0:00:07.712,0:00:10.266 <Not Commiting to One Church> 0:00:10.266,0:00:16.470 (Questioner) Hello Sumin, [br]I watch your video. 0:00:16.470,0:00:21.117 I can guess how busy you are every day. 0:00:21.117,0:00:28.362 I have been going to church for [br]over two years after moving to a new area. 0:00:28.362,0:00:36.987 I went with a friend. But this Spring, [br]there was a conflict in the church 0:00:36.987,0:00:40.850 and the church split into two sides. 0:00:40.850,0:00:48.078 And half of the people left and [br]they opened a new church. 0:00:48.078,0:00:57.686 One or two of the members close to me [br]kept on telling me to come visit their church. 0:00:57.686,0:01:07.044 They asked me to come just once but [br]I know that that one time is just the beginning. 0:01:07.044,0:01:10.591 The "attend that church." 0:01:10.591,0:01:13.206 I do not belong to any church and 0:01:13.206,0:01:18.734 now I am satisfied with Happy School and teachings 0:01:18.734,0:01:23.247 and I am learning well. 0:01:23.247,0:01:31.207 If people telling me to come to church I feel bothers me, 0:01:31.207,0:01:37.868 please tell me how can I manage my mind calm. 0:01:37.868,0:01:41.797 The more I learn about Buddha's teachings, 0:01:41.797,0:01:48.409 the more I reflect on myself and become humble. 0:01:48.409,0:01:54.086 And so I love it. [br]I don't want to go to church. 0:01:57.883,0:02:04.310 (Sunim) It's your choice. 0:02:04.310,0:02:11.837 It's okay for you not to go to church.[br]There's absolutely no problem. 0:02:11.837,0:02:21.030 Or you can just choose one of the two churches and go there occasionally, 0:02:21.030,0:02:26.925 or you can go to both churches. 0:02:26.925,0:02:32.936 You don't have to tie down to one church, 0:02:32.936,0:02:36.932 nor do you have to deny both churches. 0:02:36.932,0:02:41.878 You can just be free. 0:02:41.878,0:02:47.107 The more you study Buddhism, 0:02:47.107,0:02:56.631 you also have to open your minds up to other religions like Christianity. 0:02:56.631,0:03:01.877 The same thing with Islam. 0:03:01.877,0:03:06.340 I'm not saying that you have to like it, 0:03:06.340,0:03:12.868 because each religion and [br]tradition has its own unique nature. 0:03:12.868,0:03:23.109 But it's up to you because you're free to choose, 0:03:23.109,0:03:25.575 not because you don't like the other traditions, 0:03:25.575,0:03:30.885 but you're free to choose whatever draws you. 0:03:30.885,0:03:42.292 Basically this is not a problem of your friends 0:03:42.292,0:03:47.804 or your former church goers telling you [br]or asking you to come visit their church. 0:03:47.804,0:03:52.482 It's the problem that you don't want to hear them, that invitation. 0:03:52.482,0:04:05.406 The same thing when you get invited to a party, [br]you want to go, you don't want to go. 0:04:05.406,0:04:12.383 Or your family member asks you to do something you don't want to do,[br]you just don't want, sometimes. 0:04:12.383,0:04:25.737 You resist, you're hesitant because you're always calculating, 0:04:25.737,0:04:30.217 what if I say no, I might lose that relationship, or something. 0:04:30.217,0:04:33.214 It might cause a loss to me. 0:04:33.214,0:04:43.521 But after all, they have the freedom to invite you to their church, 0:04:43.521,0:04:47.534 and you have the freedom to not go. 0:04:47.534,0:04:56.293 So just as your freedom is precious to you, [br]their freedom is precious to them. 0:04:56.293,0:05:02.454 (Questioner) I understand what you're saying. 0:05:02.454,0:05:11.529 I didn't say 'don't tell me come to your church'[br]but I just say, refuse nicely. 0:05:11.529,0:05:14.677 Okay maybe next time, not this moment 0:05:14.677,0:05:19.124 I don't feel like to go right now, maybe future, 0:05:19.124,0:05:22.565 I think about it. [br]I all the time say that. 0:05:22.565,0:05:30.492 I went to church since I immigrate to USA on and off over 25 years. 0:05:30.492,0:05:35.220 If I attend one time they right away welcome me, 0:05:35.220,0:05:41.431 they are kind extremely [br]and then they are looking for 0:05:41.431,0:05:46.677 what would you like to do [br]and then oh, let's study Bible study 0:05:46.677,0:05:51.556 Why don't you join this volunteer [br]Why don't you join like a chorus? 0:05:51.556,0:05:57.834 And they asked me more and more and then [br]see you next Sunday 0:05:57.834,0:06:03.978 and then they asked more and if I just go one time and stop 0:06:03.978,0:06:10.588 to me, it's foolish because I know I'm not going to go. 0:06:10.588,0:06:18.049 So I just don't want to start go to church. 0:06:18.049,0:06:25.631 And the reason the split is too sided is very complicated. 0:06:25.631,0:06:33.042 They are 45 years of one church member but one issue they make split. 0:06:33.042,0:06:37.404 So I'm just tired of what they're doing. 0:06:37.404,0:06:43.948 Yesterday they were like all church member, we're family and brother and sister 0:06:43.948,0:06:48.395 and then after conflict it's become enemy 0:06:48.395,0:06:54.672 I don't want to involve that both church. I don't want to go to church. 0:06:54.672,0:07:02.134 Since I learned the Buddha's teaching, [br]I'm very joyful and find a more peaceful mind. 0:07:02.134,0:07:10.343 Even I attended the church over 20 years, I never had that feeling. 0:07:10.343,0:07:12.456 So I don't want to go there. 0:07:12.456,0:07:16.421 I want to just keep continue learning Buddha's teaching. 0:07:16.421,0:07:21.349 I think that's more fit to me my personality, character and quiet peaceful 0:07:21.349,0:07:27.045 and I just want to stick with this side. 0:07:27.045,0:07:40.783 (Sunim) It's a good thing that studying Buddha's teachings brought you peace in your mind. 0:07:40.783,0:07:51.090 But you have not really truly studied deeply yet 0:07:51.090,0:07:56.451 because you still feel tension from watching the conflict within the Church. 0:07:56.451,0:08:04.927 Conflicts and divisions is a natural phenomenon. 0:08:04.927,0:08:20.298 Now you see two different sects emerging from the same Judeo Christian tradition. 0:08:20.298,0:08:28.390 And from within the Christianity itself 0:08:28.390,0:08:33.685 you see the schism between the Catholicism and Protestantism. 0:08:33.685,0:08:44.026 And within the same Protestantism,[br]you get Presbyterians, you get Baptists, 0:08:44.026,0:08:48.805 Episcopalians, you get all different sects. 0:08:48.805,0:09:04.392 You feel discomfort because [br]you were there at the church when it was one, 0:09:04.392,0:09:06.639 then it split into two 0:09:06.639,0:09:08.505 but somebody else who joined the church after it split 0:09:08.505,0:09:13.584 will not share the same discomfort. 0:09:13.584,0:09:21.923 We have a lot of divorced couples who are raising kids 0:09:21.923,0:09:26.237 who get divorced even after having kids and raising kids by themselves. 0:09:26.237,0:09:30.383 So we see separations and divisions, conflicts everywhere. 0:09:30.383,0:09:33.497 So why is that a special problem? 0:09:33.497,0:09:43.689 It's almost as if you're acting like little kids 0:09:43.689,0:09:48.002 who are seeing their parents divorce and opposing and being resentful 0:09:48.002,0:09:49.468 that the parents are divorcing 0:09:49.468,0:09:54.112 although parents themselves might have a good reason to separate. 0:09:54.112,0:10:03.571 The same thing with North and South Korea. 0:10:03.571,0:10:09.433 Regular ordinary people actually have no reason to suffer the separations 0:10:09.433,0:10:14.562 but the separation does serve a purpose for the ruling elite. 0:10:14.562,0:10:23.007 So if you actually ask the leadership of your church 0:10:23.007,0:10:26.921 whether you want to ask the deacons or actually ask the minister, 0:10:26.921,0:10:33.231 they will have reasons to separate. 0:10:33.231,0:10:42.090 So you feel discomfort over the split of the church 0:10:42.090,0:10:49.051 because you're not a deacon or a minister [br]not because you have this peace in your heart. 0:10:49.051,0:11:01.607 So basically there's no problem here.[br]Whether that church splits or not is their work, 0:11:01.607,0:11:04.887 it's their scope, their decision , 0:11:04.887,0:11:09.832 whether you go to that split church or not is your decision. 0:11:09.832,0:11:18.208 We have thousands of Korean American churches in the US today 0:11:18.208,0:11:23.119 and all these churches are probably split from each other. 0:11:23.119,0:11:34.875 and even that church that you went to, probably resulted from 0:11:34.875,0:11:40.071 somebody else actually splitting off from another church. 0:11:40.071,0:11:43.933 So basically there's absolutely no problem here. 0:11:43.933,0:11:48.514 Just stick to your own studies. 0:11:48.514,0:11:56.042 Let their problems be their problems. 0:11:59.172,0:12:02.015 (Questioner) One big thing that bothers me, 0:12:02.015,0:12:06.502 the reason split is previously, 0:12:06.502,0:12:14.390 my church belonged to United Methodist in New England area, 0:12:14.390,0:12:22.668 the regulation and policy is the pastor is sent by union, 0:12:22.668,0:12:30.594 but the pastor is a gay pastor. 0:12:30.594,0:12:35.973 So that's why we split. Half member, we don't want to accept the pastor. 0:12:35.973,0:12:42.184 The other half is okay, [br]but to me God loves everybody. 0:12:42.184,0:12:49.478 The gay pastor and straight pastor is all the God's children. 0:12:49.478,0:12:52.808 But in the church members those split, 0:12:52.808,0:13:00.951 that's comedy to me. [br]It's very difficult to me. 0:13:00.951,0:13:07.728 (Sunim) There are plenty of reasons. 0:13:07.728,0:13:35.950 People make huge things out of the littlest thing, in Korean history, actually 0:13:35.950,0:13:39.712 the whole kingdom almost collapsed because of political dissonance 0:13:39.712,0:13:44.058 having to do with the split on how long you should be in mourning, 0:13:44.058,0:13:51.136 how long you should be wearing your shroud to mourn a loved one. 0:13:51.136,0:13:54.300 Whether it's three months, 6 months or 9 months. 0:13:54.300,0:13:57.630 That was a huge political scandal almost brought down the kingdom. 0:13:57.630,0:14:02.509 So discussion or splits or differences of opinion 0:14:02.509,0:14:10.785 over a pastor being gay or not that [br]merits a discussion, or a potential disagreement. 0:14:10.785,0:14:25.340 And this issue actually not just roiling one small church. 0:14:25.340,0:14:30.185 It is actually splitting huge denominations, 0:14:30.185,0:14:34.798 as well as, it's still an issue in American politics today. 0:14:34.798,0:14:40.909 No, I'm not saying that division or schism is a good thing. 0:14:40.909,0:14:50.334 Same thing like parents have a reason to divorce from each other, 0:14:50.334,0:14:54.164 but from a child's perspective, [br]they don't understand why.