Welcome to Just Between Us I'm Allison! I'm Gaby. Or am I? My hair's so different. Yeah it's different. We both went through huge transformations. I cut my own bangs. Allison, my hair is literally a totally different color. You're not gonna talk about how I changed my hair? I said I liked it! Yeah, but isn't it like- extreme? It's too much, maybe? It's like- it's like too punk? I think it looks nice. (sighs) Well that's disappointing. Why do I do anything if it's not gonna shock you? It's very hard to shock me at this point. I'm still uncomfortable. I'm just not shocked. ♪ (groovy music) ♪ This week, we have a REAL question from a REAL viewer. That's right, folks. People have been emailing our gmail! I actually looked at the gmail, and it's true. People HAVE been emailing us. I can't believe it. There are like 7 emails spread across the country! Including one from Ireland! Hello, mom and dad. I'm doing something with my life. This week's REAL question is how do you hit on a guy when you're out? From Emily in Georgia. Here is a misconception: that all women are desirable. I'm not saying that you won't be desirable to some men, but you're not desirable to all men. Uhh, nope. I think pretty much any girl could get any guy. I can prove you wrong. Maybe you just need to have confidence. I like to do a game where I'm super mean to them. So maybe go up and insult their jacket, or tell them their hair looks stupid. Just anything to make them doubt themselves and then you just swoop in there. My biggest piece of advice on how to hit on a guy when you're out is don't bring Gaby. I've never had you not cause the man to leave in an uproar or cause the man to leave with you. Yeah, that's success. I think that you should only be interested enough where you could deny your interest later. Y'know, so you don't get embarrassed. If I could go up to men that I was interested in in public and just put a sticker on them that says 'mine', I would do that. And there wouldn't be any men left for everyone else. That's because no one else had stickers printed off. Emily, you can meet someone anywhere you want to. That's the privilege of being a girl. That's the one benefit we get. Couldn't vote til 1920, but we can hook up with pretty much any guy we want. ♪ (groovy music) ♪ Just be as weird as possible. I don't like when girls are like "what should I write back in this text? What should I say to this guy?" Say fucking crazy shit. Be like, "did you know a duck's penis is a corkscrew?" Whatever! And then if they can't hang, they'll leave and then you didn't want them anyway. A duck's penis, it's the shape of a corkscrew? Oh yeah! Because the duck's vagina is labyrinthian.