0:00:00.446,0:00:02.152 Growing up, I was kind of[br]always self-conscious, 0:00:02.152,0:00:03.770 like wanting to[br]look a certain way. 0:00:03.770,0:00:05.025 It's a never[br]ending battle. 0:00:05.025,0:00:06.910 You look at yourself, and[br]you know you can never 0:00:06.910,0:00:08.119 attain that ideal. 0:00:11.189,0:00:13.662 As I've gotten older, you[br]see different changes. 0:00:13.662,0:00:16.413 I feel like I have some[br]wrinkles around my eyes. 0:00:16.413,0:00:18.853 I'm never going[br]to be skinny.[br]I' not a skinny girl. 0:00:18.853,0:00:19.652 They can be hired. 0:00:19.652,0:00:21.660 When you see models and[br]celebrities, I mean like 0:00:21.660,0:00:23.740 you just don't[br]look the same. 0:00:55.964,0:00:56.442 Okay. 0:01:00.588,0:01:02.112 Wow. 0:01:02.112,0:01:03.889 Oh, my God. 0:01:03.889,0:01:06.411 I had not expected to[br]look like that at all. 0:01:06.411,0:01:11.251 I feel like it doesn't[br]even look like me. 0:01:11.251,0:01:12.837 I think, because I know[br]myself, 0:01:12.837,0:01:15.393 this looks really different. 0:01:15.393,0:01:18.183 Why would you want to make[br]someone look so different? 0:01:18.183,0:01:19.104 I like my freckles. 0:01:19.104,0:01:20.346 I think they add[br]character, 0:01:20.346,0:01:23.860 and the fact that they're gone,[br]I don't know even know who that[br]is. 0:01:23.860,0:01:27.315 Just as a normal person[br]seeing yourself change and 0:01:27.315,0:01:32.053 your identity changed,[br]it's pretty, pretty shocking. 0:01:32.053,0:01:34.242 Once someone else has done[br]your makeup and someone 0:01:34.242,0:01:36.327 else has done your hair,[br]and someone has directed 0:01:36.327,0:01:38.944 the way your body looks[br]and then taken away your 0:01:38.944,0:01:42.330 imperfections, then[br]there's not much left of 0:01:42.330,0:01:44.081 who you really are. 0:01:44.081,0:01:46.921 This is how I always[br]wanted to see myself, but 0:01:46.921,0:01:51.057 now that I see it, I like[br]questioning why I ever 0:01:51.057,0:01:53.756 wanted to look like that. 0:01:53.756,0:01:55.592 You look at these as[br]magazines, 0:01:55.592,0:01:58.051 and you see these women who look[br]absolutely flawless, 0:01:58.051,0:01:59.858 and you're like, ah, I wish[br]I could look like that. 0:01:59.858,0:02:02.176 But who really[br]looks like this? 0:02:02.176,0:02:04.017 I think we live in a[br]really interesting time 0:02:04.017,0:02:08.219 where we feel like we have[br]to make people look to the 0:02:08.219,0:02:10.721 standard that's not[br]attainable for anybody. 0:02:10.721,0:02:12.192 Instead of looking at[br]other things and trying to 0:02:12.192,0:02:14.142 aspire to be something[br]else, we should just be 0:02:14.142,0:02:17.695 comfortable in who we are and[br]just try to be our best selves. 0:02:17.695,0:02:19.974 I think something that[br]everybody should keep in 0:02:19.974,0:02:23.300 mind is that it's natural[br]to be critical of yourself. 0:02:23.300,0:02:25.416 It's natural to be[br]uncomfortable or awkward, 0:02:25.416,0:02:29.715 but you just have to[br]know that the ideal just 0:02:29.715,0:02:30.663 doesn't exist.