0:00:22.067,0:00:24.134 Ladies and gentlemen, 0:00:24.134,0:00:29.513 I'm here representing[br]the element earth and Latvian identity. 0:00:29.991,0:00:33.480 And yet the person who stands before you 0:00:33.481,0:00:39.174 left her native city Riga at the age of 6 0:00:39.175,0:00:43.031 only to return to it at the age of 60 0:00:43.546,0:00:47.591 and to be elected president[br]8 months later. 0:00:47.592,0:00:52.633 President of a country without ever[br]having belonged to a political party, 0:00:53.496,0:00:57.865 without having undergone[br]an election campaign 0:00:57.866,0:01:01.735 which we normally think of[br]as a part of a democratic process, 0:01:02.104,0:01:06.488 without having spent a red cent[br]in election expenses, 0:01:06.489,0:01:10.116 [is] not exactly[br]your typical political path. 0:01:10.873,0:01:16.027 However, the path that I did follow 0:01:16.028,0:01:20.583 has given me some unique[br]experiences and insights. 0:01:21.026,0:01:24.414 And it is those[br]that I'd like to share with you, 0:01:24.415,0:01:28.565 in spite of the fact[br]that the Earth on which I was born, 0:01:28.566,0:01:33.196 the ground that my feet[br]were treading for most of my life, 0:01:33.198,0:01:36.248 was not that of my native land, 0:01:36.249,0:01:41.609 but was scattered[br]across 6 different countries 0:01:41.610,0:01:44.070 on 3 different continents, 0:01:44.071,0:01:45.960 where in the course of time 0:01:45.961,0:01:49.830 I had to acquire 5 different languages 0:01:49.831,0:01:53.213 and drop a few on the way[br]which I didn't quite master. 0:01:54.432,0:01:58.581 How in all this strange pattern 0:01:58.582,0:02:02.399 could one become president of a country 0:02:02.400,0:02:05.483 and an expert in its identity 0:02:05.484,0:02:08.477 would seem like a paradox, 0:02:08.478,0:02:13.451 but, alas, it's but one of three[br]main patterns of identity 0:02:13.452,0:02:17.998 that the Latvian nation has developed 0:02:17.999,0:02:20.452 because of historical events 0:02:20.453,0:02:24.776 as a consequence of the Second World War. 0:02:24.777,0:02:29.918 After the first occupation[br]and the annexation by the Soviet Union, 0:02:29.919,0:02:32.289 the following Nazi occupation, 0:02:32.290,0:02:36.569 involvement of Latvians[br]in both sides of the warring parties 0:02:36.570,0:02:39.395 against international conventions, 0:02:39.396,0:02:42.476 and then three patterns developed. 0:02:42.477,0:02:45.846 Some, like my parents[br]and those of my husband, 0:02:45.847,0:02:50.658 left and went into exile[br]with their children, hoping to return 0:02:50.659,0:02:55.539 when the international community[br]would ensure Latvia's independence again, 0:02:55.540,0:02:57.491 which of course did not happen. 0:02:57.492,0:03:00.111 Poor souls had never heard 0:03:00.112,0:03:04.261 of the protocols[br]of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact 0:03:04.262,0:03:08.422 and even less, of Yalta and Tehran[br]where the Allies had been involved. 0:03:09.462,0:03:14.701 The second pattern was of those[br]who were forcibly deported to Siberia. 0:03:14.702,0:03:19.370 Their lives have been documented[br]in films and documentaries; 0:03:21.010,0:03:24.239 if you stay in Latvia,[br]you'll have the occasion to see 0:03:24.240,0:03:28.669 during our Song Festival[br]which is upcoming in a few weeks. 0:03:28.670,0:03:32.229 Finally, of course, the majority[br]of people stayed here in Latvia, 0:03:32.230,0:03:37.190 but stayed here in a country[br]that was submitted to totalitarian rule, 0:03:37.200,0:03:40.319 to a foreign occupation[br]and military presence, 0:03:40.320,0:03:44.300 and an imposed ideology[br]and economic system. 0:03:45.275,0:03:48.494 I speak mostly, of course,[br]from a perspective; 0:03:48.495,0:03:51.234 first of those who went into exile, 0:03:51.235,0:03:55.739 but then of those[br]who returned and tried to heal 0:03:55.740,0:03:59.699 the various separate parts of our nation, 0:03:59.700,0:04:03.030 the branches that had been cut off[br]from the common tree, 0:04:03.031,0:04:07.720 to remind them all that they do grow[br]from the same historical soil, 0:04:07.721,0:04:11.010 the same past,[br]the same cultural traditions, 0:04:11.011,0:04:15.550 and that those are the ones[br]that essentially give us our identity. 0:04:15.551,0:04:20.958 But my own identity formation[br]was by no means an easy path, 0:04:20.959,0:04:24.712 and this is why I spent[br]much of my spare time 0:04:24.713,0:04:28.012 - apart, of course, from my career,[br]my academic career 0:04:28.013,0:04:34.031 as a loyal, contributing, and reasonably[br]successful Canadian academic - 0:04:34.032,0:04:40.011 I spent much of my time[br]struggling to bring up my children, 0:04:40.012,0:04:43.561 born abroad[br]from the Latvian point of view, 0:04:43.562,0:04:48.093 born in Montreal,[br]native-born Canadians at that rate, 0:04:48.094,0:04:49.445 and other: 0:04:49.446,0:04:52.929 the children of many other Latvians[br]in different continents 0:04:52.930,0:04:58.009 - South America, Australia,[br]Europe, the United States, Canada - 0:04:58.010,0:05:00.265 to try and inculcate in them 0:05:00.266,0:05:04.431 a sense of what it means[br]to be a Latvian and why. 0:05:04.432,0:05:10.831 And I came to the conclusion[br]that identity is a complex process 0:05:10.832,0:05:12.971 where being Latvian, 0:05:12.972,0:05:18.517 or German, or American,[br]or Chinese, or anything whatever, 0:05:18.518,0:05:23.811 is only one of the layers[br]of something like an onion in your psyche, 0:05:23.812,0:05:28.556 where each of you, each of us 0:05:28.557,0:05:33.356 are a part of many groups, 0:05:33.357,0:05:38.496 conglomerates, associations, identities. 0:05:38.497,0:05:41.470 We belong to many, many people 0:05:41.471,0:05:45.730 with whom we can identify[br]in a multiplicity of ways. 0:05:45.731,0:05:52.199 We are in fact more like the bulb[br]of a lily than that of an onion. 0:05:52.200,0:05:54.509 Lilies having these different scales, 0:05:54.510,0:05:58.349 and those are part[br]of different aspects of our personality. 0:05:58.350,0:06:03.100 But there are some essential elements[br]of identity that remain constant. 0:06:03.101,0:06:06.851 One of them is what I call the automatic. 0:06:07.890,0:06:13.759 The natural, as it were, identity[br]that the children acquire as they grow up 0:06:13.760,0:06:19.574 and are socialized by their family,[br]by their immediate surroundings, 0:06:19.575,0:06:22.433 the extended family if they have one, 0:06:22.434,0:06:24.731 later kindergarten, school, 0:06:24.732,0:06:28.361 the other children on the street,[br]society at large, 0:06:28.362,0:06:30.590 and nowadays increasingly 0:06:30.591,0:06:35.679 by the electronic media[br]of communication of various sorts. 0:06:35.680,0:06:38.781 The child develops a sense of self. 0:06:39.435,0:06:43.516 Each child looks in the mirror[br]and at some point says: 0:06:43.517,0:06:50.206 "Ah, that is little Annie,"[br]or little Susie, or little Tommy. 0:06:50.207,0:06:53.740 They know that they recognize themselves, 0:06:53.741,0:06:56.915 and they acquire a sense of who they are. 0:06:56.916,0:07:01.225 But it's much later[br]that personal sense of belonging 0:07:01.226,0:07:05.015 - of belonging to mommy or daddy,[br]or grandma, or grandpa, 0:07:05.016,0:07:09.155 or of living on a certain street,[br]or in a certain countryside - 0:07:09.156,0:07:11.561 is extended to a larger group. 0:07:11.562,0:07:15.832 And this happens sooner or later[br]depending on the circumstances. 0:07:15.839,0:07:18.488 For my generation, as exile children, 0:07:18.489,0:07:23.748 when we first encountered children[br]belonging to different nationalities, 0:07:23.749,0:07:27.939 we developed what I have called[br]a reactive identity. 0:07:28.419,0:07:30.719 When somebody points their finger at you 0:07:30.734,0:07:34.134 and calls you a dirty foreigner,[br]or a dirty Polak, and you say: 0:07:34.135,0:07:36.900 "Hey, I'm not a Polak, I'm a Latvian," 0:07:36.901,0:07:40.269 you realize who you are[br]whether you would like it or not. 0:07:40.769,0:07:42.014 Sometimes you like it 0:07:42.015,0:07:45.128 because they're ready to play with you[br]and they're quite friendly, 0:07:45.129,0:07:46.708 and sometimes you do not, 0:07:46.709,0:07:48.848 because they're ready[br]to throw stones at you, 0:07:48.849,0:07:50.848 run after you and try and beat you up. 0:07:50.849,0:07:54.208 And you discover[br]that not all people are equal, 0:07:54.209,0:07:59.248 and by much as among your own people,[br]you have some who, for instance, 0:07:59.249,0:08:04.078 - in my case, going to a Latvian school[br]in a refugee camp in Germany - 0:08:04.079,0:08:07.758 some are friendlier than others,[br]and so it is with foreigners. 0:08:07.759,0:08:10.508 But when I befriended[br]a little Estonian girl 0:08:10.509,0:08:12.953 who had a curious little knitted cap 0:08:12.954,0:08:17.123 with a geometric pattern[br]and a sort of crown on top, 0:08:17.124,0:08:21.558 - something like Anne Boleyn[br]if you can think of her portraits - 0:08:21.559,0:08:24.428 but a knitted cap with geometric designs, 0:08:24.429,0:08:28.098 I thought it was cute, and I asked her:[br]"How come you have such a cap, 0:08:28.099,0:08:30.858 and I see all these[br]other Estonian girls have such caps?" 0:08:30.859,0:08:32.488 I thought they were nice. 0:08:32.489,0:08:35.227 She said: "Well, Estonians wear them." 0:08:35.229,0:08:38.801 And when I asked my mother[br]could I get a cap like that, 0:08:38.802,0:08:43.058 my mother told me:[br]"Estonians wear them, Latvians do not." 0:08:43.058,0:08:45.895 It was as simple as that,[br]and much as I liked the cap, 0:08:45.896,0:08:48.395 I was told: "No, you're not an Estonian, 0:08:48.396,0:08:52.455 that is for Estonian girls,[br]Latvian girls do not wear them." 0:08:52.456,0:08:56.005 Later, in spreading[br]across the different continents 0:08:56.006,0:08:59.385 for refugee camps were closed in Germany, 0:08:59.386,0:09:03.826 there were many almost tragic stories,[br]certainly sad ones, 0:09:03.827,0:09:08.363 of little girls starting to go to school,[br]say, in Middle America, 0:09:08.364,0:09:10.773 and being told by their mothers 0:09:10.774,0:09:13.303 that decent little girls[br]when they go to school 0:09:13.304,0:09:17.103 must have long braids with ribbons 0:09:17.104,0:09:19.913 and dresses with white colours and cuffs. 0:09:19.914,0:09:22.892 When they arrived in school,[br]they were shocked to see 0:09:22.893,0:09:24.972 that everybody[br]was pointing fingers at them 0:09:24.973,0:09:29.493 and they were absolutely different[br]from the other girls in school. 0:09:29.503,0:09:33.542 When they told their mothers that's not[br]how American girls are dressing, 0:09:33.543,0:09:36.972 their mothers said: "But you are not[br]an American, you are a Latvian." 0:09:36.973,0:09:40.522 And the poor child[br]then had a choice to decide 0:09:40.523,0:09:44.012 whether to remain different[br]and obey mamma, 0:09:44.013,0:09:46.902 and remain within the Latvian community, 0:09:46.903,0:09:50.992 or to rebel as soon as[br]her age would allow it, 0:09:50.993,0:09:54.301 turn her back on Latvian society[br]and Latvian identity, 0:09:54.302,0:09:56.961 and forget about it[br]as quickly as she could. 0:09:56.962,0:09:58.965 What I spent my life doing 0:09:58.966,0:10:04.303 was trying to convince[br]young people of Latvian origin, 0:10:04.304,0:10:06.394 starting with my own children, 0:10:06.395,0:10:10.344 but also convincing myself[br]as I myself grew up 0:10:10.345,0:10:15.014 - since I did grow up abroad[br]and not in my native country - 0:10:15.015,0:10:19.271 that there was a third form of identity[br]which was a freely chosen one. 0:10:19.272,0:10:23.459 And that is the one where you realize[br]that belonging to a certain group 0:10:23.460,0:10:27.999 - be it an ethnic group,[br]a cultural heritage, a linguistic group - 0:10:28.000,0:10:32.208 you may define it in different ways,[br]but that what it does 0:10:32.209,0:10:36.408 it opens doors to you[br]that would otherwise be closed. 0:10:36.409,0:10:38.688 That learning the Latvian language 0:10:38.689,0:10:43.468 - practically you might say,[br]spoken by so few people across the world, 0:10:43.469,0:10:46.843 you'd be better off[br]learning Chinese, no doubt - 0:10:46.844,0:10:50.803 but for your identity[br]and for your sense of well-being, 0:10:50.804,0:10:55.283 for your roots being accessible to you, 0:10:55.284,0:11:00.101 for that sense of belonging[br]that comes from belonging to a community 0:11:00.102,0:11:04.151 in which you have birthrights,[br]- you belong to them by birthright - 0:11:04.152,0:11:08.501 that is something[br]that cannot be replaced by something else. 0:11:08.502,0:11:11.301 You can become a new Canadian, 0:11:11.302,0:11:14.861 an American naturalized citizen, 0:11:14.862,0:11:18.671 you can travel to many lands[br]and make a good living, 0:11:18.672,0:11:20.621 and marry a local person, and fit in. 0:11:20.622,0:11:22.691 And I have met many,[br]many Latvians who said: 0:11:22.692,0:11:25.771 "I married an American girl,[br]I fell in love with her, 0:11:25.772,0:11:30.253 but she did not like my going[br]with other Latvians 0:11:30.254,0:11:32.547 to various Latvian events, 0:11:32.548,0:11:35.867 she wanted me to turn my back[br]on them, and I thought to myself, 0:11:35.868,0:11:39.177 'But she's turning her back[br]on my identity. 0:11:39.178,0:11:41.745 She's turning her back on who I am'." 0:11:41.746,0:11:44.535 But who I am is not so easily defined. 0:11:44.536,0:11:49.355 One of the things that, I think,[br]defines who I am in that ethnic sense 0:11:49.356,0:11:51.662 is, of course, that cultural heritage 0:11:51.663,0:11:55.912 to which knowledge of language,[br]knowledge of history, 0:11:55.913,0:11:57.572 in our case, knowledge of folklore 0:11:57.573,0:12:00.482 - since that is a good part[br]of our heritage - 0:12:00.483,0:12:04.942 those are the riches[br]that are available to those 0:12:04.943,0:12:08.602 who open that door[br]of belonging to the Latvian nation 0:12:08.603,0:12:13.902 quite freely and without having[br]to make that forced choice. 0:12:13.903,0:12:19.504 Being different from the others,[br]one can blend in very easily. 0:12:19.505,0:12:20.624 When you're a Latvian, 0:12:20.625,0:12:23.964 in the great many countries[br]you can blend in very nicely, 0:12:23.965,0:12:26.154 nobody will ever know by looking at you 0:12:26.155,0:12:28.484 that you are a Latvian[br]or of Latvian origin. 0:12:28.485,0:12:29.684 But you can keep 0:12:29.685,0:12:32.684 - and this is what I tried to convince 0:12:32.685,0:12:38.108 the youngsters from various countries[br]that I came in contact with - 0:12:38.109,0:12:41.274 you can keep as it were[br]your secret garden: 0:12:41.275,0:12:44.264 that Latvian identity that is your own. 0:12:44.265,0:12:47.334 And that, of course,[br]we would be more than happy 0:12:47.335,0:12:49.874 to share with the rest of the world, 0:12:49.875,0:12:54.224 if somehow we could help them[br]to overcome the language barrier 0:12:54.225,0:12:57.838 and they could get to know[br]about what it has to offer. 0:12:57.839,0:13:01.418 In my own case, I have done that as well. 0:13:01.419,0:13:05.798 I have done my own[br]small efforts, if you like, 0:13:05.799,0:13:10.886 in terms of writing[br]scholarly articles and books 0:13:10.887,0:13:15.263 about the Latvian heritage,[br]about the Latvian identity, 0:13:15.264,0:13:19.226 and particularly about[br]what in our Latvian folk songs 0:13:19.227,0:13:24.026 makes them so extraordinary, so special, 0:13:24.027,0:13:28.878 and so worth getting acquainted with,[br]and so worth analyzing, 0:13:28.879,0:13:33.688 and entering into that international[br]non-material heritage 0:13:33.689,0:13:37.692 which UNESCO now for several years[br]has been recognizing. 0:13:39.249,0:13:42.848 For those of you who are in Latvia[br]for the next few weeks, 0:13:42.849,0:13:48.694 I quite recommend going[br]to the Latvian Song Festival, 0:13:48.695,0:13:51.949 watching it on television,[br]seeing it on video. 0:13:51.950,0:13:54.279 What we see in the Latvian Song Festival 0:13:54.280,0:13:59.719 is something that embodies[br]the tradition of singing 0:13:59.720,0:14:03.532 which had been[br]a pillar of Latvian identity 0:14:03.533,0:14:06.032 for a great many centuries, 0:14:06.033,0:14:09.722 before Latvia ever became a nation. 0:14:09.723,0:14:11.751 In the 19th century, 0:14:11.752,0:14:17.832 when Latvians were still largely[br]an oppressed class of society, 0:14:17.833,0:14:21.855 they started singing in choirs. 0:14:21.856,0:14:28.665 When the choirs got together regionally[br]and organized song festivals, 0:14:28.666,0:14:30.565 they came to realize 0:14:30.566,0:14:36.015 that one daughter was born in Riga[br]and another was born in Valmiera, 0:14:36.016,0:14:38.045 but they were singing the same song, 0:14:38.046,0:14:41.795 and they asked themselves the question[br]that one of the folk songs asks: 0:14:41.796,0:14:44.545 "Are they daughters of the same mother?" 0:14:44.546,0:14:46.755 And yes, they are daughters[br]of the same mother 0:14:46.756,0:14:48.516 who is the Latvian nation. 0:14:48.986,0:14:53.675 The singing and the coming together[br]was one element that allowed them 0:14:53.676,0:14:57.226 to become conscious[br]of this Latvian identity. 0:14:57.700,0:15:00.789 It allowed them[br]to become conscious of the riches 0:15:00.790,0:15:03.772 that that identity offered them 0:15:03.773,0:15:07.356 quite apart from the condescension, 0:15:08.366,0:15:13.330 and, in fact, the denigration[br]that they had frequently suffered 0:15:13.331,0:15:17.990 at the hands of those who had occupied[br]the upper levels of society 0:15:17.991,0:15:21.261 in the various occupying forces[br]over the centuries. 0:15:21.571,0:15:27.170 The Latvians recovered[br]their sense of pride in themselves, 0:15:27.171,0:15:31.533 not just their sense of an awareness[br]of themselves as a nation. 0:15:32.797,0:15:35.856 And through that awareness, they realized 0:15:35.857,0:15:39.246 that they as a nation have the rights 0:15:39.247,0:15:42.955 that belong to nations worldwide. 0:15:42.965,0:15:45.894 And in many ways[br]this coming together and singing 0:15:45.895,0:15:48.534 led to the thought[br]of Latvian independence, 0:15:48.535,0:15:51.074 the creation of an independent[br]Latvian nation, 0:15:51.075,0:15:57.114 and the tradition that managed to survive[br]through various foreign occupations, 0:15:57.115,0:16:00.754 through various imposed ideologies, 0:16:00.755,0:16:06.884 that managed to survive in Australia,[br]America, in Europe elsewhere, 0:16:06.885,0:16:10.184 behind the Iron Curtain,[br]on the other side, 0:16:11.104,0:16:14.699 the tradition helped us to maintain 0:16:14.700,0:16:19.209 our sense of roots, our link with a past, 0:16:19.210,0:16:23.951 the sense of inheritance and entitlement 0:16:23.952,0:16:26.873 that being Latvian meant to us. 0:16:26.874,0:16:31.848 And this sense of entitlement,[br]of course, makes us also fully European. 0:16:32.258,0:16:36.077 This is why as a president[br]I worked so hard to ensure 0:16:36.078,0:16:39.178 that Latvia became a member[br]of the European Union. 0:16:39.688,0:16:43.584 This is why since leaving office[br]as president I have been 0:16:43.585,0:16:47.414 such an ardent promoter[br]of European unity. 0:16:47.415,0:16:50.804 But I must say that in addition to that, 0:16:50.805,0:16:56.414 I find that from my experience[br]as president of a nation 0:16:56.415,0:17:02.634 that I have acquired insights[br]that are welcome elsewhere in the world, 0:17:02.635,0:17:07.334 and I'm part of at least 3 different clubs[br]and of great many organizations 0:17:07.335,0:17:09.634 that have an international remit, 0:17:09.635,0:17:12.714 that worry about the condition of women, 0:17:12.714,0:17:17.074 that worry about transitions[br]to democracy in various countries, 0:17:17.075,0:17:21.284 and I find myself now[br]with my Latvian identity 0:17:22.294,0:17:25.357 laboring in the Lord's vineyards 0:17:25.358,0:17:28.837 which are really those[br]of a citizen of the world. 0:17:28.838,0:17:34.127 So that having returned[br]like Ulysses to the land of my birth, 0:17:34.128,0:17:39.297 having been able to truly express[br]my Latvian identity 0:17:39.298,0:17:44.497 in a way that being born here[br]should've predestined me for, 0:17:44.498,0:17:49.667 I find myself also becoming[br]a very ardent European, 0:17:49.668,0:17:54.706 but, most of all, I find[br]that all these experiences, 0:17:54.707,0:17:58.956 those of my nation,[br]those of myself as an individual, 0:17:58.957,0:18:04.866 those of my compatriots who suffered[br]by being deported or otherwise repressed, 0:18:04.867,0:18:06.636 all those sufferings, 0:18:06.637,0:18:11.176 that other nations both in Europe[br]and elsewhere have gone through, 0:18:11.177,0:18:14.776 have contributed in each case 0:18:14.777,0:18:19.141 to developing our own sense of humanity. 0:18:19.752,0:18:22.491 And I would leave you with this thought 0:18:22.492,0:18:27.081 that be your identity what it may, 0:18:27.082,0:18:30.792 it must start with a sense[br]of your intrinsic value 0:18:31.432,0:18:34.611 as a person, as a human being, 0:18:34.612,0:18:37.799 as a citizen of the world, 0:18:37.800,0:18:40.269 as a member of the human race. 0:18:40.270,0:18:44.875 It is this belonging, this sense[br]of brotherhood or sisterhood 0:18:44.876,0:18:48.839 with people who may look[br]entirely different from you, 0:18:48.840,0:18:51.799 who have different values at times, 0:18:51.800,0:18:54.449 certainly different experiences, 0:18:54.450,0:19:00.772 but who after all have the same life path[br]that any human being has. 0:19:01.492,0:19:04.990 From birth through development, 0:19:04.991,0:19:10.040 growth, a career, experiences,[br]joys and sufferings, 0:19:10.041,0:19:13.490 and then, of course, we leave[br]the stage as Shakespeare says, 0:19:13.491,0:19:15.990 having been but actors on the stage. 0:19:15.991,0:19:20.098 I wish you all to spend your life 0:19:20.099,0:19:23.458 looking for that solid ground[br]under your feet, 0:19:23.459,0:19:26.188 which is what your identity gives you. 0:19:26.189,0:19:30.628 And remember, you don't have[br]just one of them, you have many, 0:19:30.629,0:19:35.332 and constantly, in the course[br]of your life, you keep having choices. 0:19:35.333,0:19:39.487 You can construct who you are[br]and who you want to be. 0:19:39.488,0:19:41.518 Godspeed to you all. 0:19:42.675,0:19:44.405 (Applause)