Ah... Oh... Ooh Ooh Ooh... Toilet brush is the best backscratcher. Ever. Oh... ooh... When you live alone... OoohooAhhh When you live alone you know, it's hard to scratch your back. Well, it's just sad that you can't have somebody scratch your back. My dogs, Bunny, Buster, they don't care. They jump up on me. Look at this. hahahah You know why she's doing this? This precious little dog was taken away from her mother before she had a chance to suckle. Before se had a chance to suckle this poor little baby, Didn't have a chance to suckle her mother. So since I got her as a little baby she considers me her mother. Yes, she considers me her mother. So she thinks she's suckling, but what she's doing is she's biting daddy on the tummy. And it leaves red marks. But she doesn't hurt too much. But getting back to... Getting back to this... Do yourself a favor... Is my lens dirty there? Do yourself a favor Go to your local store and get yourself a toilet brush. Buy one. Don't use it in the toilet. Use it on your back. Use it to scrub everywhere. You know I think it even removes flakey skin. Ah... Best back scratcher ever. And you heard it here. Spread the word. Captioned by Jeff