Hi it's Emily from— ...that's an unfortunate screenshot. [cringing]: oh.. no... no... hmmmm.... ....eh, good 'nuff. ... from Bite Size Vegan and welcome to another vegan nugget. Today Ithought I would take you somewhere potentially disturbing: Inside my vegan nerd brain. Let's get started. ::pop:: If you've watched my videos for a while, you've probably heard me say several times how a topic got far more complex than I expected it to be. But I thought, instead of having to take my boring bland non-entertaining word for it, I would take you behind-the-scenes and show you a little bit of my process and what I'm talking about when I say this. So I've been working on a topic I've had requested so many times: Is art vegan? During my research for this video I've been experimenting with something called "mind mapping" to see if it could help with visualizing my research, and I thought that this would be something fun to share with you guys. So when you first look at this, I thought "okay, it's going to be pretty simple!" I'm going to cover just some basics go into history, of course, talk about non-vegan materials and tools, offer some alternatives. probably wrap it up relatively quickly. But, as always happens whenever I'm researching a topic, things start to get more and more complex , an increasing web of connections. And suddenly this topic that i thought was going to be super simple expands beyond anything I had expected. And then comes even more complex task of stepping back and trying to take all of this information as a whole and condense it down into a simple, relatively brief video. If I made one of these maps for same I Ireland talk or even one of my more complex videos, it would probably be about twenty times the size of this thing The more I have done these videos the more in depth my research process has become, and rather than throw out a rushed video on this topic that I know so many of you have been waiting for I thought it would be kind of nice to show you a little bit of how I work and how I research and how even the most ridiculously simple appearing topics can blow up exponentially because I know from the outside it looks like nothing is happening on the channel or on social media and that's because I am up in this stuff. I'd love to hear if any of you guys use mind mapping. I really enjoy it and I think it is something I wanna definitely continue to do. I am hoping I can find a way to integrate the citation manager that I use. So I hope you enjoyed this little peak inside my vegan nerd brain. Let me know what you think about the mind mapping and if it is something that you do as well. I would love to hear your experience if you have any programs that you really like. In the meantime I have linked here and below my "Is Blank Vegan?" series. I've covered quite a bit of topics at this point so be sure to check it out and to not miss the launch of "Is Art Vegan?" next week be sure to subscribe to the channel and of course click the bell and enable notifications. [Start of sigh] Because... YouTube... [End of sigh] Go live vegan... And I'll see you soon.