WEBVTT 00:00:10.897 --> 00:00:12.219 I'm fat. 00:00:13.297 --> 00:00:14.427 Wow, I'm fat. 00:00:15.228 --> 00:00:18.967 She's only nineteen years old, what am I doing with my life? 00:00:19.717 --> 00:00:21.408 Hey! Two likes! Nice. 00:00:21.818 --> 00:00:23.589 Do I like this photo? 00:00:24.016 --> 00:00:26.097 Does she really need more likes? 00:00:26.597 --> 00:00:28.843 I hope I'm going to be invited to the wedding. 00:00:29.469 --> 00:00:31.254 One more like, nice! 00:00:31.704 --> 00:00:35.914 Welcome to the internal monologue of a typical social media scroll. 00:00:36.544 --> 00:00:39.390 A monologue that so many of us have every day, 00:00:39.390 --> 00:00:42.542 but we don't think about it, we don't talk about it. 00:00:42.542 --> 00:00:45.234 In fact, many of us can't even recognize it happening. 00:00:46.831 --> 00:00:48.198 I'm Bailey Parnell, 00:00:48.198 --> 00:00:50.658 and I will discuss the unintended consequences 00:00:50.658 --> 00:00:52.787 social media is having on your mental health. 00:00:53.296 --> 00:00:55.679 I will show you what's stressing you out every day, 00:00:55.679 --> 00:00:56.918 what it's doing to you, 00:00:56.918 --> 00:01:00.277 and how you can craft a better experience for yourself online. 00:01:02.457 --> 00:01:03.857 Just over a year ago, 00:01:03.868 --> 00:01:07.615 my sister and I took a four-day vacation to Jasper, Alberta. 00:01:08.300 --> 00:01:12.217 This was the first no-work vacation I had taken in four years. 00:01:12.978 --> 00:01:15.818 On this vacation, I was going dark. 00:01:16.358 --> 00:01:20.868 I was turning on airplane mode, no email and no social media. 00:01:21.488 --> 00:01:22.809 The first day there, 00:01:22.809 --> 00:01:25.251 I was still experiencing phantom vibration syndrome. 00:01:25.251 --> 00:01:27.249 That's where you think your phone went off, 00:01:27.249 --> 00:01:29.008 and you check and it didn't. 00:01:29.008 --> 00:01:30.830 I was checking incessantly. 00:01:30.830 --> 00:01:32.695 I was distracted in conversation. 00:01:32.695 --> 00:01:35.495 I was seeing these gorgeous sights Jasper had to offer, 00:01:35.505 --> 00:01:37.695 and my first reaction was to take out my phone 00:01:37.695 --> 00:01:39.167 and post it on social. 00:01:39.167 --> 00:01:41.221 But of course it wasn't there. 00:01:42.090 --> 00:01:44.381 The second day was a little bit easier. 00:01:44.629 --> 00:01:46.518 You might be thinking I'm ridiculous, 00:01:46.518 --> 00:01:50.069 but I hadn't been completely disconnected in over four years. 00:01:50.783 --> 00:01:53.283 This was practically a new experience again. 00:01:53.296 --> 00:01:55.335 It wasn't until the fourth day I was there 00:01:55.335 --> 00:01:57.616 that I was finally comfortable without my phone. 00:01:58.075 --> 00:02:01.314 I was sitting with my sister, literally on the side of this mountain, 00:02:01.314 --> 00:02:03.264 when I started thinking to myself: 00:02:03.264 --> 00:02:05.745 "What is social media doing to me? 00:02:05.745 --> 00:02:07.679 What is it doing to my peers?" 00:02:07.679 --> 00:02:10.901 That was only four days, and it was anxiety-inducing, 00:02:10.901 --> 00:02:13.699 it was stressful and it resulted in withdrawals. 00:02:14.780 --> 00:02:17.139 That's when I started to ask questions 00:02:17.139 --> 00:02:20.057 and have since started my master's research into this subject. 00:02:21.567 --> 00:02:24.638 I've worked in social marketing primarily in higher education 00:02:24.638 --> 00:02:26.349 for most of my career. 00:02:26.349 --> 00:02:29.653 That means I work with a lot of 18- to 24-year-olds, 00:02:30.218 --> 00:02:31.378 which also happens to be 00:02:31.378 --> 00:02:33.889 the most active demographic on social media. 00:02:34.691 --> 00:02:36.649 The other thing you need to know about me 00:02:36.649 --> 00:02:39.499 is that I'm young enough to have grown up with social media, 00:02:40.080 --> 00:02:42.881 but just old enough to be able to critically engage with it 00:02:42.881 --> 00:02:45.440 in a way that twelve-year-old me probably couldn't. 00:02:45.811 --> 00:02:49.926 My life is social media: personally, professionally and academically. 00:02:49.926 --> 00:02:53.771 If it was doing this to me, what was it doing to everyone else? 00:02:55.076 --> 00:02:57.357 I immediately found out I wasn't alone. 00:02:59.532 --> 00:03:03.028 The center for collegiate mental health found that the top three diagnoses 00:03:03.028 --> 00:03:07.266 on University campuses are anxiety, depression and stress. 00:03:08.039 --> 00:03:11.768 Numerous studies from the US, Canada, the UK, you name it, 00:03:11.768 --> 00:03:14.028 have linked this high social media use 00:03:14.028 --> 00:03:16.951 with these high levels of anxiety and depression. 00:03:17.723 --> 00:03:20.335 But the scary thing is that high social media use 00:03:20.335 --> 00:03:22.285 is almost everyone I know: 00:03:22.754 --> 00:03:25.295 my friends, my family, my colleagues. 00:03:25.971 --> 00:03:30.161 90% of 18- to 29-year-olds are on social media. 00:03:31.093 --> 00:03:34.074 We spend on average two hours a day there. 00:03:34.074 --> 00:03:36.694 We don't even eat for two hours a day. 00:03:37.452 --> 00:03:41.407 70% of the Canadian population is on social media. 00:03:42.133 --> 00:03:45.001 Our voter turnout isn't even 70%. 00:03:45.362 --> 00:03:49.939 Anything we do this often is worthy of critical observation. 00:03:49.941 --> 00:03:53.882 Anything we spend this much time doing has lasting effects on us. 00:03:54.631 --> 00:03:56.161 So let me introduce you 00:03:56.161 --> 00:03:59.432 to four of the most common stressors on social media, 00:03:59.432 --> 00:04:00.676 that if go unchecked 00:04:00.676 --> 00:04:03.882 have potential to become full-blown mental health issues, 00:04:03.882 --> 00:04:06.372 and this is by no means an exhaustive list. 00:04:07.773 --> 00:04:10.122 Number one: the Highlight Reel. 00:04:11.333 --> 00:04:12.727 Just like in sports, 00:04:12.727 --> 00:04:16.484 the highlight reel is a collection of the best and brightest moments. 00:04:16.964 --> 00:04:19.445 Social media is our personal highlight reel. 00:04:19.445 --> 00:04:21.934 It's where we put up our wins, or when we look great, 00:04:21.934 --> 00:04:24.185 or when we are out with friends and family. 00:04:24.185 --> 00:04:25.983 But we struggle with insecurity 00:04:25.983 --> 00:04:28.339 because we compare our behind-the-scenes 00:04:28.339 --> 00:04:30.456 with everyone else's highlight reels. 00:04:30.456 --> 00:04:33.172 We are constantly comparing ourselves to others. 00:04:33.172 --> 00:04:35.742 Yes, this was happening before social media, 00:04:35.742 --> 00:04:37.582 with TV and celebrity, 00:04:37.582 --> 00:04:41.465 but now it's happening all the time, and it's directly linked to you. 00:04:42.607 --> 00:04:45.784 A perfect example I came across in preparation for this talk 00:04:45.784 --> 00:04:48.719 is my friend on vacation: 'brb, nap ...' 00:04:48.719 --> 00:04:50.209 (Laughter) 00:04:50.708 --> 00:04:53.186 'Wait, why can't I afford a vacation? 00:04:53.186 --> 00:04:56.028 Why am I just sitting here in my PJ's watching Netflix? 00:04:56.028 --> 00:04:57.888 I want to be on a beach.' 00:04:58.818 --> 00:05:01.221 Here's the thing, I know her very well. 00:05:01.517 --> 00:05:03.869 I knew this was out of the ordinary for her. 00:05:04.200 --> 00:05:06.612 I knew she was typically drowning in schoolwork. 00:05:06.612 --> 00:05:08.648 But we think, 'Who wants to see that?' 00:05:09.035 --> 00:05:11.277 The highlights are what people want to see. 00:05:11.278 --> 00:05:13.557 In fact, when your highlights do well, 00:05:13.557 --> 00:05:16.406 you encounter the second stressor on social media. 00:05:16.787 --> 00:05:20.116 Which is number two: Social Currency. 00:05:21.887 --> 00:05:26.048 Just like the dollar, a currency is literally something we use 00:05:26.048 --> 00:05:28.214 to attribute value to a good or service. 00:05:29.000 --> 00:05:31.810 In social media, these likes, the comments, the shares 00:05:31.810 --> 00:05:36.091 have become this form of social currency by which we attribute value to something. 00:05:36.872 --> 00:05:39.313 In marketing, we call it the 'Economy of Attention'. 00:05:39.678 --> 00:05:41.698 Everything is competing for your attention, 00:05:41.698 --> 00:05:45.539 and when you give something a like or a piece of that finite attention, 00:05:45.539 --> 00:05:48.541 it becomes a recorded transaction attributing value. 00:05:48.972 --> 00:05:51.960 Which is great if you are selling albums or clothing. 00:05:52.721 --> 00:05:55.623 The problem is that in our social media, 00:05:55.623 --> 00:05:57.443 [WE are the product.] 00:05:57.443 --> 00:05:59.761 We are letting others attribute value to us. 00:06:00.560 --> 00:06:03.477 You know someone or are someone that has taken down a photo 00:06:03.478 --> 00:06:06.370 because it didn't take as many likes as you thought it would. 00:06:07.068 --> 00:06:09.439 I'll admit, I've been right there with you. 00:06:09.448 --> 00:06:14.150 We took our product off the shelf because it wasn't selling fast enough. 00:06:15.099 --> 00:06:17.719 This is changing our sense of identity. 00:06:17.719 --> 00:06:20.559 We are tying up our self-worth of what others think about us 00:06:20.559 --> 00:06:22.976 and then we are quantifying it for everyone to see. 00:06:23.780 --> 00:06:25.022 And we are obsessed. 00:06:25.022 --> 00:06:29.533 We have to get that selfie just right, and we will take 300 photos to make sure. 00:06:30.353 --> 00:06:33.002 Then we will wait for the perfect time to post. 00:06:35.384 --> 00:06:36.653 We are so obsessed 00:06:36.653 --> 00:06:39.884 we have biological responses when we can't participate. 00:06:40.813 --> 00:06:43.543 Which leads me to the third stressor on social media. 00:06:43.983 --> 00:06:46.306 Number three: F.O.M.O. 00:06:46.945 --> 00:06:49.158 It's a light phrase we've all thrown around. 00:06:49.718 --> 00:06:53.930 F.O.M.O., or the 'fear of missing out', is an actual social anxiety 00:06:53.930 --> 00:06:56.819 from the fear that you are missing a potential connection, 00:06:56.819 --> 00:06:58.521 event, or opportunity. 00:06:58.521 --> 00:07:02.369 A collection of Canadian Universities found that 7/10 students 00:07:02.369 --> 00:07:05.350 said they would get rid of their social networking accounts 00:07:05.350 --> 00:07:08.324 if it were not for fear of being left 'out of the loop'. 00:07:08.324 --> 00:07:10.685 Out of curiosity, how many people here 00:07:10.685 --> 00:07:13.595 have, or have considered deactivating your social. 00:07:14.714 --> 00:07:16.204 That's almost everyone. 00:07:17.701 --> 00:07:21.180 That F.O.M.O. you feel, the highlight reels, the social currency, 00:07:21.765 --> 00:07:25.949 those are all results of a relatively 'normal' social media experience. 00:07:26.512 --> 00:07:30.052 But what if going on social every day was a terrifying experience? 00:07:30.052 --> 00:07:32.330 Where you not just question your self-worth 00:07:32.330 --> 00:07:34.301 but you question your safety? 00:07:34.445 --> 00:07:37.387 Perhaps the worst stressor on social media is number four: 00:07:37.387 --> 00:07:39.040 Online Harassment. 00:07:40.823 --> 00:07:44.735 40% of online adults have experienced online harassment. 00:07:45.685 --> 00:07:48.255 73% have witnessed it. 00:07:48.925 --> 00:07:52.502 The unfortunate reality is that it is much worse and much more likely 00:07:52.504 --> 00:07:55.884 if you are a woman, LGBTQ, a person of color, muslim - 00:07:55.894 --> 00:07:57.582 I think you get the point. 00:07:58.147 --> 00:08:01.627 The problem is that in the news we are seeing these big stories: 00:08:02.247 --> 00:08:04.007 The 18-year-old Tyler Clementi, 00:08:04.007 --> 00:08:08.217 who took his life after his roommate secretly filmed him kissing another guy 00:08:08.217 --> 00:08:09.702 and outed him on Twitter. 00:08:10.618 --> 00:08:14.296 We see women like Anita Sarkeesian being close to shamed of the internet 00:08:14.296 --> 00:08:17.380 and sent death and rape threats for sharing their feminism. 00:08:17.380 --> 00:08:20.175 We see these stories once it is too late. 00:08:21.248 --> 00:08:23.764 What about the everyday online harassment? 00:08:23.764 --> 00:08:26.517 What about that ugly snapchat you sent your friend 00:08:26.517 --> 00:08:29.897 with the intention of it being private, and now it is up on Facebook? 00:08:29.901 --> 00:08:32.841 'And so? It's just one photo, it's funny.' 00:08:32.841 --> 00:08:35.318 'Just one mean comment, not a big deal.' 00:08:35.882 --> 00:08:40.172 But when these micro moments happen over and over again, over time, 00:08:40.172 --> 00:08:42.652 that's when we have a macro problem. 00:08:43.791 --> 00:08:46.363 We have to recognize these everyday instances as well. 00:08:46.930 --> 00:08:49.568 Because if they go unchecked and the effects unnoticed, 00:08:49.568 --> 00:08:52.569 we are going to have many more Tyler Clementis. 00:08:54.040 --> 00:08:56.176 The effects are not always easy to recognise. 00:08:56.176 --> 00:08:59.787 How many of you have noticed the notifications at the top of my screen? 00:09:00.269 --> 00:09:03.576 How many of you, like me, are bothered that they're not checked? 00:09:04.949 --> 00:09:08.950 Ok, let me check them for you. (Sighs) Okay! 00:09:10.647 --> 00:09:13.644 Just one small example of what this can do to you. 00:09:13.644 --> 00:09:16.911 Maybe you simply cannot focus because your notifications 00:09:16.911 --> 00:09:19.700 are going off the handle, and you need to check. 00:09:20.382 --> 00:09:23.359 That need, eventually becomes addiction. 00:09:24.479 --> 00:09:26.897 Regarding social media, we are already experiencing 00:09:26.897 --> 00:09:29.064 impairment similar to substance dependencies. 00:09:29.630 --> 00:09:33.521 With every like, you get a shot of that feel-good chemical, dopamine. 00:09:33.894 --> 00:09:37.504 You gain more of that social currency. So what do we do to feel good? 00:09:37.891 --> 00:09:40.436 We check likes - just one more time. 00:09:41.093 --> 00:09:43.192 We post - just one more time. 00:09:44.015 --> 00:09:46.612 We are anxious if we do not have access. 00:09:47.205 --> 00:09:50.014 Doesn't that sound like every drug you have ever heard of? 00:09:50.639 --> 00:09:51.401 Yeah! 00:09:52.594 --> 00:09:54.054 So when that grows, 00:09:54.054 --> 00:09:56.936 when your social media use goes unconfronted overtime, 00:09:56.936 --> 00:09:59.890 that's when we see the rising levels of anxiety and depression: 00:09:59.890 --> 00:10:03.101 the F.O.M.O. the distractions, the highlight reels, the comparisons; 00:10:03.101 --> 00:10:05.168 It's a lot, and it's all the time! 00:10:06.550 --> 00:10:09.071 The Canadian Association of Mental Health 00:10:09.071 --> 00:10:14.132 found that grades 7-12 students who spent two hours a day on social media 00:10:14.132 --> 00:10:18.291 reported higher levels of anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. 00:10:19.763 --> 00:10:23.101 For those of you doing the math, that's as young as twelve years old. 00:10:26.411 --> 00:10:30.946 Here is the thing, I like social media. I do, I love it. 00:10:31.413 --> 00:10:32.766 Hearing what I've said today 00:10:32.776 --> 00:10:35.073 might make you think I want you to get off of it. 00:10:35.073 --> 00:10:36.367 But I don't. 00:10:36.367 --> 00:10:38.370 I don't think it's going anywhere, 00:10:38.370 --> 00:10:39.942 so I'm not going to waste my time 00:10:39.942 --> 00:10:42.698 telling you to spend less time on social media. 00:10:42.698 --> 00:10:45.757 Frankly, I don't think absence is an option anymore. 00:10:45.757 --> 00:10:49.074 But that does not mean you can't practice 'safe social'. 00:10:51.982 --> 00:10:54.289 Everything I have talked about today 00:10:54.289 --> 00:10:57.681 has nothing and everything to do with social media. 00:10:58.609 --> 00:11:01.681 I mean, social media is neither good nor bad. 00:11:01.681 --> 00:11:05.028 It's just the most recent tool we use to do what we have always done: 00:11:05.631 --> 00:11:07.980 tell stories and communicate with each other. 00:11:08.409 --> 00:11:11.873 You wouldn't blame Samsung Television for a bad TV show. 00:11:12.603 --> 00:11:15.353 Twitter doesn't make people write hateful posts. 00:11:16.177 --> 00:11:18.591 When we talk about this dark side of social media, 00:11:18.591 --> 00:11:21.355 what we really talk about is the dark side of people. 00:11:21.355 --> 00:11:23.409 That dark side that makes harassers harass; 00:11:23.409 --> 00:11:25.685 that insecurity that makes you take down a photo 00:11:25.685 --> 00:11:27.178 you were excited to share. 00:11:27.178 --> 00:11:30.362 That dark side that looks at a picture of a happy family and wonders 00:11:30.362 --> 00:11:32.702 why yours does not look like that. 00:11:33.501 --> 00:11:38.137 So as parents, as educators, as friends, as bosses 00:11:38.137 --> 00:11:40.573 this dark side is what we need to focus on. 00:11:41.470 --> 00:11:45.020 We need preventative strategies and coping strategies 00:11:45.020 --> 00:11:48.284 so that when you have your low days - because you will - 00:11:48.284 --> 00:11:52.454 when you're questioning your self-worth, you never get as low as Tyler Clementi - 00:11:52.842 --> 00:11:54.925 and the many others like him. 00:11:55.876 --> 00:11:58.725 'OK, Bailey, how do you find social media wellness?' 00:11:59.041 --> 00:12:00.873 Here's the good news: 00:12:00.873 --> 00:12:03.996 Recognising a problem is the first step to fixing it. 00:12:04.474 --> 00:12:08.229 So hearing this talk is just that, step one: recognise the problem. 00:12:08.229 --> 00:12:09.809 You know the power of suggestion, 00:12:09.809 --> 00:12:13.349 when someone tells you about something and you start seeing it everywhere. 00:12:13.349 --> 00:12:15.383 That's why awareness is critical. 00:12:15.383 --> 00:12:18.877 Because now you will at least be better able to recognise these effects 00:12:18.877 --> 00:12:20.846 if and when they happen to you. 00:12:22.864 --> 00:12:26.389 The second thing you are going to do is audit your social media diet. 00:12:27.786 --> 00:12:30.102 The same way we monitor what goes into our mouth, 00:12:30.102 --> 00:12:32.602 monitor whatever goes into your head and heart. 00:12:32.602 --> 00:12:37.025 Ask yourself: 'Did that Facebook scroll make me feel better or worse off?' 00:12:37.397 --> 00:12:39.937 'How many times do I actually check likes?' 00:12:40.266 --> 00:12:42.834 'Why am I responding this way to that photo?' 00:12:43.117 --> 00:12:45.860 Then ask yourself if you are happy with the results. 00:12:45.860 --> 00:12:47.927 You might be and that's OK! 00:12:48.322 --> 00:12:51.059 But if you're not, move on to step three. 00:12:51.593 --> 00:12:53.858 Create a better online experience. 00:12:54.556 --> 00:12:56.049 After my partner did his audit, 00:12:56.049 --> 00:12:59.080 he realised his self-worth was too tied up in social media, 00:12:59.080 --> 00:13:03.163 but particularly celebrities reminding him of the things he didn't have. 00:13:03.173 --> 00:13:06.219 So he unfollowed all brands and all celebrities. 00:13:06.535 --> 00:13:08.016 That worked for him. 00:13:08.027 --> 00:13:10.141 But it might not be celebrities for you. 00:13:10.141 --> 00:13:13.051 For me, I had to purge other people off my timeline. 00:13:13.051 --> 00:13:14.381 Let me tell you a secret. 00:13:14.381 --> 00:13:17.221 You do not have to follow your 'friends'. 00:13:17.679 --> 00:13:19.973 The truth is that sometimes our friends, 00:13:19.973 --> 00:13:23.219 or the people we have on Facebook as a courtesy, 00:13:23.219 --> 00:13:24.582 they just suck online! 00:13:24.962 --> 00:13:27.936 You find yourself in this passive-aggressive status war 00:13:27.936 --> 00:13:29.956 you didn't even know you was happening. 00:13:29.956 --> 00:13:33.805 Or you are looking at 50 photos of the same concert from the same angle. 00:13:33.805 --> 00:13:35.685 (Laughter) 00:13:35.685 --> 00:13:39.355 If you want to follow artists, or comedians, or cats, 00:13:39.355 --> 00:13:40.977 you can do that. 00:13:41.186 --> 00:13:43.737 The last thing you will do is model good behaviour. 00:13:43.737 --> 00:13:46.787 Offline we are taught not to bully other kids in the playground. 00:13:46.787 --> 00:13:49.822 We are taught to respect others and treat them how they deserve. 00:13:49.822 --> 00:13:52.328 We are taught not to kick others when they are down, 00:13:52.328 --> 00:13:54.120 or take pleasure in their downfalls. 00:13:54.120 --> 00:13:55.771 Social media is a tool. 00:13:55.953 --> 00:13:59.601 A tool that can be used for good, for more positive groups, 00:13:59.601 --> 00:14:03.448 for revolutions, for putting grumpy cat in Disney movies. 00:14:03.448 --> 00:14:04.775 (Laughs) 00:14:04.775 --> 00:14:06.464 Internet is a weird place. 00:14:07.099 --> 00:14:09.315 Is social media hurting your mental health? 00:14:09.325 --> 00:14:11.375 The answer is: it doesn't have to. 00:14:11.758 --> 00:14:15.340 Social can tear you down, yes, or it can lift you up, 00:14:15.826 --> 00:14:19.485 where you leave feeling better off, or have an actual laugh-out-loud. 00:14:20.508 --> 00:14:22.463 Finally, I have 24 hours in a day, 00:14:22.463 --> 00:14:25.463 if I spend two of those hours on social media, 00:14:25.463 --> 00:14:29.987 then I want my experiences to be full of inspiration, laughs, motivation, 00:14:29.987 --> 00:14:32.854 and a whole lot of grumpy cat in Disney movies. 00:14:33.689 --> 00:14:34.710 Thank you. 00:14:34.710 --> 00:14:37.260 (Applause)