(Man) It has come to that (Off voice) But isn't it sad? (Man) You have to be rich to be healthy now ... autism. (Off) But someone was just talking about a treatment that they'd gotten. .... how much .... (Man) That was it when we started at the very beginning, you know, you shouldn't have, you shouldn't have to because most insurance doesn't cover... So I remember having these conversations with Jeff, at the foundation. He says you shouldn't have to be rich to be ill. (Off) Oh Okay okay everybody if you don't know who these people are you need to know who they are I'll be amazed if you don't. Let me turn two cameras on because I want to be able to read -- (mumbling) here we go. this is Periscope, peeps this is-- we are Vaxxed on Facebook (Woman) okay (Off) and this is YouTube. Okay: now tell everybody who you are are. (Woman) you're going to go? (Man) I'm Tom Bradstreet, my brother was dr. Jeff Bradstreet, and this is my wife Candice Bradstreet (Woman) Hello! //// (Off) They're sending you lots of hearts and oh yeah we love you guys for signing your hearts back now whamming him stop chilly nester behind people who jet Jeff it's very important because there's some people that are new to us sure mm-hm and it's so important that um he gets what he deserves sure well you know I think was 1997 19 1996 Matthew was diagnosed his son but Jeff Bradstreet was one of the top researching medical doctors that dedicated 20 years of his life to work with children with autism right and you know was his mantra to try to find a cure in his lifetime can I also just add to that he helped I'll tell him at autism but he also was a very kind man when my sister got diagnosed with breast cancer I sent him an email straight back with how can I help right you know he had a really big heart for how can I help it was a he was a caring physician and believed that you know he was excuse me he was given a gift and how can he tell people that he could only do his gift here and not here so that's actually quite common after his death we'd get people all the time saying that Stage four breast cancer and your husband or your brother healed me and now people obviously want to know what happened they want to know what you think I don't know if you want to talk about it but they are they want to know because they see it they read a lot of rumors and oversee the media events a lot of crap right so do we pick up awful scene on the crying you want to keep talk about anything else you want to say about the amazing what he's done we go back to that well we just get straight to what maybe let's let's build this code that from the very beginning okay again as we said you know he did start from these humble beginnings where Jeff had a son with diagnosed with autism and it really was his mission to try to heal his own son right and in the process he was starting to realize that there were a lot of people out there that were on the same problem and he started to gather all this information but that was in 1996-1997 yeah 99 we were in Holland we had this big conference that kind of started the whole ball rolling and it was still out of those humble beginnings that we thought that maybe there was a couple thousand kids right right we had no idea that there was this huge tidal wave that we talked about yeah of not only kids with autism but Madam men and women that are getting you know the HPV vaccine and all the rest of the problems that are coming with it and then all the social problems and all the financial problems that come with it I mean it has really turned into just an absolute nightmare okay well and that's how the International autism research center thoes started because we literally saw people from all over the world we're coming there yeah it was same story I always say that it was the same because a lot of people wanna you know they question well how do you know how do you know it was vaccines and it was the same exact story from every parent's about losing their child and Jen back then that was over 20 years ago that was with the MMR and now obviously we've seen since and everything else that's just interesting things you know we used to work with them and I think one of the interesting things that we would see in that chaotic world of having a child with autism they would come and sit down in front of Jeff and I think they would finally realize that it's gonna be okay yeah even hope that there was a hope I mean I mean that not everybody I'm sure there there was some disgruntled people out there and you know the complexity of the diagnosis of autism is just terrible now there's so many different onion layers and problems with it but but they knew that this was a guy that cared that was in charge that had faith and wasn't gonna quit I was gonna bail on him and just build them for unnecessary things and that's important as well we talked about Alfie opening here on the boss jeff has huge phrase he said he did yes yeah I mean I tell the story that in 1995 he called me I was up in Wisconsin he called me and said listen I want I want to see if you come down to this big thing we're doing down here in Florida it was a Promise Keepers event he said there's teaching how to be a better man a better father and a brother a better husband and I said well I'm a pretty good guy and I'm not married and I don't have any kids so I really don't need to come down there but you know and it was just an amazing time from that from that that's why we started the good news dr. foundation that was based is a biblical radio show that all over the United States that talked about you know biblical principles this is right about the time that he's well again again though people were able to call in and get free advice yeah that was his heart and a lot of people don't realize that he even back then he gave away treatment whenever he could he just he had a huge huge heart yeah I mean if he if he could have given it all away he would have now how many children to do and we had to Elizabeth the oldest yeah yeah and Matthews severely yeah I guess he got to MMR's in the same day I think I remember Chris they talked about the scene in the crime she just explained how the vaccine that he received that unfortunately the same story that they lost him and and what drove them is that the doctor told them that he'd have to be institutionalized and they said and you know Jeff you don't you don't tell Jeff that that just made him dig there yes because he was kind of out of traditional practice at the time he was just doing all ministry work he wasn't didn't really have an office he was meeting in patients who come in and Laurie's doctor saw Dennis all he was doing natural medicine is practiced basically okay so some people I told you that with some new people have joined us right as in over the last month or so tell social media and they and they're saying but who are you talking about and so I mean really everyone's heard of the know how many doctors have been killed now how many doctors oh I don't overstretch do know it's it's actually headed I thought towards seventy okay so my and but Jeff but he was the first doctor all of the areas conditions that had a suspicious death that had connections with vaccines cancer autism autoimmune and the non pharmacological treatment of those diseases so national treatment so he was first guy to go that was June 19th 2000 now people who saw Jeff two weeks before he was killed and that was an autism one yes yes and they all report that he was on top form he was hugely excited about what was going on and he could not wait he was just saying as I said Kira's insight he we had many come up to us and I still tell that day I keep getting information from people that were his patients that were very close to him for many years and he they say the same thing there's no way because he was so close and he knew it if you know parents you look at the second talk on on May 23rd yeah I think it was that yeah May 23rd second talk was the afternoon talk it wasn't the Starbucks talk did he write it was where he says we're you know within months he then of a cure and at that point he was using cannabis and he was using GC map and he reported I'd say 80% but I think it's 89 percent or something like that close to 90 percent he talks about curing he'd always say reversing it yeah reversing autism but is he he used to say that and then I noticed he did I think it was the second talk he actually said cure that we its insight to have a cure for autism yeah I think he was always he was afraid that you know in the medical jargon that if you say have a cure and you yeah you get a lot of problems from it yeah but he was so close to the cure that he didn't care anymore yeah so the question begs is why and this is obvious to be question but I have to ask why was the other side so afraid of Jack and his cure what was what's the promise of money well I mean let's look about it and think about it the treatment that he was performing wasn't really expensive so if you if you have what you consider to be the cure for cancer by using GCF and different types and implementation of cannabis and it's hundreds of dollars instead of hundreds of thousands of dollars and you can do it yourself versus a big cancer machine out there where that is trillions of dollars I think that's a pretty significant motive number one that would be huge in my mind and I think also what scares that other side as people are becoming empowered they're educating themselves and researching and they're not just taking what they say as a hundred percent they're starting to question and they don't like that I think we're starting to see that whether we just read today in the Atlantic journal that vaccine industry has twenty three billion dollars for the profit but that was only one percent to two percent the vaccines only hold one to two percent of the trillions of dollars in pharmaceutical all the drugs to get out kids they want a psychotropic drug on kids up and that doesn't make money in that so one feeds the other right the vaccine industry that twenty three billion of profit also feeds all the systemic problems that are gonna come from the vaccines you know all the depression all the addr the ADHD all the cancer all the rest all the autoimmune problems everything that comes from that and that's kind of what gets the whole ball rolling you you mess up in the vaccine world you you have a compromised kid by the time he's fifteen eighteen months and now he's set up for all the rest of the money that you can take for the rest of his life and now the other thing that and I discussed and you know we don't know for certain we do know for certain that Jeff had tested I forgot was at eighty children I want to say with autism tested their blood and he found out that there were three DNA and that was from the aborted fetuses in the vaccines which that in its own right is huge I mean when people hear that I I think so many people did not believe or didn't you say that again really slowly so we don't know she take that in so Jeff had tested the blood of I want to say it was approximately eighty eight each around eight children with autism ninety I'll get the definite number and all of those children had three DNA not two but three well he was devastated I mean he thought that the whole study was compromised because there are three DNA markers in it but II really individual DNA markers not just father mother there was a father mother and some someone else this sounds like a big threat this is this sounds like white one right okay so come on yeah so and obviously they had all been vaccinated the conclusion which you're seeing now everyone is able to draw that conclusion is it is from the aborted fetuses that are in vaccines and there in the morning fetus that's used the culture that I've seen yes right yes yes we do have to be precise on that so to answer your question why is that so important well I mean that starts that starts that trillion dollar multiple trillion dollar business move through the beginning of vaccines so if we've got half the world not vaccinating because of that problem that's a significant impact and once once people start going well why are you well and why are you sick well I'm unvaccinated you're vaccinated it makes a big difference really quick have you seen what we've seen here on the bus have you seen the difference between the unvaccinated and the vaccinated absolutely absolutely hands-down absolutely as you see it from birth I have a lot of friends that don't vaccinate now and if so so that means they have some that were VAX vaccinator than others that weren't and no ear infections the colic is gone rashes eczema getting sick all the time and when they do get sick they're in and out of it it's in a public place like a church bingo there's an unvaccinated child you could just see their affective spot on there they're they're not sick they don't have bags under their eyes they're alert or communicate they're engaged they don't they don't walk on their toes and so you can see a lot I mean you can just by observing you can see they're sort of go up and ask them I bet your kids not vaccinated and they said I have put the feelers out because I want to interview somebody over the age of 70 that is unvaccinated that's where to find vaccinated I have there's no cancer any unvaccinated right there well you'd have to go to Pennsylvania and go to the Amish communities cuz they're all unvaccinated the majority so if you were up there talking to the Amish and the Mennonites that are unpacks that you would find out that those people aren't dying of cancer and I think this is the problem this is we're getting a little bit too close for comfort we're firemen are all damaged children whatever guys you're at the health of the unvaccinated massive sweat yep the parents now coming forward saying my kid was fine she had the HPV Gardasil whatever it may be she then died of leukemia she was fine before Roe and the family the parents are called in the cancer pants are starting to come out and say they are hang on a minute right yep we have friends that went through that they realize now you know I don't think it's so much the fact that they're upset that they're hurting people are causing damage your arm I think it's clearly if you look at the whole business operation it's because it's all money it's all money driven I can't see it any other way it's so dark yeah because again I mean look at the just how they counter it with just the way they demonize now the unvaccinated it's it's not even a matter of we're gonna give you a choice right there there is no choice that's it and it's it's so absurd for them to continue on that the unvaccinated are carrying a disease that they don't have that they weren't injected with it yet they're gonna spread it to everybody oh I know I mean any even the moment moron if you like uneducated of us but they are not medically qualified are working it out wait a minute that doesn't make sense yes but can we go back to because I'm gonna give it to some boomers let's go back to what happened to Jeff as much as you on what you can and can't talk about there has been a documentary out about this what's a documentary called scene in the crime scene at the crime and where can people see that on YouTube and it's also on the ID channel Investigation Discovery Channel it's mystery at chimney rock yeah so I mean we did that there's a lot of information that's not taken care of there's a there's a lot of it that that show didn't cover we tried to do a couple YouTube videos that explain that there's a bunch of missing gaps and testimonies from Jeff's wife at the time very problematic we're trying to get her to testify because if she testifies we can move forward right right and and here's you know I mean we've already done the documentary so I mean there are there is more I feel that we can say in that in regards to Jennifer who was his wife at the time still wanting to claim that it's suicide okay go ahead and make that claim but why are you not coming in and talking to detective Keever he made a plea on scene of the crime I need her to come in and talk and Tony Harris asked him he said have you ever seen this before where a spouse will not come in and talk and he said yes I have and it's during its usually with a homicide involved so and and here's the other thing is that we haven't heard anything okay so there hasn't been any response from her her attorney usually it's through her attorney that we would hear something and I remember somebody telling me this about two weeks ago and it's so true that silence is a response we forget that like a lot of people think well you know just because the person is quiet it doesn't mean anything it means something pretty good cuz I know that if roles were reversed and I was being accused of possibly being involved when I would be on TV I would be on somewhere saying no I wasn't involved and still nothing and I did email lieutenant keeper three weeks ago nothing nothing showing me don't know what shit um I I don't I we know I mean I've done some work on her we think we know where she's at but we're not allowed to contact her the attorney you know unfortunately we have to get to a point here in our own lives that we have to believe the results to God yeah you know committee remind people what happened so oh yes sure yeah okay so when was the last person somebody spoke to Jeff when was that all right so on a Thursday we should call him dr. bossy I did apologize everyone so on a Thursday in May of 2015 he was his office was it was June 18th it was good the dd8 there the DA came in and asked to look at all of his records look and see if he had any product called CC Matheny in a building in the office they went through all that didn't didn't find any product they did zip file a copy as financial records and his laptop and a couple of the laptops in the office they didn't close the office down they didn't sequester any records they didn't ask for passports driver's license never told you he couldn't leave the country anything like that mm-hmm the following on the next day Friday at 2:15 in the afternoon he was found dead and Chimney Rock Atlanta Georgia outside of Atlanta in a river yeah dead in a river in the chest and it wasn't a private area at all this is like a tourist this is where people don't stop miserable stop area where they so the one gunshot wound or two one gunshot wound to those okay and everybody I spoke to this a doctor said look there's no way and people who knew Jeff was like there's no way Jeff loved life and he was he was like king and secondly if your doctor you did not shoot yourself in the chest that's what I'm getting back from people I like so there's a stupidest things yeah there's just no way right and in the documentary it shows that there is there is no burn marks so the flare that comes off the gun when you shoot it had to be far enough away that it didn't burn his body the tattooing that it would have caused would not have washed out from the water so there was no sign or evidence of that no and that's final Archer and in battle by their own by the corner there in North Carolina it's still open it isn't his case is not closed because they can't close it they cannot close it as a suicide the detective said you won't close it until Jennifer testifies I mean why does there's no way he would commit so just no way it's like the last time we had a doctor on this morning who talked about the Chasen and said just see no I am NOT gonna kill myself right right there it's like hashtag just bad shape yep right and backing up west if you talk to him on Thursday we have written testimony from many of his colleagues that spoke to him and their attorneys that talk to him anything he was in good spirits yeah was he bothered by it of course he was because he will he wanted to continue to do what he knows he was called to do and that was to kill John with autism well one person it was a huge distraction that was a very bad timing because he was just about ready to you know pull the final plug on autism and really secure and it was going to take hundreds of thousands of dollars to you know go in there and start a defense and the person said don't worry about the money it won't take more than 15 minutes to raise enough money to support you in this and here's another thing that I don't think made it in this documentary also that there has not been a case by the FDA and there's not even an ongoing case it's not like they would stop it if he's deceased because actually that the product that was coming in since him and Jennifer were married was also in her name so that means they could go after her there's absolutely no case at all there never was right if he was using ethical means they could still serve the state right they never did there was no there was no case fraud against his estate his office he didn't even have the GC map there he stopped in February when the FDA ruled that doctors cannot any longer administer it the specific time blood serum that he was using that was getting very good results and he was he did use it for people with cancer we met a stage-four gentleman at his funeral and he said your brother just saved my life you saved my life oh yeah money now do you think these other mysterious deaths are linked choosing what's one month something I don't know these people just a massive coincidence Dennis knows Mary Beth Gonzales has talked to her several times she confirmed that while they respected each other greatly and I think down the road you know Nicholas they of course wanted to get together and discuss and talk she said they had not the rumor was dr. Gonzales was also using GC math and he was not because he's you know he's known for carrying pancreatic cancer he was using enzymes and all sorts of things but they were they had no connection at all other than respecting each other they were not typical doctors right that we're doing the status quo they were looking at more natural means but a so all these doctors are healing people without using mainstream medical pharmaceutical companies for us that's yelling common denominator they're definitely ants there's no denying that right well shame on the mall but you know we are winning this no matter how many of us you kill so let's take that common denominator theater the the common denominator of everybody that's dying of cancer is they've all been vaccinated right you know all the kids with autism except maybe a very very small there is a small percentage that I want to interviewed an unvaccinated cancer patient police I'm just saying I'm sure I'm sure that but where are you it's like all these measles deaths sometimes I'm when will horrified here on the bus so please parents come forward like the people who died from the vaccines and tell us your story your story deserves to be told nowhere to be seen right I did have I mean our my grandparents were unvaccinated I think they only had the TB test they all lived into their 90's none of them had cancer all four they divert even died of of congestive heart failure because enrolled and the other one died of a heart attack because he was a smoker yeah I mean a massive heart attack yeah people people get cancer and I'm not saying vaccines cause everything no I'm just saying right now let's see what back please don't call us for a second right I'm not finding much let's see and also you know what I try to explain to people especially parents who you know they've gotten a few of the shots for their babies but they're kind of on the fence you know we God did not intend for us to contract a viruses by being injected how do we naturally contract them you contract them through the nose through the mouth you know they're on your hands I can't tell you how many people never really stop to think about that you are not supposed to be injecting that into your body because then your immune system is like okay we've got invaders now granted yes your body develops immunity antibodies and all of that but not at the rate that they're forcing that the amount of vaccines and then it isn't even just the viruses it's it's the polysorbate 80 it's the aborted fetus cells us used to culture and all of these things that you can freely get to on the CDC website because a lot of people think oh you're just gonna give me some wackadoo website no you go on the CDC website they have all the listing of everything in there and then you individually go and you look you don't trust that because that preservatives in there it's okay it's okay at all well I don't think anybody would say that we're getting healthier resumes came on the bus and said at least we're not all dying you know really really early like we used to oh we're dying I check my own board behind you yeah yeah when you look at the chart I don't know how many it's just absolutely something I thought I haven't counted it's just I mean and I do believe parents are looking at it the ones I've talked to and they're like wow they're even going okay this is just out of control but why are we doing this this is too many I don't even know why they call it a little bit well baby visit it should be vaccine visit cuz that's all they really do yeah give you vaccines turn it stir well and in the common thing is is that when parents asked for that insert they're not getting an insert they're getting now it's on a piece of paper and it's something that the doctor's office has put together and now parents are getting wise and they're like no I want the insert that actually comes with the vial you know and that insert goes from you know top to bottom to the floor versus their eight-and-a-half by eleven sheet that doesn't list all of the side-effects and what it does so I do think people are waking up I think doctors are waking up too yeah yeah I think you're finding doctors that are you know anti-vaxxer or willing not maximum and and I you know we see them we're getting lots of doctors coming out and notices and I have to tell you a lot have faith yeah sure and they want to do the right thing right they and in it and it is that faith drives out that fear because what is fear fear motivates and I always tell parents I'm like do not let fear fear boggles your mind you can't think with a clear head and it causes you to make decisions you normally wouldn't do very Satan yep it does absolutely and you don't think with a clear head you make rash decisions and that's why the doctors that are coming out it's their faith that's making them strong because they could they could have their license taken away and they know it but at least they know that they're doing the right thing and they can live with them and if enough of them come out which is what we're starting to seeing that what are they can do I know yeah I have no idea what's gonna look like in 20 years it's either going to be a massive overhaul of the system or we're all gonna be really really sick now is that a memorial place or that happened to go remember Jefferson Wood said what do we ever got anything planned well there is a I mean obviously there's a gravesite down there we have Florida South Satellite Beach there was a veteran's graveyard there so that's I think that's in our remembering dr. Broad Street that's on the site so there's a website Google remembering it's all right it's a Facebook page and that's where cuz then we can keep updating and you know after scene of the crime the I think that I know the biggest thing that I want it to happen isn't happening that would be Jennifer talking so you know in regards to updating it's hard because like lieutenant keeper said until she talks there there is really no more and in all honesty and I don't even know if this was shown in that documentary they did mess up in a lot of things there were so many things that were not tested really critical things that it's too late it's not it's not like we can go back and try to resurrect it what kind of things I missing them well the what is that call the muzzle to target yep the muzzle to target test distance test was huge because that in its own right proves it couldn't be suicide because of the distance with the arm and the yes there's no tattooing on the chest the obvious step would be okay well let's figure out how far the impact was or how far the the bullet was who launched from they never did that they just assumed that it was suicide and a lot of that came from the next day according to lieutenant Keffer he talked to the DEA and the DEA said yeah well we could see why he would kill himself because he was you know a bad doctor I go to jail and no that was true you know that was just a media doing what the media does best false news taking money from pharmaceutical company and putting up fun post news and you take what Jennifer's shilin them that day that it was suicide and then you can pound it with the DEA right I think they just kind of felt like they thought it was suicide you asked where are we going and what are we gonna try to remember Jeff Bradstreet we are in its infancy trying to create a loosely held type of foundation that will be able to provide information networking and eventually treatment for kids you know we said 25 years ago in a meeting with Jeff that you shouldn't have to be rich to be healthy you know so we're trying to get that together where we can help people because there's there's never gonna be enough help great we're going it's never gonna be enough help well people are sending you loads of love by the way you're getting a lot of love and support and people saying how much they love Jeff and what a great talks a great doctor helps so many people and we're not gonna forget him and we will not forget what happened to him and that's why we can what's very important we keep seeing you guys so you keep seeing autism wine and various other places and I'll just keep we'll keep doing this interview over and over again and if you have anything you ever want to talk about these people you know what everyone's gonna go over to your Facebook page remembering dr. bad sweet yeah that's what I mean I'm on there we're very connected with a lot we'd rather have people just talk to us directly and how can they do that people know people here so they can find me or Tom on Facebook I mean they can Facebook us absolutely because what what the thing that we love doing and thankfully can do is we're great at directing people that need help if we can't help them we direct people out to doctors that we know things that we know that work continuing on with the GC math we do so we are always available to do that for people so yeah they want to record a want to Facebook us and let us know that they saw this interview you know because we just can't write we arbitrarily friend everybody because as you know there's some really nasty people there are some very nice people are there but I do want to send a message out to the people who did kill dr. budgie we are not afraid of you and no matter how many of us you you take out we will continue nothing Jeff's name and in everybody else's name you we are not afraid of you yeah so remember that that's it guys okay well look so I hopefully will see you again soon movie can you guys come to Austin soon yeah awesome ago we can we can plant a tree memory of okay on that note guys luckily we will come off because I'm sure now I'm running hours and hours late