This presentation is delivered by the Stanford Center for Professional
Okay, we got volume and everything. All
right, here we go. Lots of you think your
learning things that aren't gonna actually someday help you in your future
career. Let's say you plan to be president. You
think, ''Should I take 106b; should I not take 106b?'' Watch this interview and
you will see. [Video]
We have questions, and we ask
our candidates questions, and this one is from Larry Schwimmer. What
- you
guys think I'm kidding; it's right here.
What is the most efficient way to sort a million 32-bit integers?
Well - I'm
sorry. Maybe we should - that's not a - I think the bubble sort
would be the wrong way to go. Come on; who told him this?
There you go. So, apparently -
the question was
by a former student of mine, in
fact, Larry Schwimmer. So apparently, he's been prepped well. As part of going on the campaign trail, not only do you
have to know all your policy statements, you also have to have your
N2 and login sorts kept straight in your mind, so - just so
you know. So let me give you
some examples of things that are graphs, just to get you thinking about
the data structure that we're gonna be working with and playing around with
today. Sometimes you
think of graphs of being those, like, bar graphs, right, your graphing
histograms. This is actually a different kind of graph. The computer scientist's form of
graph is just a generalized, recursive data structure
that, kind of,
starts with something that looks a little bit like a tree and extends it to
this notion that there are
any number of nodes, in
this case, represented as the cities in this airline route map,
and then there are connections between them, sometimes called edges or arcs that wire up
the connections that in the case, for example, of this graph are showing you
which cities have connecting flights. You have a direct
flight that takes you from Las Vegas to Phoenix, right, one from Phoenix to Oklahoma
There is not a direct flight from Phoenix to Kansas City, but there's a path
by which you could get there by taking a sequence
of connecting flights, right, going from Phoenix, to Oklahoma City, to Kansas City is
one way to get there.
And so the entire, kind of, map of airline routes forms a graph of the city,
and there are a lot of interesting questions that having represented that data you might want to
answer about finding
flights that are
cheap, or meet your time specification, or get you where you want to go,
and that this data would be, kind of, primary in solving that problem.
Another one,
right, another
idea of something that's represented as a graph is something that would support
the notion of word ladders, those little puzzles where you're
given the word ''chord,''
and you want to change it into the word ''worm,'' and you have these rules that say, well, you
can change one letter at a time.
And so the
connections in the case of the word letter have to do with words that are
one character different from their neighbors, have direct connections or arcs
between them. Each of the nodes themselves represents a word, and then
paths between that represent word ladders. That if you can go from here
through a sequence of steps directly connecting your way, each of those stepping
stones is a word in the chain that makes a word ladder. So
things you might want to solve there is what's the shortest word ladder? How many different
word ladders - how many different ways can I go from this word to that one
could be answered by searching around in a space like this.
Any kind of prerequisite structure,
such as the one for the major that might say you need to take this class before you take
that class, and this class before that class, right,
forms a
structure that also fits into the main graph.
In this case, there's a connection to those arcs.
That the prerequisite is such that
you take 106a, and it leads into 106b, and that connection doesn't really go in
the reverse, right? You don't start in 106b and move backwards.
Whereas in the case, for example, of the word ladder, all of these arcs are what we called undirected,
right? You can traverse from wood to word and back again, right?
They're equally
visitable or neighbors, in this case. So there may be a situation where you have directed
arcs where they really imply a one-way directionality through the paths.
Another one, lots and lots of
arrows that
tell you about the lifecycle of
Stanford relationships all captured on one
in, sort of, the flowchart. So flowcharts have a lot of things about directionality. Like, you're
in this state, and you can move to this state, so that's your neighboring state, and
the arcs in there connect those things.
And so, as you will see, like, you get to start over here and, like, be single and love
it, and then you can, kind of, flirt with various degrees of seriousness,
and then eventually there evolves a trombone and serenade, which, you know,
you can't go back to flirting aimlessly after the trombone and serenade; there's no
arc that direction.
When somebody gets the trombone out,
you know, you take them seriously,
or you completely blow them off. There's the [inaudible] there.
And then there's dating, and then there's
two-phase commit, which is a very important part of any computer scientist's education,
and then, potentially, other
tracks of children and what not. But it does
show you, kind of, places you can go, right?
It turns out you actually don't get to go from flirt aimlessly to have baby, so
write that down -
not allowed in this graph. And
then it turns out some things that you've already seen are actually graphs in disguise.
I didn't tell you when I gave you the maze problem and its solution, the solving and
building of a maze,
that, in fact, what you're working on though is something that is a graph.
That a perfect maze, right,
so we started with this
fully disconnected maze. If you remember how the Aldis/Broder algorithm worked, it's like
you have all these nodes that have no connections between them,
and then you went bopping around breaking down walls, which is effectively
connecting up the nodes to each other,
and we kept doing that until actually all of the nodes were connected. So, in effect, we
were building a graph out of this big grid of cells
by knocking down those walls to build the connections, and when we were done, then
we made it so that it was possible to trace paths starting from that lower corner
and working our way through the neighbors all the way over to there.
So in the case of this, if you imagine that each of these cells was broken out in this little
thing, there'd be these neighboring connections where this guy has this
neighbor but no other ones because actually it has no
other directions you can move from there, but some of them, for example like this
has a full set of four neighbors you can reach
depending on which walls are intact or not.
And so the
creation of that was creating a graph out
of a set of disconnected nodes, and then solving it is searching that
graph for a path. Here's one that is a little horrifying that came from the newspaper, which is social networking, kind of, a very big [inaudible] of, like, on the net who do you know, and who do they know, and how do those connections, like, linked in maybe help you get a job. This is one that was actually based on the liaisons, let's say, of a group of high school students, right, and it turns out there was a lot of more interconnected in that graph than I would expect, or appreciate, or approve of but interesting to, kind of, look at. So
let's talk, like, concretely.
How are we gonna make stuff work on graphs? Graphs turn out to actually - by showing you that, I'm trying to
get you this idea that a lot of things are really just graphs in disguise. That a lot
of the problems you may want to solve, if you can represent it as a graph, then things
you learn about how to manipulate graphs will help you to solve that kind of
So the basic idea of a graph, it is a recursive data structure based on the node where
nodes have connections to other nodes.
Okay. So that's, kind of, like a tree,
but it actually is more freeform than a tree, right?
In a tree, right, there's that single root node that has, kind of, a special place, and
there's this restriction about the connections that there's a single path
from every other node in the tree
starting from the root that leads to it. So you never can get there by
multiple ways, and there's no cycles, and it's all connected, and things like
So, in terms of a graph,
it just doesn't place those restrictions. It says there's a node.
It has any number of pointers to other nodes. It potentially could even
have zero pointers to other's nodes, so it could be on a little island of its own out
here that has no incoming or outgoing flights, right? You
have to swim if you want to get there.
And then there's also not a rule that says that you can't have
multiple ways to get to the same
node. So if you're at B, and you're interested in getting to C,
you could take the direction connection here,
but you could also take a longer path
that bops through A and hits to C, and so there's more than one way to get there,
which would not be true in a tree structure where it has that constraint,
but that adds some interesting challenges to solving problems in the graphs
because there actually are so many different ways you can
get to the same place. We have to be careful avoiding
getting into circularities where we're
doing that, and also not redundantly doing work we've already done before because
we've visited it previously.
There can be cycles where
you can
completely come around. I this one, actually,
doesn't have a cycle in it.
Nope, it doesn't,
but if I add it - I could add a link, for example, from
C back to B, and then there would be this place you could just, kind of, keep
rolling around in the B, A, C
So we call each of those guys, the circles here, the nodes, right?
The connection between them arcs. We
will talk about the arcs as being directed and undirected in different situations
where we imply that there's a directionality; you can travel the arc only one-way,
or in cases where it's undirected, it means it goes both ways.
We'll talk about two nodes being connected,
meaning there is a direct connection, an arc, between them,
and if they are not directly connected, there may possibly be a path
between them. A sequence of arcs forms a path that you can follow to get
from one node to another,
and then cycles just meaning a path that revisits one of the nodes that
was previously traveled on that path. So I've got
a little terminology.
Let's talk a little bit about how we're gonna represent it.
So before we start making stuff happen on them, it's, like, well, how does this -
in C++, right, what's the best way, or what are the reasonable ways you
might represent
this kind of connected structure?
So if I have
this four-node graph, A, B, C, D over where with the connections that are shown with
direction, in this case, I have directed arcs.
That one way to think of it is that what a
graph really is is a set of nodes and a set of arcs, and by set, I mean, sort of, just the
generalization. There might be a vector of arcs; there might be a vector of
nodes, whatever, but some collection of arcs, some collection of nodes,
and that the
nodes might have information about what location they represent, or
what word, or what entity, you know, in a social network that they are,
and then the arcs would show who is directly connected to whom.
And so one way to manage that, right, is just to have two independent collections - a collection
of nodes and a
collection of arcs, and that when I need to know things about connections, I'll have to, kind of, use both
in tandem.
So if I want to know if A is connected to B,
I might actually have to just walk through the entire set of arcs trying to find
one that connects A and B as its endpoints. If I want to see if
C is connected to B, same thing, just walk down the whole set.
That's probably the simplest thing to do, right, is to just, kind of,
have them just be maintained as the two things that are used in conjunction.
More likely, what you're gonna want to do
is provide some access that
when at a current node, you're currently trying to do some processing
from the Node B, it would be convenient if you could easily access those nodes
that emanate or outgo from the B node. That's typically the thing you're trying
to do is
at B try to visit its neighbors,
and rather that having to, kind of, pluck them out of the entire collection,
it might be handy if they were already, kind of, stored in such a way to make it
easy for you to get to that.
So the two ways that try to represent adjacency
in a more efficient way are the adjacency list and the adjacency matrix.
So in an adjacency list representation, we have a way of associating with each node,
probably just by storing it in the node structure itself,
those arcs that outgo from there. So, in this case, A has as direct
connection to the B
and C Nodes,
and so I would have that information stored with the A Node, which is my
vector or set of outgoing connections.
Similarly, B has one outgoing connection, which goes to D. C has an outgoing connection to D, and
then D has outgoing connections that lead back to A and
to B. So at a particular node I could say, well, who's my neighbors?
It would be
easily accessible and not have to be retrieved, or searched, or filtered.
Another way of doing that
is to realize that, in a sense, what we have is this, kind of,
end by end grid
where each node is potentially connected to
the other N -1 nodes in that graph. And so if I just build
a 2x2 matrix that's labeled with
all the node names on this side and all the node names across the top, that the
intersection of this says
is there an arc that leads away from A and
ends at B? Yes, there is. Is there one from A to C?
And in the places where there is not an existing connection, a self loop or
just a connection that doesn't exist, right, I have an empty slot. So maybe these would be Booleans
true and false or something, or maybe there'd be some more information here
about the distance
or other associated arc properties for that
particular connection.
In this case, it's actually very easy then to actually do the really quick
search of
I'm at A and I want to know if I can get to B, then it's really just a
matter of reaching right into the
slot in constant time in that matrix to pull it out, and
this one involves a lot of searching to find things. This one involves, perhaps, a
little bit of searching. If I want to know if A is connected to B, I might have to look
through all its outgoing connections, right? This one gives me that direct
but the tradeoffs here has to do with where the space starts building up, right?
A full NxN matrix could be very big,
and sometimes we're allocating space as though there are a full set of
connections between all the nodes, every node connected to every other,
and in the cases where a lot of those things are false, there's a lot of
that we have set aside that we're not really tapping into.
And so in the case of a graph that we call dense,
where there's a lot of connections, it will use a lot of that capacity, and it might make sense
in a graph that's more sparse, where there's a few connections. So you have
thousands of nodes, but maybe only three or four on average are connected to one.
Then having allocated 1,000 slots of which to only fill in three
might become
rather space inefficient. You might prefer an adjacency list representation that
can get you
to the ones you're actually using versus the other,
but in terms of the adjacency matrices is very fast,
right? A lot of space thrown at this
gives you this immediate 0,1 access to know
who your neighbors are. So
we're gonna use the adjacency list, kind of, strategy here
for the code we're gonna do today, and it's, kind
of, a good compromise between the two alternatives that we've seen there.
So I have a struct node.
It has some information for the node. Given that I'm not being very specific
about what the graph is, I'm just gonna, kind of, leave that unspecified. It might be that it's
the city name. It might be that it's a word. It might be that it's a person in a
social network, you know,
some information that represents what this node is an entity,
and then there's gonna be a set of arcs or a set of nodes it's connected to,
and so I'm using vector here. I could be using set. I could be using a
raw array, or a link list, or any of these things.
I need to use some unbounded collection though because there's no guarantee that
they will be 0, or 1, or 2 the way there is in a link list or a tree where there's a
specified number of outgoing links. There can be any number of them, so I'm just leaving
variable size collection here to do that work for me.
The graph itself,
so I have this idea of all the nodes in the graph, right, would each get a new
node structure and then be wired up to the other nodes that they are connected
but then when I'm trying to operate on that graph,
I can't just take one pointer and say here's a pointer to some node in the
graph and say this is - and from here you have accessed everything. In the way
that a tree,
the only thing we need to keep track of is the pointer to the root,
or a link list, the only thing we keep a pointer to, typically, is that frontmost
cell, and from there, we can reach everything else.
There is no special head or root cell in a graph.
A graph is this
being, kind of, a crazy collection without a lot of rules about
how they are connected. In fact, it's not even guaranteed that they totally are
That I can't
guarantee that if I had a pointer, for example, to C,
right, I may or may not be able to reach all the nodes from there.
If I had a pointer to A, right, A can get to C and B, and then also
down to D, but, for example, there could just be an E node over here that was only
connected to C or not connected to anything at all for that matter, connected
to F in their own little island.
That there is no way to identify some special node from which you could reach
all the nodes.
There isn't a special root node,
and you can't even just arbitrarily pick one to be the root because actually there's no
guarantee that it will be connected to all of the others. So it would not give you
access to the full entirety of your graph if you just picked on and said I want anything
reachable from here, it might not get you the whole thing. So,
typically, what you need to really operate on is
the entire collection of node stars. You'll have a set or a vector
that contains all of the nodes that are in the graph,
and then within that, there's a bunch of other connections that are
being made on the graph connectivity that you're also exploring.
So let's make it a little bit more concrete
and talk a little bit about
what really is a node; what really is an arc?
There may be, actually, be some more information I need to store than just a
node is connected to other nodes.
So in the case of a list or a tree,
the next field and the left and the right field are really just pointers for the
purpose of organization.
That's the pointer to the next cell.
There's no data that is really associated with that link itself.
That's not true in the case of a graph.
That often what the links that connect up the nodes
actually do have a real role to play in terms of being data.
It may be that what they tell you is
what road you're taking here, or how long this path is, or how much this
flight costs, or what time this flight leaves, or how full this flight already is,
or who knows, you know, just other information
that is more than just this nodes connected to that one. It's, like, how is it
connected; what is it connected by, and what are the details of how that
is being represented?
So it's likely that what you really want is not just pointers to other nodes but
information about that actual link stored with an arc structure.
So, typically, we're gonna have
an arc
which has information about that arc, how long, how much it costs, you know,
what flight number it is,
that will have pointers to the start and end node that it is connecting.
The node
then has a collection of arcs,
and those arcs are expected to, in the adjacency list form, will all be arcs
that start at this node.
So their start node is equal to the one that's holding onto to them, and then
they have an end
pointer that points to the node at the other end of the arc. Well,
this gets us into a little C++ bind
because I've described these data structures
in a way
that they both depend on each other; that an arc has pointers to the start and the end
A node has a collection of arcs, which is probably a vector or a set of arc pointers,
and so
I'm starting to define the structure for arc,
and then I want to talk about node in it,
and I think, oh, okay, well, then I better define node first because C++ always likes to
see things in order. Remember, it always wants to see A,
and then B if B uses A, and so in terms of how your functions and data
structures work, you've always gotten this idea like, well, go do the one first. Well, if I say,
okay, arc's gonna need node. I start to write arc, and I say, oh, I
need to talk about node. Well, I better put node up here,
right? But then when I'm starting to write node, I start talking about arc, and they have a
circular reference to each other, right? They both
want to depend on the other one before we've gotten around to telling the
compiler about it.
One of them has to go first, right? What are we gonna do?
What we need to do is use the C++ forward reference
as a
little hint to the compiler
we are gonna be defining a Node T structure in a little bit;
we're gonna get to it,
but first we're gonna define the Arc T structure that uses that Node T, and then
we're gonna get around to it. So we're gonna give it, like, a little heads up that says
there later will be an Act 2 of this play. We're gonna introduce a
character called Node T.
So you can now
start talking about Node
T in some simple ways
based on your agreement to the compiler that you plan on telling it more
about Node T later.
So the struct Node T says there will be a struct called Node T.
Okay, the compiler says, okay, I'll write that down.
You start defining struct Arc T, and it says, oh, I see you have these pointers
to the node T. Okay. Well, you told me there'd be a struct like that; I guess that'll work out.
And now you told it what struct Node T is. It's, like, oh, I have a vector
with these pointers to arc,
and then it says, okay, now I see the whole picture, and
it all worked out.
So it's just a little bit of a
requirement of how the C++ compiler likes to see stuff in order without ever having
to go backwards to check anything out again. Okay. So
I got myself some node structures, got
some arc structures; they're all
working together.
I'm gonna try to do some traversals.
Try to do some operations that
work their way around the graph.
tree traversals, right, the pre, and post, and in order
are ways that you start at the root, and you visit all the nodes on the tree,
a very common need to, kind of, process, to delete nodes,
to print the nodes, to whatnot. So we might want to do the same thing on graphs. I've got a
graph out there, and I'd like to go exploring it. Maybe I just want to print, and if
I'm in the Gates building, what are all the places that I can reach from
the Gates building? Where can I go to; what
options do I have?
What I'm gonna do is a traversal
starting at a node and, kind of, working my way outward to the visible, reachable
nodes that I can follow those paths to get there.
We're gonna look at two different ways to do this.
One is Depth-first and one is Breadth-first,
and I'll show you both algorithms, and they
will visit the same nodes;
when all is done and said, they will visit all the reachable nodes starting from a
but they will visit them in different order.
So just like the pre/post in order tree traversals, they visit all the same
notes. It's just a matter of when they get around to doing it
is how
we distinguish depth and breadth-first traversals.
Because we have this graph structure
that has this loose connectivity and the possibility of cycles and multiple paths
to the same node,
we are gonna have to be a little bit careful at how we do our work to make
sure that we don't end up getting stuck in some infinite loop when we keep
going around the ABC cycle in a particular graph.
That we need to realize when we're revisiting something we've seen before,
and then not
trigger, kind of, an
exploration we've already done.
So let's look at depth-first first.
This is probably the simpler of the two. They're both, actually, pretty simple.
Depth-first traversal uses recursion to do its work,
and the idea is that you pick a starting node - let's say I want to start at Gates,
and that maybe what I'm trying to find is all the reachable nodes from Gates.
If I don't have a starting node, then I can just pick one arbitrarily from the
graph because there is actually no root node of special status,
and the idea is to go deep. That
in the case of, for example, a maze, it might be that I
choose to go north, and then I just keep going north. I just go north, north, north, north, north until
I run into a dead wall, and then I say, oh, I have to go east, and I go east, east, east, east, east. The idea is to
just go as far away from
the original state as I can, just keep going outward, outward, outward, outward,
outward, outward, outward,
and eventually I'm gonna run into some dead end, and that dead end could be I
get to a node that has no outgoing arcs,
or it could be that I get to a node
that whose only arcs come back to places I've already been,
so it cycles back on itself, in
which case, that also is really a dead end.
So you go deep.
You go north, and you see as far as you can get, and
only after you've, kind of, fully explored everything reachable from starting in
the north direction
do you backtrack,
unmake that decision, and say, well, how about not north; how about east, right? And then
find everything you can get to from the east, and
after, kind of, going all through that, come back and try south, and so on. So all of the
options you have
exhaustively getting through all your
in this, kind of, go-deep strategy. Well,
the important thing is you realize if you've got this recursion going, so what
you're actually doing, basically, is saying I'm gonna step to my neighbor to the
right, and I'm gonna explore all the things, so do a depth-first search from there
to find all the places you can reach, and that one says, well, I'm gonna step through this spot
and go to one of my neighbors.
And so we can't do that infinitely without getting into trouble. We need
to have a base case that stops that recursion, and the two cases that I've
talked about - one is just when you have no neighbors left to go.
So when you
get to a node that actually, kind of, is a dead end, or that neighbor only has visited
that surround it. So a
very simple little piece of
code that depends on recursion doing its job.
In this case, we need to know which nodes we have visited, right? We're gonna have to
have some kind of strategy for saying I
have been here before.
In this case, I'm using just a set because that's an easy thing to do.
I make a set of node pointers, and I update it
each time I see a new node; I add it to
that set, and if I ever get to a node who is already previously visited
from that, there's no reason to do any work from there; we can immediately
stop. So
starting that step would be empty.
If the visit already contains the node that we're currently trying to visit,
then there's nothing to do. Otherwise, we go ahead and add it, and there's a little node
here that says we'll do something would occur. What am I trying to do here? Am I trying to print those nodes? Am
I trying to draw pictures on those nodes, highlight those nodes, you know,
something I'm doing with them. I don't know what it is, but this is the structure for the depth-first search
here, and
for all of the neighbors,
using the vector of outgoing connections,
then I run a depth-first search
on each of those neighbors
passing that visited set by reference
through the whole operation. So I will
always be adding to and modifying this one set, so I will
be able to know where I am and where I still need to go.
So if we trace this guy in action -
if I start arbitrarily from A, I say I'd like to begin with A.
Then the depth-first search is gonna pick a neighbor, and let's say I happen to just work
over my neighbors in alphabetical order.
It would say okay, well, I've picked B. Let's go to everywhere we can get to from B. So A
gets marked as visited.
I move onto B; I say, well,
B, search everywhere you can to from B, and B says okay, well, I need to pick a
neighbor, how about I pick
C? And says
and now,
having visited C, go everywhere you can get to from C. Well,
C has no neighbors, right, no outgoing connections whatsoever.
So C says, well, okay, everywhere you can get to from C is C,
you know, I'm done.
That will cause it to backtrack to this place, to B, and B says okay, I explored everywhere I can get to
from C;
what other neighbors do I have? B has no other neighbors. So, in fact, B backtracks all the way
back to A.
So now A says okay, well, I went everywhere I can get to from B,
right? Let me look at my next neighbor.
My next neighbor is C. Ah,
but C, already visited,
so there's no reason to
go crazy on that thing. So, in fact, I can
immediately see that I've visited that, so I don't have any further path to look at
I'll hit D then
as the next one in sequence. So
at this point, I've done everything reachable from the B arm, everything
reachable from the C arm, and now I'm starting on the D arm. I said okay, where can I get to
from D?
Well, I can get to E. All right,
where can I get to from E?
E goes to F, so the idea is you think of it going deep. It's going as far away as it
can, as deep as possible, before it, kind of, unwinds
getting to the F that has no neighbors
and saying okay. Well, how about - where can I get to
also from E? I can get to G.
From G where can I get to? Nowhere,
so we, kind of, unwind the
D arm, and then we will eventually get back to and hit the H.
So the order they actually were hit in this case happened to be alphabetical. I
assigned them such that that would come out that way.
That's not really a property of what depth-first search does,
but think of it as like it's going as deep as possible, as far away as possible,
and so it makes a choice - it's pretty much like the recursive backtrackers that we've seen. In
fact, they make a choice, commit to it, and just move forward on it, never, kind of,
giving a backwards glance, and only if the whole process
bottoms out
does it come back and start unmaking decisions and try alternatives,
eventually exploring everything reachable from A
when all is done and said. So if
you, for example, use that on the maze,
right, the depth-first search on a maze is very much the same strategy we're talking about
Instead of the way we did it was actually breadth-first search, if you
remember back to that assignment,
the depth-first search alternative is actually doing it the -
just go deep,
make a choice, go with it, run all the way until it bottoms out,
and only then back up and try some other alternatives.
The breadth-first traversal, gonna hit
the same nodes
but just gonna hit them in a different way.
If my goal were to actually hit all of them,
then either of them is gonna be a fine strategy. There may be some reason why
I'm hoping to stop the search early, and that actually might dictate why I would prefer
which ones to look at first.
The breadth-first traversal is going to explore things in terms of distance,
in this case, expressed in terms of number of hops away from the starting
So it's gonna look at everything that's one hop away, and then go back and look at
everything two hops away, and then three hops away.
And so if the goal, for example, was to find a node
in a shortest path connection between it,
then breadth-first search, by looking at all the ones one hop away, if it was a one hop
path, it'll find it,
and if it's a two hop path, it'll find it on that next round, and then the three hop
and there might be paths that are 10, and 20, and 100
steps long,
but if I find it earlier, I won't go looking at them. It actually might prove to
be a more efficient way to get to the shortest solution as opposed to depth-first
search which go off and try all these deep
paths that may not ever end up where I want it to be
before it eventually made its way to the short
solution I was wanting to find. So the thing
is we have the starting node.
We're gonna visit all the immediate neighbors.
So, basically, a loop over the
immediate one,
and then while we're doing that, we're gonna actually, kind of, be gathering up that
next generation.
Sometimes that's called the Frontier, sort of, advancing the frontier
of the nodes to explore next,
so all the nodes that are two hops away,
and then while we're processing the ones that are two hops away, we're gonna
be gathering the frontier
that is three hops away. And so at each stage we'll be, kind of, processing a
generation but while assembling the generation N+1
in case we need to go further to find those things.
We'll use an auxiliary data structure during
this. That management of the frontier, keeping track of the nodes that are, kind
staged for the
subsequent iterations,
the queue is a perfect data structure for that. If I put the
initial neighbors into a queue,
as I dequeue them, if I put their neighbors on the back of the queue, so enqueue them
behind all the one hop neighbors, then
if I do that with code, as I'm processing Generation 1 off the front of the queue, I'll be
stacking Generation 2 in the back of the queue,
and then when all of Generation 1 is exhausted, I'll be processing Generation
but, kind of, enqueuing Generation 3 behind it.
Same deal that we had with depth-first search though is we will have to be
careful about cycles will pull past that
when there's more than one possibility of how we get to something, we don't
want to, kind of, keep going around that cycle
or do a lot of redundant work visiting nodes that we've already seen. So
I have the same idea of keeping track of a set
that knows what
we've previously visited,
and the
initial node gets enqueued just, kind of, by itself, just like Generation 0 gets
put into the queue,
and then while the queue is not empty, so while there's still neighbors I haven't
yet visited,
I dequeue the frontmost one,
if it hasn't already been visited on some previous iteration, then I mark it as
and then I enqueue all of its children or neighbors at the back of the queue.
And so, as of right now, I'm processing Generation 0, that means all of Generation 1, so the
neighbors that are one hop away, get placed in the queue, and then
the next iteration coming out here will pull off a Generation 1,
and then enqueue all of these two hop neighbors.
Come back and other Generation 1's will get pulled off, enqueue all their two hop
neighbors, and so the two hop generation will, kind of, be built up behind, and then
once the last of the one hop generation gets managed,
start processing the Generation 2 and so on.
And so this will keep going while the queue has some
contents in there. So that means some neighbors
we have connections to that we haven't yet had a chance to explore, and
either we will find out that they have all been visited, so this will end when
all of the nodes that are in the queue have been visited or
there are no more neighbors to enqueue. So we've gotten to those dead ends or those cycles
that mean we've reach everything that was reachable from that start node.
And so I've traced this guy
to see it doing its work.
So if I start again with A,
and, again, assuming that I'm gonna process my nodes
in alphabetical order when I have children, so I will through and I
will enqueue, so the queue right now has just node A in it. I pull it off. I say
have I visited? No, I have not.
So then I mark it as visited,
and now for each of its neighboring nodes, B, C, D, H, I'm gonna put those into
the queue,
and so then they're loaded up, and then I come back around, I say do I still have stuff in the queue? I
do, so let's take out the first thing that was put in; it was B. Okay,
and I'll say okay, well, where can you get to from B? You can get to C, so I'm gonna put C in the queue. Now,
C is actually already in the queue, but we're gonna pull it out
earlier in terms it'll get handled by the
visiting status later.
So, okay, we'll put C, D, and E in
and then put C behind it. So right now, we'll have C, D, H, and C again.
It'll find the C that's in the front there. It'll say where can you get to from C?
so no additional
Generation 2's are added by that one.
I'll look at D, and I'll say okay, well, what Generation 2's do we have from D? It says, well, I can
get to E. All right, so put E on the
back of the
queue. Look at H; where can H get to? H can get to G,
so go ahead and put G on the back of the queue.
So now, it comes back around to the things that are two hops away.
The first one it's gonna pull off is C. It's
gonna say, well, C is already visited,
so there's no need to redundantly visit that or do anything with that.
It passes over C. It
finds the E
that's behind that,
and then it finds the G that was behind the
H. The E also enqueued the F
that was four hops, and the very last one, right, output will be that F that was
only reachable by taking
three hops away from the thing. So this one's, kind of,
working radially. The
idea that I'm looking at all the things that I can get to, kind of, in one hop
are my first generation, then two hops, then three hops,
and so it's like throwing a stone in the water and watching it ripple out
that the visiting
is managed in terms of, kind of, growing length of path,
and number of hops that it took to get there.
So this is the strategy that you used for maze solving, if you remember.
what you were tracking was the queue of paths where the path was
AB, or ADC, or
ADE, and that they grew
step wise. That, kind of, each iteration through the
traversal there where you're saying, okay, well, I've seen all the paths that are one hop. Now I've seen all the ones of two,
now the ones three, and four, and five,
and when you keep doing that, eventually you get to the hop,
you know, 75, which leads you
all the way to the goal, and since you have looked at all the paths that were
74 and shorter, the first path that you dequeue that leads to your goal
must be the best or the shortest overall
of the order you processed them.
That's not true in depth-first search, right? That depth-first search might find a much
longer and more circuitous path that led to the goal
when there is a shorter one that would be eventually found if I had a graph that
you know, had this long path, let's say,
and so this is goal node, let's say, and this is the start node that
there could be a two hop path, kind of, off to this angle,
but if this was the first one explored in the depth-first, right,
it could eventually, kind of, work its way all the way around through this
eight hop path, and say, okay, well, I found it, right?
It would be the first one we found, but there's no guarantee that would be the
shortest in depth-first search, right? It would just happen to be the one that based on
its arbitrary choice of which
neighbors to pursue it happened to get to that there could be a shorter
one that would be found later in the traversal. That's not true in
the breadth-first search strategy because it will be looking at this, and then these two,
and then these two, and, kind of, working its way outward down those edges.
So as soon as we get to one that hits the goal, we
know we have found the shortest we can have. Question?
In that case,
you could return, okay, we need two
jumps to get to
the goal,
like, as far
winning the goal. Yeah. How do we remember which path led us there?
So if you were really doing that, you know, in terms of depth-first search, what
you'd probably be tracking is what's the path? Probably a stack that said here's the stack
that led to that path. Let me hold
onto this, right, and I will compare it to these alternatives. So I'll try it on Neighbor 1,
get the stack back from that; it's the best.
Try it on Neighbor 2, get that stack back, see which one is smaller and use
that as the better choice, and so, eventually, when I tried it out this side, I'd get
the stack back that was just two,
and I could say, yeah, that was better than this ten step path I had over here, so I
will prefer that. So just using your standard, kind of, backtracking with
using your return values, incorporating them, and deciding which was better.
And so in this case,
the depth-first search
can't really be pruned very easily
because it has to, kind of, explore the whole thing to know that this
short little path right over here happened to be just
arbitrarily examined last, whereas, the breadth-first search actually does, kind of, because
it's prioritizing by
order of length. If the goal was shortest path, it will find it sooner and be able to
when it found it rather than look at these longer paths. So it won't end up -
if there were hundreds of other paths over here, breadth-first search won't actually
have to ever reach them or explore them.
So there are a lot of things that actually end up being graph search in disguise. That's why
a, kind of, a graph is a great data structure to, kind of, get to in
106b because there are lots of problems
that, in the end, if you can model them using the same
setup of nodes, and arcs, and traversals,
that you can answer interesting questions about that data by applying
the same graph search techniques.
So as long as you want to know things like, well, which nodes are reachable from this node at
And then
that just means, okay, I'm here and I want to get to these places; what places could
I get to? Or
knowing what courses I could take
that would lead me to a CS degree, it's, kind of, like well, looking for the ones
that lead to having all your graduation requirements
satisfied, and each of those arcs could be a course you could take, right, how close did
that get you to the goal? How can I get to the
place I'd like to be, or what are the places that this course satisfies
requirements that lead to?
Knowing things about
connectivity is, kind of, useful in things like the, kind of, bacon numbers or
erdish numbers where people want to know, well, how close am I to greatness by -
have I been in a movie with somebody who was in a movie, who was in a movie with Kevin Bacon? And,
for me, it turns out
zero; I have been in no movies. But have
you written a paper with someone who then
connects through a chain to some other famous person, right? Tells you about
your, kind of, social network distance or something, or I'm linked in. You're trying to get a
new job, and you want to find somebody to introduce you to
the head of this cool company. It's, like, figuring who you know who knows them, right?
It's finding paths through a social network graph.
Finding out things like
are there paths with cycles? What's the shortest path
through the cycle, longest path through the cycle often tells you about things about
redundancies in that structure
that, for example, when you're building a network infrastructure, sometimes you do have
cycles in it because you actually want to have multiple ways to get to things in case
there's a breakdown. Like if there's a freeway accident, you want to have another way
to get around it,
but you are interested in, maybe, trying to keep your cost down is trying to find
out where are the right places to put in those redundancies, those cycles that
give you the best benefit with the least cost.
Trying to find things like a continuous path that visits all the nodes once and exactly
once, especially doing so efficiently, picking a short
overall path for that. We talked a little bit about that in terms of what's called the
traveling salesman problem.
You are trying to get from - you have ten
cities to visit on your book tour. You don't want to spend all your lifetime
on a plane. What's the
path of crisscrossing the country that gets you to all ten of those with the least
time painfully
spent on an airline? And so
those are just graph search problems. You have these nodes. You have these arcs.
How can you
traverse them and visit
and come up with
a good solution. There's other
problems I think that are kind of neat. Word letters, we used to give out an assignment on word letters. We
didn't this time, but I thought it was an
interesting problem to think about. The idea of
how it is you can transform
one letter at a time from one word to another is very much a
graph problem behind the scenes, and that largely a breadth-first
traversal is exactly what you're looking for there. How
can I transform this with the shortest number of steps is, kind of,
working radially out from the starting word.
Your boggle board turns out, really, is just a graph. If
you think of
having this sequence of letters
that you're trying to work through,
that really each of these letters can actually just be thought of as a node,
and then the connections it has are to its eight neighbors, and that finding
words in there, especially finding paths, starting from
this node that lead away, that don't revisit, so, in fact, doing breadth-first
or depth-first search. You most likely did depth-first search when you were writing the
implementation of boggle,
but that's, kind of, a deep search on I found an A. I found a P. I found a P, and, kind
of, keeps going as long as that path looks viable. So, in this case, that the arc
information we're using is
having a sub of those letters, do they form a prefix that could be leading
somewhere good,
and then the, kind of, recursion bottoming out when
we have run ourselves into a corner where we have no unvisited nodes
that neighbor us,
or only nodes that would extend to a prefix that no longer forms any
viable words
as a search problem.
So it feels like everything you've done this quarter has actually been a graph in disguise; I just didn't
tell you. The maze problem is very much a graph search problem, building a
graph and searching it.
Another one that I think is, kind of, neat to think about is, kind of, related to the idea of word letters
is that often when you mistype a word, a word
processor will suggest to you
here's a word that you might have meant instead. You type a word that it doesn't
have in its lexicon, and it says, well,
that could just be
a word I don't know, but it also could mean that you actually mistyped something, and so
what you want to look at is having neighboring nodes,
sort of, diagramming a graph
of all the words you know of
and then the, kind of, permutations, the tiny little twiddles to that word that
are neighbors to it so that
you could describe a set of suggestions
as being those things that are within a certain
hop distance from the original mistyped word. And
so you could say, yeah, things that have two letters different are probably
close enough, but things that have three or more letters different aren't actually
likely to be
the mistyped word,
and then that, kind of, leads to supporting things like wildcard searches
where you're trying to remember whether it's E-R-A-T or A-R-T-E at the
end of desperate.
Those things could be modeled as, kind of, like they search through a graph space where
you're modeling those letters, and then there's, like, a
branching where you try all of the letters coming out of D-E-S-P, seeing if any
of them lead to an R-A-T-E.
So the last thing I wanted
to just bring up, and this is the one that's going into this week's assignment. I'm just
gonna actually show it to you to, kind of, get you thinking about it because it's
actually the problem at hand that you're gonna be solving
is that
the one of where I'm interested in finding the shortest path, but I'm gonna add in
this new idea that
all hops are not created equal.
That a flight from San Francisco to Seattle is a shorter distance than the
one that goes from San Francisco to Boston,
and if I'm interested in getting
to someplace, it's not just that I would like to take a direct flight. I'd also
like to take the set of flights that involves the least, kind of, going out of my way,
and going through other cities, and other directions.
And so in this case, a breadth-first search is a little bit too simplistic.
That if I just look at all the places I can get to in one hop,
those are not really equally
in terms of my goal of minimizing my total path distance,
but if I, instead, prioritize -
prioritize in your mind, immediately conjure up images of the
priority queue,
to look at paths that are,
if I'm trying to minimize total distance, the shortest path, even if they
represent several hops, if they're still shorter - if I have three flights, and each are
100 miles,
then they represent a flight of 300 total miles,
and that's still preferred to one that actually is 2,000 miles or 7,000 miles
going to Asia
alternatively. And so if I worked on a breadth-first that's been modified by a total
that it would be a way
to work out the shortest path
in terms of total weight
from San Francisco to my destination
by a
modified breadth-first, kind of, weighted strategy,
and that is exactly what you're gonna be doing in this assignment. I'm not gonna
give away too much by, kind of,
delving too much in it, but the handout does a pretty good job of talking you through what
you're doing, but it's a, kind of, neat way to think about that's how the GPS, the MapQuest, and things like
that are working is
you're at a site;
you have a goal, and you have this information that you're trying to
guide that search, and you're gonna use heuristics about
appears to be the, kind of, optimal path to, kind of, pick that, and go with it,
and see where it leads you. So
that will be your
task for this week. What we'll talk about on Friday is caching.