Grace and peace to you all in Jesus' mighty name and welcome to another edition of 'Faith Is Natural' here on God's Heart TV. Today, I want to talk about an issue that has surfaced so many times in conversations with people - in moments of prayer, counselling and encouragement. I have just observed that so many people today are living their lives through this lens of yesterday, through the lens of their past - their past wrongs, mistakes, hurt and pain. And as a result of this, so many find themselves caught up in this vicious cycle of guilt and condemnation over the wrong they've done or the equally vicious cycle of bitterness and resentment over the wrong done to them in the past. And it's so dangerous. People of God, this is nothing but a cunning plot, a common ploy of the devil to disconnect you from God. Satan delights in discussing your past with you. He revels in reminding you of your past - past failure, past wrong, past hurt. Because that's the only thing that connects you to him. That's the only information he actually has about you - your past. And the devil will take every available avenue to try and keep you from acting on the Word of God now. Look, he doesn't mind if you analyse the Word. He doesn't mind if you admire the Word or even admit the truthfulness of the Word as long as you do not act on that Word. He does not want you to act on the Word of God! He wants you to live your life through the lens of your unworthy past, for you to filter everything through it, so as to cripple your ability to act faith in the present and thus tarnish your future. People of God, it is dangerous to take unnecessary journeys into yesterday. It's so dangerous. Look, your past does not define your present and it does not determine your future. You can learn from your past without living in your past. Don't live in it; learn from it. Don't dignify the devil's deception with your attention - your precious attention. Because your mistakes do not define you. Psalm 37:24 I repeat - your mistakes do not define you. In fact, they can even refine you. I mean, God can even use your mistakes to take you to the place where He wants you to be - depending on your response. The key lies in your response. How do you respond to that wrong? Now, let me give you a very practical example. Just imagine you're on a journey somewhere. You're going somewhere; you know where you are going. And on this journey, you suddenly recognise that you're in the wrong place. You've taken a wrong step; you've missed the direction. What do you do? You need to retrace your steps and get back on track. If you recognise that you've gone in the wrong direction, do you just say, 'Oh well, it's too late! Let me just continue on in this wrong way.' No! You quickly get back to the right path, back on track and continue your journey. People of God, in this journey of life, if you take a wrong step, how do you respond? How do you react? Do you recognise your wrong, retrace your steps and run to God in repentance? Or do you resist self-examination, wallow in self-pity and fall deeper into that tangled web of guilt, condemnation and inferiority? Do you get back on track or do you go further off track? The choice is yours. Choosing to live in your past is choosing to go further off track. Falling into that guilt and condemnation - you're just going further off track. In the same way, if you justify your wrong or point fingers left, right and centre or make excuses, you are going off track. And the dangerous thing here is that the more you prolong your stay in wrong, the more damage the devil can inflict in your heart. And when the devil has a foothold in your heart, that damage can easily extend to your home, your marriage, family, relationships and career. Oh what a tangled web we weave when our mistakes, we refuse to leave. I'm not saying that you won't make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes on this journey. Everyone misses the mark. I mean, just take a look at the Bible, our standard, the Word of God - so many great Biblical characters we read about. Noah struggled with alcohol. Jacob used deception. Lot battled with greed. What of Moses who grappled with anger. Peter was often overwhelmed by fear, Thomas by doubt. What of King David, Solomon, Samson - they all succumbed to lust. No one is perfect in this world (Romans 3:10, 23) We all stumble in many ways (James 3:2) In this wicked world, there will always be that conflict, that battle in the heart of man between the flesh and the spirit. The thought in your heart is the battle you will face to the last day, 'til Jesus comes - that's the battle you will face. So, my encouragement for you today, people of God, is this - As soon as you recognise that you have taken a wrong step, quickly get back on track. Don't prolong your stay in wrong by your response to it. Look, as a child of God, you can know when you take a wrong step. How? The Spirit of God will prompt your conscience to repentance. Romans 9:1, 2 Corinthians 7:10 The Holy Spirit will prompt your conscience to repentance. The question is - how sensitive is your spirit? How quick are you to respond? The speed at which you recognise your wrong is proportionate to the degree at which the Word of God dominates your heart. And to be more sensitive to the prompting of God's Spirit in your spirit, you simply have to spend more time at His feet, more time in His presence, more time in His Word. He must increase; you must decrease (John 3:30). Because it's all about Jesus; it's not about you. It's not about your worthiness because no one is worthy. It's not about your weakness because everyone has weaknesses. It's all about your willingness - your willingness to acknowledge your wrong, to lay your pride by the side, retrace your steps, get back on track with God and continue your journey of faith. Because you don't have to be perfect to be a child of God; you just have to be available. People of God, I will leave you today with a word of Scripture from Apostle Paul in Romans 8:1. He said, "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Now, this Scripture doesn't give us a basis for sympathising with sin, justifying wrong or taking grace for granted. No! But it simply emphasises that we should not allow the guilt of our mistakes to rob us of the uncommon peace available in Christ's pardon. Instead of your wrong to drive you from God's presence, it should be the reason for you to draw closer to Him. Because in the words of Prophet T.B. Joshua: "You can know you are a child of God when your wrong sparks your spiritual life." Thank You, Jesus Christ. Right now, people of God, it is time for prayer. Right now, to every heart stained by guilt - be cleansed, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! To every spirit troubled by condemnation - be cleansed by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ! When the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses you, you are cleansed indeed! Be cleansed right now! In your spirit, in your soul, in your body - be cleansed! Every spirit of affliction, bondage, infirmity, nightmares - be washed away by the Blood of Jesus Christ! Be flushed out right now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Receive the courage! Receive the strength! Receive the conviction to hold your ground in Christ! Oh Lord, bend every stubborn heart and will. Guide the steps that go astray. Wash the stains of guilt away. Help us to see through Your eyes. Draw us to a closer relationship with You and grant us a greater understanding of Your heart. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Amen! Thank You, Jesus Christ.