0:00:07.600,0:00:29.685 [Três sons to grande sino ...] 0:00:33.070,0:00:45.803 Centro de Prática Plum Village,[br]Templo Loving Kindness, 0:00:45.914,0:00:52.195 O Caminho do Buddha,[br]Retiro de Inverno 2008 - 2009. 0:00:55.262,0:01:03.468 Os Insights que nos ajudam[br]a Libertar-nos de Visões Erradas[br]14 December 2008. 0:01:04.670,0:01:08.596 No passado, quando Thầy recebeu[br]os Grandes Preceitos, 0:01:08.596,0:01:10.980 o Pratimoksha, 0:01:12.437,0:01:17.648 Thầy teve de os recitar em Chinês. 0:01:18.360,0:01:20.140 Chinês clássico. 0:01:20.554,0:01:22.265 Thầy não os podia recitar[br]em Vietnamita. 0:01:22.265,0:01:25.250 Hoje em dia, os monges e as monjas podem[br]recitar os preceitos em Vietnamita. 0:01:25.640,0:01:28.024 No entanto, no Vietnã, a maioria dos monges e das monjas 0:01:28.024,0:01:31.061 continua a recitar o Pratimoksha em Chinês clássico. 0:01:32.482,0:01:35.465 Sentem que recitá-lo em Chinês 0:01:35.489,0:01:39.479 soa mais sagrado do que[br]recitá-lo em Vietnamita. 0:01:46.250,0:01:49.960 É como recitar escrituras em Latim cá, 0:01:49.960,0:01:54.452 soa mais poderoso, 0:01:54.542,0:01:58.571 mais sagrado do que recitá-las, por exemplo, em Francês. 0:02:01.000,0:02:03.583 Recitar em Sânscrito 0:02:03.583,0:02:06.067 recitar em Latim. 0:02:14.186,0:02:18.844 Thầy gosta bastante das palavras [br]introdutórias do Pratimoksha 0:02:19.234,0:02:27.455 O Pratimoksha[br]que recitamos na Plum Village 0:02:27.479,0:02:32.261 é da escola Dharmagupta[br](Pháp Tạng Bộ 法藏部). 0:02:36.360,0:02:37.703 Os preceitos são como[br]o oceano sem fronteiras.[br][ Giới như hải vô nhai ][br][ 戒如海無涯 ] 0:02:37.703,0:02:41.140 Os preceitos são como tesouros preciosos,[br]nunca nos cansamos na sua busca.[br][ Như bảo cầu vô yếm ][br]如寶求無厭 ] 0:02:41.164,0:02:43.027 É porque queremos proteger a herança[br]sagrada dos verdadeiros ensinamentos[br][ Dục hộ thánh pháp tài ][br][ 欲護聖法財 ] 0:02:43.027,0:02:45.344 que nos juntámos para ouvir[br]a recitação dos preceitos.[br][ Chúng tập thính ngã thuyết ][br][ 眾集聽我說 ] 0:02:45.434,0:02:47.064 Dezasseis palavras. 0:02:47.160,0:02:49.086 Significa 0:02:49.086,0:02:54.080 que os preceitos são como [br]o oceano sem fronteiras. 0:02:58.678,0:03:03.801 Os preceitos são como[br]o oceano sem fronteiras. 0:03:04.164,0:03:06.944 "Giới như hải vô nhai," 0:03:08.628,0:03:09.909 "Như bảo cầu vô yếm" 0:03:09.933,0:03:14.010 significa que os preceitos são como[br]tesouros preciosos de que estamos à procura. 0:03:14.010,0:03:18.494 É como ir a uma montanha cheia de pedras preciosas;[br]podemos recolher tantas pedras preciosas. 0:03:18.543,0:03:21.088 Mas recolher três pedras preciosas não é suficiente, 0:03:21.088,0:03:23.349 cinco pedras preciosas não é suficiente. 0:03:24.585,0:03:26.648 Nunca é suficiente. 0:03:26.790,0:03:28.115 Então os preceitos[br]também são assim. 0:03:28.153,0:03:31.210 Estudar os preceitos,[br]seguir os preceitos, 0:03:32.124,0:03:34.491 nunca nos cansamos de o fazer. 0:03:35.080,0:03:39.190 Então na altura, como um jovem bhikshu a ler os preceitos,[br]senti que essas palavras eram maravilhosas 0:03:39.190,0:03:42.775 mas ainda não as tinha[br]compreendido totalmente. 0:03:42.840,0:03:45.114 Não tinha visto claramente que os preceitos 0:03:45.162,0:03:48.200 são tão vastos como o oceano, 0:03:48.248,0:03:50.913 e que não há fronteiras, 0:03:50.913,0:03:53.785 não há limites. 0:03:54.170,0:03:55.631 Agora consigo vê-lo. 0:03:55.655,0:04:00.190 Vejo que os preceitos[br]realmente não têm fronteiras, 0:04:00.190,0:04:01.840 tão vastos. 0:04:01.840,0:04:04.380 Quanto mais estudamos,[br]mais profundos se tornam, 0:04:04.380,0:04:08.151 quando mais estudamos, [br]mais vemos a sua vastidão. 0:04:08.285,0:04:10.685 E agora compreendo claramente a linha[br]“Giới như hải vô nhai,” 0:04:10.685,0:04:15.356 que significa, os preceitos são[br]como o oceano sem fronteiras. 0:04:15.423,0:04:17.790 No início podemos pensar[br]"São preceitos. Qual é a grande importância?" 0:04:17.790,0:04:21.064 Os cinco preceitos, o primeiro é não matar,[br]o segundo é não roubar ... 0:04:21.123,0:04:24.687 o que é tão complicado neles[br]que têm de ser considerados 0:04:24.687,0:04:31.688 tão vastos como o oceano sem fronteiras, 0:04:31.778,0:04:33.303 sem limites? 0:04:33.365,0:04:35.108 Como tesouros preciosos[br]que não nos cansamos de perseguir. 0:04:35.132,0:04:38.085 Claro, alguns de nós [br]gostam de estudar os preceitos. 0:04:38.126,0:04:41.511 Mas mesmo que gostemos[br]de estudar os preceitos, 0:04:41.511,0:04:43.520 tem de haver um ponto [br]em que sentimos que é suficiente. 0:04:43.520,0:04:47.045 Mas o parágrafo introdutório[br]diz, "như bảo cầu vô yếm." 0:04:47.095,0:04:49.564 Então como tesouros preciosos[br]que perseguimos, 0:04:49.614,0:04:51.844 não importa quantos encontramos,[br]nunca sentimos que é suficiente. 0:04:51.894,0:04:53.037 Os preceitos também são assim, 0:04:53.087,0:04:56.440 quanto mais os estudamos,[br]mais vemos quão maravilhosos são. 0:04:56.440,0:05:00.870 Então quando estudamos[br]os 5, 10 ou 14 preceitos 0:05:00.870,0:05:05.282 e pensamos que chega, 0:05:07.213,0:05:11.262 então não tocámos[br]verdadeiramente os preceitos. 0:05:13.554,0:05:16.688 Porque os preceitos são muito profundos. 0:05:17.694,0:05:21.730 Contêm concentração e insight. 0:05:21.771,0:05:25.004 E insight é um baú de tesouro 0:05:25.004,0:05:28.873 de compreensão e amor. 0:05:30.240,0:05:37.874 E então podemos estudar os preceitos[br]toda a nossa vida e ainda assim sentir que não é suficiente. 0:05:39.229,0:05:42.453 "Giới như hải vô nhai, Như bảo cầu vô yếm."[br][ 戒如海無涯,如寶求無厭 ] 0:05:42.666,0:05:47.216 Os preceitos são como[br]o oceano sem fronteiras. 0:05:47.255,0:05:53.550 Os preceitos são como uma montanha de pedras preciosas,[br]nunca nos cansamos na sua busca. 0:05:53.690,0:05:57.412 "Dục hộ thánh pháp tài, Chúng tập thính ngã thuyết."[br][ 欲護聖法財,眾集聽我說 ] 0:05:57.454,0:06:04.300 "Porque queremos proteger a[br]herança sagrada dos nobres 0:06:04.377,0:06:11.341 a sangha juntou-se aqui para ouvir[br]a recitação dos preceitos." 0:06:11.400,0:06:16.898 É porque temos uma herança[br]muito preciosa, que são os preceitos. 0:06:19.827,0:06:25.357 E se conseguirmos proteger essa herança,[br]continuaremos a ser ricos. 0:06:25.450,0:06:28.134 Se perdermos essa herança,[br]então iremos tornar-nos pobres. 0:06:28.164,0:06:33.582 É por isso que os preceitos[br]são muito importantes no Budismo. 0:06:33.672,0:06:35.530 Preceito é sila. 0:06:37.063,0:06:39.734 E estamos prestes a ter uma grande[br]cerimónia de transmissão dos preceitos. 0:06:39.758,0:06:42.633 a cerimónia da Transmissão dos Grandes Preceitos[br]da Nova Época do Lótus (Giới Đàn Mùa Sen Mới). 0:06:42.700,0:06:47.750 E muitas pessoas estão a pedir[br]a transmissão dos preceitos. 0:06:52.170,0:06:55.135 "Sila" significa 0:06:55.135,0:06:56.560 preceitos. 0:06:59.559,0:07:01.559 E 0:07:03.880,0:07:10.090 preceitos levam à concentração. 0:07:13.210,0:07:18.240 Concentração é "samadhi." 0:07:30.859,0:07:35.250 Quando os nossos preceitos e[br]concentração são poderosos o suficiente, 0:07:35.308,0:07:37.800 podemos perfurar[br]a rede de ilusão 0:07:37.833,0:07:42.290 e chegar a uma compreensão profunda,[br]a que chamamos "insight", 0:07:42.290,0:07:45.560 ou Prajna. 0:07:58.170,0:08:03.500 Então os preceitos contêm[br]concentração e insight. 0:08:03.566,0:08:06.508 Se os preceitos não contêm[br]concentração e insight, 0:08:06.550,0:08:09.425 não são preceitos verdadeiros. 0:08:09.470,0:08:13.133 Então devemos saber que preceitos aqui 0:08:15.757,0:08:19.709 contêm concentração, 0:08:21.980,0:08:25.716 e concentração contém insight. 0:08:26.374,0:08:28.441 Aqui está concentração. 0:08:29.715,0:08:31.975 E aqui está insight. 0:08:35.195,0:08:38.808 Se ao praticarmos conseguirmos[br]desenvolver concentração e insight 0:08:38.890,0:08:43.365 é porque os preceitos em si[br]contêm concentração e insight. 0:08:44.330,0:08:48.316 Então quando observamos[br]o primeiro preceito de 0:08:48.691,0:08:52.430 não matar, de proteger a vida, 0:08:53.613,0:08:57.253 sabemos que concentração e insight[br]estão aqui. 0:08:57.320,0:09:00.316 Deve haver um tipo de insight 0:09:00.316,0:09:03.880 que serve de base para os preceitos. 0:09:07.167,0:09:11.906 Nas últimas semanas[br]temos visto claramente que 0:09:12.717,0:09:15.117 insight é visão certa. 0:09:15.201,0:09:19.491 "Chánh kiến" significa visão certa. 0:09:19.491,0:09:21.851 Visão certa. 0:09:24.890,0:09:28.977 E visão certa 0:09:29.764,0:09:34.974 é a visão que leva[br]a solidariedade e amor, 0:09:34.974,0:09:38.058 e não a discriminação e divisão. 0:09:38.108,0:09:40.949 É isso que queremos dizer com visão certa. 0:09:41.240,0:09:46.675 A visão do co-surgimento interdependente,[br]a visão do interser. 0:09:46.746,0:09:48.633 Co-surgimento interdependente.[br][ Duyên sinh ] 0:09:52.600,0:09:54.640 Interser.[br][ Tương Tức ] 0:10:00.299,0:10:05.539 Co-surgimento interdependente significa[br]que isto depende daquilo para se manifestar. 0:10:05.640,0:10:09.758 Como a esquerda[br]depende da direita para ser. 0:10:09.840,0:10:13.066 Se não existe esquerda,[br]não existe direita. 0:10:13.151,0:10:15.094 Isto também é interser. 0:10:15.183,0:10:19.121 Esquerda e direita dependem[br]uma na outra para ser. 0:10:19.213,0:10:23.466 Se não existe esquerda,[br]nunca vai existir direita. 0:10:23.560,0:10:26.825 Se isto não existe, [br]então aquilo nunca vai existir. 0:10:26.880,0:10:29.820 Nos sutras, o Buddha[br]ensinou isto muito claramente, 0:10:29.870,0:10:33.758 "Isto é porque aquilo é." 0:10:34.283,0:10:36.358 É muito simples. 0:10:37.391,0:10:40.141 Isto é porque aquilo é.[br][ Thử hữu tức bỉ hữu ][br][ 此有故彼有 ] 0:10:41.960,0:10:44.670 [ Thử hữu tức bỉ hữu ][br][ 此有故彼有 ] 0:10:45.918,0:10:51.538 Significa, isto é porque aquilo é. 0:11:02.780,0:11:07.473 Isto é, então aquilo é. 0:11:07.473,0:11:10.000 Isto e aquilo. 0:11:10.320,0:11:15.070 Imaginemos que não há esquerda.[br]Como poderá haver direita? 0:11:15.129,0:11:17.186 Inicialmente vemos que[br]a esquerda e a direita 0:11:17.186,0:11:20.109 são como o sol e a lua,[br]a oporem-se. 0:11:20.160,0:11:22.552 Mas de facto,[br]elas envolvem-se. 0:11:22.635,0:11:24.519 Na esquerda está a direita. 0:11:24.558,0:11:27.950 E na direita está a esquerda. 0:11:29.097,0:11:31.464 Onde quer que esteja a esquerda,[br]está também a direita. 0:11:31.554,0:11:33.387 É maravilhoso. 0:11:33.420,0:11:36.875 Se não há esquerda,[br]não pode haver direita. 0:11:39.091,0:11:43.216 Isto é compreensão certa.[br]Aquilo a que chamamos visão certa. 0:11:47.790,0:11:53.947 É como quando dizemos[br]"eu" e "tu". 0:11:55.138,0:11:56.948 "Eu" e "tu". 0:11:56.948,0:11:58.608 Estas duas coisas. 0:12:00.666,0:12:03.816 O um e o todo. 0:12:06.448,0:12:07.550 O um 0:12:09.217,0:12:10.738 e o todo. 0:12:10.738,0:12:12.647 O um e o todo.[br][ Nhất, nhất thiết ][br][ 一 , 一切 ] 0:12:13.571,0:12:19.156 No Budismo diz-se[br]que o um é o todo. 0:12:22.490,0:12:23.343 Este é o um, 0:12:23.367,0:12:25.025 este é o todo. 0:12:25.320,0:12:28.191 O um. O todo.[br][ 一 , 一切 ] 0:12:28.835,0:12:31.933 Porque é que o um é o todo? 0:12:32.090,0:12:36.464 Porque olhando profundamente[br]para o um, 0:12:36.464,0:12:37.986 olhando muito profundamente, 0:12:37.986,0:12:41.240 podemos ver o todo. 0:12:41.240,0:12:44.668 Na Plum Village usamos frequentemente[br]a flor como exemplo. 0:12:44.880,0:12:47.504 Olhando profundamente[br]para esta uma flor. 0:12:47.504,0:12:49.751 podemos ver que ela[br]contém tudo. 0:12:49.751,0:12:54.120 A nuvem, o sol, a terra,[br]até a consciência humana. 0:12:54.120,0:12:58.664 não há nada no universo[br]que não esteja nesta flor. 0:12:59.400,0:13:03.383 O todo é inerente no um. 0:13:04.400,0:13:09.125 E se retirarmos o todo,[br]o um deixa de existir. 0:13:09.511,0:13:12.386 Se retirarmos o todo,[br]o um deixa de existir. 0:13:12.475,0:13:17.490 Então o um envolve o todo[br]e o todo envolve o um 0:13:17.560,0:13:19.443 Fora do um, o todo não existe, 0:13:19.467,0:13:21.045 e fora do todo, o um não existe. 0:13:21.045,0:13:25.912 É por isso que o um e o todo[br]dependem um do outro para ser. 0:13:25.945,0:13:28.943 Não podemos dizer que o todo vem primeiro[br]e depois vem o um, 0:13:28.967,0:13:31.930 ou que o um vem primeiro[br]e depois vem o todo. 0:13:32.046,0:13:36.436 Então é uma compreensão muito profunda. 0:13:37.340,0:13:40.940 E quando conseguimos ver[br]a natureza do interser, 0:13:41.727,0:13:43.467 interser, 0:13:44.549,0:13:46.449 isto é aquilo, 0:13:46.483,0:13:48.930 isto envolve aquilo, 0:13:48.930,0:13:50.597 então começamos a compreender. 0:13:50.597,0:13:54.634 Como quando olhamos para os preceitos[br]e vemos que contêm concentração e insight, 0:13:54.658,0:13:57.550 conseguimos ver a verdadeira natureza dos preceitos. 0:13:57.610,0:14:00.268 Mas se virmos que os preceitos[br]não são concentração nem insight, 0:14:00.292,0:14:02.970 não compreendemos realmente os preceitos. 0:14:02.970,0:14:05.601 Porque preceitos, concentração[br]e insight inter-são. 0:14:05.691,0:14:07.229 Eles inter-são. 0:14:08.080,0:14:11.230 Esse é o insight a que temos de chegar. 0:14:11.230,0:14:15.600 E esse insight[br]não chega a falar ou a ouvir. 0:14:15.742,0:14:18.272 Temos de praticar olhar profundamente. 0:14:20.346,0:14:22.912 E um dia seremos capazes de ter insight. 0:14:22.983,0:14:28.481 Esse insight é a visão certa. 0:14:29.400,0:14:34.840 E quando tivermos insight, 0:14:36.177,0:14:39.160 os preceitos tornam-se[br]algo muito natural. 0:14:39.208,0:14:43.441 Quando virmos que a outra pessoa somos nós,[br]não podemos matá-la. 0:14:45.518,0:14:48.575 Porque matar essa pessoa[br]significa matar-nos a nós próprios. 0:14:51.155,0:14:55.500 É o mesmo se falarmos sobre[br]o homem e o ambiente. 0:14:55.592,0:14:58.459 Homem e o ambiente. 0:14:58.890,0:15:02.608 E se tivermos a visão errada (tà kiến), 0:15:03.130,0:15:07.018 diremos que o homem é uma coisa[br]e que o ambiente é outra coisa. 0:15:07.099,0:15:10.040 Essa não é uma visão certa. 0:15:11.210,0:15:14.708 E sem visão certa,[br]ética não é possível. 0:15:16.536,0:15:18.900 Segundo os ensinamentos do Buddha 0:15:18.900,0:15:23.091 assim como os insights [br]de outros grandes seres 0:15:23.183,0:15:26.246 o ambiente é também homem. 0:15:26.330,0:15:28.680 Homem vem do ambiente. 0:15:28.722,0:15:31.775 E o ambiente cria o homem. 0:15:35.711,0:15:39.516 É por isso que podemos dizer[br]que somos o ambiente. 0:15:39.563,0:15:44.124 Tu és o ambiente,[br]o ambiente és tu. 0:15:44.250,0:15:48.560 When we have this insight, [br]that is right view. 0:15:48.560,0:15:51.709 Seeing the inter-being between [br]ourselves and the environment, 0:15:51.733,0:15:56.120 we can't possibly harm the environment. 0:15:56.144,0:15:59.932 Because harming the environment[br]is harming ourselves. 0:16:00.233,0:16:03.160 To kill the environment [br]is to kill the human species. 0:16:03.160,0:16:09.548 Nowadays, sociologists and scientists [br]are all able to see this. 0:16:09.870,0:16:15.534 They can see it in theory[br]but perhaps not with insight . 0:16:16.270,0:16:18.876 So in not harming the environment, 0:16:18.900,0:16:21.100 in observing the precepts to not harm the environment, 0:16:21.166,0:16:22.776 to not kill other species, 0:16:22.800,0:16:24.085 to not kill other people, 0:16:24.085,0:16:26.949 that comes from insight. 0:16:27.020,0:16:28.970 There is right view. 0:16:28.970,0:16:33.620 That's why we say precepts must contain insight 0:16:33.745,0:16:36.240 to be called true precepts. 0:16:36.295,0:16:39.530 If we just say, [br]"The first precept is no killing," 0:16:39.530,0:16:42.618 but we don't have the insight[br]on why we shouldn't kill, 0:16:42.642,0:16:45.420 then we have not understood the precepts. 0:16:45.420,0:16:47.150 We need the insight of inter-being: 0:16:47.198,0:16:50.078 If you kill that person you kill yourself. 0:16:50.220,0:16:52.558 You will suffer a lot. 0:16:52.840,0:16:59.395 With that insight,[br]no-killing is possible. 0:17:02.270,0:17:05.176 So the precepts contain [br]concentration and insight. 0:17:05.200,0:17:08.058 And looking into the precepts, 0:17:08.083,0:17:10.700 we'll find it's complete with[br]concentration and insight. 0:17:10.700,0:17:14.300 That is why the precepts [br]have no boundaries. 0:17:14.300,0:17:16.910 The precepts are like the ocean, [br]without boundaries. 0:17:16.910,0:17:20.910 The more we study, the more [br]we see how deep and vast they are. 0:17:20.910,0:17:23.833 The more we study, the more we see how [br]precepts contain concentration and insight. 0:17:23.833,0:17:26.899 And insight is limitless. 0:17:30.240,0:17:33.068 For some, a lake or a pond [br]may already seem large, 0:17:33.092,0:17:35.920 but when they encounter a river, [br]and they see that the river is so vast. 0:17:35.920,0:17:39.920 But a river is nothing compared to the ocean. 0:17:39.920,0:17:44.750 So when we look deeply into the precepts, 0:17:44.750,0:17:46.709 we can also see that the precepts are limitless, 0:17:46.733,0:17:50.541 Because the precepts contain[br]concentration and insight. 0:17:50.720,0:17:55.233 And if insight is limitless,[br]then love is also limitless. 0:17:57.254,0:17:59.316 Insight is understanding, 0:18:03.450,0:18:06.440 and compassion is love. 0:18:09.390,0:18:13.120 Compassion is love. [br]Insight is understanding. 0:18:15.600,0:18:21.765 And we have learned that in Buddhism 0:18:21.765,0:18:24.640 love is immeasurable. 0:18:25.980,0:18:29.725 Love is made of four elements: 0:18:30.353,0:18:33.083 loving kindness, compassion, [br]joy and equanimity. 0:18:33.150,0:18:35.766 The four immeasurable minds.[br][ Tứ vô lượng tâm ][br][ 四無量心 ] 0:18:35.841,0:18:40.280 "Vô lượng" means limitless. 0:18:40.671,0:18:42.834 And if love is limitless, 0:18:42.858,0:18:47.825 the understanding that generates[br]that love is also limitless. 0:18:48.788,0:18:51.123 And because the precepts contain insight, [br]understanding, 0:18:51.123,0:18:53.908 they are also limitless. 0:18:54.150,0:18:56.401 So now Thay understands clearly that the line, 0:18:56.425,0:18:59.440 "The precepts are like the ocean[br]without boundaries," is very true. 0:18:59.440,0:19:03.268 The precepts are like the ocean [br]without boundaries. 0:19:03.300,0:19:04.533 This is very true. 0:19:04.738,0:19:08.528 The precepts are like the ocean [br]without boundaries. 0:19:08.620,0:19:12.609 Like precious treasures[br]that we keep looking for. 0:19:12.699,0:19:15.550 We've found so many, [br]yet we never get tired, 0:19:15.683,0:19:17.470 we still want to keep looking for more. 0:19:17.470,0:19:20.559 So, studying the precepts in that spirit, 0:19:20.583,0:19:22.483 we are true practitioners. 0:19:22.536,0:19:25.776 Wherever there's a precepts class, [br]we go there immediately 0:19:25.800,0:19:28.426 to study with the precepts teachers. 0:19:28.460,0:19:32.120 Precepts teachers who have studied the precepts [br]for 20 years are very well-learned, 0:19:32.120,0:19:35.640 yet they still feel they haven't understood enough, 0:19:35.640,0:19:38.916 so they aspire to study for another 10 years, [br]and even so it's not enough, 0:19:38.941,0:19:40.633 so they study for another 20 years. 0:19:40.683,0:19:43.584 When we have such a desire [br]for the learning the precepts, 0:19:43.608,0:19:48.566 they can be considered true precepts. 0:19:49.500,0:19:53.151 So 25 years ago, we did some deep looking, 0:19:53.175,0:19:56.215 we mobilized the sangha, 0:19:56.215,0:19:59.446 and together we renewed the [br]5 Mindfulness Trainings. 0:19:59.446,0:20:04.033 At the time, we felt that version of the [br]5 Mindfulness Trainings were already so wonderful. 0:20:04.640,0:20:07.416 But now, after 25 years of practicing 0:20:07.475,0:20:11.260 we are very clear that we[br]need to revise the 5 Mindfulness Trainings. 0:20:11.260,0:20:14.316 Because the 5 MTs must be presented [br]in such a way that when we recite them 0:20:14.358,0:20:19.341 we can see that they contain [br]concentration and insight. 0:20:19.880,0:20:22.609 So during the past 3 or 4 weeks, 0:20:22.633,0:20:27.558 the community in Plum Village[br]has been helping Thay revise the first training, 0:20:27.641,0:20:32.860 the training on protecting life. 0:20:33.400,0:20:35.832 In the past when the Buddha devised the precepts, 0:20:35.832,0:20:41.345 it was also done with the support [br]of the senior monks and nuns. 0:20:42.931,0:20:49.301 So now as we revise the precepts, 0:20:52.133,0:20:54.958 as we revise the precepts 0:20:54.958,0:20:57.673 you must also help Thay. 0:20:57.673,0:20:59.011 You must do it with Thầy. 0:20:59.011,0:21:00.647 Don't leave Thay to do it alone. 0:21:00.647,0:21:02.360 That wouldn't be nice. 0:21:03.180,0:21:06.850 So in the Dharma sharing sessions, [br]don’t just sit and listen, 0:21:06.916,0:21:10.575 you must share your insights on the trainings. 0:21:10.645,0:21:12.941 You must truly contribute to the discussion. 0:21:13.017,0:21:15.608 You must speak out. 0:21:15.770,0:21:18.343 Of course, it may be that in our sharing circle 0:21:18.367,0:21:23.008 there are people [br]who are good at taking notes, 0:21:23.046,0:21:27.683 or good at choosing the right words [br]to express the sangha’s insights. 0:21:27.721,0:21:31.791 They are the editors. 0:21:32.000,0:21:35.634 So you may not be an editor, [br]but you have insight. 0:21:35.658,0:21:40.040 If you have an insight into the training,[br]you should speak out. 0:21:40.040,0:21:44.280 You have the practice, so you can share, [br]you can contribute. 0:21:44.280,0:21:46.609 Later you can tell your children that 0:21:46.633,0:21:49.833 "In those days, when the 5 Mindfulness trainings were revised, 0:21:49.883,0:21:51.833 I was there." 0:21:53.200,0:21:55.588 But I was there! 0:21:56.625,0:21:59.166 Whether I'm now a venerable nun 0:21:59.265,0:22:01.338 or a venerable monk, 0:22:01.530,0:22:04.818 I had actively contributed. 0:22:04.842,0:22:07.268 I didn't just sit there and listen,[br]and say I'm happy to flow, 0:22:07.292,0:22:09.480 No, being happy to flow is not enough. 0:22:09.616,0:22:12.125 You have to contribute to the process. 0:22:13.390,0:22:15.343 Later, should your children ask about it, 0:22:15.367,0:22:18.726 you can say “Yes, I was there[br]and I contributed wholeheartedly.” 0:22:18.808,0:22:20.741 That's how it should be. 0:22:22.215,0:22:24.858 So today is Sunday, 0:22:24.920,0:22:27.993 and we'll continue with revising the fifth training. 0:22:28.125,0:22:29.533 No. The first training. 0:22:29.618,0:22:36.026 And the sangha has already [br]appointed one person per group 0:22:36.050,0:22:39.778 to take notes and to edit. 0:22:39.820,0:22:46.456 So all the note takers and editors from [br]the different groups should come together, 0:22:49.395,0:22:54.186 gathering all the ideas [br]from their groups 0:22:54.186,0:22:58.552 and condensing it into a text [br]for the first training that's not too long. 0:22:58.552,0:23:01.181 But it should contain 0:23:01.181,0:23:04.113 the concentration and insight [br]on the training of no killing. 0:23:06.680,0:23:11.093 So in the training on no killing, it should be [br]presented it in such a way that we can see 0:23:11.117,0:23:14.475 that with the insight of interbeing, 0:23:15.525,0:23:17.559 with the insight of interdependent co-arising, 0:23:17.608,0:23:20.295 we no longer discriminate. 0:23:20.295,0:23:22.670 We're no longer dogmatic. 0:23:23.745,0:23:27.033 We're no longer angry. 0:23:27.180,0:23:30.543 Because 0:23:30.543,0:23:34.608 with understanding, there is acceptance and love. 0:23:34.680,0:23:39.391 And when there is acceptance and love, [br]then how can one still kill? 0:23:39.551,0:23:42.291 Killing that person [br]means killing ourselves. 0:23:42.350,0:23:43.843 That's why in the first training 0:23:43.867,0:23:51.558 we can help everyone see[br]the insight that serves as the foundation. 0:23:53.016,0:23:58.008 And we know that[br]the spirit of Buddhism 0:23:58.108,0:24:00.266 is one of openness. 0:24:00.400,0:24:07.291 Open to learn and to not [br]get caught in any view, 0:24:07.400,0:24:09.683 any doctrine, 0:24:09.683,0:24:13.100 theory or religion. 0:24:13.260,0:24:15.171 Because in our society, 0:24:15.171,0:24:18.333 sometimes in the name of a doctrine 0:24:18.963,0:24:24.622 in the name of a theory, a religion or God, 0:24:24.622,0:24:27.413 they kill each other. 0:24:29.531,0:24:32.771 And in the Buddhist tradition, 0:24:32.873,0:24:35.767 we have the practice called [br]non attachment to views, 0:24:35.858,0:24:40.412 to not be caught in any[br]doctrine, theory, 0:24:40.412,0:24:42.550 or ideology, 0:24:42.608,0:24:47.116 even Buddhist ideology[br]or Buddhist theory. 0:24:47.310,0:24:53.283 We should see the teachings of [br]the Buddha as guiding means. 0:24:53.361,0:24:55.334 They are the finger [br]pointing to the moon, 0:24:55.358,0:24:57.025 the raft to cross to the other shore. 0:24:57.072,0:24:58.876 We should not worship 0:24:58.900,0:25:04.206 or 0:25:04.206,0:25:11.050 wage a war [br]just to protect these things. 0:25:11.600,0:25:14.866 The things that we consider to be absolute truths. 0:25:17.534,0:25:20.994 That's why while in Vietnam last year, 0:25:21.070,0:25:27.117 Thay organized requiems to pray 0:25:27.117,0:25:31.626 for the six to seven million people [br]who died during the Vietnam war. 0:25:35.120,0:25:38.916 In the prayer we were able [br]to say this one sentence. 0:25:40.780,0:25:43.850 We were able to say this one sentence. 0:25:46.119,0:25:51.583 And that prayer ended up being published [br]in "Giác Ngộ" magazine. 0:25:59.000,0:26:05.580 The sentence was, "Before both our [br]spiritual and blood ancestors, 0:26:05.580,0:26:13.716 we vow that from now on we will [br]never initiate any idealogical wars." 0:26:20.120,0:26:21.459 That line is very important. 0:26:21.533,0:26:25.733 The current and future[br]generations should learn this line 0:26:25.779,0:26:30.084 because the Vietnam war [br]was essentially an ideological war 0:26:30.108,0:26:35.491 between communism and capitalism. 0:26:38.720,0:26:46.960 And the country and the people of Vietnam[br]became a battlefield. 0:26:46.960,0:26:55.080 Because one side subscribed to Marxism (communism), 0:26:55.080,0:27:03.290 and the other side subscribed to capitalism. 0:27:04.700,0:27:12.040 Not only did the country adopt [br]ideologies brought in from outside 0:27:12.040,0:27:16.693 it also imported weapons from outside 0:27:16.717,0:27:19.040 and brothers ended up killing brothers. 0:27:19.040,0:27:22.944 That war 0:27:22.944,0:27:26.424 was an ideology war. 0:27:26.658,0:27:31.280 And brothers of one family killed[br]each other because of ideologies. 0:27:31.350,0:27:35.341 So when we are fanatic [br]about an ideology, 0:27:35.341,0:27:37.575 we might end up killing each other. 0:27:37.640,0:27:41.168 The spirit of Buddhism is openness, 0:27:41.192,0:27:44.200 to not get caught in any ideology, 0:27:44.200,0:27:46.030 any doctrine or theory— 0:27:46.030,0:27:50.587 and it's written very clearly—[br]even Buddhist ones. 0:27:50.587,0:27:56.830 We shouldn't be caught in them either. 0:27:56.830,0:27:59.600 That is called non-attachment to views, 0:27:59.600,0:28:03.353 not being caught in any ideology [br]or theory. 0:28:03.353,0:28:05.216 Non-attachment to views. 0:28:05.216,0:28:07.450 That's the beauty of Buddhism. 0:28:07.600,0:28:09.868 So when we talk about[br]the first mindfulness training, 0:28:09.966,0:28:13.024 we have to talk about this. 0:28:13.341,0:28:16.076 First, the insight interbeing must be there. 0:28:16.100,0:28:19.630 I am you, you are me.[br]Killing you means killing me. 0:28:19.630,0:28:22.134 Second, there must be openness. 0:28:22.175,0:28:25.917 We are not caught in any[br]doctrine, any theory or any ideology. 0:28:25.958,0:28:32.983 That is when the precept on no-killing [br]can be a true Buddhist precept. 0:28:33.760,0:28:40.534 Now we see in India and Iraq, 0:28:40.534,0:28:42.718 everyday bombs are exploding, 0:28:42.766,0:28:45.009 everyday people are dying. 0:28:47.840,0:28:53.520 The people are caught in their [br]ideologies, theories or religions. 0:28:53.520,0:28:57.420 They punish each other, [br]they kill themselves and they kill others. 0:28:57.420,0:29:00.668 So how can we present the first training 0:29:00.692,0:29:04.227 so that it can be a bell of mindfulness 0:29:04.227,0:29:06.250 for the whole world to wake up, 0:29:06.300,0:29:08.881 and see that we need to free ourselves 0:29:08.881,0:29:11.824 from the fanatism and intolerance, 0:29:13.760,0:29:18.927 in order to put an end 0:29:18.927,0:29:22.140 to the violence, the hatred and the killing. 0:29:22.220,0:29:24.640 So for the first precept, 0:29:24.640,0:29:27.685 how can we keep it short 0:29:27.685,0:29:34.403 but still be able to express all the insights. 0:29:34.960,0:29:38.025 Insight is the foundation for action. 0:29:38.100,0:29:39.525 So precepts. 0:29:39.933,0:29:42.076 About precepts, [br]we need to present them in a way 0:29:42.100,0:29:46.166 that people can touch the concentration [br]and insight while reciting them. 0:30:03.360,0:30:08.258 Maybe we ...[br]teacher and disciples, 0:30:08.400,0:30:10.832 in this winter retreat 0:30:10.856,0:30:19.058 we can offer a new version[br]of the 5 Mindfulness Trainings. 0:30:20.002,0:30:26.733 And maybe they can be used[br]for the next 20 or 30 years. 0:30:28.393,0:30:35.573 They can play their role [br]in the next 20 or 30 years. 0:30:35.690,0:30:39.554 But in 20 or 30 years, the situation[br]in the world will change, 0:30:39.610,0:30:45.741 and it will require us to sit down [br]and revise the trainings again. 0:30:45.905,0:30:49.375 Because the trainings [br]must be appropriate. 0:30:49.440,0:30:55.966 On one hand, they should be appropriate [br]to the teachings. 0:30:55.966,0:30:57.465 They must be in-line with the teachings. 0:30:57.465,0:31:03.541 And on the other hand, they should be [br]appropriate to the situation of the world. 0:31:03.792,0:31:06.033 In-line with the teachings and appropriate to our times.[br][ khế lý 契理 , khế cơ 契機 ] 0:31:06.115,0:31:09.466 That is called appropriateness. 0:31:20.490,0:31:25.610 Today the sangha is invited [br]to work effectively together. 0:31:25.658,0:31:30.000 So we have Dharma sharing groups, 0:31:30.000,0:31:32.525 or precepts sharing groups. 0:31:33.710,0:31:39.116 And in each sharing group, [br]there are some who are active, 0:31:39.200,0:31:43.408 some who can share quite deeply, 0:31:43.480,0:31:46.700 and some who are capable of [br]taking notes and reporting. 0:31:46.766,0:31:53.558 So we should encourage these people to[br]meet similar people in other groups 0:31:53.650,0:31:56.886 to form an editorial council. 0:31:56.920,0:32:02.945 And Thay will hand over all the materials 0:32:03.062,0:32:07.130 and results of last weeks[br]Dharma sharing sessions 0:32:07.130,0:32:15.350 so that they can rewrite and present [br]the first training as they wish. 0:32:15.475,0:32:20.443 That text will be the result[br]of collective insight, 0:32:20.467,0:32:26.755 from teacher and disciple, [br]from all the brothers and sisters. 0:32:26.940,0:32:38.140 And it can be our offering [br]to the Three Jewels as the year ends, 0:32:38.140,0:32:42.375 on the occasion of Christmas and New Year. 0:32:50.670,0:32:57.276 In the past few weeks we have[br]tried to offer some different views. 0:32:57.300,0:33:00.200 View or approach. 0:33:05.130,0:33:07.183 Three different views. 0:33:07.516,0:33:10.564 The first is the view from theistic traditions. 0:33:14.446,0:33:18.633 You should already have that printed text. 0:33:28.560,0:33:31.876 And we have a paragraph 0:33:32.016,0:33:36.141 about the scientific view. 0:33:36.835,0:33:40.475 The view of science about [br]the universe and all beings. 0:33:41.420,0:33:46.800 Lastly, we have a paragraph[br]about the Buddhist view. 0:33:47.320,0:33:53.525 The Buddhist view on consciousness and action. 0:33:57.530,0:34:00.170 So we should all have these three texts. 0:34:00.170,0:34:03.224 These texts represent the three different approaches, 0:34:03.320,0:34:05.341 the theistic approach, 0:34:05.530,0:34:07.159 the scientific approach, 0:34:07.249,0:34:09.141 and the Buddhist approach. 0:34:12.730,0:34:17.531 Buddhist studies can be better described [br]as ethics rather than religion. 0:34:17.920,0:34:22.141 Because in Buddhism we don't speak of the creator. 0:34:28.620,0:34:35.673 If God is perceived ... 0:34:39.014,0:34:43.674 as the ground of being, 0:34:43.795,0:34:51.408 if God is perceived as [br]the ultimate reality, 0:34:51.520,0:34:54.022 as suchness, 0:34:54.092,0:34:56.908 as Nirvana, 0:34:56.974,0:35:00.049 then in Buddhism there is God. 0:35:00.120,0:35:04.593 But if God is perceived as a man 0:35:04.617,0:35:07.588 with a long beard [br]standing high up in the sky 0:35:07.660,0:35:11.434 who created humans and all things, 0:35:11.516,0:35:15.808 then in Buddhism [br]there is no God like that. 0:35:16.346,0:35:21.336 And now people say that 0:35:24.060,0:35:29.793 spirituality is possible without God. 0:35:29.817,0:35:32.850 Spirituality without God. 0:35:35.335,0:35:38.651 But depending on how we[br]understand the word God, 0:35:38.725,0:35:42.349 we can see whether God is present in Buddhism or not. 0:35:44.330,0:35:51.530 If we say man is created [br]in the image of God, 0:35:51.583,0:35:54.483 there is no such belief in Buddhism. 0:35:54.573,0:35:58.616 But if we say God is the ultimate reality, 0:35:58.880,0:36:02.926 the ground of being [br]then there may be a God. 0:36:03.000,0:36:04.558 It is like that. 0:36:05.310,0:36:13.591 Thay has proposed a short text—less than [br]a dozen lines—on the Buddhist approach. 0:36:50.730,0:36:52.443 And this Buddhist approach 0:36:52.467,0:36:57.041 is just a finger pointing to the moon,[br]or a raft to cross the river. 0:36:57.107,0:36:59.489 You can come up with another text. 0:37:00.090,0:37:04.156 And in the future the Buddhist approach [br]can be improved. 0:37:04.250,0:37:07.075 We can present it in a better way. 0:37:07.320,0:37:12.850 Just like science. The view [br]representing science here 0:37:15.680,0:37:18.840 may no longer be relevant now. 0:37:18.840,0:37:22.009 In science, there are those[br]who have made great progress 0:37:22.033,0:37:24.160 and there are those who have stay behind. 0:37:24.160,0:37:27.509 And the scientists who have made great progress [br]and the scientists who have stay behind, 0:37:27.533,0:37:29.120 they strongly oppose each other. 0:37:29.120,0:37:31.741 They have very different views. 0:37:32.040,0:37:35.712 And so, the view of science [br]is also advancing, 0:37:36.060,0:37:39.041 and the view of religion[br]is also advancing. 0:37:39.160,0:37:43.133 So the view of Buddhism [br]must also move forward. 0:37:45.521,0:37:47.874 Why? 0:37:48.430,0:37:53.375 If love is something limitless, 0:37:53.550,0:37:59.841 then understanding and wisdom [br]should also be something limitless. 0:38:01.192,0:38:06.716 So we cannot say that our understanding ends here. 0:38:08.160,0:38:13.690 So if there are any theologians here in the sangha 0:38:13.690,0:38:16.130 (theologians) 0:38:16.130,0:38:23.475 let's contemplate, let's try to find 0:38:23.650,0:38:27.398 a new understanding 0:38:27.398,0:38:31.158 of cosmology from the theistic traditions. 0:38:31.400,0:38:35.318 Because the view that we have been using 0:38:35.342,0:38:40.208 as the foundation for ethics may be outdated. 0:38:42.340,0:38:46.458 In the light of science,[br]that view needs to be revised. 0:39:22.258,0:39:26.691 In the Buddhist approach, both[br]subject and object of perception ... 0:39:29.142,0:39:32.658 manifest from consciousness 0:39:32.700,0:39:35.666 according to the principle of interbeing. 0:39:37.691,0:39:42.126 "Both subject and object of perception [br]manifest from consciousness 0:39:42.126,0:39:45.255 according to the principle of interbeing." 0:39:47.722,0:39:50.162 Wherever we go we can see interbeing. 0:39:50.220,0:39:54.459 Subject of perception[br]and object of perception 0:39:54.483,0:39:59.549 are not two things [br]that exist outside of each other. 0:39:59.720,0:40:03.933 The subject contains the object [br]and the object contains the subject. 0:40:04.060,0:40:07.084 Just like this flower, it[br]contains the universe 0:40:07.108,0:40:09.460 and the universe [br]contains this flower. 0:40:09.460,0:40:13.583 They cannot exist outside of each other. [br]This is the insight of Buddhism. 0:40:17.914,0:40:23.191 So, "Humankind is present in all things 0:40:23.266,0:40:26.566 and all things are present in humankind." 0:40:28.040,0:40:31.493 It means that humankind [br]is present in the environment 0:40:31.517,0:40:35.175 and the environment is[br]present in humankind. 0:40:35.520,0:40:37.709 Human beings and [br]the environment inter-are. 0:40:37.733,0:40:40.893 It is clearly consistent [br]with the insight of interbeing. 0:40:40.950,0:40:45.374 You contain the environment. 0:40:45.660,0:40:48.593 The environment contains you. 0:40:48.666,0:40:52.474 You are the environment.[br]That is the insight of Buddhism. 0:40:58.301,0:41:00.801 And Buddhism goes further. 0:41:00.860,0:41:02.776 "On the phenomenal level, 0:41:02.800,0:41:07.020 there seems to be birth,[br]death, being and non-being, 0:41:07.080,0:41:11.765 but ontologically, these notions cannot be [br]applied to reality." 0:41:12.281,0:41:14.922 "On the phenomenal level, 0:41:14.922,0:41:20.823 there seems to be birth,[br]death, being and non-being, 0:41:20.823,0:41:23.826 but ontologically, 0:41:23.826,0:41:28.087 these notions cannot be [br]applied to reality." 0:41:29.000,0:41:31.516 This is very Buddhist. 0:41:31.620,0:41:35.176 This is just one person's way [br]of expressing this. 0:41:35.283,0:41:39.276 As you study and practice Buddhism, 0:41:39.300,0:41:43.033 you may find better ways [br]to express this. 0:41:43.441,0:41:45.351 It's the same in science. 0:41:45.375,0:41:47.718 If you are a scientist. 0:41:47.783,0:41:50.526 —there must be some scientists among us— 0:41:50.550,0:41:58.600 like astrophysicists, [br]or nuclear physicists, 0:41:58.700,0:42:07.225 uou know that science [br]is also advancing. 0:42:07.400,0:42:12.266 It has left behind [br]archaic knowledge, 0:42:12.360,0:42:14.443 and is finding ways [br]to be free from views, 0:42:14.467,0:42:19.091 to break free from old knowledge[br]to search for new knowledge. 0:42:19.580,0:42:23.924 There are scientists who have come very close, 0:42:24.580,0:42:31.008 and who have started to have insights [br]that are similar to Buddhist ones. 0:42:32.240,0:42:37.660 They're starting to see that [br]the universe is also consciousness, 0:42:37.660,0:42:44.040 they're starting to see that[br]the quanta is also consciousness, 0:42:44.040,0:42:46.740 first of all their own consciousness. 0:42:46.780,0:42:51.659 So dialogue between[br]science and religion 0:42:51.683,0:42:54.220 have been going on for decades. 0:42:54.280,0:42:56.660 And it is something very exciting. 0:42:56.660,0:42:59.543 If scientists can work together with Buddhists, 0:42:59.567,0:43:08.033 if scientists learn to meditate[br]and to use a tool called mind, 0:43:08.133,0:43:12.291 they can succeed much more quickly. 0:43:12.760,0:43:21.308 Because scientists have [br]very sophisticated instruments. 0:43:22.268,0:43:29.083 They have very expensive instruments,[br]like particle accelerators. 0:43:32.360,0:43:35.908 The one in Switzerland is very expensive. 0:43:36.080,0:43:41.491 But in Buddhism, we say the most [br]important instrument is our mind. 0:43:41.720,0:43:46.701 When mind is tainted with the afflictions[br]of craving, anger and ignorance, 0:43:46.725,0:43:53.025 that instrument cannot realize deep insights. 0:43:53.120,0:43:57.160 So if we know how to purify our mind, 0:43:57.160,0:44:03.376 how to remove the dust of[br]craving, anger, ignorance, 0:44:03.400,0:44:05.258 our mind becomes clear and bright. 0:44:05.299,0:44:08.983 With that clarity, [br]we can see more clearly. 0:44:09.284,0:44:12.509 That is why scientists[br]must also be practitioners 0:44:12.533,0:44:18.704 in order to be successful[br]more quickly and easily. 0:44:18.830,0:44:27.083 Scientists can't just use their intellect alone, [br]they also need to make use of their heart. 0:44:39.880,0:44:44.859 Everything evolves according to the [br]principle of interdependence, 0:44:44.883,0:44:48.521 but there is free will and[br]the possibility to transform, 0:44:48.521,0:44:51.266 there is probability. 0:44:53.246,0:44:57.064 "The dynamic consciousness is called karma energy. 0:44:57.064,0:45:02.646 Everything evolves according to [br]the principle of interdependence, interbeing, 0:45:02.646,0:45:06.270 but there is still free will [br]and the possibility to transform. 0:45:06.270,0:45:09.208 There is probability. 0:45:09.608,0:45:14.317 And the one affects the[br]all, the all affect the one." 0:45:14.880,0:45:20.660 The all affect the one, [br]and the one affects the all. 0:45:20.858,0:45:24.858 Each sentence contains[br]the insight of interbeing. 0:45:26.800,0:45:32.494 To Thay, the principle [br]of interbeing is very scientific. 0:45:37.808,0:45:42.325 "Right view allows right action, 0:45:42.383,0:45:47.333 leading to the reduction of suffering [br]and the increase of happiness." 0:45:47.680,0:45:50.774 "Right view allows right action, 0:45:51.005,0:45:56.041 leading to the reduction of suffering [br]and the increase of happiness." 0:45:57.780,0:46:03.509 So in Buddhist ethics, [br]right view is very important. 0:46:03.566,0:46:07.491 Right view leads to right thinking,[br]right speech and right action. 0:46:09.540,0:46:12.243 And one more thing: 0:46:12.267,0:46:18.041 happiness and suffering inter-are. 0:46:18.042,0:46:20.462 "Happiness and suffering inter-are." 0:46:20.740,0:46:24.980 Meaning in happiness there is suffering. [br]In suffering there is happiness. 0:46:24.980,0:46:29.240 Happiness and suffering make each other.[br]That is also the insight of interbeing. 0:46:29.240,0:46:33.293 Perhaps in other schools of ethics[br]this has been overlooked. 0:46:33.317,0:46:39.247 But in Buddhism, without this insight[br]it is not true Buddhist ethics. 0:46:44.320,0:46:50.075 And lastly, "The ultimate reality transcends[br]notions of good and evil, right and wrong." 0:46:51.092,0:46:55.984 Meaning notions of good[br]and evil, right and left, 0:46:56.008,0:47:00.991 right and wrong,[br]are all relative. 0:47:01.960,0:47:05.841 There are two domains, 0:47:05.920,0:47:09.092 one domain is nature, 0:47:09.157,0:47:12.196 or the natural world. 0:47:26.250,0:47:30.300 The natural world is the domain of nature. 0:47:30.900,0:47:35.216 And the human world is the domain of humans. 0:47:42.620,0:47:46.818 Because there is the human world, [br]with its suffering and happiness, 0:47:46.866,0:47:50.740 we need to be able to determine 0:47:50.933,0:47:53.733 what is right and what is wrong, 0:47:53.950,0:47:56.408 what is good and what is bad. 0:47:56.495,0:47:59.741 These things are pragmatic. 0:48:02.860,0:48:05.400 They are only relative in value. 0:48:05.466,0:48:09.566 Don't hold on to them and assume[br]that they are absolute. 0:48:11.760,0:48:16.059 Right and wrong, good and evil,[br]are only relative. 0:48:16.108,0:48:19.541 We should not be caught [br]and think they are absolute. 0:48:22.814,0:48:24.640 This is very important. 0:48:24.700,0:48:31.300 Because when we arrive [br]at the ultimate reality, 0:48:31.374,0:48:36.191 there is no more [br]right and wrong, 0:48:36.483,0:48:38.308 good and evil, 0:48:41.840,0:48:43.852 true and false. 0:48:48.320,0:48:56.334 So Nirvana transcends all notions of right and wrong, 0:48:56.417,0:48:58.092 being and non-being, 0:48:58.500,0:48:59.701 good and evil. 0:48:59.758,0:49:01.558 Nirvana is not good. 0:49:05.533,0:49:08.475 Nirvana is neither good [br]nor evil. 0:49:09.920,0:49:11.868 Good and evil are notions 0:49:11.892,0:49:15.625 that we apply in the human world. 0:49:16.220,0:49:21.501 Nirvana itself is neither[br]good nor evil. 0:49:21.608,0:49:24.516 It transcends the notions of[br]good and evil. 0:49:24.733,0:49:29.075 It's the same goes for notions [br]of above and below. 0:49:30.380,0:49:35.207 Above means to be above something, [br]and below means to be below something. 0:49:35.325,0:49:37.433 We are sitting here 0:49:40.474,0:49:42.749 in France. 0:49:44.340,0:49:48.616 Our head is pointing up, 0:49:49.201,0:49:52.782 so we think that this is the below. 0:49:53.760,0:49:57.841 But in Viet Nam, [br]they are sitting upside down from us. 0:49:57.980,0:50:01.583 What we call the above[br]is actually their below. 0:50:01.680,0:50:05.309 So these notions of above and[br]below cannot be applied to the universe. 0:50:05.367,0:50:08.509 They can only be applied in relation to the Earth. 0:50:11.080,0:50:15.792 So we should not be caught [br]in notions of above and below. 0:50:20.220,0:50:22.501 It's the same for the Dharmakaya. 0:50:22.583,0:50:26.091 To say that Dharmakaya is pure is not correct. 0:50:26.200,0:50:27.801 To say the Dharmakaya is pure is incorrect. 0:50:27.825,0:50:32.216 The Dharmakaya is neither pure nor impure. 0:50:32.580,0:50:35.618 To say that the Dharmakaya is impure is already wrong, 0:50:35.675,0:50:39.208 but to say that the Dharmakaya [br]is pure is equally wrong. 0:50:40.191,0:50:42.943 So when Zen master Tuệ Trung[br]Thượng Sĩ was asked by his disciples: 0:50:43.008,0:50:47.232 "What is the pure Dharmakaya?" [br]He said, "Cow dung", 0:50:48.320,0:50:50.151 "Cow urine. [br]That's what he said 0:50:50.220,0:50:59.575 to help people break free from [br]notions of pure and impure. 0:51:02.380,0:51:09.875 So what Thầy wants to say is,[br]if you are a theologian, 0:51:15.240,0:51:18.118 a Hindu, 0:51:18.142,0:51:20.101 Jewish, 0:51:20.125,0:51:22.800 or Christian theologian, 0:51:22.800,0:51:25.641 you should know that ... 0:51:28.340,0:51:31.705 our view on the universe and[br]all things can be improved. 0:51:31.729,0:51:33.900 We can move it forward. 0:51:33.900,0:51:38.475 We can transcend the old view [br]and to reach a new view. 0:51:39.140,0:51:41.316 And we can ... 0:51:44.940,0:51:52.041 carry our tradition forward [br]so that it can be closer to science. 0:51:53.015,0:51:56.315 His Holiness the Dalai Lama has also said this. 0:51:56.600,0:52:00.476 He said, "If I encounter something in Buddhism [br]that contradicts the spirit of modern science, 0:52:00.500,0:52:03.400 then I am ready to let them go." 0:52:03.460,0:52:07.283 That is the spirit of [br]non-attachment to views. 0:52:08.360,0:52:11.291 We have the courage [br]to let go of things 0:52:15.033,0:52:17.940 that we find are no longer correct. 0:52:18.023,0:52:21.275 This is also the spirit of science. 0:52:56.980,0:53:01.560 On the 1st of October, 2008 ... 0:53:01.700,0:53:05.660 in the capitol city of New Delhi ... 0:53:05.733,0:53:14.183 Thầy gave a teaching [br]to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi. 0:53:14.280,0:53:18.774 It was called the Gandhi Memorial Lecture. 0:53:18.880,0:53:24.526 Thầy cited an extract from[br]Mahatma Gandhi's speech 0:53:24.550,0:53:29.177 from the 9th of April, 1933, 0:53:29.908,0:53:32.999 from his journal called "Harijan." 0:53:37.177,0:53:45.774 Ghandi said: "In my search after truth,"[br]in my journey to seek the the truth, 0:53:46.159,0:53:53.958 "I have discarded many ideas[br]and learned many new things." 0:53:54.217,0:54:01.939 "In my search after truth, I have discarded many ideas and learned many new things." 0:54:02.920,0:54:07.213 This proves that Mahatma Gandhi was someone[br]who was not attached to views. 0:54:07.475,0:54:11.633 He was not caught in prior knowledge. 0:54:13.380,0:54:18.412 Mahatma Gandhi was not a Buddhist. [br]He was a Hindu. 0:54:18.580,0:54:22.239 And in that tradition[br]there is also advancement. 0:54:22.354,0:54:24.650 This is the spirit of science. 0:54:27.280,0:54:33.529 As Christians or Jewish[br]we can also have that attitude. 0:54:33.640,0:54:36.276 We can release old understanding, 0:54:36.354,0:54:42.270 in order to reach to higher understanding. 0:54:47.230,0:54:49.808 "Old as I am in age, 0:54:50.279,0:55:04.954 I have no feeling that I have[br]ceased to grow inwardly." 0:55:06.236,0:55:14.063 "Old as I am in age, I have no feeling [br]that I have ceased to grow inwardly." 0:55:15.960,0:55:20.795 I am old but I have the feeling[br]that I have never cease to learn 0:55:20.908,0:55:25.587 and I continue to grow [br]in my spiritual life. 0:55:29.180,0:55:34.480 And I have the feeling[br]that even at the dissolution of this body 0:55:34.504,0:55:40.105 my quest for learning, my growth in[br]spiritual life will not stop. 0:55:40.271,0:55:42.383 It will continue. 0:55:44.320,0:55:49.887 "...or that my growth will stop [br]at the dissolution of the flesh." 0:55:50.670,0:55:57.212 It proves that Mahatma Gandhi was [br]not caught in the view of nihilism. 0:55:57.340,0:55:58.930 Nihilism means, 0:55:58.954,0:56:01.787 the idea that at the dissolution of the body nothing continues. 0:56:01.841,0:56:04.350 Nothing is continued.[br]The person is gone. 0:56:04.420,0:56:10.337 Mahatma Gandhi is saying after the dissolution of this body, [br]I will continue to learn, 0:56:10.452,0:56:12.687 I will continue to grow, 0:56:12.737,0:56:18.704 and I can continue to let go of the old truths in order to reach higher truths. 0:56:18.800,0:56:23.887 So Mahatma Gandhi was able to [br]break free from nihilism. 0:56:24.000,0:56:26.647 This sentence proves that[br]Mahatma Gandhi had two virtues. 0:56:26.671,0:56:30.495 The first virtue is the capacity [br]to let go of his own views. 0:56:30.587,0:56:35.309 And second is the capacity to transcend[br]the wrong view of nihilism, 0:56:35.333,0:56:38.460 which is the view that after death[br]we cease to exist. 0:56:38.520,0:56:42.620 Many scientists are still [br]caught in these two things. 0:56:42.700,0:56:45.430 Even scientists are still caught [br]in these two things 0:56:45.521,0:56:48.296 but Gandhi was not. 0:56:48.660,0:56:51.014 These two things are very important in Buddhism. 0:56:51.038,0:56:54.860 Which is first, non-attachment to views—[br]the capacity to let go of knowledge. 0:56:54.860,0:57:01.845 And secondly, not being caught in nihilism. 0:57:16.749,0:57:18.664 We need to move forward a bit 0:57:18.688,0:57:20.772 and start talking about the second mindfulness training, 0:57:20.796,0:57:24.055 even if we are still working [br]on revising the first training. 0:57:24.079,0:57:27.265 Because we only have three months. 0:58:00.257,0:58:04.457 The second training is ... 0:58:12.860,0:58:18.450 the practice of sharing our resources [br]with those who are in need, 0:58:18.705,0:58:25.220 not to appropriate, not to steal,[br]and not to cause social injustice. 0:58:25.880,0:58:31.479 The second training [br]must also contain the insight of interbeing. 0:58:31.700,0:58:33.789 And when we present the second training, 0:58:33.813,0:58:39.121 we have to present it in such a way [br]that it contains the insight of interbeing. 0:58:39.600,0:58:43.262 The suffering of the other person[br]is our own suffering. 0:58:43.380,0:58:46.139 The suffering, the destruction [br]of the environment 0:58:46.163,0:58:47.947 is also the destruction of human beings. 0:58:48.029,0:58:51.162 That insight should be[br]embedded in the second training. 0:58:54.420,0:59:00.579 The second training is about no stealing, 0:59:02.300,0:59:09.204 about sharing our time and material resources [br]with those who are in need. 0:59:10.700,0:59:13.072 We see that the objective [br]of the second training 0:59:13.096,0:59:16.870 is more about eliminating craving, 0:59:18.996,0:59:22.920 more about eliminating greed and craving. 0:59:28.580,0:59:33.620 In the first training on no killing,[br]it is also about eliminating greed. 0:59:33.700,0:59:37.739 It is because of greed [br]that we kill people, 0:59:37.763,0:59:40.770 we invade other countries. 0:59:43.740,0:59:53.087 We covet the natural resources of those countries [br]so we come and invade them. 0:59:53.240,1:00:00.608 Or we want a market for our products [br]so we invade that country. 1:00:00.760,1:00:04.845 So the first training also deals with craving. 1:00:05.004,1:00:09.419 The second training deals with craving too. 1:00:11.100,1:00:15.329 It's because of craving that[br]we want to seize and appropriate. 1:00:15.421,1:00:18.245 It's because of craving for wealth and success 1:00:18.312,1:00:20.895 that we destroy the environment. 1:00:21.620,1:00:28.515 The object of this craving[br]is assets and wealth. 1:00:29.620,1:00:33.385 And when we go to the third training, 1:00:33.504,1:00:39.495 no sexual misconduct, it is also [br]related to craving, but for sex. 1:00:39.678,1:00:44.089 So in fact all the five trainings[br]deal with craving and greed. 1:00:44.170,1:00:47.905 Similarly, all the five trainings also[br]deal with anger. 1:00:48.000,1:00:51.297 Because in the first training, [br]no killing, there is anger. 1:00:51.379,1:00:54.376 Because of anger there is killing. 1:00:59.500,1:01:04.222 And delusion. Delusion is the[br]lack of insight into interbeing, 1:01:04.246,1:01:08.487 therefore the killing, therefore the appropriation. 1:01:08.600,1:01:15.062 So we see clearly that the five trainings[br]are interrelated, they inte-rare. 1:01:15.187,1:01:18.109 In practicing one training well, 1:01:18.133,1:01:20.455 we can also practice the other four trainings well. 1:01:20.528,1:01:21.874 It's very wonderful. 1:01:23.640,1:01:29.545 So when we present [br]the second training on no stealing, 1:01:29.660,1:01:37.820 on sharing our time, material resources and [br]energy with those who are in need, 1:01:37.820,1:01:39.809 we have to present it in such a way 1:01:39.936,1:01:43.405 that allows people to see that the[br]other person whom we are exploiting, 1:01:43.512,1:01:47.429 whom we want to appropriate[br]from, is also ourselves. 1:01:49.780,1:01:54.005 And that storehouse of natural resources, 1:01:54.029,1:02:02.045 that environment that we are exploiting[br]and polluting, is also ourselves. 1:02:02.320,1:02:04.447 We are the environment.[br]We must have that insight 1:02:04.471,1:02:07.404 for the second training can be deep enough. 1:02:07.460,1:02:10.000 So you have to present it[br]in such a way that allows everyone 1:02:10.091,1:02:12.797 to see the interbeing between [br]themselves and the other person— 1:02:12.862,1:02:16.970 the person whom we want to appropriate from, [br]whom we want to exploit— 1:02:18.000,1:02:21.222 the interbeing nature between[br]ourselves and the environment. 1:02:21.295,1:02:25.279 That's when second training[br]is a true precept of the Buddha. 1:02:25.835,1:02:28.645 The insight of interbeing must be there. 1:02:59.040,1:03:00.264 For example, we can say, 1:03:00.288,1:03:06.697 "I vow to look deeply to see that[br]the happiness and suffering of others 1:03:06.745,1:03:10.669 are related to my own[br]happiness and suffering." 1:03:11.920,1:03:14.512 You may think that you have to be rich 1:03:20.279,1:03:21.946 in order to be happy. 1:03:21.995,1:03:27.969 But your wealth cannot be[br]built on the poverty of others. 1:03:28.040,1:03:31.255 "I vow to look deeply to see that[br]the happiness and suffering of others 1:03:31.279,1:03:34.507 are related to my own[br]happiness and suffering. 1:03:34.580,1:03:40.338 And that true happiness and peace 1:03:40.395,1:03:46.037 are not possible without[br]understanding and love." 1:03:46.934,1:03:48.689 Because there are some views 1:03:48.713,1:03:51.705 that say only when we have the four things— 1:03:51.729,1:03:57.629 wealth, fame, power and sex— 1:03:57.695,1:03:58.770 we can be happy. 1:03:58.770,1:04:01.329 That's what so many people believe. 1:04:01.400,1:04:05.866 So in this second training,[br]we have to make clear 1:04:05.941,1:04:10.280 that without understanding and love, [br]happiness is not possible. 1:04:10.280,1:04:16.455 Even if you have a lot of wealth,[br]fame, power and sex, 1:04:16.479,1:04:19.987 if there's no understanding[br]and love, you can suffer enormously. 1:04:20.042,1:04:22.204 You can even commit suicide. 1:04:23.060,1:04:25.609 So understanding and love are [br]the foundation of happiness. 1:04:25.633,1:04:27.680 We have to help people see that 1:04:27.680,1:04:30.330 so they can look for[br]happiness in that direction 1:04:30.354,1:04:35.404 and not to run after craving. 1:04:35.580,1:04:39.420 Only then can this precept[br]be a true precept of the Buddha. 1:04:43.720,1:04:48.555 "That true happiness and [br]peace are not possible 1:04:48.579,1:04:51.380 without understanding and love, 1:04:51.380,1:04:58.020 that running after wealth, fame, power and [br]sensual pleasures can bring much suffering." 1:04:58.320,1:05:01.043 "And once I know how to generate[br]understanding and love, 1:05:01.067,1:05:09.272 I can help myself and others overcome [br]difficulties and fear, and grow my happiness. 1:05:11.400,1:05:19.580 I vow to look deeply[br]to see that I am the environment ... 1:05:19.580,1:05:22.420 and the environment is myself. 1:05:22.420,1:05:26.860 Harming the environment is harming myself." 1:05:26.860,1:05:32.700 With these elements, it is good enough for now. 1:05:34.840,1:05:38.118 "I am determied to practice deeply 1:05:38.208,1:05:41.143 to see that both happiness[br]and suffering of the other person 1:05:41.300,1:05:45.624 have much to do with my[br]own suffering and happiness. 1:05:45.860,1:05:50.458 That true happiness is not possible [br]without understanding and love. 1:05:50.580,1:05:54.876 And running after wealth, fame, power or sex 1:05:54.900,1:05:58.733 can bring about much suffering and despair." 1:06:00.160,1:06:05.925 And happiness is the aim of our life. 1:06:07.640,1:06:12.140 Even though everyone needs [br]to overcome poverty, 1:06:12.140,1:06:17.950 happiness cannot be found in [br]the direction of craving and sensual desires. 1:06:21.640,1:06:24.680 In New Delhi, Thầy also talked about ... 1:06:24.733,1:06:30.200 Mahatma Gandhi's view on[br]happiness and sensual pleasures. 1:06:34.940,1:06:39.558 And Thầy quoted this from Gandhi: 1:06:39.880,1:06:44.720 "Our ancestors set a limit to our indulgences." 1:06:44.753,1:06:49.283 Our ancestors have learned to stop [br]and practice moderation. 1:06:50.366,1:06:52.229 No more indulging without limits. 1:06:52.229,1:06:59.605 No more 1:07:14.849,1:07:19.700 No more overindulgence. 1:07:20.560,1:07:26.018 "Our ancestors set a limit on our indulgences," 1:07:26.042,1:07:31.741 in order not to overindulge. 1:07:32.660,1:07:36.826 "They saw that happiness [br]was largely a mental condition." 1:07:36.880,1:07:40.397 Our ancestors saw that happiness 1:07:42.583,1:07:49.708 was largely a mental condition, our way of seeing things. 1:07:49.980,1:07:54.060 Seeing with understanding and love, [br]happiness is possible. 1:07:55.480,1:07:59.259 "A man is not necessarily[br]happy because he is rich, 1:07:59.283,1:08:02.140 or unhappy because he is poor." 1:08:02.140,1:08:04.925 So people are not necessary happy [br]when they are rich, 1:08:04.958,1:08:08.541 and not necessarily [br]unhappy when they are poor. 1:08:08.600,1:08:13.220 Those who are able to live in moderation, [br]in poor conditions, 1:08:13.775,1:08:24.876 especially those who are able to live simply, those who choose 1:08:24.899,1:08:28.799 voluntary poverty, 1:08:28.867,1:08:32.408 those people are very happy. 1:08:33.979,1:08:38.742 They live simply, they may not[br]have a high income, 1:08:39.325,1:08:42.325 but they may be able to smile all day, [br]be happy all day, love all day. 1:08:42.403,1:08:45.826 So this sentence is very true. 1:08:45.912,1:08:49.575 "A man is not necessarily [br]happy because he is rich, 1:08:49.600,1:08:53.558 or unhappy because he is poor." 1:08:55.979,1:09:03.919 "Observing all this, our ancestors [br]dissuaded us from luxuries and pleasures." 1:09:03.997,1:09:13.371 "Observing all this, our ancestors [br]dissuaded us from luxuries and pleasures." 1:09:14.000,1:09:17.566 Indulging in sensual pleasures [br]can bring about a lot of suffering. 1:09:18.580,1:09:20.441 This insight 1:09:21.549,1:09:23.167 is a shared insight. 1:09:23.200,1:09:26.766 It's not only found in Buddhism, 1:09:27.340,1:09:34.540 but also in Christianity, [br]in Judaism and in Hinduism. 1:09:36.732,1:09:39.929 So this insight, 1:09:39.953,1:09:43.580 we need to point to it text of the training. 1:09:43.660,1:09:47.618 When we read the trainings, we can see[br]clearly that without Dharma sharing, 1:09:47.642,1:09:52.080 without coninuous learning, it's impossible[br]to understand that training deeply. 1:09:52.116,1:09:56.133 So after you have received the[br]Five Mindfulness Trainings 1:09:56.216,1:09:59.580 you should aspire to study them[br]when you get back home. 1:09:59.580,1:10:02.284 Studying just one training is enough. 1:10:02.308,1:10:09.220 And that training is like [br]the ocean without boundaries. 1:10:09.220,1:10:12.969 The deeper we go into that training[br]the more we can see its depth, 1:10:12.993,1:10:14.615 because there is an ocean [br]of wisdom, 1:10:14.615,1:10:18.501 an ocean of love in that training. 1:10:19.587,1:10:23.191 So we have to present the [br]5 Mindfulness Trainings in such a way 1:10:23.279,1:10:30.779 that they contain the immense ocean [br]of Buddhist insight and love. 1:10:42.760,1:10:45.601 One practitioner wrote me a letter yesterday. 1:10:45.625,1:10:48.940 He said: "I have work to[br]do. I must leave on Tuesday. 1:10:48.940,1:10:53.974 That's why I am very sad,[br]because I came to Plum Village 1:10:54.075,1:10:57.000 with the intention to receive [br]the Five Mindfulness Trainings. 1:10:57.158,1:11:00.634 Dear Thay, please help me find a way to receive[br]the 5 Mindfulness Trainings before Tuesday, 1:11:00.658,1:11:03.341 as I must leave on Tuesday." 1:11:03.450,1:11:06.866 So Thay handed the letter [br]to brother Pháp Đôn, 1:11:06.925,1:11:12.586 and asked him to arrange for this friend[br]to receive the 5 trainings on Monday, 1:11:12.669,1:11:17.458 so tomorrow, [br]before he returns home. 1:11:17.506,1:11:21.009 And brother Pháp Đôn was very compassionate. 1:11:21.288,1:11:24.776 He has arranged[br]for five or six brothers 1:11:24.800,1:11:29.283 to transmit the 5 Mindfulness Trainings [br]for that friend. 1:11:29.440,1:11:33.960 That is heart of pursuing the precepts. 1:11:33.960,1:11:40.676 Because we know that[br]there are precious gems in the precepts. 1:11:40.838,1:11:46.838 When we have precepts [br]then we have everything. 1:11:46.880,1:11:49.268 Because the precepts [br]contain the Three Jewels: 1:11:49.292,1:11:51.293 the Buddha, the Dharma, the sangha; 1:11:51.317,1:11:53.720 precepts, concentration and insight. 1:11:53.783,1:11:57.293 So someone who practices[br]the precepts is always protected. 1:11:57.400,1:11:59.491 They no longer have anything to fear. 1:11:59.636,1:12:04.001 Someone with a precept body, [br]the sila body ... 1:12:04.025,1:12:08.551 that person is always protected[br]by the Three Jewels, 1:12:08.575,1:12:11.520 by the energies of precepts,[br]concentration and insight. 1:12:11.570,1:12:16.350 That's why every one of us should pursue[br]the precepts wholeheartedly. 1:12:19.140,1:12:26.660 For all those who stay until [br]the end of the Rains retreat, 1:12:26.660,1:12:30.049 you can receive the 5 trainings during [br]the Great Precepts Transmission Ceremony. 1:12:30.082,1:12:34.253 You can receive them in the New Lotus Season [br]Great Precepts Transmission Ceremony. 1:12:41.071,1:12:43.071 At the end of the year, 1:12:45.559,1:12:47.277 it seems the monastics in Bat Nha have read this already, 1:12:47.277,1:12:51.444 but the monastics in New Hamlet [br]and Lower Hamlet have not. 1:12:52.515,1:12:57.524 Thay hopes that after the monastics [br]have had a chance to read this, 1:12:57.524,1:13:03.019 they can translate it so our friends can read it i[br]n English, French and German. 1:13:20.001,1:13:28.353 Thay has the reports from the [br]Dharma sharing groups from last Thursday. 1:13:28.860,1:13:40.045 [ The sound of the bell ]