1 00:00:00,844 --> 00:00:03,306 So this is a talk about gene drives, 2 00:00:03,330 --> 00:00:05,883 but I'm going to start by telling you a brief story. 3 00:00:06,621 --> 00:00:09,844 20 years ago, a biologist named Anthony James 4 00:00:09,868 --> 00:00:12,187 got obsessed with the idea of making mosquitos 5 00:00:12,211 --> 00:00:14,790 that didn't transmit malaria. 6 00:00:15,683 --> 00:00:19,739 It was a great idea, and pretty much a complete failure. 7 00:00:20,596 --> 00:00:23,256 For one thing, it turned out to be really hard 8 00:00:23,280 --> 00:00:25,287 to make a malaria-resistant mosquito. 9 00:00:26,286 --> 00:00:29,913 James managed it, finally, just a few years ago, 10 00:00:29,937 --> 00:00:32,008 by adding some genes that make it impossible 11 00:00:32,032 --> 00:00:34,746 for the malaria parasite to survive inside the mosquito. 12 00:00:35,551 --> 00:00:37,373 But that just created another problem. 13 00:00:38,043 --> 00:00:40,885 Now that you've got a malaria-resistant mosquito, 14 00:00:40,909 --> 00:00:44,495 how do you get it to replace all the malaria-carrying mosquitos? 15 00:00:46,107 --> 00:00:47,580 There are a couple options, 16 00:00:47,604 --> 00:00:49,627 but plan A was basically to breed up 17 00:00:49,651 --> 00:00:52,738 a bunch of the new genetically-engineered mosquitos 18 00:00:52,762 --> 00:00:54,088 release them into the wild 19 00:00:54,112 --> 00:00:56,079 and hope that they pass on their genes. 20 00:00:56,673 --> 00:00:58,787 The problem was that you'd have to release 21 00:00:58,811 --> 00:01:03,111 literally 10 times the number of native mosquitos to work. 22 00:01:03,135 --> 00:01:05,222 So in a village with 10,000 mosquitos, 23 00:01:05,246 --> 00:01:07,325 you release an extra 100,000. 24 00:01:08,229 --> 00:01:09,379 As you might guess, 25 00:01:09,403 --> 00:01:12,157 this was not a very popular strategy with the villagers. 26 00:01:12,181 --> 00:01:13,331 (Laughter) 27 00:01:14,963 --> 00:01:18,667 Then, last January, Anthony James got an email 28 00:01:18,691 --> 00:01:20,642 from a biologist named Ethan Bier. 29 00:01:21,400 --> 00:01:24,259 Bier said that he and his grad student Valentino Gantz 30 00:01:24,283 --> 00:01:27,227 had stumbled on a tool that could not only guarantee 31 00:01:27,251 --> 00:01:29,925 that a particular genetic trait would be inherited, 32 00:01:29,949 --> 00:01:32,028 but that it would spread incredibly quickly. 33 00:01:32,734 --> 00:01:35,400 If they were right, it would basically solve the problem 34 00:01:35,424 --> 00:01:37,805 that he and James had been working on for 20 years. 35 00:01:38,450 --> 00:01:43,108 As a test, they engineered two mosquitos to carry the anti-malaria gene 36 00:01:43,132 --> 00:01:45,291 and also this new tool, a gene drive, 37 00:01:45,315 --> 00:01:46,806 which I'll explain in a minute. 38 00:01:47,506 --> 00:01:49,839 Finally, they set it up so that any mosquitos 39 00:01:49,863 --> 00:01:51,801 that had inherited the anti-malaria gene 40 00:01:51,825 --> 00:01:55,824 wouldn't have the usual white eyes, but would instead have red eyes. 41 00:01:56,682 --> 00:01:58,732 That was pretty much just for convenience 42 00:01:58,756 --> 00:02:01,293 so they could tell just at a glance which was which. 43 00:02:02,192 --> 00:02:04,949 So they took their two anti-malarial, red-eyed mosquitos 44 00:02:04,973 --> 00:02:07,632 and put them in a box with 30 ordinary white-eyed ones, 45 00:02:07,656 --> 00:02:08,830 and let them breed. 46 00:02:09,383 --> 00:02:13,240 In two generations, those had produced 3,800 grandchildren. 47 00:02:14,217 --> 00:02:16,010 That is not the surprising part. 48 00:02:16,716 --> 00:02:18,638 This is the surprising part: 49 00:02:18,662 --> 00:02:21,569 given that you started with just two red-eyed mosquitos 50 00:02:21,593 --> 00:02:22,927 and 30 white-eyed ones, 51 00:02:22,951 --> 00:02:25,712 you expect mostly white-eyed descendants. 52 00:02:26,514 --> 00:02:29,538 Instead, when James opened the box, 53 00:02:29,562 --> 00:02:32,903 all 3,800 mosquitos had red eyes. 54 00:02:33,315 --> 00:02:35,355 When I asked Ethan Bier about this moment, 55 00:02:35,379 --> 00:02:38,894 he became so excited that he was literally shouting into the phone. 56 00:02:39,886 --> 00:02:42,049 That's because getting only red-eyed mosquitos 57 00:02:42,073 --> 00:02:45,021 violates a rule that is the absolute cornerstone of biology, 58 00:02:45,045 --> 00:02:46,287 Mendelian genetics. 59 00:02:46,912 --> 00:02:48,081 I'll keep this quick, 60 00:02:48,105 --> 00:02:50,869 but Mendelian genetics says when a male and a female mate, 61 00:02:50,893 --> 00:02:53,535 their baby inherits half of its DNA from each parent. 62 00:02:53,559 --> 00:02:57,154 So if our original mosquito was aa and our new mosquito is aB, 63 00:02:57,178 --> 00:02:58,980 where B is the anti-malarial gene, 64 00:02:59,004 --> 00:03:01,391 the babies should come out in four permutations: 65 00:03:01,415 --> 00:03:03,988 aa, aB, aa, Ba. 66 00:03:04,884 --> 00:03:07,173 Instead, with the new gene drive, 67 00:03:07,197 --> 00:03:08,709 they all came out aB. 68 00:03:09,900 --> 00:03:12,452 Biologically, that shouldn't even be possible. 69 00:03:12,476 --> 00:03:13,780 So what happened? 70 00:03:14,709 --> 00:03:16,153 The first thing that happened 71 00:03:16,177 --> 00:03:19,447 was the arrival of a gene-editing tool known as CRISPR in 2012. 72 00:03:20,701 --> 00:03:22,811 Many of you have probably heard about CRISPR, 73 00:03:22,835 --> 00:03:26,136 so I'll just say briefly that CRISPR is a tool that allows researchers 74 00:03:26,160 --> 00:03:28,739 to edit genes very precisely, easily and quickly. 75 00:03:29,533 --> 00:03:33,262 It does this by harnessing a mechanism that already existed in bacteria. 76 00:03:33,286 --> 00:03:35,912 Basically, there's a protein that acts like a scissors 77 00:03:35,936 --> 00:03:37,170 and cuts the DNA, 78 00:03:37,194 --> 00:03:39,677 and there's an RNA molecule that directs the scissors 79 00:03:39,701 --> 00:03:41,419 to any point on the genome you want. 80 00:03:41,443 --> 00:03:44,133 The result is basically a word processor for genes. 81 00:03:44,157 --> 00:03:46,783 You can take an entire gene out, put one in, 82 00:03:46,807 --> 00:03:49,252 or even edit just a single letter within a gene. 83 00:03:49,646 --> 00:03:51,599 And you can do it in nearly any species. 84 00:03:53,328 --> 00:03:57,042 OK, remember how I said that gene drives originally had two problems? 85 00:03:57,835 --> 00:04:00,955 The first was that it was hard to engineer a mosquito 86 00:04:00,979 --> 00:04:02,366 to be malaria-resistant. 87 00:04:02,390 --> 00:04:04,517 That's basically gone now, thanks to CRISPR. 88 00:04:05,117 --> 00:04:06,879 But the other problem was logistical. 89 00:04:07,307 --> 00:04:09,109 How do you get your trait to spread? 90 00:04:10,196 --> 00:04:11,672 This is where it gets clever. 91 00:04:12,943 --> 00:04:16,545 A couple years ago, a biologist at Harvard named Kevin Esvelt 92 00:04:16,569 --> 00:04:17,919 wondered what would happen 93 00:04:17,943 --> 00:04:21,570 if you made it so that CRISPR inserted not only your new gene 94 00:04:21,594 --> 00:04:24,435 but also the machinery that does the cutting and pasting. 95 00:04:25,233 --> 00:04:29,073 In other words, what if CRISPR also copied and pasted itself. 96 00:04:30,145 --> 00:04:33,276 You'd end up with a perpetual motion machine for gene editing. 97 00:04:34,458 --> 00:04:36,192 And that's exactly what happened. 98 00:04:37,037 --> 00:04:39,915 This CRISPR gene drive that Esvelt created 99 00:04:39,939 --> 00:04:43,582 not only guarantees that a trait will get passed on, 100 00:04:43,606 --> 00:04:46,044 but if it's used in the germline cells, 101 00:04:46,068 --> 00:04:48,644 it will automatically copy and paste your new gene 102 00:04:48,668 --> 00:04:51,314 into both chromosomes of every single individual. 103 00:04:51,743 --> 00:04:54,140 It's like a global search and replace, 104 00:04:54,164 --> 00:04:57,385 or in science terms, it makes a heterozygous trait homozygous. 105 00:04:59,045 --> 00:05:01,656 So, what does this mean? 106 00:05:01,680 --> 00:05:04,404 For one thing, it means we have a very powerful, 107 00:05:04,428 --> 00:05:07,085 but also somewhat alarming new tool. 108 00:05:08,576 --> 00:05:11,465 Up until now, the fact that gene drives didn't work very well 109 00:05:11,489 --> 00:05:12,972 was actually kind of a relief. 110 00:05:13,425 --> 00:05:16,107 Normally when we mess around with an organism's genes, 111 00:05:16,131 --> 00:05:18,480 we make that thing less evolutionarily fit. 112 00:05:18,504 --> 00:05:21,337 So biologists can make all the mutant fruit flies they want 113 00:05:21,361 --> 00:05:22,614 without worrying about it. 114 00:05:22,638 --> 00:05:25,645 If some escape, natural selection just takes care of them. 115 00:05:26,750 --> 00:05:29,973 What's remarkable and powerful and frightening about gene drives 116 00:05:29,997 --> 00:05:31,757 is that that will no longer be true. 117 00:05:33,092 --> 00:05:36,656 Assuming that your trait does not have a big evolutionary handicap, 118 00:05:36,680 --> 00:05:38,759 like a mosquito that can't fly, 119 00:05:38,783 --> 00:05:42,236 the CRISPR-based gene drive will spread the change relentlessly 120 00:05:42,260 --> 00:05:45,266 until it is in every single individual in the population. 121 00:05:47,101 --> 00:05:49,990 Now, it isn't easy to make a gene drive that works that well, 122 00:05:50,014 --> 00:05:52,188 but James and Esvelt think that we can. 123 00:05:53,339 --> 00:05:57,163 The good news is that this opens the door to some remarkable things. 124 00:05:57,187 --> 00:05:59,091 If you put an anti-malarial gene drive 125 00:05:59,115 --> 00:06:01,315 in just 1 percent of Anopheles mosquitoes, 126 00:06:01,339 --> 00:06:03,091 the species that transmits malaria, 127 00:06:03,488 --> 00:06:07,607 researchers estimate that it would spread to the entire population in a year. 128 00:06:08,178 --> 00:06:11,047 So in a year, you could virtually eliminate malaria. 129 00:06:11,455 --> 00:06:15,327 In practice, we're still a few years out from being able to do that, 130 00:06:15,351 --> 00:06:18,069 but still, a 1,000 children a day die of malaria. 131 00:06:18,093 --> 00:06:20,283 In a year, that number could be almost zero. 132 00:06:20,966 --> 00:06:23,862 The same goes for dengue fever, chikungunya, yellow fever. 133 00:06:25,211 --> 00:06:26,616 And it gets better. 134 00:06:27,215 --> 00:06:29,691 Say you want to get rid of an invasive species, 135 00:06:29,715 --> 00:06:31,838 like get Asian carp out of the Great Lakes. 136 00:06:32,434 --> 00:06:34,458 All you have to do is release a gene drive 137 00:06:34,482 --> 00:06:36,799 that makes the fish produce only male offspring. 138 00:06:37,386 --> 00:06:41,584 In a few generations, there'll be no females left, no more carp. 139 00:06:41,608 --> 00:06:44,687 In theory, this means we could restore hundreds of native species 140 00:06:44,711 --> 00:06:46,378 that have been pushed to the brink. 141 00:06:47,410 --> 00:06:50,697 OK, that's the good news, 142 00:06:50,721 --> 00:06:52,013 this is the bad news. 143 00:06:53,070 --> 00:06:55,098 Gene drives are so effective 144 00:06:55,122 --> 00:06:58,947 that even an accidental release could change an entire species, 145 00:06:58,971 --> 00:07:00,161 and often very quickly. 146 00:07:01,178 --> 00:07:03,304 Anthony James took good precautions. 147 00:07:03,328 --> 00:07:05,494 He bred his mosquitos in a bio-containment lab 148 00:07:05,518 --> 00:07:08,106 and he also used a species that's not native to the US 149 00:07:08,130 --> 00:07:09,685 so that even if some did escape, 150 00:07:09,709 --> 00:07:12,724 they'd just die off, there'd be nothing for them to mate with. 151 00:07:12,748 --> 00:07:16,771 But it's also true that if a dozen Asian carp with the all-male gene drive 152 00:07:16,795 --> 00:07:20,724 accidentally got carried from the Great Lakes back to Asia, 153 00:07:20,748 --> 00:07:24,177 they could potentially wipe out the native Asian carp population. 154 00:07:25,930 --> 00:07:28,842 And that's not so unlikely, given how connected our world is. 155 00:07:28,866 --> 00:07:31,437 In fact, it's why we have an invasive species problem. 156 00:07:31,912 --> 00:07:33,080 And that's fish. 157 00:07:33,428 --> 00:07:36,016 Things like mosquitos and fruit flies, 158 00:07:36,040 --> 00:07:38,000 there's literally no way to contain them. 159 00:07:38,024 --> 00:07:40,135 They cross borders and oceans all the time. 160 00:07:41,754 --> 00:07:43,936 OK, the other piece of bad news 161 00:07:43,960 --> 00:07:46,278 is that a gene drive might not stay confined 162 00:07:46,302 --> 00:07:48,115 to what we call the target species. 163 00:07:48,556 --> 00:07:50,055 That's because of gene flow, 164 00:07:50,079 --> 00:07:52,676 which is a fancy way of saying that neighboring species 165 00:07:52,700 --> 00:07:53,948 sometimes interbreed. 166 00:07:53,972 --> 00:07:57,123 If that happens, it's possible a gene drive could cross over, 167 00:07:57,147 --> 00:07:59,674 like Asian carp could infect some other kind of carp. 168 00:07:59,698 --> 00:08:03,413 That's not so bad if your drive just promotes a trait, like eye color. 169 00:08:03,437 --> 00:08:05,684 In fact, there's a decent chance that we'll see 170 00:08:05,708 --> 00:08:08,279 a wave of very weird fruit flies in the near future. 171 00:08:09,390 --> 00:08:10,653 But it could be a disaster 172 00:08:10,677 --> 00:08:13,581 if your drive is deigned to eliminate the species entirely. 173 00:08:14,351 --> 00:08:17,879 The last worrisome thing is that the technology to do this, 174 00:08:17,903 --> 00:08:21,594 to genetically engineer an organism and include a gene drive, 175 00:08:21,618 --> 00:08:24,952 is something that basically any lab in the world can do. 176 00:08:24,976 --> 00:08:26,316 An undergraduate can do it. 177 00:08:27,209 --> 00:08:30,491 A talented high schooler with some equipment can do it. 178 00:08:32,526 --> 00:08:34,835 Now, I'm guessing that this sounds terrifying. 179 00:08:35,351 --> 00:08:37,557 (Laughter) 180 00:08:37,581 --> 00:08:40,471 Interestingly though, nearly every scientist I talk to 181 00:08:40,495 --> 00:08:44,376 seemed to think that gene drives were not actually that frightening or dangerous. 182 00:08:44,400 --> 00:08:47,028 Partly because they believe that scientists will be 183 00:08:47,052 --> 00:08:49,256 very cautious and responsible about using them. 184 00:08:49,280 --> 00:08:50,294 (Laughter) 185 00:08:50,318 --> 00:08:51,548 So far, that's been true. 186 00:08:52,302 --> 00:08:54,998 But gene drives also have some actual limitations. 187 00:08:55,022 --> 00:08:58,331 So for one thing, they work only in sexually reproducing species. 188 00:08:58,704 --> 00:09:02,132 So thank goodness, they can't be used to engineer viruses or bacteria. 189 00:09:02,156 --> 00:09:05,346 Also, the trait spreads only with each successive generation. 190 00:09:05,370 --> 00:09:07,363 So changing or eliminating a population 191 00:09:07,387 --> 00:09:10,713 is practical only if that species has a fast reproductive cycle, 192 00:09:10,737 --> 00:09:13,537 like insects or maybe small vertebrates like mice or fish. 193 00:09:14,438 --> 00:09:16,699 In elephants or people, it would take centuries 194 00:09:16,723 --> 00:09:19,103 for a trait to spread widely enough to matter. 195 00:09:20,079 --> 00:09:25,221 Also, even with CRISPR, it's not that easy to engineer a truly devastating trait. 196 00:09:26,079 --> 00:09:27,808 Say you wanted to make a fruit fly 197 00:09:27,832 --> 00:09:30,387 that feeds on ordinary fruit instead of rotting fruit, 198 00:09:30,411 --> 00:09:33,044 with the aim of sabotaging American agriculture. 199 00:09:33,068 --> 00:09:34,598 First, you'd have to figure out 200 00:09:34,622 --> 00:09:37,394 which genes control what the fly wants to eat, 201 00:09:37,418 --> 00:09:39,965 which is already a very long and complicated project. 202 00:09:40,489 --> 00:09:43,793 Then you'd have to alter those genes to change the fly's behavior 203 00:09:43,817 --> 00:09:45,355 to whatever you'd want it to be, 204 00:09:45,379 --> 00:09:48,180 which is an even longer and more complicated project. 205 00:09:48,204 --> 00:09:49,522 And it might not even work, 206 00:09:49,546 --> 00:09:52,040 because the genes that control behavior are complex. 207 00:09:52,064 --> 00:09:54,072 So if you're a terrorist and have to choose 208 00:09:54,096 --> 00:09:56,454 between starting a grueling basic research program 209 00:09:56,478 --> 00:10:00,005 that will require years of meticulous lab work and still might not pan out, 210 00:10:00,029 --> 00:10:01,376 or just blowing stuff up? 211 00:10:01,400 --> 00:10:03,055 You'll probably choose the later. 212 00:10:03,498 --> 00:10:05,918 This is especially true because at least in theory, 213 00:10:05,942 --> 00:10:09,076 it should be pretty easy to build what's called a reversal drive. 214 00:10:09,100 --> 00:10:12,798 That's one that basically overwrites the change made by the first gene drive. 215 00:10:12,822 --> 00:10:15,116 So if you don't like the effects of a change, 216 00:10:15,140 --> 00:10:17,973 you can just release a second drive that will cancel it out, 217 00:10:17,997 --> 00:10:19,147 at least in theory. 218 00:10:21,374 --> 00:10:23,096 OK, so where does this leave us? 219 00:10:24,604 --> 00:10:28,199 We now have the ability to change entire species at will. 220 00:10:29,017 --> 00:10:30,183 Should we? 221 00:10:30,552 --> 00:10:31,917 Are we gods now? 222 00:10:33,972 --> 00:10:35,305 I'm not sure I'd say that. 223 00:10:36,094 --> 00:10:37,321 But I would say this: 224 00:10:38,329 --> 00:10:40,187 first, some very smart people 225 00:10:40,211 --> 00:10:43,067 are even now debating how to regulate gene drives. 226 00:10:43,598 --> 00:10:46,162 At the same time, some other very smart people 227 00:10:46,186 --> 00:10:48,297 are working hard to create safeguards, 228 00:10:48,321 --> 00:10:51,873 like gene drives that self-regulate or peter out after a few generations. 229 00:10:52,644 --> 00:10:53,844 That's great. 230 00:10:54,313 --> 00:10:56,860 But this technology still requires a conversation. 231 00:10:58,059 --> 00:10:59,789 And given the nature of gene drives, 232 00:10:59,813 --> 00:11:01,503 that conversation has to be global. 233 00:11:02,131 --> 00:11:04,838 What if Kenya wants to use a drive but Tanzania doesn't? 234 00:11:05,241 --> 00:11:08,608 Who decides whether to release a gene drive that can fly? 235 00:11:10,874 --> 00:11:12,828 I don't have the answer to that question. 236 00:11:13,618 --> 00:11:15,626 All we can do going forward, I think, 237 00:11:15,650 --> 00:11:18,484 is talk honestly about the risks and benefits 238 00:11:18,508 --> 00:11:20,730 and take responsibility for our choices. 239 00:11:21,817 --> 00:11:25,730 By that I mean, not just the choice to use a gene drive, 240 00:11:25,754 --> 00:11:27,753 but also the choice not to use one. 241 00:11:29,111 --> 00:11:32,088 Humans have a tendency to assume that the safest option 242 00:11:32,112 --> 00:11:33,904 is to preserve the status quo. 243 00:11:34,905 --> 00:11:36,477 But that's not always the case. 244 00:11:37,711 --> 00:11:41,112 Gene drives have risks, and those need to be discussed, 245 00:11:41,136 --> 00:11:44,286 but malaria exists now and kills 1,000 people a day. 246 00:11:44,977 --> 00:11:48,541 To combat it, we spray pesticides that do grave damage to other species, 247 00:11:48,565 --> 00:11:50,135 including amphibians and birds. 248 00:11:51,668 --> 00:11:54,532 So when you hear about gene drives in the coming months, 249 00:11:54,556 --> 00:11:56,810 and trust me, you will be hearing about them, 250 00:11:56,834 --> 00:11:58,378 remember that. 251 00:11:58,402 --> 00:12:00,422 It can be frightening to act, 252 00:12:00,446 --> 00:12:02,583 but sometimes, not acting is worse. 253 00:12:04,746 --> 00:12:12,566 (Applause)