothy chapter 1 but now 0:20:53.200,0:20:55.400 what was the answer of Jesus to him he's 0:20:55.400,0:20:58.640 My Chosen vessel God does not consider 0:20:58.640,0:21:01.600 our now our past to determine our future 0:21:01.600,0:21:04.559 we need to understand that because Jesus 0:21:04.559,0:21:07.000 is a tomorrow thinker he has Vision 0:21:07.000,0:21:09.320 thank you Jesus is looking at your your 0:21:09.320,0:21:11.600 tomorrow thank you even even your 10 0:21:11.600,0:21:13.799 years from now thank you your 20 years 0:21:13.799,0:21:15.559 from now this is what matters to Jesus 0:21:15.559,0:21:18.240 but we're so concentrated on now now now 0:21:18.240,0:21:20.120 and even not even now yesterday the pain 0:21:20.120,0:21:25.039 of the past the the the Betrayal of the 0:21:25.039,0:21:27.520 past the disappointment of the past the 0:21:27.520,0:21:29.480 scars of the past we're so full of all 0:21:29.480,0:21:32.200 these scars that we find it difficult to 0:21:32.200,0:21:35.360 even live today let alone trust our 0:21:35.360,0:21:38.960 tomorrow in the hands of Jesus and yet 0:21:38.960,0:21:41.400 Jesus knows what we can become tomorrow 0:21:41.400,0:21:43.720 if we fully submit to him and that's 0:21:43.720,0:21:45.840 what he's looking at I always remember 0:21:45.840,0:21:48.440 you know Prophet T josua was such a man 0:21:48.440,0:21:50.480 of vision you know he looked at us a 0:21:50.480,0:21:52.640 situation where when we came so many 0:21:52.640,0:21:55.440 years ago there was no way all of this 0:21:55.440,0:21:59.320 was in our mind no we just wanted to to 0:21:59.320,0:22:02.279 not miss salvation yet God knew God knew 0:22:02.279,0:22:04.880 because God knew the plan he he had for 0:22:04.880,0:22:08.960 every single person Jesus never never 0:22:08.960,0:22:11.919 never considers your past to determine 0:22:11.919,0:22:13.559 your 0:22:13.559,0:22:17.480 future Jesus came to change our lives to 0:22:17.480,0:22:20.960 change our Focus we humans we keep 0:22:20.960,0:22:23.120 record of the offenses of the 0:22:23.120,0:22:26.039 past we keep a record of every wrong 0:22:26.039,0:22:28.960 done to us that's why we find it so so 0:22:28.960,0:22:30.120 difficult to 0:22:30.120,0:22:33.480 forgive you have done it again 0:22:33.480,0:22:36.400 again you will keep record of the past 0:22:36.400,0:22:39.159 but the Bible say loves keeps no record 0:22:39.159,0:22:40.039 of 0:22:40.039,0:22:43.520 wrong when Jesus looked at you and I as 0:22:43.520,0:22:47.000 it for Samar woman his purpose is to 0:22:47.000,0:22:49.520 give you a new focus of 0:22:49.520,0:22:52.760 future Satan the devil we all know 0:22:52.760,0:22:55.720 always speaks about our past our 0:22:55.720,0:22:56.919 unworthy 0:22:56.919,0:23:00.799 past no one was born righteous not no no 0:23:00.799,0:23:04.080 one but Jesus has come to remove that 0:23:04.080,0:23:06.240 past and give you a new future and if 0:23:06.240,0:23:07.960 can do it for you he can do it for 0:23:07.960,0:23:09.159 someone else as well that you're 0:23:09.159,0:23:11.000 currently looking at with the eyes of 0:23:11.000,0:23:14.799 judgment if Jesus can remove our past 0:23:14.799,0:23:17.240 and point us to the Future then he can 0:23:17.240,0:23:19.640 do it for everyone that is why we 0:23:19.640,0:23:21.400 shouldn't judge anyone on account of 0:23:21.400,0:23:24.640 today because tomorrow is a mystery so 0:23:24.640,0:23:27.400 when the Pharisees brought that lady 0:23:27.400,0:23:29.360 they were considering her 0:23:29.360,0:23:31.960 but you say rightfully that tomorrow is 0:23:31.960,0:23:33.960 a mystery that only God knows when Jesus 0:23:33.960,0:23:37.279 is correcting you and me all of us it's 0:23:37.279,0:23:38.760 because of the 0:23:38.760,0:23:41.720 future when God say don't do 0:23:41.720,0:23:44.679 this you may not do it today but you may 0:23:44.679,0:23:48.400 do it tomorrow correction judgment 0:23:48.400,0:23:49.799 everything God has spoken through the 0:23:49.799,0:23:52.000 mouth of the Prophet as a warning is for 0:23:52.000,0:23:54.159 the future when God said to the Prophet 0:23:54.159,0:23:57.080 Jeremiah tell them that if they continue 0:23:57.080,0:23:59.760 to do this I will send the enemy 0:23:59.760,0:24:01.799 nebukadnezar will come he will burn the 0:24:01.799,0:24:04.120 city he will kill everybody but God was 0:24:04.120,0:24:06.880 saying this to trigger a sense of 0:24:06.880,0:24:09.799 repentance say hey God sorry we come 0:24:09.799,0:24:11.480 back we stop doing evil we come back to 0:24:11.480,0:24:13.039 you that's true because it's how we 0:24:13.039,0:24:15.760 respond to that correction or that 0:24:15.760,0:24:17.720 judgment that is actually what Jesus is 0:24:17.720,0:24:19.000 looking at as well that will determine 0:24:19.000,0:24:19.799 your 0:24:19.799,0:24:22.640 future your response to correction this 0:24:22.640,0:24:24.640 ter is your future and when we talk 0:24:24.640,0:24:26.240 about correction here we mean correction 0:24:26.240,0:24:27.679 in the power of the Holy Spirit 0:24:27.679,0:24:28.880 absolutely you 0:24:28.880,0:24:31.240 when you read your Bible and something 0:24:31.240,0:24:33.120 comes to your heart that can be God 0:24:33.120,0:24:35.919 correcting you you know because the word 0:24:35.919,0:24:39.480 of God has power power for converting 0:24:39.480,0:24:40.880 power purifying power it's a 0:24:40.880,0:24:43.720 double-edged sword so good you mentioned 0:24:43.720,0:24:45.279 correction how do you correction 0:24:45.279,0:24:47.279 correction is not judgment there's a 0:24:47.279,0:24:49.200 difference between correction and 0:24:49.200,0:24:50.760 judgment 0:24:50.760,0:24:53.840 judgment is a mindset a preset judgment 0:24:53.840,0:24:55.279 in your mind already you have decided to 0:24:55.279,0:24:58.480 judge the person already but correction 0:24:58.480,0:25:00.320 is to help someone is to help the person 0:25:00.320,0:25:03.480 to change how do you correct the person 0:25:03.480,0:25:05.039 don't say hey this is bad you are this 0:25:05.039,0:25:07.520 you are this that's condemnation do what 0:25:07.520,0:25:09.840 is good in the sight of the person to 0:25:09.840,0:25:11.679 change the bad you 0:25:11.679,0:25:13.799 see that's why the Bible tells us in 0:25:13.799,0:25:16.640 Galatians six that we should be gentle 0:25:16.640,0:25:18.600 yes in our correction that is be a 0:25:18.600,0:25:21.120 little by example example mean let your 0:25:21.120,0:25:24.279 character show let the person see in the 0:25:24.279,0:25:26.679 way you speak act a reason to come to 0:25:26.679,0:25:28.880 you say I'm sorry 0:25:28.880,0:25:31.440 do what is good in the sight of God to 0:25:31.440,0:25:34.600 change the bad you see if the person is 0:25:34.600,0:25:37.440 an angry person be gentle let him see 0:25:37.440,0:25:40.159 your gentleness so you can say I'm sorry 0:25:40.159,0:25:42.600 if the person is pride we don't respond 0:25:42.600,0:25:45.399 by Pride let him see humility let your 0:25:45.399,0:25:48.799 humility convince him to say ha I'm 0:25:48.799,0:25:52.799 sorry to wrong canot make what a right 0:25:52.799,0:25:55.200 so what do you do the weapons of 0:25:55.200,0:25:57.440 righteousness the Bible says when we see 0:25:57.440,0:26:00.440 a situation don't be too quick to judge 0:26:00.440,0:26:01.960 you should find out from God's 0:26:01.960,0:26:03.520 perspective what is the mind of God 0:26:03.520,0:26:05.720 about the situation we judge today we 0:26:05.720,0:26:07.520 arrogate the position of God to judge 0:26:07.520,0:26:10.279 people correction is our duty but 0:26:10.279,0:26:12.320 judgment is God's Duty correction in 0:26:12.320,0:26:14.399 love in love of course and with the 0:26:14.399,0:26:16.240 right motivation correction not to see 0:26:16.240,0:26:18.559 someone fall down but to help someone in 0:26:18.559,0:26:21.840 fact I really really appreciate all 0:26:21.840,0:26:24.080 those throughout my journey who took 0:26:24.080,0:26:27.840 time to correct me for God's sake I 0:26:27.840,0:26:30.240 really see the the product of that the 0:26:30.240,0:26:31.960 the consequence of that the result of 0:26:31.960,0:26:34.279 that and that's why the Bible says in 0:26:34.279,0:26:36.440 the Book of Proverbs you know if you're 0:26:36.440,0:26:38.480 wise you should not despise correction 0:26:38.480,0:26:40.200 you should appreciate correction in the 0:26:40.200,0:26:41.880 power of the Holy Spirit what do you say 0:26:41.880,0:26:43.799 the power of the Holy Spirit mean 0:26:43.799,0:26:46.200 judgment lead to punishment right but 0:26:46.200,0:26:48.240 correction leads to Amendment repentance 0:26:48.240,0:26:49.399 and 0:26:49.399,0:26:51.360 Reconciliation there are two ways of 0:26:51.360,0:26:55.000 approaching this Holy Bible Jesus his 0:26:55.000,0:26:57.240 attitude was constant 0:26:57.240,0:26:59.520 correction showing God's standard of 0:26:59.520,0:27:01.880 doing things when the Pharisees was 0:27:01.880,0:27:06.320 opposing him asking him question Jesus 0:27:06.320,0:27:09.080 responded with the wisdom of God he 0:27:09.080,0:27:11.559 spoke what is right in the sight of God 0:27:11.559,0:27:14.039 when you think right speak right and act 0:27:14.039,0:27:15.840 right in the sight of God you are 0:27:15.840,0:27:17.840 correcting everybody people are reading 0:27:17.840,0:27:21.919 you we talk about Prophet iosha well 0:27:21.919,0:27:24.840 right his lifestyle was a constant 0:27:24.840,0:27:26.640 correction to everybody 0:27:26.640,0:27:28.720 El why correction 0:27:28.720,0:27:31.440 you will see the way he attended to the 0:27:31.440,0:27:35.000 simple people to the poor to even those 0:27:35.000,0:27:37.399 offended him his reaction towards them 0:27:37.399,0:27:39.720 you will never see him fighting people 0:27:39.720,0:27:43.360 answering back never his attitude 0:27:43.360,0:27:45.200 humility doing what is right in the 0:27:45.200,0:27:47.840 sight of God to change the Bible to see 0:27:47.840,0:27:50.320 so now the weapons of righteousness are 0:27:50.320,0:27:51.679 the fruit of the 0:27:51.679,0:27:54.399 spirit so exercise the fruit of the 0:27:54.399,0:27:56.440 spirit in the face of the fruit of the 0:27:56.440,0:27:58.399 Flesh and that's the change we talking 0:27:58.399,0:28:02.320 about let your character reflect Christ 0:28:02.320,0:28:05.320 character if people insult you don't 0:28:05.320,0:28:07.559 insult back if you insult back what's 0:28:07.559,0:28:10.799 the difference Jesus said if you love 0:28:10.799,0:28:11.799 only 0:28:11.799,0:28:14.320 those even those who say that inj they 0:28:14.320,0:28:16.120 love their children anybody can do but 0:28:16.120,0:28:18.039 love your enemy pray for those who 0:28:18.039,0:28:21.200 persecute you bless do not curse that's 0:28:21.200,0:28:22.360 the weapons of righteousness we're 0:28:22.360,0:28:24.279 talking about and that will actually 0:28:24.279,0:28:28.559 disarm those who have a bad uh Judgment 0:28:28.559,0:28:31.880 of you you know this does not mean 0:28:31.880,0:28:33.080 correction will not take place 0:28:33.080,0:28:35.320 correction is our duty if we see 0:28:35.320,0:28:38.120 something wrong correct in 0:28:38.120,0:28:41.279 Love by telling the truth by showing the 0:28:41.279,0:28:43.720 truth leadership by example that's what 0:28:43.720,0:28:46.120 bring change you know that person will 0:28:46.120,0:28:47.919 now listen to the voice of the holy 0:28:47.919,0:28:49.159 spirit in their heart prompting their 0:28:49.159,0:28:50.600 conscience to know that what they're 0:28:50.600,0:28:52.000 doing is 0:28:52.000,0:28:54.840 wrong Christian mean Christ likeness 0:28:54.840,0:28:57.000 Christ likeness okay the question 0:28:57.000,0:29:00.720 anytime you fa a situation of opposition 0:29:00.720,0:29:01.600 ask 0:29:01.600,0:29:05.600 yourself how would Jesus react in such a 0:29:05.600,0:29:08.840 situation somebody embarrass you insult 0:29:08.840,0:29:12.559 you remember Jesus was 0:29:12.559,0:29:14.120 embarrassed 0:29:14.120,0:29:18.679 constantly insulted constantly opposed 0:29:18.679,0:29:21.480 constantly they even say he cast demon 0:29:21.480,0:29:24.200 by Bel they even say he's de he's 0:29:24.200,0:29:26.679 possessed he's demonized there's nothing 0:29:26.679,0:29:29.159 that you not say against Jes Jesus but 0:29:29.159,0:29:30.760 how did he 0:29:30.760,0:29:33.240 responded he responded with 0:29:33.240,0:29:37.000 forgiveness and Truth was ignored 0:29:37.000,0:29:38.799 ignorance of the truth the truth is 0:29:38.799,0:29:40.760 hidden truth not intellectually need to 0:29:40.760,0:29:43.480 be perceived spiritually so your 0:29:43.480,0:29:45.519 integrity no matter how good you are on 0:29:45.519,0:29:47.720 the inside can never be perceived 0:29:47.720,0:29:49.880 intellectually it has to be discerned 0:29:49.880,0:29:53.399 Integrity cannot be understood perceived 0:29:53.399,0:29:55.159 intellectually but spiritually mean you 0:29:55.159,0:29:57.039 canot know the heart of man if you're 0:29:57.039,0:29:58.799 not held by the Holy Ghost ask God to 0:29:58.799,0:30:00.240 help you to get into the heart of the 0:30:00.240,0:30:01.840 matter of a situation before coming to 0:30:01.840,0:30:04.679 judgment ask them to show you the heart 0:30:04.679,0:30:06.640 the motivation of the heart of person so 0:30:06.640,0:30:09.120 you can have rightful judgment this 0:30:09.120,0:30:12.159 being said we have the Avenue the 0:30:12.159,0:30:14.159 weapons of righteousness that can heal 0:30:14.159,0:30:16.000 your relationship with 0:30:16.000,0:30:18.080 everyone service your relationship 0:30:18.080,0:30:20.600 absolutely service it we need to we talk 0:30:20.600,0:30:22.279 about that do you service your 0:30:22.279,0:30:24.600 relationship you have to take care of 0:30:24.600,0:30:25.559 each 0:30:25.559,0:30:27.399 relationship you should not take it for 0:30:27.399,0:30:28.519 granted 0:30:28.519,0:30:30.640 because life what gives 0:30:30.640,0:30:33.720 us joy 0:30:33.720,0:30:36.200 wealth Health in life it's all about 0:30:36.200,0:30:37.640 relationship how do you service the 0:30:37.640,0:30:40.200 relationship how do we service it it's 0:30:40.200,0:30:42.120 true but how do we serice you know your 0:30:42.120,0:30:44.919 vehicle you drive your vehicle and you 0:30:44.919,0:30:47.799 have a computer tell you in in 100 miles 0:30:47.799,0:30:50.039 you have to take it to the garage 0:30:50.039,0:30:51.440 computer will helping you to take it for 0:30:51.440,0:30:54.399 service to change the oil to clean this 0:30:54.399,0:30:56.639 to keep it to maintain relationship need 0:30:56.639,0:31:00.000 to be maintained M when you don't wait 0:31:00.000,0:31:01.360 till situation 0:31:01.360,0:31:04.000 emerged to 0:31:04.000,0:31:06.600 act love never waits for situation to 0:31:06.600,0:31:08.200 come 0:31:08.200,0:31:10.320 anticipate that's why we need to service 0:31:10.320,0:31:11.799 don't wait for the person to ask you to 0:31:11.799,0:31:14.519 do this do that do it spontaneously for 0:31:14.519,0:31:17.240 God's sake don't ra someone to ask for 0:31:17.240,0:31:20.880 help do it spons from your heart ask God 0:31:20.880,0:31:23.519 what can I do to help somebody everybody 0:31:23.519,0:31:24.799 want to change somebody they don't know 0:31:24.799,0:31:27.360 how to go about it but did you yield 0:31:27.360,0:31:29.480 your heart to be a servant for Holy 0:31:29.480,0:31:32.120 Ghost to use you to bless others 0:31:32.120,0:31:34.559 remember what makes us human is what is 0:31:34.559,0:31:37.240 not our ability to think but our ability 0:31:37.240,0:31:39.559 to love which kind of love everybody has 0:31:39.559,0:31:41.360 somebody to love but every has somebody 0:31:41.360,0:31:42.720 say I don't love this person I don't 0:31:42.720,0:31:44.679 like this when you look at person on the 0:31:44.679,0:31:46.440 outside it will not take long to see 0:31:46.440,0:31:48.559 something you don't like nobody's 0:31:48.559,0:31:51.639 perfect but it takes a lifetime to see 0:31:51.639,0:31:53.760 the beauty in the heart of the person 0:31:53.760,0:31:56.279 beyond what you can say you say don't 0:31:56.279,0:31:58.240 reject anybody because of today tomorrow 0:31:58.240,0:32:00.639 is Mystery okay when ananas was saying 0:32:00.639,0:32:03.919 Paul was a bad person but Jesus saw the 0:32:03.919,0:32:06.039 future the future Apostle you say He's 0:32:06.039,0:32:07.240 My Chosen 0:32:07.240,0:32:09.799 vessel God is not looking at our 0:32:09.799,0:32:12.480 kindness our obedience now but obedience 0:32:12.480,0:32:15.399 in 20 years in 50 years to go somebody 0:32:15.399,0:32:17.559 can be good today but 0:32:17.559,0:32:20.080 tomorrow the mystery can be 0:32:20.080,0:32:23.480 bad you pretend for a long time but 0:32:23.480,0:32:25.360 eventually the real wonderful tomorrow 0:32:25.360,0:32:27.360 the real character will come out that's 0:32:27.360,0:32:29.080 why we should rush into decision to 0:32:29.080,0:32:30.399 judge too 0:32:30.399,0:32:33.240 quickly people judge Jesus on the 0:32:33.240,0:32:36.679 outside in John 7:2 some say he's a good 0:32:36.679,0:32:39.639 person some say he's a bad person he 0:32:39.639,0:32:42.799 deceased person even those say he's good 0:32:42.799,0:32:46.080 and welcome at P Sunday hosana hosana 0:32:46.080,0:32:48.720 the same people said crucify him crucify 0:32:48.720,0:32:51.120 him crucify him so we we shouldn't yeah 0:32:51.120,0:32:53.679 that's another thing we shouldn't be so 0:32:53.679,0:32:55.960 concerned about people's opinion about 0:32:55.960,0:32:58.240 us even people that we don't know what 0:32:58.240,0:33:00.639 should matter to us is God's opinion 0:33:00.639,0:33:03.240 about us and God tests our heart to 0:33:03.240,0:33:05.519 reward us the purpose of the Gospel of 0:33:05.519,0:33:07.960 Jesus Christ the purpose of 0:33:07.960,0:33:10.919 Salvation the purpose of the Holy Bible 0:33:10.919,0:33:13.399 can be summed up in one word 0:33:13.399,0:33:15.880 righteousness what is righteousness 0:33:15.880,0:33:19.440 right standing before God not right 0:33:19.440,0:33:22.320 standing before man right standing mean 0:33:22.320,0:33:25.919 rightful judgment for God's sake God 0:33:25.919,0:33:28.320 said to Abraham walk before me 0:33:28.320,0:33:31.320 blamelessly by doing what is right 0:33:31.320,0:33:34.440 thinking right speaking right acting 0:33:34.440,0:33:36.760 right according to the mind of God every 0:33:36.760,0:33:38.760 single day of Our Lives we are meant to 0:33:38.760,0:33:42.320 be like Jesus we have to behave like him 0:33:42.320,0:33:44.799 and the task is huge that's why Jesus 0:33:44.799,0:33:46.600 say carry your cross and follow me what 0:33:46.600,0:33:48.799 is your cross your cross is not the wood 0:33:48.799,0:33:51.600 the cross is your body the cross is 0:33:51.600,0:33:55.679 myself self self my self will that's 0:33:55.679,0:33:58.159 always wanting to go opposite to to what 0:33:58.159,0:33:59.360 God wants 0:33:59.360,0:34:02.200 absolutely if my flesh is crucified and 0:34:02.200,0:34:04.880 I carry the cross ask Jesus to help me I 0:34:04.880,0:34:06.919 will walk in the footstep of Christ in 0:34:06.919,0:34:09.200 righteousness every single day of life 0:34:09.200,0:34:12.440 if you do so you will have capacity to 0:34:12.440,0:34:14.679 bless people around you you will never 0:34:14.679,0:34:16.760 destroy any relationship Beyond repair 0:34:16.760,0:34:19.200 for tomorrow is Mystery there will 0:34:19.200,0:34:21.320 always room for forgiveness and your 0:34:21.320,0:34:23.560 marriage your relationship your friends 0:34:23.560,0:34:25.200 you will never lose a friend you will 0:34:25.200,0:34:26.639 never destroy any relationship being 0:34:26.639,0:34:28.720 repair people may may leave you but you 0:34:28.720,0:34:30.879 will never leave anybody but Jesus Will 0:34:30.879,0:34:32.119 service that 0:34:32.119,0:34:35.440 relationship thank you amen so thank you 0:34:35.440,0:34:38.440 so much for joining us and uh how to 0:34:38.440,0:34:41.280 service our relationship how not to 0:34:41.280,0:34:44.159 judge on a human level but correct in 0:34:44.159,0:34:46.960 God's love we can't do any of this 0:34:46.960,0:34:48.919 without the help of the holy spirit so 0:34:48.919,0:34:51.359 let's continue to ask the Holy Spirit to 0:34:51.359,0:34:54.679 give us more of him and take more of us 0:34:54.679,0:34:56.520 in Jesus name thank you that's the right 0:34:56.520,0:34:59.320 prayer take take more of me and give me 0:34:59.320,0:35:01.920 more of you Holy Spirit take more of my 0:35:01.920,0:35:04.400 lies and give me more of your truth Holy 0:35:04.400,0:35:06.280 Spirit of Truth forgive my lies help me 0:35:06.280,0:35:08.839 to be truthful Holy Spirit of humility 0:35:08.839,0:35:10.560 forgive my pride and give me your 0:35:10.560,0:35:12.640 humility lead me to humility these are 0:35:12.640,0:35:14.320 the things we should pray 0:35:14.320,0:35:17.200 for to put on Christ as our 0:35:17.200,0:35:19.400 righteousness every single day and in by 0:35:19.400,0:35:21.320 doing that you're servicing your heart 0:35:21.320,0:35:22.839 and if you service your heart then 0:35:22.839,0:35:24.800 definitely your relationships a service 0:35:24.800,0:35:27.280 because you relate with others through 0:35:27.280,0:35:29.599 your heart by doing so you are asking 0:35:29.599,0:35:32.119 Holy Ghost to fill you and when he fills 0:35:32.119,0:35:34.280 you he will fill you and that love will 0:35:34.280,0:35:37.520 overflow to others in Jesus name amen 0:35:37.520,0:35:40.079 amen