The name: Dr. Richard Kimble. The destination: death row, state prison. The irony: Richard Kimble is innocent. Proved guilty, what Richard Kimble could not prove was that moments before discovering his murdered wife's body, he saw a one-armed man running from the vicinity of his home. Richard Kimble ponders his fate as he looks at the world for the last time and sees only darkness. But in that darkness, fate moves its huge hand. ( tense theme playing ) ( train rattling ) ( crickets chirping ) ANNOUNCER: ( dramatic theme playing ) A QM production. Starring David Janssen as The Fugitive. With special guest stars Vera Miles, Brian Keith, Harry Townes. Also starring Barry Morse as Lieutenant Gerard. ANNOUNCER: ( mellow theme playing ) ( air brakes hiss ) NARRATOR: Now six months a fugitive, this is Richard Kimble with a new identity and, for as long as it is safe, a new name: James Lincoln. He thinks of the day when he might find the man with one arm, but now is now. And this is how it is with him. Another journey, another place. Walk neither too fast, nor too slow. Beware the eyes of strangers. Keep moving. ( tense theme playing ) The right one? Or will it be a mistake? Is this the trap where it will end? ( latch clicks ) Safe, for now. Another room. Windows look out and look in. Get busy. Look closely. Be sure of this: They'll never stop looking. He'll never stop. Not Lieutenant Gerard. Somewhere in here. I'm sure of it. What about Mexico? He's near enough. No. He'd be the yanqui, someone different. Gerard, when are you due for a vacation? I'm not taking my vacation, captain. Later. I will later. East. South. Midwest. Every report verified. But by the time you arrive... One day, he'll be there. Phil, from the very beginning, the arrest, all through the trial, the appeals, and the accident... Why? What is it about Kimble? I enforce the law. The law pronounced him guilty. I enforce the law. What are you trying to convince yourself of? I remember his defense. A man with one arm, running from the direction of the house. Phil, I-- I'm beginning to think that you believe there was such a man. No, I-- I did everything I could to find him. Meaning that he didn't exist, or that he escaped. And if he did escape, the law made a mistake. Captain, whether the law is right or wrong is not my concern. Let others debate and conclude. I obey. And when I begin to question, doubt... ( folder thuds ) I can't permit it. Others found him guilty. Others were about to execute him. I was merely an instrument of the law, and I am. ( tense theme playing ) And Dr. Kimble must be found. NARRATOR: Ready. A job. What will it be? Make no mistakes. Be ready for the questions and hope there won't be too many. ( piano playing softly ) Are you fast, Lincoln? I worked in Reno. Well, you won't have to be fast tonight, but tomorrow's Saturday. Bring your roller skates. Take over. It's all yours. Seventy-five a week. You'll find a vest at the other end of the bar. Is it, uh, Jim? Yeah, Jim's fine. Cleve Brown. But we won't shake hands because I might fire you tomorrow. The waitress is Evelyn, and the lady at the piano is Monica. Introduce yourself. Hi. I'm Evelyn. My name's Jim Lincoln. Well, the boss said to say hello. My name's Jim Lincoln. Her name's Monica. Monica Welles. Plays beautifully, doesn't she? Mm-hm. Lovely too, wouldn't you say? Wouldn't you say she was lovely? Very. Well, now, how can you tell? You just glanced at her. You gotta look at her, Jim. Hey, Jim. Scotch and soda. Give her one too. She isn't drinking. Maybe she would if you bought it, huh? I'll pay for it. ( coin clinks against glass ) She doesn't want a drink. You have one. I make it a rule never to, uh, drink when I'm working. That's a real dandy rule. Did you make that up all by yourself? BROWN: Jim. About now I usually have a so-called meal from our so-called kitchen. Do you want something? No, thanks. You know that fellow back there? No. Why? He's working pretty hard to make trouble. Jim, for the price of a drink, he can buy an audience. On Monday morning he'll have to face whatever's bothering him, but this is Friday night. Hey, what were you saying to him about me? ( chuckling ): What makes you think I was talkin' about you? I don't like you, Jim. Wanna remember that? I don't like you at all. See you again, sweetheart. ( music stops ) May I please have a drink? Anything. Thank you. Do you know that fellow? Oh, you tell me if it's none of my business. You know, sometimes these, uh, worshipers-- He does not worship me. ( exhales ) Thanks for trying to help. ( sniffs ) Meaning it's none of my business. Meaning it isn't fair to involve you. EVELYN: One bourbon on the rocks. ( melancholy theme playing ) ( sniffs ) MONICA: No. Please! No. No! No! Please. ( crying out ) ( cries ) ( action theme playing ) ( engine starts ) ( tires squeal ) Please... no police. Have you got a car? Come on, we'll get a cab. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to involve you. ( dramatic theme playing ) Here. ( taxi departs ) Is everything all right, Miss Blaine? Oh-- Oh, yes. He's fine. Good. Uh... Oh, that's all right. I'll get my money tomorrow. Oh, well, good night. Good night. When I asked you not to call the police, I had a very good reason. That man is my husband. Want to leave now, or you want to stick around and hear the story of my life?