0:00:00.120,0:00:00.779 Commander 0:00:00.779,0:00:01.320 What is it? 0:00:01.320,0:00:02.686 This just in from the weather office 0:00:02.686,0:00:03.723 My God it's not... 0:00:03.723,0:00:04.404 Yes sir 0:00:04.404,0:00:05.158 sunshine 0:00:05.158,0:00:06.382 clear skies 0:00:06.382,0:00:07.577 it's the first hot day of the year 0:00:07.577,0:00:08.807 This is it gentlemen 0:00:08.807,0:00:09.832 this is what we trained for 0:00:09.832,0:00:11.353 Move it! move it, move it! 0:00:11.353,0:00:12.401 Should we double the patrol numbers? 0:00:12.401,0:00:13.199 Quadruple them 0:00:13.199,0:00:13.918 Quadruple them? 0:00:13.918,0:00:15.606 half of those patrollers are going to call in sick 0:00:15.606,0:00:17.500 along with every other worker in this country 0:00:17.500,0:00:18.776 There's going to be a run on the banks 0:00:18.776,0:00:19.611 The cash machines? 0:00:19.611,0:00:20.647 River banks, canal banks 0:00:20.647,0:00:22.040 anywhere there's an open body of water 0:00:22.040,0:00:23.384 where people can sit with a can in their hand 0:00:23.384,0:00:25.032 The city is going to get overwhelmed with people 0:00:25.032,0:00:25.800 out drinking on the streets 0:00:25.800,0:00:27.498 Public urination is going to be at an all-time high 0:00:27.498,0:00:28.440 Issue a yellow warning 0:00:28.440,0:00:29.044 Yes sir 0:00:29.044,0:00:30.567 And tell all units to tread carefully 0:00:30.567,0:00:31.680 I want a man on every rooftop 0:00:31.680,0:00:32.180 Yes 0:00:32.180,0:00:32.680 Bar 0:00:33.231,0:00:34.571 Should we concentrate all our efforts there? 0:00:34.571,0:00:35.839 No the garden centers 0:00:35.839,0:00:36.771 They're going to be swamped 0:00:36.771,0:00:38.142 angry mobs waiting in line 0:00:38.142,0:00:39.219 holding shovels and pitchforks 0:00:39.219,0:00:40.594 The lawnmower repair centers 0:00:40.594,0:00:42.141 they'll be overwhelmed with people desperate 0:00:42.141,0:00:43.851 they've been waiting in the long grass 0:00:43.851,0:00:44.795 for a dry day 0:00:44.795,0:00:45.954 We should let the hospitals know 0:00:45.954,0:00:47.489 the emergency departments are going to be overrun 0:00:47.489,0:00:48.288 Middle-aged men 0:00:48.288,0:00:49.360 meeting up to play football 0:00:49.360,0:00:50.799 for the first time in nearly a year 0:00:50.799,0:00:52.034 We should also prep the burn wards 0:00:52.034,0:00:52.698 Sunburn? 0:00:52.698,0:00:53.498 No 0:00:53.498,0:00:55.240 Irish people trying to use a barbecue 0:00:55.240,0:00:57.034 The sick calls have already started coming in sir 0:00:57.034,0:00:57.972 Call on the reserves 0:00:57.972,0:00:58.472 The Army 0:00:58.472,0:00:59.159 No 0:00:59.159,0:01:00.391 the dairy reserves 0:01:00.391,0:01:00.891 Yes sir 0:01:00.891,0:01:03.137 Mr Whippy is going to need all the help he can get 0:01:03.137,0:01:05.517 I want checkpoints posted at all the local parks 0:01:05.517,0:01:06.380 What are we looking for sir? 0:01:06.380,0:01:07.533 Pricks with guitars 0:01:07.533,0:01:08.246 What about the roads? 0:01:08.246,0:01:09.665 Be extra vigilant for joy riders 0:01:09.665,0:01:10.337 Car theft? 0:01:10.337,0:01:11.062 No 0:01:11.062,0:01:12.793 People aimlessly driving their convertibles around 0:01:12.793,0:01:14.945 with the top down to justify the purchase 0:01:14.945,0:01:16.020 Get me the Department of Justice 0:01:16.020,0:01:17.030 I need to speak with the minister 0:01:17.030,0:01:17.908 She's out sick sir 0:01:17.908,0:01:18.455 Damn it 0:01:18.455,0:01:19.919 Sir there's rumors of Irish people looking 0:01:19.919,0:01:21.061 sexy on a beach 0:01:21.061,0:01:23.078 We need to stop the spread of disinformation 0:01:23.078,0:01:24.197 What else can we do Commander? 0:01:24.197,0:01:26.222 All we can do now 0:01:26.222,0:01:28.600 is pray for rain 0:01:28.600,0:01:29.592 Uh... 0:01:29.592,0:01:30.742 Do you think we we could maybe 0:01:30.742,0:01:32.392 tip off early today?? 0:01:33.537,0:01:34.737 Well I don't see why not 0:01:34.737,0:01:35.774 Doomdah 0:01:35.774,0:01:37.272 There's been reports of people not subscribing 0:01:37.272,0:01:38.933 to the channel I mean... 0:01:38.933,0:01:39.921 These have been backed up 0:01:39.921,0:01:41.341 by independent witnesses 0:01:41.341,0:01:42.529 and statistics 0:01:42.529,0:01:43.914 We are coming to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 0:01:43.914,0:01:45.221 with our new show this August 0:01:45.221,0:01:46.812 if you're up there please check it out 0:01:47.618,0:01:49.666 Doomdah