0:00:00.000,0:00:04.960 [intro music] 0:00:11.840,0:00:14.700 Hey! So as good as a pair of big, comfy granny 0:00:14.710,0:00:21.270 undies are, sometimes you just want something[br]a little more, you know, lacey. And so today 0:00:21.270,0:00:24.800 I’m going to show you how to make your very[br]own cute lace underwear. For this project 0:00:24.800,0:00:29.980 you will need a stretchy piece of lace that[br]is 4-7 inches wide. Mine is 6 inches wide. The 0:00:29.980,0:00:33.750 wider your lace, the more high-waisted your[br]underwear will be. The first thing that you 0:00:33.750,0:00:37.780 need to do is measure your butt. The measuring[br]tape needs to wrap around your butt and your 0:00:37.780,0:00:43.239 hips at the widest part. My measurement is[br]38 inches. Then, subtract 4 inches off your 0:00:43.239,0:00:47.649 butt measurement. This brings mine down to[br]34 inches. This is the length that you will 0:00:47.649,0:00:54.030 need to cut your lace to. So, cut your lace[br]and then cut this piece of lace exactly in 0:00:54.030,0:01:00.559 half. Divide by 2 to get your half measurement[br]and make sure each piece is this length. 0:01:00.559,0:01:04.790 Then, fold both pieces of lace exactly in half.[br]It’s a good idea to pin them together to 0:01:04.790,0:01:09.250 make sure that they stay this way. Then, you[br]need to cut out a small piece of lace from 0:01:09.250,0:01:14.799 these folded bits. Measure 1.5 inches across[br]from the raw edges, 1.5 inches off from the 0:01:14.799,0:01:23.339 bottom, and draw a rectangle with a rounded[br]edge, then cut this out. Repeat this on both 0:01:23.380,0:01:32.300 folded pieces and then unfold both of the[br]pieces. Place the two pieces of lace on top 0:01:32.310,0:01:38.969 of each other with the right sides together.[br]Pin them together at the ends to make sure 0:01:38.969,0:01:45.640 that they stay together for the next step,[br]and then sew like this. Now you can either 0:01:45.640,0:01:50.770 use a machine zigzag stitch, an overlocker,[br]or you can handsew using a zigzag stitch and 0:01:50.770,0:01:55.030 I will provide links in the description. But,[br]if your sewing machine has one it’s a good 0:01:55.030,0:01:59.070 idea to use a stretch stitch as it will hold[br]the fabrics together a bit more strongly than 0:01:59.070,0:02:04.969 a zigzag stitch. You can then trim off any[br]excess lace from the seam allowance. Next, 0:02:04.969,0:02:11.340 we’re going to make a gusset. Cut out a[br]piece of lace that’s 3.5 by 2.5 inches. 0:02:11.340,0:02:15.430 Extend the 3.5 inch measurement to 4 inches[br]if you’re making plus size underwear, or 0:02:15.430,0:02:20.330 to 3 inches if you’re very thin. Then, cut[br]a piece of 100% cotton in exactly the same 0:02:20.330,0:02:30.550 size as this piece of lace. Put the two pieces[br]right sides together, pin them together, then 0:02:30.550,0:02:38.220 sew down these two sides only, and you can[br]just use a straight stitch here. Turn the 0:02:38.220,0:02:45.220 gusset inside out and you should have something[br]that looks like this. Then, going back to 0:02:45.220,0:02:53.340 your main piece turn it the right way around[br]so that the seams are on the inside and flip 0:02:53.340,0:03:00.340 it around so that the seam and the two crotch[br]pieces are in the middle. 0:03:04.820,0:03:09.860 Then, attach your gusset to the front crotch piece right sides[br]together, so the cotton piece of the gusset 0:03:09.870,0:03:15.510 should be facing upwards when you pin it to[br]the front of your underwear. Then, sew across this 0:03:15.510,0:03:19.730 either using a zigzag stitch, or if you want[br]the seam to be super professional looking, 0:03:19.730,0:03:25.380 you can use an overlocker like I did. Then,[br]you just need to attach the gusset to the 0:03:25.380,0:03:29.780 back, much in the same way you that you did[br]it for the front. The gusset needs to be attached 0:03:29.780,0:03:36.780 to the other crotch piece, again, right sides[br]together. Now, it’s easier to sew this together 0:03:37.570,0:03:44.570 if you turn your underwear inside out first.[br]Sew across this to attach the two together 0:03:45.870,0:03:51.030 and this is what it should like from the inside[br]of the underwear - and from the outside. And 0:03:51.030,0:03:56.510 that’s how you make cute lacey underwear. 0:03:58.380,0:04:01.280 Now, for somewhat obvious reasons I’m not 0:04:01.280,0:04:05.970 going to be filming myself wearing these and[br]putting it on the internet. Because they’re 0:04:05.970,0:04:09.630 see-though. So, you’ll just have to trust[br]me when I say that these fit really really 0:04:09.630,0:04:14.110 well, they’re really comfortable, and they’re[br]really super cute. If you don’t believe 0:04:14.110,0:04:18.060 me you’ll just have to try it out yourself[br]and upload a picture of your creation to Instagram 0:04:18.060,0:04:23.110 and hashtag it #diyannika. And that’s it[br]for me today. I’ll see you all next time! 0:04:23.110,0:04:24.870 [outro music]