0:00:51.938,0:00:54.892 Last summer I had the great idea of buying a dog. 0:01:03.158,0:01:04.877 Everything started when Manuel broke up with me. 0:01:05.248,0:01:08.360 And I couldn't think of anything better than replacing him with a big dog. 0:01:10.116,0:01:11.440 With a lot of fur 0:01:12.996,0:01:14.025 and an enormous mouth. 0:01:18.674,0:01:21.270 I have always been against having animals in the house. 0:01:22.263,0:01:25.728 It seemed cruel to the animal and unhygienic for the people. 0:01:28.300,0:01:30.465 I didn't even want to keep the turtle 0:01:30.465,0:01:32.369 that was given to Manuel for his birthday 0:01:32.555,0:01:33.855 by his co-workers. 0:01:36.480,0:01:38.035 It was big and ugly. 0:01:41.861,0:01:44.258 We had put it in the bidet for a couple of weeks. 0:01:44.640,0:01:48.205 Until I started having nightmares in which the turtle became giant 0:01:48.205,0:01:50.109 and pursued me around the entire house. 0:02:05.313,0:02:07.245 I managed to convince Manuel to leave it in the river 0:02:07.245,0:02:08.778 that flowed near the village. 0:02:13.043,0:02:14.583 We never talked about it again. 0:02:14.583,0:02:17.840 Although I knew perfectly that he would've liked to have a kitten 0:02:18.159,0:02:20.202 or a puppy, or a bird. 0:02:25.447,0:02:29.629 Maybe that was the reason, for revenge, that I decided to buy a dog. 0:02:30.019,0:02:33.159 "Now that you're not here anymore I'm buying a dog and you're not going to know." 0:02:33.907,0:02:35.295 But of course, he found out anyway. 0:02:35.295,0:02:36.131 - Should I return it? 0:02:37.297,0:02:38.267 Tiny revenge. 0:02:42.338,0:02:44.583 I was recommended to give it a name with one syllable 0:02:44.583,0:02:46.487 so that the dog can learn it easily. 0:02:48.827,0:02:49.877 I decided to name him Man. 0:02:50.320,0:02:52.060 I liked it because it was the half of "Manuel" 0:02:52.060,0:02:54.243 and it also meant "man" in English. 0:02:54.826,0:02:58.143 - Although you're only half of "Manuel", you're much more of a man than he is. 0:03:15.066,0:03:17.416 Manuel has one part of a man and another of an ox. 0:03:18.350,0:03:20.388 Why do we want that part that means nothing, 0:03:20.620,0:03:22.757 that only brings back memories and nostalgia? 0:03:30.577,0:03:32.788 In the beginning, when I walked him around the neighborhood, 0:03:32.788,0:03:35.156 I was a little ashamed to call him by his name. 0:03:38.471,0:03:40.497 But after hearing such stupid things 0:03:40.497,0:03:44.305 that other people had named their dogs, I stopped having any type of hesitation. 0:03:49.465,0:03:50.992 - Man! Come here! 0:03:54.865,0:03:55.729 - Good boy. 0:04:02.945,0:04:05.528 Man and I went out every Sunday and went to the market. 0:04:05.845,0:04:06.967 He loved it. 0:04:07.205,0:04:08.639 He spent the morning going from one place to another 0:04:08.639,0:04:11.426 behind everything that moved or drew his attention. 0:04:11.988,0:04:13.748 It reminded me that when I was with Manuel 0:04:13.748,0:04:16.813 he enjoyed teaching me all sorts of old tricks. 0:04:16.800,0:04:19.320 He made all the salesmen bargain nonstop. 0:04:19.617,0:04:21.875 He always told me that I had to bargain, 0:04:21.875,0:04:25.543 that they raised the price for the tourists but I was ashamed. 0:04:28.719,0:04:29.909 Man grew. 0:04:30.187,0:04:31.766 And although he had grown loving 0:04:31.926,0:04:35.714 after a few months living together I started to get sick of him. 0:04:37.285,0:04:39.197 He wasn't even half of what Manuel had been . 0:04:39.607,0:04:42.958 He was just a poor dog that deserved something better than living with me. 0:04:51.336,0:04:52.480 Christmas came. 0:04:52.729,0:04:54.058 And a friend of mine gave me a disk 0:04:54.058,0:04:56.519 in which one of the songs portrayed me perfectly. 0:04:57.373,0:05:00.745 It said that having a large dog when you are young and don't want to be alone 0:05:00.745,0:05:02.277 is already a sign of self-destruction. 0:05:03.596,0:05:05.667 If we were as free as we said we were 0:05:05.667,0:05:08.500 we wouldn't need dogs to replace anyone. 0:05:12.651,0:05:14.073 I felt terrible. 0:05:14.491,0:05:17.231 I played the song over and over while Man watched me 0:05:17.231,0:05:19.878 with those eyes that seemed to understand me. 0:05:21.382,0:05:22.711 I wanted to be free. 0:05:23.100,0:05:26.101 But that half of Manuel that was still with me was stopping me. 0:05:27.977,0:05:30.513 Maybe with another name it would have helped me forget him. 0:05:31.042,0:05:33.439 But it was too late to change it. 0:05:34.499,0:05:36.271 So I had to make a decision. 0:05:36.986,0:05:37.804 Like every year, 0:05:37.804,0:05:41.101 on the 24th me and my whole family went to dinner in my parents' house. 0:05:42.309,0:05:44.166 I hadn't told them about Man. 0:05:44.166,0:05:46.117 I also hadn't told them that Manuel had left me. 0:06:15.252,0:06:17.835 The dinner always ended with the exchange of the Christmas gifts. 0:06:19.757,0:06:22.897 Every year my mother made a lottery to decide who was going to give a gift to whom. 0:06:24.169,0:06:26.194 Last year I had Manuel. 0:06:26.419,0:06:30.200 I made him a wool scarf and he gave me an album full of photos. 0:06:36.104,0:06:37.665 This year I had my brother Javier. 0:06:37.915,0:06:39.337 I had bought him a cologne. 0:06:39.569,0:06:40.920 But when I was home wrapping it 0:06:41.160,0:06:44.352 I realized that that was my chance to get rid of the dog 0:06:44.352,0:06:46.024 and start a new life. 0:06:48.271,0:06:50.111 I left Man in the car during the dinner. 0:06:50.335,0:06:52.526 And when it was time to exchange the gifts I went down for him. 0:06:54.494,0:06:56.241 But in the place where I had left him 0:06:57.123,0:06:58.702 were neither my car, nor Man. 0:07:00.160,0:07:02.371 It was the second time I had my car stolen. 0:07:02.828,0:07:05.575 But the first time there was a dog inside. 0:07:26.863,0:07:29.585 The police found the car in a field a few days later. 0:07:30.096,0:07:31.628 But no trace of the dog. 0:07:38.519,0:07:41.798 I knew I should be happy for not having to worry about it anymore. 0:07:42.872,0:07:44.260 In spite of that I was sad. 0:07:46.342,0:07:47.975 Much sadder than when Manuel left me. 0:08:02.761,0:08:05.065 I put posters with Man's photo throughout the neighborhood. 0:08:05.872,0:08:07.712 There was no news for several days. 0:08:08.316,0:08:10.545 Until one morning the doorbell rang. 0:08:22.624,0:08:22.944 - Man... 0:08:23.427,0:08:24.477 - Manuel. 0:08:25.266,0:08:26.200 Manuel and Man together. 0:08:27.263,0:08:28.424 I couldn't believe it. 0:08:29.278,0:08:32.232 He told me he had just bought him that day at the flea market. 0:08:35.158,0:08:36.551 And that, although it was hard to believe, 0:08:36.551,0:08:38.880 he had had the feeling that the dog had 0:08:38.880,0:08:40.731 led him to my house. 0:08:44.464,0:08:45.978 In addition, he said he missed me 0:08:45.978,0:08:47.836 and that he wanted to be with me again. 0:08:48.504,0:08:50.669 Man immediately recognized me and started playing. 0:08:51.569,0:08:53.280 I didn't want to say anything to Manuel 0:08:53.280,0:08:56.381 and he was very surprised that the dog was so tender with me. 0:08:57.699,0:08:58.982 He said he had called him Max. 0:08:59.353,0:09:00.746 I thought it was great. 0:09:01.489,0:09:02.697 For the dog it sounded almost the same 0:09:02.697,0:09:05.669 and for me it was two-thirds of "Manuel" and part of an unknown "x" 0:09:05.669,0:09:07.960 that had made it so that all three of us were together. 0:09:17.465,0:09:19.590 Subtitles - DecemberSky 0:09:19.590,0:09:21.716 ;]