1 00:00:06,589 --> 00:00:10,711 Did you ever notice how many jokes start with, "Did you ever notice?" 2 00:00:10,711 --> 00:00:13,056 And what's the deal with, "What's the deal?" 3 00:00:13,056 --> 00:00:14,695 There's a lot of funny to be found 4 00:00:14,695 --> 00:00:18,143 by simply noticing the ordinary, everyday things 5 00:00:18,143 --> 00:00:20,979 you don't ordinarily notice everyday. 6 00:00:20,979 --> 00:00:22,888 So if you'd like to add a little humor 7 00:00:22,888 --> 00:00:25,930 to that story, or speech, or screenplay you're writing, 8 00:00:25,930 --> 00:00:30,089 here are a few tips and tricks for finding the funny. 9 00:00:30,089 --> 00:00:32,898 All great storytelling, including comedy writing, 10 00:00:32,898 --> 00:00:36,299 consists of a handful of basic ingredients: 11 00:00:36,299 --> 00:00:37,107 who, 12 00:00:37,107 --> 00:00:37,810 what, 13 00:00:37,810 --> 00:00:38,590 when, 14 00:00:38,590 --> 00:00:39,545 where, 15 00:00:39,545 --> 00:00:40,419 why, 16 00:00:40,419 --> 00:00:41,928 and how. 17 00:00:41,928 --> 00:00:45,701 Writers have been asking these questions since at least the 1st century BC, 18 00:00:45,701 --> 00:00:48,536 yet none can be answered with a simple yes or no. 19 00:00:48,536 --> 00:00:50,107 They demand details, 20 00:00:50,107 --> 00:00:54,231 and the more specific the details, the funnier the story. 21 00:00:54,231 --> 00:00:58,152 Let's start with the who, the comedic character. 22 00:00:58,152 --> 00:01:01,687 Think about the books, TV shows, and movies that make you laugh. 23 00:01:01,687 --> 00:01:05,366 They're usually filled with funny types, or archetypes. 24 00:01:05,366 --> 00:01:06,203 The know-it-all, 25 00:01:06,203 --> 00:01:07,258 the loveable loser, 26 00:01:07,258 --> 00:01:08,286 the bad boss, 27 00:01:08,286 --> 00:01:09,386 the neurotic, 28 00:01:09,386 --> 00:01:10,906 the airhead. 29 00:01:10,906 --> 00:01:15,629 Incidentally, these are all stock characters found in Commedia Dell'Arte, 30 00:01:15,629 --> 00:01:19,492 or the artists comedy of late Renaissance Italy, 31 00:01:19,492 --> 00:01:21,456 and they have yet to get old. 32 00:01:21,456 --> 00:01:26,108 The Commedia rule for creating comic characters is find the flaw, 33 00:01:26,108 --> 00:01:28,249 then play it up. 34 00:01:28,249 --> 00:01:30,562 Or you can try playing with opposites. 35 00:01:30,562 --> 00:01:33,334 When the smartest guy in the room does the stupidest thing, 36 00:01:33,334 --> 00:01:35,980 or the doofus outwits the brainiac, 37 00:01:35,980 --> 00:01:39,619 we tend to laugh because we didn't see that coming. 38 00:01:39,619 --> 00:01:42,803 Ancient Greek funnyman Aristotle is said to have said, 39 00:01:42,803 --> 00:01:47,111 "The secret to humor is surprise." 40 00:01:47,111 --> 00:01:51,292 This surprise, or incongruity theory of humor, 41 00:01:51,292 --> 00:01:54,417 says we laugh at things that seem out of place 42 00:01:54,417 --> 00:01:57,039 or run up against our expectations, 43 00:01:57,039 --> 00:01:58,981 like a frog dating a pig, 44 00:01:58,981 --> 00:02:01,597 or a lizard selling insurance, 45 00:02:01,597 --> 00:02:03,658 a baby disco dancing, 46 00:02:03,658 --> 00:02:05,617 a nun disco dancing, 47 00:02:05,617 --> 00:02:07,942 a cat disco dancing. 48 00:02:07,942 --> 00:02:11,958 Actually, a baby, a nun, or a cat doing pretty much anything, 49 00:02:11,958 --> 00:02:14,957 especially involving disco. 50 00:02:14,957 --> 00:02:19,469 One fun way to find incongruities is by drawing connections. 51 00:02:19,469 --> 00:02:22,775 Actually drawing them with a mind map. 52 00:02:22,775 --> 00:02:23,874 Start small. 53 00:02:23,874 --> 00:02:24,874 Pick a word, 54 00:02:24,874 --> 00:02:26,727 I choose pickle. 55 00:02:26,727 --> 00:02:29,512 Jot it down, then quick as you can, try making connections. 56 00:02:29,512 --> 00:02:31,147 What do pickles make me think of? 57 00:02:31,147 --> 00:02:32,086 Who eats pickles? 58 00:02:32,086 --> 00:02:35,322 What treasured pickle memories do I have from childhood? 59 00:02:35,322 --> 00:02:38,104 Another great way to generate comedic material 60 00:02:38,104 --> 00:02:42,246 is to shift from observation to imagination. 61 00:02:42,246 --> 00:02:45,216 Try going from "what is" to "what if?" 62 00:02:45,216 --> 00:02:48,557 Like, what if instead of a horse, for example, 63 00:02:48,557 --> 00:02:51,053 you just had a pair of coconuts? 64 00:02:51,053 --> 00:02:53,960 Okay, let's think of some other memorable moments in history, 65 00:02:53,960 --> 00:02:54,735 literature, 66 00:02:54,735 --> 00:02:55,832 or film. 67 00:02:55,832 --> 00:02:57,855 Now, what if they featured coconuts? 68 00:02:57,855 --> 00:03:00,238 Get wild, let it go. 69 00:03:00,238 --> 00:03:02,724 Even if an idea seems overdone, 70 00:03:02,724 --> 00:03:03,652 or too obvious, 71 00:03:03,652 --> 00:03:05,141 or just plain dumb, 72 00:03:05,141 --> 00:03:07,320 try jotting it down, anyway. 73 00:03:07,320 --> 00:03:11,313 What's obvious to you may not be to the next person. 74 00:03:11,313 --> 00:03:16,207 And the opposite of the dumbest idea might just turn out to be the smartest. 75 00:03:16,207 --> 00:03:19,454 What about all that dumb stuff that happens in real life? 76 00:03:19,454 --> 00:03:22,323 Have you ever noticed how much comedy revolves around things 77 00:03:22,323 --> 00:03:25,648 that irritate, frustrate, and humiliate us? 78 00:03:25,648 --> 00:03:31,466 Will Rodgers said, "Everything's funny as long as it happens to somebody else." 79 00:03:31,466 --> 00:03:33,395 So if you're having a crummy morning, 80 00:03:33,395 --> 00:03:36,134 imagine it happening to a character you're writing about, 81 00:03:36,134 --> 00:03:41,179 and by afternoon, you may at least get a funny story out of it. 82 00:03:41,179 --> 00:03:43,497 Once you've got your characters and story, 83 00:03:43,497 --> 00:03:48,072 here are a few quick and easy comedy writing tricks to make them zing. 84 00:03:48,072 --> 00:03:49,389 The rule of three, 85 00:03:49,389 --> 00:03:51,160 or zig zig zag. 86 00:03:51,160 --> 00:03:53,730 Try setting up an expected pattern, zig zig, 87 00:03:53,730 --> 00:03:55,691 then flip it, zag. 88 00:03:55,691 --> 00:03:59,284 A rabbi, a priest, and a coconut walk into a bar. 89 00:03:59,284 --> 00:04:03,553 The punchline rule says put your punch at the end of the line. 90 00:04:03,553 --> 00:04:07,767 A rabbi, a priest, and a coconut walk into a disco. 91 00:04:07,767 --> 00:04:09,988 That brings up the rule of K. 92 00:04:09,988 --> 00:04:13,857 For some reason, words with a k-sound catch our ears 93 00:04:13,857 --> 00:04:15,849 and are considered comical. 94 00:04:15,849 --> 00:04:16,850 Coconut, 95 00:04:16,850 --> 00:04:17,687 disco, 96 00:04:17,687 --> 00:04:19,061 pickles, 97 00:04:19,061 --> 00:04:20,674 crickets? 98 00:04:20,674 --> 00:04:23,925 Okay, so we don't always get the laugh. 99 00:04:23,925 --> 00:04:25,575 Humor is subjective. 100 00:04:25,575 --> 00:04:27,336 Comedy is trial and error. 101 00:04:27,336 --> 00:04:28,958 Writing is rewriting. 102 00:04:28,958 --> 00:04:30,302 Just keep trying. 103 00:04:30,302 --> 00:04:31,490 Find the flaws, 104 00:04:31,490 --> 00:04:32,743 discover the details, 105 00:04:32,743 --> 00:04:34,066 insert incongruities, 106 00:04:34,066 --> 00:04:35,325 incorporate k-words, 107 00:04:35,325 --> 00:04:38,970 and remember the most important rule of writing funny: 108 00:04:38,970 --> 00:04:40,806 have fun. 109 00:04:40,806 --> 00:04:42,151 As Charles Dickins said, 110 00:04:42,151 --> 00:04:45,534 "There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious 111 00:04:45,534 --> 00:04:48,330 as laughter and good humor." 112 00:04:48,330 --> 00:04:50,798 And disco.