The Flying Ship - You'll marry him! -I won't! - You'll marry him! -I won't! - You'll marry him! -I won't! - You'll marry him! -I won't! - You'll marry him! -I won't! - You'll marry him! -I won't! - You'll marry him! -I won't! I won't! I won't! I won't! - I said - you will marry him! - I won't! I won't marry Polkan, I hate him, do not ask again! - I'm asking you for the last time: "Will you marry Polkan?" - I will not marry him! - Then you will not leave here at all! - Ha-ha-ha-ha! - Guards! (Princess singing) - We princesses are so unhappy. According to the law, we may not love. In royal families such is the ancient rule - You get married according to plan... And I do not want, do not want a plan! I'm about love, love is what I want! Freedom, liberty, give me liberty - I'll fly up like a bird! We princesses have to live in captivity, the years of our youth passing in vain. We always have to think about the throne, and obey the will of the tsar. I do not want do not want to think of the throne! I'm about love, love is what I want! I want a chance for freedom, for freedom!- I'll fly up like a bird! - She's used up her entire dowry! (Singing) - I'm a simple man and I will say it openly, I've never seen such beauty before. And now I cannot live a single day without you. What a fool - I'm in love with the princess! I'm no good at talking about love. Please forgive me, if I don't express myself appropriately. That's the sort of man I am, I do not like to speak empty words, If you want something - hey, do not worry, I'll take care of it! Only an eye blink: and I hasten to help! Oh, I'm so in love with the King's daughter! - How can you rescue me, Vanya? - Let me build a flying ship! (King) - Zabava! (Vanya singing) - I'm no good at talking about love. Excuse me if I don't say it right... ... - I will marry the man who can build me a flying ship! - Will you build one? - I'll buy one!! (Zabava singing) - A small house, a Russian stove. a wooden floor, a bench and a candle. A purring Kitten, a hardworking husband ... Here is happiness. Nothing's sweeter. Oh, if my dream'd come true - What kind of life would then be mine! Oh, if only this dream'd come true - What kind of life would then be started! (King singing) - Even without support, I'll get by, Just so long as Zabava's profitably married off. Her ship that is...quite a task, This is happiness - with Polkan as my son-in-law. Oh, if my dream'd come true - What kind of life would then be mine! Oh, if only a dream'd come true - What kind of life would then be started! (Polkan singing) - I'm crowned. Zabava beside me. New land, new glory! New money, new bonds ... This is happiness - rags to riches! Oh, if my dream'd come true - What kind of life would then be mine! Oh, if only a dream'd come true - What kind of life would then be started! (Vanya singing) - A small house, a Russian stove, a wooden floor, a bench and a candle. And a house full of children... This is happiness! Isn't that right, Zabava? Oh, if my dream'd come true - What kind of life would then be mine! Oh, if only a dream'd come true - Such a life, a life ... Such a life, a life Then would begin! - (All together): - Oh, if only, oh if only! Then it'd be more song than life! Oh, if only, oh if, Then it'd be more song than life! Oh, if only, oh if, Then it'd be more song than life! Oh, if only, oh if, Then it'd be more song than life! - Why so noisy? - Who are you? I am the waterman, I am the waterman, If only someone would talk to me. My friends are leeches and frogs. Ugh, how disgusting! Oh, my life's a misery! Curse it to the swamp. I live like a toadstool. All I want is to fly and fly ... All I want is to fly! I am the waterman, I am the waterman! Nobody wants to be with me. I'm full of water! Why would you ever spend time with me? It's disgusting! Oh, my life's a misery! Curse it to the swamp! I live like a toadstool. All I want is to fly and fly ... All I want is to fly ... that's what I want! - If only you knew how much I wanted to fly... - Okay, I'll help you, Vanya! If you can hold on to these tools - then you'll build a flying ship. - Oh! - Oh! - Now some magic words are needed, without them it can't lift off. - Who knows this incantation? - My Sisters know. They fly, so they know. Go down this path - it will bring you to them. As for me, time to sleep. (Vanya Whistles) (Chorus): - Stretch your accordeon - Oh, play,and throw out your legs with ardor! Sing- Baba Yaga's chorusses! Sing and do not talk! - I was drunk and flying on a broomstick, but there is one thing I never believed in: magic! - I was walking in the forest - a devil there had come for me! I thought it was a man! So what the heck? - I turned back home - the devil still is after me. I spat on his bald spot and sent him to the forest-man! - He's the most mischievous of people - a storyteller and a villain! - A a really clever liar - Which means he doesn't taste good! (Chorus): - Stretch your accordeon - Oh, play,and throw out your legs with ardor! Sing- Baba Yaga's chorusses! Sing and do not talk! - To the churns!! (Chorus) - Earth, farewell! We're off! - Yeah ... Earth, farewell! We're off!. Stop! Where do you think you're going? That's my ship! - Can you prove it? - I know the magic words, without them it can't fly. - So what are the words? - Earth, farewell, Wel#!#! - Good bye to you too! You fool! I have built a flying ship, Now Zabava's mine. - Oh! - And the ship is mine. So what do I have to say? - Say: "The earth, farewell." - "The earth, good-bye." - So what do I do now? - I fulfilled your heart's desire, Zabavushka. Zabava, open up! - Polkan, Polkan! Get me down from here! - I'll give you the ladder if you give me the crown. - You're crazy! - Well, if you don't want. - Oh! No! I agree! I agree ... - Open, Zabava, I am now the king! A bargain is worth more than money. - Zabava! - You're too late, Ivanushka! Polkan built a Flying Ship. - Polkan didn't build it! It was me! Me!! We're off! (Singing): - Ah, in this fairy tale Good won again Though Evil was cunning and clever. Oh, if only that would be always true What kind of life would then be ours! Translated from Russian subs by Eus The end