Okay the time is currently 12:24 hours on
10/21 of 18. This is Officer Ryan Miller
- Police Department. What is your name sir
Jonathan. What's your date of birth? Ok uh
So you already said you're willing to do
the recorded interview so we have the
capability of recording your statement
would you like your statement to be audio
and visually recorded? okay and there's a
spot for you to initial. Right there if
you'd give permission for that. Right here
yeah. okay so the date is 21 times 12:24
And then if you could fill out your name
date of birth and all this stuff here. ok
um so these are your Miranda rights it
says you have the right to remain silent
anything you say can be used against you
in a court of law. you have the right to
talk to a lawyer and have them present
with you while you are being questioned
if you cannot afford to hire a lawyer one
will be appointed to represent you before
any questioning if you wish you can decide
at any time to exercise these rights and
not answer any questions or make any
statements do you understand each of these
rights that I explained to you? yes.
having these rights in mind do you wish to
talk to me now? yeah. alright so do you
know what this is about? yeah yeah about
last night. can you tell me what happened?
last night basically you know we were
obviously both drinking and you know she
was trying to take off and - who's she?
Sam. Samantha? yeah. okay so I was like ok
you know I'll hang around get your Uber so
you can go you know so then I went to go
try and give her a hug and then she just
started like throwing hits at me - okay -
you know so I got scared ducked under
grabbed her phone and I took off - you
grabbed her phone? - yeah - why'd you do
that? - huh - why'd you grab her phone?
i don't know i just like when I came down
it just ended up with me. by all means I
gave it back you know what I mean - okay
how long did you have it? mm, i don't know
about 30 minutes if that because I called
I called somebody at the party and I was
like hey I like have her phone I don't
want her phone I'm gonna give it back like
I don't want this you know - um who did
you give the phone to? I gave it Carson
Carson? yeah - Do you have Carson's last
name? -- I think - uh and you said that
you made a call on her phone? - No - You
did not? - No I didn't make any calls or -
did you log into the phone at all? nope.
nothing at all okay so you're not sure
what made you grab the phone? yeah - you
just reacted? okay - yeah I was just
instant reaction you know like I'm getting
hit right right first thing is boom I'm
outta there - okay - yeah - um what is
your relationship with Samantha? currently
we're not together anymore obviously yeah
when did you guys break up? um that i
don't i can't really say for sure 'cause
it's been like on and off - mhm - so she
hasn't really gave me like a basic we're
done till tonight - alright - were you
guys dating at the time of the party? -at
the time of the party? we were but we
weren't you know it was just yeah it was
just a lot of conflict - things were
fallin' apart type of thing - yeah - okay
alright. um so was there any arguments
before the issue with the phone? um no not
that - nothing I just - we tried to stay
away from each other it what it was - okay
so you guys are pretty much done at that
point? yeah we're staying away from each
other - yeah we were just trying to stay
away from each other you know - okay um
and did you guys go outside together? yeah
we were outside together. were you guys
out there to talk or what happened - yeah
we were just out there talking and you
know I was like I'll get your Uber like
go. sorry - background noise of them -
yeah you're fine - um so you guys were
talking about getting an Uber you said?
yeah she was I was not - okay you weren't
planning to leave with her or anything
like that okay and then from there - and
then from there yeah that happened and
yeah she started swinging at me and from
what I was told at the party is she wa -
had told everybody that I hit her which is
not true you know - okay - yeah so - well
I'll tell you right now she made no - oh
okay well - nothing along those lines - oh
okay well I'm just letting you know
because that's what everybody was telling
me when I showed up to the party - okay -
you know - uh - and I was like no I didn't
do that - okay so why'd you stick around
at the party then - huh - why'd you stick
around - what do you mean - stay at the
party if she's telling people stuff? cause
I didn't do it I don't have any reason to
be scared I have no reason to be afraid I
didn't do anything wrong - okay where was
the party at? It's - I don't know the
address it's like on Potter Street - on
Potter - yeah - in ---- yeah uh is it a
friend's house or - yeah coworker's so
we're all coworkers - where do you guys
work at? Consolidated - okay what's uh
who's the homeowner or who lives there
homeowner um Natasha Cruz I don't I don't
know her actual like marriage last name
okay but it's her house - yeah it's her
house and her husband's name is Diego I
don't know his last name either - okay but
you work with Natasha? yeah I work with
Natasha and Diego is her husband - okay -
mhm. so the whole thing goes down with the
phone you take it you have it for about a
half an hour and then - yeah I'm just like
wandering I'm just taking off and I call
somebody and I'm like hey I don't know
where I am - mhm - because I'm not really
familiar with Richland whatsoever - okay
and then you gave the phone to Carson
yeah and then I don't know what Carson did
with it from there - okay what happened
after that? after that um I like I said I
went in there hung around you know - mhm -
talked with some people and then finally
like grabbed my car was not good to drive
by all means so parked my car down the
street but I didn't wake up till about 8
8:30 this morning and - okay did you guys
argue any more you and Samantha argue at
all after the phone issue - no - okay
yeah I have not talked to her since - okay
mhm - um how did you leave - what do you
mean how did I leave - did you leave take
an Uber home did you drive home did a
friend take you home - um no I had my car
with me so I drove it down the street just
you know get myself away from everything
okay - I just fell asleep right there - ok
anything happen before you left? no I
didn't talk to anybody I just left - okay
yeah yeah because of so from my
understanding I was supposed to stay the
night at Carson's and Tio's you know so I
was like hey you know I was like what's
going on you know and they were like oh
well Sam's coming to stay here so you
can't stay here so I was like okay by all
means alright so that's why I fell asleep
in my car. okay um so you fell asleep in
your car just down the street - yeah I was
not good to drive - okay fair enough -
you know what I mean and I don't really
know Richland and you know it's not the
smartest move to make anyways - yeah no
drinking and driving is not a good idea
for sure um so did you sleep till like
this morning and then head home - yeah I
woke up at around 8 8:30 were you wearing
the same clothes you are now that you wore
then? no - okay what about like shoes - no
pants? different shoes? okay um alright
so Samantha's car was damaged at some
point last night do you know anything
about that - I don't - okay you didn't
weren't pissed off at her - nope - and
kicked it or anything like that - nope
just stayed trapped in my car woke up the
next morning and then left - okay - yeah
because me and Tio started talking and
she didn't want like anything to do with
me like - yeah - basically it was like
you're not coming to my house whether you
want to or not - okay - you know what I
mean - so here's what her car looks like
so someone kicked these two doors - yeah
okay there's footprints on both of those
doors - yeah yeah I can bring you my shoes
if that's what you want - you're wearing
Jordans right now right? huh yeah I'm
wearing Jordans right now - are these the
shoes you were wearing last night? no I
have my other Jordans at home I can
definitely get those to you if that's what
you'd like. so you have no idea who kicked
I do not sir - okay cause I'm gonna be
honest with you man - okay - the shoeprint
says Jordan on it - okay - like - yeah
and I had my Jordans at home - okay
yeah I can by all means I can stop by and
grab those - so did you kick the car? I
did not sir - okay so Samantha remembers
you wearing the white Jordans last night
yeah - you guys get in an argument you
take her phone get the phone back you're
obviously not in good relations had a
little bit to drink - mhm - and then her
car she goes to leave and finds that its
been kicked at some point during the party
okay - somebody wearing Jordans kicked the
car - yeah - and you're saying that's not
you? that's not me sir - k you find you
understand that's pretty hard to believe
right - yeah I do - okay so here's the
deal man I don't like being lied to - okay
okay so if you did it I would like you to
admit it and if you did it and you admit
it then we'll be done here okay I want the
truth that's the bottom line if you say
you didn't do it and you honestly believe
that okay but I'm telling you right now I
believe you kicked her car - yeah I did
not sir - you did not - I did not - okay
can you show me the bottom of your shoes
yeah I have my other pair of Jordans at
home too - so the pattern pretty much
exactly matches the side of the car like
like the top the round part and the dead
giveaway is the fact that it says Jordan
like I can see half of the word Jordan on
the footprint - yeah and those aren't my
only Jordans I have more - okay alright so
the story we're sticking with is you
didn't do this - I did not it sir - okay
I have other Jordans I honestly do - well
I'm not worried about the other Jordans
I'm just all the facts physical evidence
at the scene that's left on the car that
says you had a reason you were mad at her
you had the opportunity left nobody else
is around - but I did not leave I stayed
in my car - plus I mean the shoes match ok
how many people at the party were wearing
Jordans last night - I don't know - I mean
those are fairly rare shoes they're kind
of expensive nice shoes right - yeah they
are nice shoes - yeah and it exactly
matches the damage to the car so did you
kick the side of her car? I did not sir
okay why are you looking away from me when
you say that - I'm not looking away - you
glanced away like you couldn't look me in
the eye when you said that - I'm looking
you in the eye I honestly did not
alright - that that was me honestly I
wasn't even good to drive - and it's not
possible that just you were drunk and made
a mistake? I was not even good to drive
sir I really - I'm not talking about
driving I'm talking about kicking in the
side of a car - I did not - alright well
I'm gonna be honest with you man
everything here based on what I've been
told happened at the party last night plus
the damage itself and the evidence left
behind by the footprint that's the biggest
one right there - yeah - I mean if it was
any other shoe print I could probably see
that but the fact it's a Jordan and it
says so on the side of the car and you
come in here wearing white Jordans which
is what she described you wearing last
night - yeah and I have my other pair at
home - and you already admitted you got
into it with taking her phone - yeah and
I did take her phone by all means I did
okay - but I gave it back because my
intentions were not to take anything from
her - well you didn't give it back to her
you gave it back to somebody else and you
don't know what happened to it then after
that right - I'm sure he gave it back to
her because - how do you know that - I
don't know that - why didn't you just give
it back to her - because we were on off
terms she didn't wanna talk to me. she
didn't want anything to do with me - mhm
alright so here's what's gonna happen mhm
I'm gonna end the recording we'll stop the
interview. okay. so the time now is 12:37
hours on 10/21 of 18 this is Officer
Miller -- okay the time now is 12:39 hours
this is Officer Miller of the -- Police
Dept. uh after I ended the previous
recording I informed Johnny here that he
was under arrest I placed him in handcuffs
right here uh he started crying and he
admitted that he actually did in fact kick
the car so we're gonna talk about that
some more is that correct Johnny? yes sir
alright if you wanna have a seat we will
continue okay - I'm sorry - so let's back
it up a little bit here what happened when
you left the house
um all I remember is I started driving --
take me home and I just happened to drive
by Carson's house so then I got off and I
was upset so I kicked the car - so you
knew it was her car? - huh - you were mad
at her - yeah I was mad at her sir - you
were pissed off and just lost control
yeah I was drunk as could be yeah - okay
where was your car parked - uh at my
friend's house - in front of the house?
yeah - outside like on the street or like
in the driveway - no that's me - nope
you're right it is - go ahead and stand
I'm just gonna put this on silent - sorry
alright so let's set this over here for
now so we don't have any more interruption
okay so you saw her car parked um you said
you were driving when you saw it - yeah I
was driving when I saw it - okay what'd
you do then - I got out and I kicked the
car I was mad and I was upset and it wasnt
right of me to do it and I apologize I'm
sorry for it - how many times did you
kick the car? I only kicked it twice -
twice? that's it - on one side of the car
or like on two sides - yeah it was on the
driver's side - okay what did you do after
that? um parked my car and went to bed
were you still in the same area? no - no
where did you park at - i don't even know
where I was I don't know the neighborhood
I just I drove threw up a little bit and
then just ended up crashing in the car -
okay well glad you didn't crash that would
have made things even worse. okay do you
feel bad about what you did? I do and
honestly I'm sorry about it and I will
literally go out and apologize if I had
the chance - okay well honestly I don't
think she wants anything to do with you
right now - yeah I - she's pretty upset
I know I got the memo of it and I'm sorry
and I apologize for it and it won't
happen again - okay um - I'll do whatever
I have to - has this type of thing ever
happened before like with another girl or
anything? no - no so what happened when
this happened - um honestly I'm not the
biggest drinker - yeah - you know - okay
so I had a little too much to drink - okay
yeah - I've never I usually don't drink
much anyways yeah because I do boxing so
I play sport yeah - alright uh is there
anything else you wanna get off your chest
about this? um I just wanna make things
right - okay okay well - I'm sorry - why'd
you lie to me before man? I was scared
man like I had I don't - you ever heard
the phrase "The truth shall set you free"
I have but I don't truthfully honestly I
don't have a lot of people that I can go
talk to or are there for me or anything
like that - alright - you know what I mean
so I just - alright well honestly I
appreciate you being honest with me now I
would really appreciate if you'd been
honest up front and not lied to begin with
yeah - okay - I'm sorry I'm just scared -
I mean like I said man everything points
to you doing this and then you lie about
it and try and say it wasn't you - yeah I
just I'm just scared man - okay - you know
I don't want any problems you know if it
was up to me I'd go back and fix it I
wouldn't be here like I just don't want
any problems or you know if I have to pay
what I gotta pay to fix what I gotta fix
or - okay - do what I gotta do you know
alright - but I just don't want any
problems and I truthfully and honestly
like I apologize okay alright we're gonna
finish this up now uh like I said I'll uh
come up with a disposition here shortly
yeah so the time now is 12:43 hours on
10/21 of 18 this is Officer Ryan Miller
-- Police Dept. I'll be ending the ---