0:00:00.299,0:00:05.130 As the pandemic continues - variants[br]have become the latest concern 0:00:05.130,0:00:10.320 with notable examples detected in South Africa,[br]Brazil and the UK. 0:00:10.320,0:00:15.735 But variants are complicated. Each one is[br]made up of a collection of mutations, 0:00:15.735,0:00:22.379 all of which have the potential to change the[br]SARS-CoV-2 virus in unexpected ways. 0:00:22.379,0:00:26.030 So what do scientists mean when they talk[br]about variants 0:00:26.030,0:00:29.735 and what might this mean for the future of the pandemic? 0:00:30.854,0:00:34.828 Viruses multiply by copying their genomes[br]over and over. 0:00:34.828,0:00:38.953 But like an old photocopier, these copies aren’t always perfect. 0:00:38.953,0:00:42.996 Each of these imperfect copies is a variant. 0:00:43.120,0:00:47.376 Normally the imperfections or mutations don’t[br]change how the virus behaves 0:00:47.376,0:00:51.780 and they can often make it less successful [br]than the original strain. 0:00:51.780,0:00:56.431 But very rarely mutations can change the virus[br]in some important ways. 0:00:56.431,0:01:03.199 It could become more infectious, [br]or more able to avoid the immune system. 0:01:03.199,0:01:06.000 The more a virus is allowed to replicate unchecked, 0:01:06.000,0:01:10.680 the more chance it has to accumulate these rare beneficial mutations. 0:01:10.680,0:01:15.871 That can occur when viruses are allowed[br]to spread quickly through a population, 0:01:15.871,0:01:18.554 or if they encounter a host that’s less able to fight them, 0:01:18.554,0:01:24.417 such as people with compromised immune systems[br]from medical treatment or those who are HIV+. 0:01:24.417,0:01:31.180 If a particular set of mutations makes a variant[br]more successful, it might become more prominent than others 0:01:31.180,0:01:33.757 and that’s when it gets noticed. 0:01:33.757,0:01:37.803 Epidemiologists may even decide to label it[br]a ‘variant of concern’, 0:01:37.803,0:01:42.330 like the examples identified in Brazil, South Africa and the UK. 0:01:42.330,0:01:48.060 For months, scientists have been striving[br]to work out what’s changed in these variants, 0:01:48.060,0:01:50.060 and what those changes mean. 0:01:50.060,0:01:56.180 Because a variant spreading doesn’t necessarily[br]mean that it has an advantageous mutation. 0:01:56.180,0:02:01.320 For example a small number of people could,[br]by chance, move a variant from one region 0:02:01.320,0:02:06.310 to another, like tourists travelling back[br]from popular vacation spots. 0:02:06.310,0:02:09.592 This could cause that variant to start [br]spreading in a new location 0:02:09.592,0:02:13.794 even though there may be no significant [br]change to the biology of the virus. 0:02:13.794,0:02:17.200 This is called[br]the Founder Effect. 0:02:17.200,0:02:21.828 Understanding why a variant has emerged requires[br]a combination of studies. 0:02:21.828,0:02:28.939 Epidemiology can help detect and trace new variants and flag[br]new or worrying patterns of infection. 0:02:28.939,0:02:35.666 Meanwhile lab studies can start to pinpoint how the[br]mutations are changing the properties of the virus. 0:02:35.666,0:02:42.043 And studies like these are starting to identify[br]mutations that have given the virus an upper hand. 0:02:42.043,0:02:46.940 Some variants are faster spreading,[br]and there are hints that certain mutations 0:02:46.940,0:02:52.510 could start to weaken or even evade natural[br]and vaccine derived immunity. 0:02:52.510,0:02:58.470 For example, the D614G mutation, known to[br]virologists as Doug, spread widely in the 0:02:58.470,0:03:02.290 early days of the pandemic and can be seen[br]in almost all variants. 0:03:02.290,0:03:08.440 It affects the spike protein that coronavirus[br]particles use to penetrate cells. A mutation 0:03:08.440,0:03:11.246 in the genome changes one amino acid for another, 0:03:11.246,0:03:17.409 and makes the new variant more infectious than the original virus. 0:03:17.409,0:03:25.658 N501Y also known as Nelly, is another spike protein mutation [br]which appears to be associated with increased transmissibility. 0:03:25.658,0:03:34.599 This mutation has been detected in the B.1.1.7, [br]B.1.351 and P.1 strains - all variants of concern. 0:03:34.599,0:03:43.610 The worry of so-called ‘immune escape’ has also been hinted at with another spike protein mutation, E484K or Eek. 0:03:43.610,0:03:51.270 Eek has been spotted in B.1.351 and P.1, the[br]variants detected in South Africa and Brazil. 0:03:51.270,0:03:57.960 Lab studies in early in 2021 showed that the[br]variant could evade some virus-blocking antibodies, 0:03:57.960,0:04:04.590 while trials in South Africa suggested that[br]the variant reduced the efficacy of several vaccines. 0:04:04.590,0:04:09.820 Despite these worries, the coronavirus is[br]actually mutating very slowly compared to 0:04:09.820,0:04:16.699 something like influenza and it seems like[br]the vaccines developed so far will remain at least partly effective. 0:04:16.699,0:04:21.774 But scientists are still taking the threat[br]posed by variants seriously. 0:04:21.774,0:04:25.639 And there are several things that [br]can be done to help tackle it. 0:04:25.639,0:04:30.000 Firstly, to do anything researchers need data 0:04:30.000,0:04:37.169 - it’s very important to monitor and trace the emergence of [br]variants and that isn’t always simple to do. 0:04:37.169,0:04:41.668 Organisations like the COVID-19 Genomics UK[br]consortium, or COG-UK, 0:04:41.668,0:04:47.527 have stepped up their efforts to combine [br]fast sequencing with efficient data sharing. 0:04:47.527,0:04:53.330 COG-UK has already sequenced over 400,000 SARS-CoV-2 genomes. 0:04:53.330,0:04:58.910 Next, researchers need to look forward to[br]how these mutated viruses could affect global 0:04:58.910,0:05:06.617 vaccination efforts. Existing vaccines can be redesigned and[br]combinations of vaccines are also being tested 0:05:06.617,0:05:14.290 but it could be difficult to perform reliable [br]clinical trials amid the ongoing vaccination programmes. 0:05:14.290,0:05:18.497 Right now though, work needs to continue at[br]a national level. 0:05:18.497,0:05:23.654 Public health policies such as track and trace, social distancing and vaccine roll-outs 0:05:23.654,0:05:30.849 are powerful tools to interrupt transmission and keep tabs on new variants. 0:05:30.849,0:05:34.441 After all, every time the virus is prevented[br]from spreading, 0:05:34.441,0:05:36.986 it's also prevented from mutating, 0:05:36.986,0:05:41.525 nipping new variants in the bud[br]before they even have a chance to develop.