WEBVTT 00:00:06.440 --> 00:00:09.080 Hello and welcome to Science in 5. 00:00:09.080 --> 00:00:13.880 I'm Vismita Gupta-Smith and these are WHO's conversations in science. 00:00:13.880 --> 00:00:17.600 We're going to continue our conversation on vaccines 00:00:17.600 --> 00:00:19.920 with Dr Katherine O'Brien. 00:00:19.920 --> 00:00:21.199 Welcome, Kate. 00:00:21.199 --> 00:00:23.669 Thank you, I'm really pleased to be with you again today. 00:00:23.920 --> 00:00:30.090 Kate, in countries where people have a choice of more than one vaccine, 00:00:30.090 --> 00:00:32.560 they're wondering which vaccine to take. 00:00:32.560 --> 00:00:36.079 How do experts like you advise them? 00:00:36.079 --> 00:00:37.515 Well, Vismita, you know, 00:00:37.515 --> 00:00:39.457 the world doesn't have enough vaccine right now 00:00:39.457 --> 00:00:42.560 to immunize everybody who needs the vaccine. 00:00:42.560 --> 00:00:45.719 So, we have a really simple answer to this question, 00:00:45.719 --> 00:00:47.765 which is when you're offered a vaccine, 00:00:47.765 --> 00:00:50.479 you should take the vaccine that you're offered. 00:00:50.479 --> 00:00:53.580 We have a number of vaccines that have been demonstrated 00:00:53.580 --> 00:00:58.719 to be safe, efficacious and to be manufactured with high quality. 00:00:58.719 --> 00:01:00.599 And so, any of these vaccines 00:01:00.599 --> 00:01:03.560 are ones that are going to actually protect you. 00:01:03.560 --> 00:01:07.249 If you live in a country where there's more than one vaccine in the program, 00:01:07.249 --> 00:01:10.840 you should consider yourself lucky that you have access to the vaccine. 00:01:10.840 --> 00:01:13.359 And when it's your turn to actually get vaccine, 00:01:13.359 --> 00:01:18.079 that's the time when you should get it and accept what vaccine is offered to you. 00:01:18.079 --> 00:01:20.509 If you're a person in a high risk category 00:01:20.509 --> 00:01:23.219 and you've been one of the early people to get vaccine, 00:01:23.219 --> 00:01:27.224 that's something that you should do as quickly as possible 00:01:27.224 --> 00:01:28.840 so that you're protected. 00:01:28.840 --> 00:01:31.859 And for people who are later in the queue, like me, 00:01:31.859 --> 00:01:32.889 who work in an office 00:01:32.889 --> 00:01:36.269 and don't have any substantial high risk exposures, 00:01:36.269 --> 00:01:38.079 it's just our job to wait our turn. 00:01:38.079 --> 00:01:39.579 We will get vaccinated 00:01:39.579 --> 00:01:42.809 and we should accept the vaccine that's offered 00:01:42.809 --> 00:01:45.040 regardless of what vaccine that is. 00:01:45.200 --> 00:01:48.740 So Kate, when anyone goes for vaccination, 00:01:48.740 --> 00:01:51.560 they may be wondering about side effects. 00:01:51.560 --> 00:01:56.559 How do experts understand the risks of these vaccines 00:01:56.559 --> 00:01:58.399 and how would you explain it, 00:01:58.399 --> 00:02:00.239 these side effects that you're seeing? 00:02:00.239 --> 00:02:02.079 How would you explain that to the public? 00:02:02.079 --> 00:02:07.829 There's a method to look for common side effects in the clinical trials 00:02:07.829 --> 00:02:09.507 and then rare side effects 00:02:09.507 --> 00:02:12.233 which are constantly surveyed for 00:02:12.233 --> 00:02:14.680 in the routine use of vaccines. 00:02:14.770 --> 00:02:17.499 One of the things that I think people are concerned about 00:02:17.499 --> 00:02:21.119 is a lot of information in the media recently 00:02:21.119 --> 00:02:22.919 about blood clots. 00:02:22.919 --> 00:02:27.510 And this is a topic that the WHO is looking at carefully, 00:02:27.510 --> 00:02:31.709 regulators in Europe and around the world are looking at very carefully. 00:02:32.159 --> 00:02:34.299 We're in the midst of collecting information 00:02:34.299 --> 00:02:38.419 about these very rare events that seem to be happening 00:02:38.419 --> 00:02:44.913 in the sort of one per million, 10 per million kind of frequency. 00:02:45.240 --> 00:02:48.142 I think it's important for people to remember 00:02:48.142 --> 00:02:50.381 that the reason that we're vaccinating 00:02:50.381 --> 00:02:53.002 is because we are in the midst of a pandemic 00:02:53.002 --> 00:02:56.100 and we all have risk of COVID infection 00:02:56.100 --> 00:03:01.120 and COVID disease that exceeds the risk of these very rare events. 00:03:01.199 --> 00:03:07.489 Nevertheless, what's important is to assess from a numbers perspective, 00:03:07.489 --> 00:03:09.029 from a risk perspective, 00:03:09.029 --> 00:03:11.451 the benefit that vaccines confer, 00:03:11.451 --> 00:03:13.415 and the very small risk 00:03:13.415 --> 00:03:17.659 that these rare events might be associated with vaccines. 00:03:17.839 --> 00:03:24.139 So, both regulators and policymakers are looking very carefully at these data, 00:03:24.139 --> 00:03:28.639 understanding why they're occurring, where they're occurring, 00:03:28.639 --> 00:03:30.406 in whom they're occurring, 00:03:30.406 --> 00:03:34.689 and trying to identify whether there are specific groups of people 00:03:34.689 --> 00:03:37.579 who are more at risk for some of these events, 00:03:37.579 --> 00:03:39.489 which it doesn't seem to be, 00:03:39.489 --> 00:03:44.040 and balancing that very rare and low risk against 00:03:44.040 --> 00:03:47.400 the benefit of protection against COVID disease. 00:03:47.480 --> 00:03:49.399 People around the world are working together 00:03:49.399 --> 00:03:52.286 to make sure that information from anywhere in the world 00:03:52.286 --> 00:03:54.069 is actually collected together 00:03:54.069 --> 00:03:58.100 and informs our understanding of both risk and benefit. 00:03:59.040 --> 00:04:01.319 There are regulators in every country and there are 00:04:01.319 --> 00:04:03.360 policymakers in every country. 00:04:03.360 --> 00:04:07.400 And there is a system where information is shared up 00:04:07.400 --> 00:04:12.960 through these regulatory committees and onto WHO, 00:04:12.960 --> 00:04:17.439 where we also have an external expert group that looks at 00:04:17.439 --> 00:04:20.959 safety data that's coming in from all parts of the world. 00:04:20.959 --> 00:04:23.839 So, it is these reviews of the evidence 00:04:23.839 --> 00:04:27.920 and as that evidence changes over time, where these expert 00:04:27.920 --> 00:04:33.279 committees on safety make assessments of the benefit and the risk. 00:04:33.279 --> 00:04:38.399 In addition to that, we also have policymakers who are 00:04:38.399 --> 00:04:42.519 equally looking at these data and providing not only 00:04:42.519 --> 00:04:47.279 within countries, but also at the global level here at WHO, 00:04:47.279 --> 00:04:51.240 through the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization, 00:04:51.240 --> 00:04:53.240 recommendations to countries 00:04:53.240 --> 00:04:57.920 for that balance of benefit and risk and how to minimise any 00:04:57.920 --> 00:05:00.360 risks that might otherwise be present. 00:05:00.360 --> 00:05:01.399 Thank you, Kate. 00:05:01.399 --> 00:05:03.240 That was Science in 5 today. 00:05:03.240 --> 00:05:04.879 Until next time then. 00:05:04.879 --> 00:05:08.439 Stay safe, stay healthy and stick with science.