WEBVTT 00:00:00.839 --> 00:00:21.224 [Universal Theme] 00:00:24.162 --> 00:00:36.407 [Rain drops falling with musical notes] 00:00:36.407 --> 00:00:39.179 The Cat in the Hat presents 00:00:39.179 --> 00:00:42.369 Dr. Seuss "The Cat in the Hat" 00:00:44.854 --> 00:01:11.214 [Music playing] 00:01:19.706 --> 00:01:23.610 Narrator: The sun did not shine, it was too wet to play. 00:01:23.610 --> 00:01:28.082 Just sit in the house all that cold, cold, wet day. 00:01:28.849 --> 00:01:31.352 Mom: Goodbye kids, I'm leaving now. 00:01:31.352 --> 00:01:36.423 Have fun! I'll be back at -uh- 3:30 sharp. 00:01:36.958 --> 00:01:42.463 Narrator: Sit by the window, just sit there and stew and wish there were something... 00:01:42.463 --> 00:01:49.036 [narrator yawns], something to do. Too gooey and dunky outdoors to play ball. 00:01:49.036 --> 00:01:52.674 [inaudible] nothing at all. 00:01:52.674 --> 00:01:56.805 Singers: [singing] Fun, fun, how can you have fun? 00:01:56.820 --> 00:02:02.122 Just sitting doing nothing when there's nothing to be done. 00:02:02.122 --> 00:02:07.123 Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing absolutely nothing, nothing. 00:02:07.123 --> 00:02:17.303 Positively, absolutely, absotively, posolutely, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing to be done. 00:02:19.123 --> 00:02:21.541 Narrator: Nothing to do but sit, sit, sit. 00:02:21.541 --> 00:02:27.414 Just sit in the the house. Just sit there and grubble, and...all of a sudden... 00:02:27.414 --> 00:02:29.243 Something went... 00:02:29.305 --> 00:02:30.482 BUMP! 00:02:41.415 --> 00:02:42.462 Girl: Look! 00:02:42.462 --> 00:02:43.460 Boy: A cat! 00:02:43.460 --> 00:02:44.986 Girl: In a hat! 00:02:44.986 --> 00:02:49.593 Cat: You will note, I am neat, wiped my feet on the mat. 00:03:08.344 --> 00:03:11.180 Cat: Why must you- why do you sit there like that? 00:03:11.180 --> 00:03:13.710 I know it is wet and the sun is not sunny 00:03:13.710 --> 00:03:16.683 I know it is damp and the sidewalks are runny. 00:03:16.683 --> 00:03:18.043 But what I can't see- 00:03:18.043 --> 00:03:19.921 Fish: Now you listen here cat- 00:03:19.921 --> 00:03:23.157 Cat: -is why you'd sit there like that. 00:03:23.157 --> 00:03:26.209 Cat: I know some good games we could play. 00:03:26.209 --> 00:03:27.329 Fish: Listen cat- 00:03:27.329 --> 00:03:29.210 Cat: I know some great tricks! 00:03:29.210 --> 00:03:30.599 Fish: Listen cat in the hat- 00:03:30.599 --> 00:03:39.140 Cat: I know that your mother won't mind if I do and I'm simply itching to show them you...and to you. 00:03:41.508 --> 00:03:44.294 Fish: Out of this house. I'm warning you. Get- 00:03:45.462 --> 00:03:48.460 Cat: Who's that? I believe we haven't yet met. 00:03:48.460 --> 00:03:54.154 Fish: The name is Krinklebine. Carlos K. Krinklebine. 00:03:54.154 --> 00:03:54.960 Cat: Ooh. 00:03:54.960 --> 00:03:59.793 Now please go away. Tell that top-hatted cat he should not be about. 00:03:59.793 --> 00:04:03.187 He should not be here when your mother is out. 00:04:04.832 --> 00:04:09.069 Cat: My dear Mr. Krinklebine, my tricks are quite safe. 00:04:09.069 --> 00:04:16.843 I invite you to join in the fun if you wish. A game that I call "Up! Up! Up! with a fish". 00:04:22.210 --> 00:04:26.421 Fish: Put me down. P-P-Put me down you fool cat! 00:04:35.542 --> 00:04:44.709 Outrageous. Now let me repeat, and I don't like to shout, but he should not be here when your mother is out! 00:04:44.709 --> 00:04:52.594 Cat: It's up to you kids. Whatever you say. If you think me untrustworthy, send me away. 00:04:52.792 --> 00:04:56.617 Girl: Well, he is getting the house sort of messy and dirty. 00:04:56.617 --> 00:04:57.417 And mother- 00:04:57.417 --> 00:05:01.155 Boy: Yeah mother, back home at 3:30. 00:05:01.155 --> 00:05:05.091 Cat: Hmm. A vote of no confidence. 00:05:09.209 --> 00:05:12.898 I most humbly bow to voice of the majority. 00:05:12.960 --> 00:05:16.502 Goodbye now. Off to Siberia. 00:05:18.127 --> 00:05:19.390 Ha! 00:05:19.840 --> 00:05:23.628 Somebody stole my moss covered three handled family gradunza. 00:05:23.628 --> 00:05:26.113 Nobody's gonna leave this room until I find it! 00:05:26.113 --> 00:05:30.717 Boy: Pardon me sir, you lost a moss covered what? 00:05:31.180 --> 00:05:32.821 Cat: Three handled family gradunza. 00:05:32.821 --> 00:05:34.090 Fish: Hmph. 00:05:34.090 --> 00:05:38.791 Cat: So, that's your attitude, hey Krinklestein? Did you steal it? 00:05:38.791 --> 00:05:42.177 There's a gradunza snatcher in the house. 00:05:43.626 --> 00:05:53.943 Things'll never be the same. [Singing] How dear to my heart was that beautiful gredunza. 00:05:53.943 --> 00:06:00.748 That my old feline father bequeath-ed to me. 00:06:00.748 --> 00:06:10.042 That old family gredunza. The old three handled family gredunza. 00:06:10.042 --> 00:06:16.792 The ol' moss covered three handled family gredunzaaaaaaa! 00:06:16.792 --> 00:06:24.739 That hung on the family tree. 00:06:29.411 --> 00:06:35.183 I've been burgled, flurtled, by a fish. 00:06:35.183 --> 00:06:38.253 Boy: Aww, give it back to him Mr. Krinklebine. 00:06:38.253 --> 00:06:40.877 Girl: Come on now, don't be mean. 00:06:40.877 --> 00:06:42.710 Fish: But I didn't steal his what-sis. 00:06:42.710 --> 00:06:45.710 I'm guiltless. I'm clean! 00:06:45.710 --> 00:06:48.027 Cat: Flurtled by a fish. 00:06:48.027 --> 00:06:52.266 [Singing] I'll never see my darling 00:06:52.266 --> 00:06:53.433 moss covered 00:06:53.433 --> 00:06:54.793 three handled 00:06:54.793 --> 00:06:57.739 family gredunza 00:06:57.739 --> 00:07:02.409 anymore. 00:07:02.409 --> 00:07:08.081 Fish: By the way cat, just what is a family gredunza? 00:07:08.081 --> 00:07:11.186 Cat: Oh they come in all styles, from triple-G to minus-aught. 00:07:11.186 --> 00:07:12.210 Boy: Is it bigger than a- 00:07:12.210 --> 00:07:14.126 Cat: Occasionally, but on most occasions not. 00:07:14.126 --> 00:07:15.293 Girl: Is it smaller than a- 00:07:15.293 --> 00:07:16.855 Cat: They no longer make that kind. 00:07:16.855 --> 00:07:19.793 But one family gredunza is always smaller than another. 00:07:19.793 --> 00:07:28.534 [Singing] Should all family gredunzas be forgot and never brought to my- 00:07:28.534 --> 00:07:36.260 [talking] -now if I were a fish, where would I hide a moss covered three handled family gredunza? 00:07:41.347 --> 00:07:43.961 Boy: Whatever it is, it isn't here. 00:07:43.961 --> 00:07:46.254 Girl: And whatever it is it isn't here! 00:07:46.254 --> 00:07:48.656 Cat: Wherever it is, it is left in some lurch. 00:07:48.656 --> 00:07:51.826 Wherever it is we must speed up the search. 00:07:55.294 --> 00:07:59.569 Fish: I'll tell you this, it's not in the Unabridged dictionary. 00:07:59.569 --> 00:08:04.143 But let's find that thing and get rid of that cat! 00:08:04.143 --> 00:08:09.359 Cat: There are more [clears throat] scientific methods of searching than that. 00:08:09.359 --> 00:08:13.965 Fish: And just what kind of science does the cat recommend? 00:08:14.083 --> 00:08:16.967 Cat: Why the principle of calculatus eliminatus my friend. 00:08:16.967 --> 00:08:19.000 Fish: Calculatus what? 00:08:19.000 --> 00:08:21.738 Calculatus...eliminatus. 00:08:21.738 --> 00:08:25.677 I went to Cat-tech where I studied the same. 00:08:26.043 --> 00:08:29.050 What other cats you know could make such a claim? 00:08:29.166 --> 00:08:31.883 Very well Dr. Calculatus. 00:08:31.883 --> 00:08:34.501 Find it and eliminatus yourself! 00:08:34.501 --> 00:08:36.966 I shall indeed. 00:08:42.525 --> 00:08:47.631 [Singing] When you've mislaid a certain something keep your cool and don't get hot. 00:08:47.631 --> 00:08:52.002 Calculatus eliminatus is the best friend that you've got. 00:08:52.002 --> 00:08:56.306 Calculatus eliminatus always helps an awful lot. 00:08:56.306 --> 00:09:02.512 A way to find a missing something is to find out where it's not. 00:09:02.949 --> 00:09:04.894 It isn't here, I'll mark this 'X'. 00:09:04.894 --> 00:09:07.146 It isn't there, I'll mark that 'Y'. 00:09:07.146 --> 00:09:12.146 It isn't underneath the apple, mark the apple 'HKI'. 00:09:12.146 --> 00:09:13.813 It isn't in this keyhole. 00:09:13.813 --> 00:09:14.257 No? 00:09:14.257 --> 00:09:15.525 And it isn't on my knee. 00:09:15.525 --> 00:09:16.092 Cat: Hmm. 00:09:16.092 --> 00:09:20.312 Mark the keyhole 'K-300', mark the knee '5-7-B'. 00:09:20.312 --> 00:09:24.532 We just jot down all the places where it isn't and gee-whiz! 00:09:24.532 --> 00:09:31.040 Very shortly we will locate where the missing object is. 00:09:31.040 --> 00:09:31.978 It isn't here. 00:09:31.978 --> 00:09:33.109 Cat: 8-42-J. 00:09:33.109 --> 00:09:34.009 It isn't there. 00:09:34.009 --> 00:09:35.346 Cat: F-6-O-7. 00:09:35.346 --> 00:09:40.229 You can mark the piano 22000 -decimal point- 11. 00:09:40.229 --> 00:09:41.812 It isn't in the icebox. 00:09:41.812 --> 00:09:42.420 Cat: That's strange. 00:09:42.420 --> 00:09:43.813 It's not on this TV. 00:09:43.813 --> 00:09:44.454 Cat: Hrmm. 00:09:44.454 --> 00:09:48.291 Icebox O-24 and a half. TV 1 million and 3. 00:09:48.291 --> 00:09:52.695 When you've mislaid a certain something keep your cool don't get too hot. 00:09:52.695 --> 00:10:01.473 All: Calculatus eliminatus is the best friend that've got. Calculatus eliminatus always helps an awful lot. 00:10:01.473 --> 00:10:04.641 Cat: The way to find a missing a something is to find- 00:10:04.641 --> 00:10:06.178 All: -out- 00:10:06.178 --> 00:10:07.344 -where- 00:10:07.344 --> 00:10:08.346 -it's- 00:10:08.346 --> 00:10:11.691 not. 00:10:14.117 --> 00:10:15.723 Look at this house. 00:10:18.937 --> 00:10:21.245 Look at this. 00:10:21.245 --> 00:10:22.749 Look at that! 00:10:22.749 --> 00:10:26.873 This uncouth, barbaric, pompestuous lout! 00:10:26.873 --> 00:10:30.563 He should not be here when their mother is out. 00:10:38.762 --> 00:10:39.901 [Singing] Very well. 00:10:39.901 --> 00:10:41.844 I'm a punk. 00:10:41.844 --> 00:10:45.511 A cretunkulous shnunk. 00:10:45.511 --> 00:10:48.041 Nobody loves me. 00:10:48.041 --> 00:10:50.345 Not one tiny hunk. 00:10:51.880 --> 00:10:53.245 I agree. 00:10:53.245 --> 00:10:57.228 I'm a grifulous grofulous grue. 00:10:57.595 --> 00:10:59.319 I'm a shmoozler! 00:10:59.319 --> 00:11:01.454 A smankler! 00:11:01.488 --> 00:11:04.224 And a poopoobler too! 00:11:04.224 --> 00:11:09.731 I'm a horrendous object...which nobody loves. 00:11:09.731 --> 00:11:15.301 I'm untouchable...unless you wear...antiseptical gloves! 00:11:15.301 --> 00:11:19.429 So what? I'm a punk. 00:11:19.429 --> 00:11:22.877 A cretunkluous shnunk. 00:11:22.877 --> 00:11:30.383 Nobody loves me... 00:11:30.383 --> 00:11:32.385 Not one tiny hunk. 00:11:32.385 --> 00:11:35.288 I'm a punk. 00:11:35.288 --> 00:11:44.262 Cretunklous shnunk. Shetunklous cat. Incratulous- out! Out! Out! Out! 00:11:44.262 --> 00:11:49.469 Krinklefish old fellow, your little fish nerves are so jumpy wumpy. 00:11:49.469 --> 00:11:51.338 Fishenstein you poor fellow. 00:11:51.338 --> 00:11:53.845 Your little heart's going bumpy wumpy. 00:11:53.845 --> 00:11:57.085 Fish, poor old fellow, I know exactly what you need. 00:11:57.101 --> 00:11:58.676 You need a small tranquilizer. 00:11:58.676 --> 00:12:01.512 You do, you do indeed. 00:12:01.512 --> 00:12:03.823 Poor troubled crinkled fish friend. 00:12:03.823 --> 00:12:05.426 Just relax. 00:12:05.426 --> 00:12:06.844 Close your eyes. 00:12:06.844 --> 00:12:12.501 Your good old Uncle Cat will now proceed to tranquilize. 00:12:14.762 --> 00:12:17.928 [Singing] Beautiful kitten fish. 00:12:17.928 --> 00:12:20.843 Sleep baby sleep. 00:12:20.843 --> 00:12:26.262 Your eyelids are droopy. Bloop bloop bloop bleep bleep. 00:12:26.262 --> 00:12:31.952 The Sandman on tiptoes comes creep, creep, creep. 00:12:31.952 --> 00:12:35.122 Hush your mouth. Shush your mouth. 00:12:35.122 --> 00:12:39.292 Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep. 00:12:39.292 --> 00:12:44.665 Safe in your beddy-bye, sweet dreams to you. 00:12:44.665 --> 00:12:53.308 With your teddybear steady by blue blue blue. 00:12:53.308 --> 00:13:01.480 Beautiful kitten fish, sleep baby sleep. 00:13:01.480 --> 00:13:14.895 Bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bleep...bleep...bleep...bleep. 00:13:20.069 --> 00:13:24.236 You sure relaxed Mr. K. 00:13:24.236 --> 00:13:27.986 He needed sweet sleep in his bad addled brains. 00:13:27.986 --> 00:13:30.954 But problem of finding my mossed covered family gredunza remains. 00:13:30.954 --> 00:13:32.782 Hmm. I need help. 00:13:32.782 --> 00:13:35.583 I most truly fully do. 00:13:39.854 --> 00:13:44.402 In this box are my helpmates: Thing 1 and Thing 2. 00:13:45.417 --> 00:13:52.275 From this box will emerge Thing 2 and Thing 1 and they can find anything under the sun. 00:13:52.275 --> 00:13:53.991 [Singing] It can be done. 00:13:53.991 --> 00:13:56.026 It can be done. 00:13:56.026 --> 00:13:59.663 They can do anything, anything, anything under the sun. 00:13:59.663 --> 00:14:01.233 If you nerves are getting nervous. 00:14:01.233 --> 00:14:03.466 And your house is topsy turvus. 00:14:03.466 --> 00:14:06.770 They are always at your service. 00:14:06.770 --> 00:14:09.139 Thing 2 and Thing 1. 00:14:09.139 --> 00:14:14.645 Fish, fish there's always one some long-faced sour-belly son of a gun. 00:14:14.645 --> 00:14:19.590 There's always some fish, some sour-bellied fish who's only one wish is to flatten the fun. 00:14:20.317 --> 00:14:21.818 Together: Doesn't like fun. Doesn't like fun. 00:14:21.818 --> 00:14:24.955 Good clean wholesome innocent fun. 00:14:34.672 --> 00:14:36.505 [Talking] FBI? F-FBI? 00:14:36.505 --> 00:14:38.200 Listen-listen. 00:14:38.200 --> 00:14:44.812 I am a fish residing at 2322 Magnolia Boulevard and I want to report a cat in the hat. 00:14:44.812 --> 00:14:47.998 FBI. F-FBI! 00:14:50.654 --> 00:14:52.283 Somebody please answer. 00:14:52.283 --> 00:14:54.658 Where is everybody? 00:14:54.658 --> 00:14:58.998 Sorry, that line is temporarily out of order. 00:15:05.657 --> 00:15:07.315 [Singing] There's always some fish who doesn't like fun. 00:15:07.315 --> 00:15:10.005 Good clean wholesome innocent fun. 00:15:12.942 --> 00:15:16.345 They can find anything anything under the sun. 00:15:16.345 --> 00:15:18.279 This reactionary fish faced louse. 00:15:18.279 --> 00:15:20.983 Doesn't like flying kites in the house. 00:15:22.116 --> 00:15:25.754 They can find anything anything under the sun. 00:15:25.754 --> 00:15:27.590 Of all the bigoted, bigoted bores, 00:15:27.590 --> 00:15:30.259 captured fish oughta fly outdoors. 00:15:31.860 --> 00:15:33.460 Cat: Thing 1 and Thing 2. 00:15:33.460 --> 00:15:35.697 Thing 2 and Thing 1. 00:15:35.697 --> 00:15:40.634 They can find anything anything anything under the sun. 00:15:41.526 --> 00:15:43.192 Hello. 00:15:43.192 --> 00:15:45.610 Thank you. 00:15:45.610 --> 00:15:52.048 22-37-23-10-67-21-14-8 Hike! 00:15:54.815 --> 00:16:01.289 [CRASH] 00:16:04.258 --> 00:16:07.827 There's always some fish some crotchety one. 00:16:07.827 --> 00:16:11.620 There's always some fish some blotchety one. 00:16:11.620 --> 00:16:13.236 There's always some fish some sour-bellied fish. 00:16:13.236 --> 00:16:15.123 There's always some fish some fish! 00:16:15.123 --> 00:16:16.803 Cat: If your nerves are getting nervous. 00:16:16.803 --> 00:16:18.774 And your house is topsy turvus. 00:16:18.774 --> 00:16:20.507 They will both be at your service. 00:16:20.507 --> 00:16:22.675 On the run. 00:16:22.675 --> 00:16:28.622 They'll find my long lost moss covered three handled family gredunza. 00:16:28.622 --> 00:16:34.821 Thing 2 and Thing 1. 00:16:49.437 --> 00:16:51.872 Out! Out! Out of this house! 00:16:51.872 --> 00:16:52.872 Out? 00:16:52.872 --> 00:16:54.122 Out? 00:16:54.122 --> 00:16:57.040 Why, every house should have a cat in it. 00:16:57.040 --> 00:16:58.645 Curled up by the fireplace little warm- 00:16:58.645 --> 00:16:59.416 Out! 00:16:59.416 --> 00:17:04.754 And take those Things with you! Out! 00:17:04.754 --> 00:17:07.424 Take the Things? 00:17:07.424 --> 00:17:09.298 Cat: Who's ever heard of a house without Things in it? 00:17:09.298 --> 00:17:14.429 They're not things they're...they're...and you're not a cat! 00:17:14.429 --> 00:17:17.132 Whoever heard of a six foot cat? 00:17:17.132 --> 00:17:20.181 But I am a cat. 00:17:21.570 --> 00:17:23.400 Technically I'm a cat in a hat. 00:17:23.400 --> 00:17:24.880 You're-You're not a cat in a hat. 00:17:24.880 --> 00:17:26.440 That's not a hat! 00:17:26.440 --> 00:17:27.881 You're not a cat! 00:17:27.881 --> 00:17:28.843 You're a- 00:17:28.843 --> 00:17:31.465 I am indeed a cat. 00:17:31.465 --> 00:17:35.944 And this...indeed...is a hat. 00:17:35.944 --> 00:17:38.156 [Singing] In English: cat, hat. 00:17:38.156 --> 00:17:40.323 French: chat, chapeau. 00:17:40.323 --> 00:17:44.600 It really is quite obvious don't you know. 00:17:44.600 --> 00:17:46.091 In English: cat, hat. 00:17:46.091 --> 00:17:48.776 In French: chat, chapeau. 00:17:48.776 --> 00:17:52.093 Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, here we go! 00:18:02.170 --> 00:18:04.518 I repeat: cat, hat. 00:18:04.518 --> 00:18:06.645 In French: chat, chapeau. 00:18:06.645 --> 00:18:10.563 In Spanish: el gato in a sombrero. 00:18:10.563 --> 00:18:12.259 Together: He's a cat in a hat. 00:18:12.259 --> 00:18:14.395 He's a chat in a chapeau. 00:18:14.395 --> 00:18:18.698 He also is a gato in a sombrero. 00:18:18.698 --> 00:18:22.935 Ole! Ole! Ole ole O! 00:18:29.794 --> 00:18:30.676 Where were we? 00:18:30.676 --> 00:18:34.203 Oh yes! 00:18:34.985 --> 00:18:36.570 Cat, hat. 00:18:36.570 --> 00:18:38.650 In French: chat, chapeau. 00:18:38.650 --> 00:18:42.486 In Spanish: el gato in a sombrero. 00:18:42.486 --> 00:18:44.237 And I'll tell you something more. 00:18:44.237 --> 00:18:46.691 Now you listen to me good. 00:18:46.691 --> 00:18:50.929 In German I'm a katze und dies ist mein hut. 00:18:50.929 --> 00:18:52.904 Ist das nicht ein katze hut? 00:18:52.904 --> 00:18:59.676 Together: Ya, das ist ein katze hut! Katze hut! Katze hut! Ya, das ist ein katze hut! 00:19:05.485 --> 00:19:11.487 [Talking] Now, if you're in a receptive state of mind, I'll recapitulate. 00:19:15.794 --> 00:19:17.554 [Singing] Cat, hat. 00:19:17.554 --> 00:19:19.457 In French: chat, chapeau. 00:19:19.457 --> 00:19:23.259 In Spanish: el gato in a sombrero. 00:19:23.259 --> 00:19:26.531 In German I'm a katze in a hut and don't you know. 00:19:26.531 --> 00:19:30.473 I'm a gwunka in a bunka-kwunk...in Eskimo. 00:19:30.473 --> 00:19:33.872 You're a gwunka in a bunka-kwunk in Eskimo? 00:19:33.872 --> 00:19:34.390 Cat: Right! 00:19:34.390 --> 00:19:38.068 Together: He's a gwunka in a bunka-kwunk in Eskimo. 00:19:38.068 --> 00:19:41.584 Ist das nicht ein bunka-kwunk? Ya, das ist ein bunka-kwunk. 00:19:41.584 --> 00:19:51.157 Gwunka-bunka. Gwunka-bunka. Yes indeedy, that is so. He's a gwunka in a bunka-kwunk in Eskimo. 00:19:52.758 --> 00:19:57.622 [Talking] Now to be certain that I have this straight, I'll re-recapitulate. 00:19:57.622 --> 00:20:00.554 [Singing] Cat, hat. In French: chat, chapeau. 00:20:00.554 --> 00:20:03.596 In Spanish you're el gato in a sombrero. 00:20:03.596 --> 00:20:04.211 Cat: Hmm! 00:20:04.211 --> 00:20:07.030 In German, you're a katze in a hut, I also know. 00:20:07.030 --> 00:20:07.412 Cat: Perfect. 00:20:07.412 --> 00:20:10.995 You're a gwunka in a bunka-kwunk in Eskimo. 00:20:10.995 --> 00:20:13.936 [Talking]Why George I think he's a got it! 00:20:13.936 --> 00:20:20.828 [Singing] Now, would you will allow me, sir, don't think, I'm pushin'. I think I can tell you what you are in-in-in Russian. 00:20:20.828 --> 00:20:27.545 Shapka, shylapah. You're a shapka in a shylapa. Hey! 00:20:29.416 --> 00:20:31.121 I am? 00:20:32.705 --> 00:20:36.023 Why that's splendid! 00:20:37.260 --> 00:20:56.808 I'm a shapka in a shylapa, I'm a shapka in a shylapa, I'm a shapka in a shylapa, I'm a shapka in a shylapa. 00:20:56.808 --> 00:21:01.474 I'm a shapka in a shylapa, I'm a shapka in a shylapa, I'm a shapka in a shylapa, I'm a shapka in a shylapa. 00:21:01.474 --> 00:21:06.554 [yelling gibberish] 00:21:07.220 --> 00:21:10.525 That's enough of that. I'm a cat in the hat. 00:21:10.525 --> 00:21:13.556 [Singers:] He's a cat of many countries, he's a cat of many hats. 00:21:13.556 --> 00:21:16.799 He's a guffy in a buzby. He's snaka in a snatz. 00:21:16.799 --> 00:21:18.559 And in Scotland up in Scotland. 00:21:18.559 --> 00:21:19.894 In bonnie Scotland. 00:21:22.702 --> 00:21:24.480 In bonnie Scotland I'm a- [toot] 00:21:24.480 --> 00:21:28.945 In a [toot toot toot]. In bonnie Scotland he's a [toot] in a [toot toot toot]. 00:21:28.945 --> 00:21:30.195 In Switzerland in Switzerland 00:21:30.195 --> 00:21:37.940 in Switzer-witzer-witzer I'm a yodel yodel yodel in a yodel ey-ee hoo. He's a yodel yodel yodel in a yodel ey-ee hoo. 00:21:37.940 --> 00:21:40.170 And what am I in dear old Ireland? 00:21:40.170 --> 00:21:41.736 Why you're a cate in a kinfert. 00:21:41.736 --> 00:21:43.056 And in Holland? 00:21:43.056 --> 00:21:46.164 You're a, let me see, oh you're a kat in a hoe. 00:21:46.164 --> 00:21:48.059 Glory be! 00:21:48.059 --> 00:21:51.067 He's a cat of many countries he's a cat of many hats. 00:21:51.067 --> 00:21:54.473 Many many many foreign countries and an awful lot of hats. 00:21:54.473 --> 00:21:57.474 In Boogoo-boogoo he's just darlin' he's a scoogoo in a swarling! 00:21:57.474 --> 00:22:03.244 He's a bonka in a best, He's a wonka in a west. 00:22:03.244 --> 00:22:06.011 Out in Fira Foda-Foda I'm a perk in a pagota. 00:22:06.011 --> 00:22:07.517 I'm a Futz in a fedora. 00:22:07.517 --> 00:22:09.343 How are things in Glocamora? 00:22:09.343 --> 00:22:10.552 All: What a cat! What a cat! 00:22:10.552 --> 00:22:12.717 In a hat! In a hat! 00:22:12.778 --> 00:22:14.879 [Car honking] 00:22:14.879 --> 00:22:16.075 Your mother. 00:22:16.075 --> 00:22:17.627 Mother? 00:22:17.627 --> 00:22:19.864 Mother? 00:22:25.570 --> 00:22:29.677 Thank you for a fascinating afternoon. 00:22:33.492 --> 00:22:35.824 What do we do now? 00:22:36.191 --> 00:22:38.241 She's passing Mrs. Blumberg's house. 00:22:44.358 --> 00:22:49.159 [Singing] Sweep...sweep up the memories. 00:22:49.159 --> 00:22:52.441 Those old untidy memories. 00:22:52.441 --> 00:22:57.773 Broken, mixed-up memories of what we had one day. 00:22:57.773 --> 00:22:59.468 [Talking] She's passing Mrs. Thompson's house. 00:22:59.468 --> 00:23:00.809 [Singing] Sweep. 00:23:00.809 --> 00:23:03.691 Sweep out the nonsense. 00:23:03.691 --> 00:23:06.858 That crazy happy nonsense. 00:23:06.858 --> 00:23:11.108 This world's too old for nonsense. 00:23:11.108 --> 00:23:12.482 Sweep. 00:23:12.482 --> 00:23:14.857 Just sweep it all away. 00:23:14.857 --> 00:23:16.523 [Talking] Here she is. She's coming up the driveway! 00:23:16.523 --> 00:23:18.858 [Singing] Everything in a state of grace. 00:23:18.858 --> 00:23:21.821 Everything back in its proper place. 00:23:21.821 --> 00:23:25.191 No more rainbows for us to chase. 00:23:25.191 --> 00:23:27.533 No more games to play. 00:23:27.533 --> 00:23:29.399 [Talking] Garage door is open. She's inside the garage. 00:23:29.399 --> 00:23:30.666 [Singing] Sweep. 00:23:30.666 --> 00:23:33.357 Sweep out the laughter. 00:23:33.357 --> 00:23:36.772 There's no more time for laughter. 00:23:36.772 --> 00:23:41.711 At least not until after I come back- 00:23:41.711 --> 00:23:43.514 [Talking] Now she's taking her groceries out the car. 00:23:43.514 --> 00:23:44.941 [Singing] -and you know- 00:23:44.941 --> 00:23:45.914 [Talking] Here she comes! 00:23:45.914 --> 00:23:52.988 [Singing] -I just may. 00:23:55.668 --> 00:23:57.108 [Door opens] 00:23:57.108 --> 00:24:00.108 Mom: Hi kids. Hope you had fun today. 00:24:00.108 --> 00:24:04.572 Well you kids will never believe this but I could almost swear I saw a cat! 00:24:04.572 --> 00:24:07.054 A cat in a hat mind you. 00:24:07.054 --> 00:24:11.886 Going down the street with a moss covered three handled family gradunza. 00:24:11.886 --> 00:24:49.076 [Music playing]