Well, it's time for another shaving video from Freakin' Reviews here. The third one mid-2017, and this time I'm putting the Micro Touch Solo versus the Philips Norelco OneBlade. That's today's review. So, let's get right to it. You may have seen my review for the Micro Touch Solo recently, but that was obviously inspired by or influenced by the Philips Norelco OneBlade. So, today I'm gonna take a look at the two of these and compare them side-by-side, head-to-head, and see if one is a clear winner. As you can see, the heads look similar to each other. I've been using the Micro Touch Solo quite a bit. I've used the OneBlade in the past, but I've never own one. So, I'll be curious to see how the two compare in a more challenging environment. So, let's see how the two of these do. Here are the instructions for the Micro Touch Solo. Pretty basic. This is the instruction sheet for the OneBlade. A lot more to it. I would say the most significant differences right out of the gate are that the OneBlade can be used with gel or foam in the shower while the Micro Touch Solo cannot. It's only for dry shaving. Now, the other difference is the Micro Touch Solo is about $10 less than the OneBlade. This is about $25. This is about $35. So, that might also be a consideration. If you're not using it in the shower for wet shaving, the Micro Touch Solo could be an option for you, but let's see how they compare going against this beard. Here we are again for my third shaving video in a few months. This time, I'm going to do the Philips OneBlade versus the Micro Touch Solo. Now, what I think I'm going to do is instead of doing one side, OneBlade, one side, Solo, I think I'm gonna do one stripe next to each other, so you can kind of compare. Now, there is one thing that the OneBlade can do that the Micro Touch Solo can't, and that's that it could be used with shaving cream. I'm gonna do the both these dry, both of them say you're supposed to use them against the grain. So, I'm gonna do that. But, once I'm done, I'm gonna put some shaving cream on and see if I can get closer with the OneBlade, because the Micro Touch Solo was not for use with shaving cream or in the shower. So, I'm gonna see if this can go to the next level. One more thing to point out Is they both have about a 45-minute charge. They also both have these combs that you can use for additional trimming. The Micro Touch Solo has this fancy light which the OneBlade does not have, so the slight differences. But, let's see how they compare as I put them to test, getting rid of my beard for the third time this year. (shaving noise) And, that took a couple of times to get that right. It's not completely without stubble right now. I had to go a couple of times. It was- I had to kind of get the angle of it. Let's see now how the Micro Touch Solo does right next to it. I'm gonna do this section right here. (shaving noise) Okay. I mean you can't see a huge difference. Let me keep going. I'm gonna do the Solo again on the other side, so you can kind of have- because, there wasn't a lot of space there. I'm going to do the Solo, OneBlade, and Solo again, and then the last strip I'll do the Philips again. (shaving noise) That was good the second time. That was a pretty good stripe going up, but that was just one pass. Got a lot of it out. I'm gonna do this last section here with the Philips OneBlade now. (shaving noise) Just to point out, this one just came off of the charger. And, actually they both just came off the charger as well. But, this one. Notice how much slower it sounds. (shaving noise) It could be the difference that the motor is stronger that's why it has a higher pitch to it. I mean I'll let some of the more tech-savy guys discuss that, but it seems like this motor, it might be moving a little bit stronger than the Micro Touch Solo. But, I mean if you look at where I did the Micro Touch Solo, the OneBlade, the Solo, the OneBlade, there isn't a huge amount of difference really between the two of them. I had to go get some more light with my Bell+Howell Light Bar which I've also reviewed. I'm going to do the same thing now. I'm gonna do one stripe with the OneBlade, and then one with the Micro Touch Solo and see how that looks. Here we go. (shaving noise) That went- I was going on the up grain and it wasn't doing anything. At down, it seems like it's working better. (shaving noise) So, what do you guys think about those sideburns? Maybe I should leave those next time, huh? That doesn't be real things? All right. So, now what I'm gonna do next to that is here, this is the Philips OneBlade. Next up the Micro Touch Solo. (shaving noise) Again, still not bad. I just feel like this just came off the charger and it feels like (shaving noise) it doesn't have as much power as, (shaving noise) as that. Let me finish this part up with the OneBlade now. (shaving noise) Okay. And, I'm gonna do this last section with the Micro Touch Solo. (shaving noise) And with either one of them, you can use the edge like this to trim. (shaving noise) All right. So, there you go. I mean I think that as far just dry shaving, the really close I did kind of it in stripes. And, I don't see any huge difference between the two of them. What I'm gonna do now is I'm going to add some shaving cream to see if the OneBlade can go one step beyond what the Micro Touch Solo can do. This isn't a real thick shaving cream. It's a sensitive skin, so it's, it doesn't look real thick like your typical shaving cream does, but it is actually pretty good. All right. There is, there is shaving cream on there. And, this doesn't lather or a lot like some of those shaving creams do. Again, the Solo cannot be used with shaving cream, but the OneBlade can be used with shaving cream. (shaving noise) Okay. Let me wipe this off and see how it compares. Yeah. There, there is definitely a difference. Look at this. If you look very closely, I'm sorry I probably won't want to be that close to me either, but you can see that's almost like, that's almost as close as a regular razor. Over here, you still have a little bit of stubble. This is just dry, and this is with shaving cream. Definitely a difference. And unfortunately, the Micro Touch Solo doesn't allow you to use shaving cream or in the shower, so that's as close as you're gonna get with a Solo. And, that's how close you're gonna get with the OneBlade using shaving cream. Just by the fact that it can be used in the shower with shaving cream, the OneBlade has an advantage. Although if you're never gonna use those things, just want a quick trim, the Micro Touch Solo does a great job. Now, as close as the OneBlade was able to get with shaving cream, do you think it could really compare to the Gillette Fusion 5 Proshield Power? I'm not sure. Let me try that out. The Proshield Power also has its own on button. Again, there's a shaving cream, it's very thin. (shaving noises) By the way, I've been using this blade for two weeks too. (shaving noises) This is now shaved with the Fusion 5 Proshield Power. I don't know how well the camera is gonna see that. It's pretty smooth. It's pretty smooth. This is where the OneBlade. It's also pretty smooth. If I see the up grain, you can probably hear this a little bit of stubble. Actually, a little bit of stubble there too. It's pretty close. I mean really. I mean the Fusion 5 Proshield Power is insanely expensive. I think the refills are about $5 a piece. So, it wouldn't take long for the OneBlade to really pay for itself as far as compared to a razor like that. So, really over time, this could be a better investment. One more feature I was going to point out is they both have trimming combs on them with 1mm, 3mm, and 5mm. I have the 3mm on both of them. I'm gonna do a little bit of trimming here just to show you how they work. First up, the Micro Touch Solo. (shaving noise) This is just a regular trimmer comb. (shaving noise) A lot of electric razors have these. (shaving noise) So, pretty straightforward. OneBlade similar thing. (shaving noise) Once again, just because the motor just feels more powerful, I feel like it's a little bit more efficient than the Micro Touch Solo. There's nothing wrong with the Micro Touch Solo, but this one just feels a little bit more powerful to me. And, when I was just doing this trimming, it seemed like it went through it a lot faster. Now, I originally gave the Micro Touch Solo a pretty good review, and I stand by that video because I still think it's a good product. However, when you compare it to the Philips Norelco OneBlade, I've got to go with the OneBlade. Mainly because the powerful motor and because you can use it in the shower or a shaving cream, that seems to be a significant difference to me. And, the Micro Touch Solo is $10 cheaper, and it has a built-in light, but it's limited to dry shaving only. If you only plan to use it on dry shaving, this could be a good purchase for you. I know this is kind of a first look review of the OneBlade and also a comparison to Micro Touch Solo, but I'll keep using them to let you know how they hold up over time. The thing that I would want to see is how long these blades last, because the blades are kind of expensive. Right now, the blades for the OneBlade, I found a 2-pack for $25. I have not seen the replacement blades for the Micro Touch Solo in stores yet. But, if it's significantly cheaper, that could also be a compelling reason to pick this one over the OneBlade. Especially, if you're only interested in dry shaving. Have you used a Philips OneBlade or the Micro Touch Solo or something else like it? Let me know what you think in the comments below. And, please subscribe for more As Seen on TV product reivews from me, James White with Freakin' Reviews. (outro music)