0:00:00.566,0:00:02.900 In the last video we[br]hopefully got the intuition 0:00:02.900,0:00:05.816 between how real interest rates 0:00:05.816,0:00:08.002 might impact planned investment. 0:00:08.002,0:00:11.233 We saw that if real[br]interest rates went up, 0:00:11.233,0:00:15.484 then planned investment went down. 0:00:15.484,0:00:17.204 If real interest rates went down, 0:00:17.204,0:00:21.149 then planned investment went up. 0:00:21.149,0:00:22.937 What we want to do in this video is 0:00:22.937,0:00:25.067 take this conclusion right over here, 0:00:25.067,0:00:28.150 this hopefully fairly intuitive[br]conclusion right over here 0:00:28.150,0:00:30.150 and apply it to our Keynesian Cross 0:00:30.150,0:00:31.734 and think about how real interest rates 0:00:31.734,0:00:34.270 would effect overall planned expenditure 0:00:34.270,0:00:35.783 and what that would do in a model 0:00:35.783,0:00:37.982 like the Keynesian Cross, 0:00:37.982,0:00:42.934 what that would do to our[br]equilibrium real GDPs. 0:00:42.934,0:00:44.600 Just as a reminder, 0:00:44.600,0:00:46.849 let's just draw our Keynesian Cross first, 0:00:46.849,0:00:48.433 or parts of it. 0:00:48.433,0:00:49.933 On this axis right over here, 0:00:49.933,0:00:52.116 we have expenditures. 0:00:52.116,0:00:55.267 This axis right over here, 0:00:55.267,0:00:57.383 we have income. 0:00:57.383,0:00:59.515 We know, from many videos now, 0:00:59.515,0:01:01.515 that an economy is a equilibrium 0:01:01.515,0:01:03.185 when income is equal, 0:01:03.185,0:01:05.648 when aggregate real income 0:01:05.648,0:01:07.868 is equal to aggregate real expenditures. 0:01:07.868,0:01:10.357 Circular flow of GDP. 0:01:10.357,0:01:11.273 Let's draw ⌠0:01:11.273,0:01:13.450 Let me make a line that's all the points 0:01:13.450,0:01:16.608 where Y is equal to expenditures. 0:01:16.608,0:01:19.785 Along this 45 degree line right over here. 0:01:19.785,0:01:21.358 This is our expenditures. 0:01:21.358,0:01:22.608 At this point right over here, 0:01:22.608,0:01:24.318 that should be the same value 0:01:24.318,0:01:27.023 as what our aggregate income is. 0:01:27.023,0:01:28.524 That's part of the Keynesian Cross. 0:01:28.524,0:01:29.783 The other part is to actually 0:01:29.783,0:01:32.607 plot planned expenditures relative to this 0:01:32.607,0:01:33.941 and then see where they intersect. 0:01:33.941,0:01:37.049 What the equilibrium for that[br]planned expenditure line? 0:01:37.049,0:01:38.848 I'll write it here as ... 0:01:38.848,0:01:41.049 I've written it in the past as planned. 0:01:41.049,0:01:42.384 I just wrote out the word. 0:01:42.384,0:01:45.651 Planned expenditures. 0:01:45.651,0:01:51.858 We could write it as[br]expenditures planned, like that. 0:01:51.858,0:01:55.784 It's equal to our aggregate consumption. 0:01:55.784,0:01:57.117 Our aggregate consumption, 0:01:57.117,0:02:01.116 we can write it as a function[br]of disposable income. 0:02:01.116,0:02:02.983 Y - T is disposable income. 0:02:02.983,0:02:05.583 Aggregat income minus aggregate taxes. 0:02:05.583,0:02:07.117 I want to be very clear here. 0:02:07.117,0:02:09.521 This is not saying C x Y - T. 0:02:09.521,0:02:11.856 This is saying C is a function of Y - T. 0:02:11.856,0:02:15.116 Give my a Y - T and I will give you a C. 0:02:15.116,0:02:17.439 For the sake of our[br]Keynesian Cross analysis, 0:02:17.439,0:02:18.715 and this is kind of kind[br]of what you would see 0:02:18.715,0:02:20.359 in a traditional intro class, 0:02:20.359,0:02:23.651 we assume that we have a[br]linear consumption function. 0:02:23.651,0:02:25.716 We assume that our consumption functions. 0:02:25.716,0:02:28.649 C as a function of disposable income. 0:02:28.649,0:02:31.783 It might be something like[br]our autonomous consumption 0:02:31.783,0:02:33.939 plus our marginal propensity to consume 0:02:33.939,0:02:37.783 times our aggregate income, minus taxes. 0:02:37.783,0:02:39.916 This right over here[br]really is multiplication. 0:02:39.916,0:02:42.250 We could distribute this C 1. 0:02:42.250,0:02:46.985 This is just saying C[br]as a function of Y - T. 0:02:46.985,0:02:49.856 That's only one part of[br]planned expenditures. 0:02:49.856,0:02:51.049 Above and beyond that, 0:02:51.049,0:02:53.690 we have planned investment. 0:02:53.690,0:02:55.607 We're talking about the[br]planned side of things. 0:02:55.607,0:02:57.382 Now we know that planned investment ... 0:02:57.382,0:03:00.450 In the past we viewed it as a constant, 0:03:00.450,0:03:01.859 but now we know it can actually be 0:03:01.859,0:03:05.381 a function of real interest rates. 0:03:05.381,0:03:06.941 Above and beyond that, 0:03:06.941,0:03:09.450 we have government expenditures 0:03:09.450,0:03:11.522 and then net exports. 0:03:11.522,0:03:14.117 For some given real interest rate, 0:03:14.117,0:03:15.584 we can plot this line. 0:03:15.584,0:03:17.190 The consumption function right over here 0:03:17.190,0:03:20.984 is just a line with a[br]positive slope that intersects 0:03:20.984,0:03:24.857 the vertical axis at some place up here. 0:03:24.857,0:03:26.383 It has a positive intersect. 0:03:26.383,0:03:28.316 All of these, for given interest rate, 0:03:28.316,0:03:29.941 these are all going to be constant. 0:03:29.941,0:03:34.050 Our planned expenditures would[br]look something like this. 0:03:34.050,0:03:37.318 It might look something like that. 0:03:37.318,0:03:40.608 This is YP. 0:03:40.608,0:03:43.182 Let's call this YP_1. 0:03:43.182,0:03:46.247 This is the YP we get when we pick ⌠0:03:46.247,0:03:47.450 I'll just write ... 0:03:47.450,0:03:49.190 I'll just rewrite the[br]whole thing over again. 0:03:49.190,0:03:50.916 We have our consumption, 0:03:50.916,0:03:53.716 which is a function of Y - T, 0:03:53.716,0:03:56.858 plus the level of[br]planned investment at ... 0:03:56.858,0:04:00.048 Let's say interest rate R1, 0:04:00.048,0:04:01.856 so at some given interest rate, 0:04:01.856,0:04:03.857 plus government spending, 0:04:03.857,0:04:07.524 plus net exports. 0:04:07.524,0:04:08.650 We see ... 0:04:08.650,0:04:10.051 We've done this Keynesian Cross analysis 0:04:10.051,0:04:11.916 several times now, already. 0:04:11.916,0:04:14.783 This is our equilibrium level of GDP. 0:04:14.783,0:04:17.250 This is where along our[br]planned expenditure line, 0:04:17.250,0:04:20.784 where income is equal to expenditures, 0:04:20.784,0:04:22.450 or output is equal to expenditures. 0:04:22.450,0:04:25.191 We are equilibrium right over here. 0:04:25.191,0:04:28.999 We're not eating into[br]inventories in an unplanned way 0:04:28.999,0:04:31.398 and we're not building excessive inventory 0:04:31.398,0:04:34.597 above and beyond what we had planned. 0:04:34.597,0:04:35.998 Now, what I want to think about, 0:04:35.998,0:04:43.731 what happens if interest[br]rates go from R1 to R2? 0:04:43.731,0:04:47.315 What happens if interest[br]rates go from R1 to R2 0:04:47.315,0:04:50.665 and in particular let's assume that R2? 0:04:50.665,0:04:54.796 Now, we're going have[br]planned investment at R2 0:04:54.796,0:04:58.316 and we're going to assume[br]that R2 is less than R1. 0:04:58.316,0:04:59.265 We're essentially saying, 0:04:59.265,0:05:01.731 what happens when interest rates go down. 0:05:01.731,0:05:02.597 We already know. 0:05:02.597,0:05:04.856 When interest rates go down, 0:05:04.856,0:05:08.798 planned investment goes up. 0:05:08.798,0:05:09.932 Everything else equal, 0:05:09.932,0:05:11.933 if this thing shifts up, 0:05:11.933,0:05:14.999 if this term right over[br]here goes from R ... 0:05:14.999,0:05:18.149 if the input into it, if the[br]real interest rate goes down, 0:05:18.149,0:05:21.332 then this whole expression[br]is going to go up 0:05:21.332,0:05:23.423 and so you're going to have an increase. 0:05:23.423,0:05:25.080 You're going to have a shifting up 0:05:25.080,0:05:26.465 of your planned expenditure 0:05:26.465,0:05:28.996 for any level of income. 0:05:28.996,0:05:31.198 It might look something like this. 0:05:31.198,0:05:34.079 It would look something like this. 0:05:34.079,0:05:37.196 This delta right over here, this ... 0:05:37.196,0:05:38.665 Let me do it right over here. 0:05:38.665,0:05:40.398 This distance right over here 0:05:40.398,0:05:44.263 is going to be your change[br]in planned investment. 0:05:44.263,0:05:46.996 It went up because[br]interest rates went down. 0:05:46.996,0:05:49.329 We saw that in the last video. 0:05:49.329,0:05:51.931 We saw that we got to a new level, 0:05:51.931,0:05:53.369 or we see now that 0:05:53.369,0:05:54.743 when you shift that up, 0:05:54.743,0:05:55.600 that investment goes up. 0:05:55.600,0:05:57.200 Because real interest rate went down, 0:05:57.200,0:05:59.684 you get to a new equilibrium point. 0:05:59.684,0:06:02.768 That equilibrium point[br]is a higher level ... 0:06:02.768,0:06:06.184 it's a higher level of GDP or income. 0:06:06.184,0:06:08.101 We know from previous videos as well, 0:06:08.101,0:06:10.133 that this distance right over here 0:06:10.133,0:06:12.768 is the same as our multiplier 0:06:12.768,0:06:15.599 times the amount that[br]things got bumped up. 0:06:15.599,0:06:17.408 The amount that things got bumped up 0:06:17.408,0:06:20.099 was the change in planned investment. 0:06:20.099,0:06:22.532 Then, we multiply that[br]times our multiplier. 0:06:22.532,0:06:24.684 Our multiplier is 1 over 0:06:24.684,0:06:27.017 the marginal propensity to save, 0:06:27.017,0:06:31.132 or 1 over 1- the marginal[br]propensity to consume. 0:06:31.132,0:06:33.102 The marginal propensity to consume ... 0:06:33.102,0:06:35.398 We assume it's going to be constant 0:06:35.398,0:06:37.199 in order to even be able to do this map. 0:06:37.199,0:06:39.266 That's this piece right over there. 0:06:39.266,0:06:42.531 That is equal to our C1. 0:06:42.531,0:06:44.266 The main theme here, 0:06:44.266,0:06:48.017 the real big picture[br]here as we go on our way 0:06:48.017,0:06:50.532 to constructing our ISLM model, 0:06:50.532,0:06:52.266 is really that all we're seeing ... 0:06:52.266,0:06:54.665 when real interest rates go up, 0:06:54.665,0:06:56.278 planned investment goes down. 0:06:56.278,0:06:57.696 When interest rates go down ... 0:06:57.696,0:07:00.126 which is what we saw in this[br]example right over here. 0:07:00.126,0:07:01.662 Actually, let me write this down. 0:07:01.662,0:07:08.198 Y, planned expenditures 2 at[br]C as a function of Y - D +. 0:07:08.198,0:07:11.778 Our new planned investment,[br]at this lower interest rate, 0:07:11.778,0:07:13.817 + G + net exports. 0:07:13.817,0:07:17.454 This is our Y2 right over[br]here, our planned expenditures. 0:07:17.454,0:07:18.788 We saw in this example, 0:07:18.788,0:07:20.721 when real interest rates went down, 0:07:20.721,0:07:23.192 planned expenditures ... 0:07:23.192,0:07:24.691 When real interest rates went down, 0:07:24.691,0:07:26.120 planned investment went up. 0:07:26.120,0:07:29.387 That made total planned[br]expenditures go up. 0:07:29.387,0:07:31.985 That made total GDP go up. 0:07:31.985,0:07:34.054 Now we can have another relationship, 0:07:34.054,0:07:36.190 which is really very analogous to this. 0:07:36.190,0:07:38.941 Really, by changing this,[br]we're just shifting this curve. 0:07:38.941,0:07:42.587 Then, you have the multiplier[br]effect on our equilibrium output. 0:07:42.587,0:07:43.720 The big takeaway from here is, 0:07:43.720,0:07:46.024 if real interest rates go up, 0:07:46.024,0:07:49.121 not only does planned investment go down, 0:07:49.121,0:07:51.690 that would shift this entire curve down. 0:07:51.690,0:07:53.525 Then, that would also cause 0:07:53.525,0:07:57.191 our equilibrium real GDP to go down. 0:07:57.191,0:07:59.078 It would go down by some multiplier, 0:07:59.078,0:08:01.501 by the multiplier of[br]how much this goes down. 0:08:01.501,0:08:03.500 If real interest rates go down, 0:08:03.500,0:08:04.999 then planned investment, 0:08:04.999,0:08:06.388 because of what we saw in the last video, 0:08:06.388,0:08:07.417 goes up. 0:08:07.417,0:08:09.001 Then, that would cause ... 0:08:09.001,0:08:09.986 That would cause this whole ... 0:08:09.986,0:08:11.119 That's what we did in this video. 0:08:11.119,0:08:12.720 This curve would shift up. 0:08:12.720,0:08:13.916 If this curve shifts up, 0:08:13.916,0:08:16.520 our equilibrium GDP is going to be 0:08:16.520,0:08:20.084 however much this shifted,[br]times the multiplier, 0:08:20.084,0:08:23.916 so your equilibrium GDP is going to go up. 0:08:23.916,0:08:26.627 You really have a very[br]similar relationship 0:08:26.627,0:08:28.916 in terms of just how things move. 0:08:28.916,0:08:31.083 We can plot this. 0:08:31.083,0:08:33.119 Economist are famous for 0:08:33.119,0:08:35.707 not always plotting the[br]independent variable 0:08:35.707,0:08:37.499 the way you would want to. 0:08:37.499,0:08:38.787 As we construct our ... 0:08:38.787,0:08:40.217 What we're going to see is our IS curve. 0:08:40.217,0:08:42.467 It stands for investment savings. 0:08:42.467,0:08:43.301 What we're going to do 0:08:43.301,0:08:44.719 and we'll talk more[br]about that in the future. 0:08:44.719,0:08:46.317 We plot the convention is to put 0:08:46.317,0:08:48.986 real interest rates on the vertical axis 0:08:48.986,0:08:53.217 and to put real GDP right over here. 0:08:53.217,0:08:54.717 If you want to look at this relationship, 0:08:54.717,0:08:56.918 when we have a high real interest rate, 0:08:56.918,0:09:00.253 we're going to have a low real GDP. 0:09:00.253,0:09:02.885 When we have a low real interest rate, 0:09:02.885,0:09:04.253 we're going to have a high GDP. 0:09:04.253,0:09:06.253 It's going to make spending go up. 0:09:06.253,0:09:07.051 If spending goes up, 0:09:07.051,0:09:08.156 you have a multiplier effect. 0:09:08.156,0:09:10.127 It makes our equilibrium output go up. 0:09:10.127,0:09:12.460 Low interest rate, high real GDP, 0:09:12.460,0:09:15.125 so you have a curve that relates. 0:09:15.125,0:09:18.031 If you want to relate real[br]GDP to real interest rates 0:09:18.031,0:09:19.726 you get a curve like this, 0:09:19.726,0:09:21.697 and it's called the IS curve. 0:09:21.697,0:09:24.526 IS comes for investment savings. 0:09:24.526,0:09:26.531 We're really more focused[br]on the I part of it, 0:09:26.531,0:09:27.927 the way we analyzed here. 0:09:27.927,0:09:30.364 The whole reason, based[br]on the logic in this video 0:09:30.364,0:09:31.865 and the last one as well, 0:09:31.865,0:09:33.994 the whole reason why we[br]have this relationship 0:09:33.994,0:09:37.793 is due to real interest[br]rates impact on investment. 0:09:37.793,0:09:39.326 When you have high real interest rates, 0:09:39.326,0:09:41.031 you don't have much investment. 0:09:41.031,0:09:45.531 Also, you'll be sapping out of GDP. 0:09:45.531,0:09:47.125 If you lower interest rates, 0:09:47.125,0:09:50.260 then that makes you end up[br]having a lot more investment, 0:09:50.260,0:09:51.260 like we saw in the last video. 0:09:51.260,0:09:53.793 That will expand GDP by the multiplier 0:09:53.793,0:09:57.000 that we see right over there.