♪ (música alegre) ♪ (risas) Hola, soy Jana. Dirijo las funciones de Contabilidad y Recursos humanos. Me llamo Margarita. Trabajo en Amara como probadora de software. ¿Cómo pasas los fines de semana? Generalmente, tenis de mesa o ir en bicicleta a una de nuestras hermosas playas locales. Me gusta cocinar. Y también hago trabajo voluntario. Leer. Leer. Leer algún libro interesante. ¿Tienes plantas o mascotas? (riendo) Tengo seis perros. Todos son rescatados, así que juego mucho con mis perros. Tengo un Lirio de la Paz que he tenido por años. Esta es Lily Tomlin, no tiene relación con la original. ¿Qué te gusta de trabajar con Amara? Simplemente conectar con la audiencia. Tan solo facilitar la vida de alguien por ese momento en que está leyendo mi artículo de ayuda o lo que sea. Al finalizar un proyecto, ya cuando estoy entregando, digamos, un video terminado con subtítulos y traducciones, eso me hace sentir satisfecha, pensando: "Ah, ya tenemos más videos con subtítulos y traducciones para que más gente pueda acceder a ellos". Sin dudas, la gente. El interés real de todos de hacer un mundo mejor es increíble. Todos tienen algo, que de algún modo están motivados por la misión de Amara, que es brindar accesibilidad y también usar sus habilidades para compartir información con otros. Es una cultura especial, no se siente como una jerarquía. Es realmente un esfuerzo cooperativo. We're all very spread geographically and in time but we always find time for each other. What languages do you speak? (chuckles) I'm only fluent in English but I'm learning American Sign Language, Russian. My spouse's family is from the former Soviet Union, so I'd like to be able to speak to the other generations in that family. English, Spanish, as my native language. My native language is Russian and I use English for work. Cantonese, a little bit of Mandarin. I have also learned some Spanish, German and Chinese. French and a little bit of Arabic. I speak English and about this much Spanish. (laughter) Pop Quiz: When was the first version of Amara released? Either 2010 or 2013? 2006? 2001? Yeah, no, I don't know. (chuckles) 2010. That's when the first prototype was created. I witnessed it, I was volunteering with Amara back then. What does accessibility mean to you? That everyone has the same opportunity being able to understand the world through video and through the captioning and translation that we do, and that other people do, no limits. It means a lot. I have a cochlear implant, and they are hearing aid. Without them, I cannot hear practically anything at all and with them, it is okay in one-to-one personal conversations but not so nice when you use something technical, when you're watching videos, or talk over the phone, so subtitles mean a great deal. Accessibility to me starts with empathy. A lot of my friends, actually, don't speak English, so being able to help to make a lot of the information that I have helped to subtitle into Spanish, if I can share it with some of my friends back in Venezuela, or my family, or my mom, it feels really good. What effect do you hope Amara will have on the world? Acceptance and... I mean, the world is in such a difficult place. Communicating, you know, just communicating. When we work every day with so many people from so many other countries, you just realize people are different but the same, from all over. I think there's a lot of untapped potential for this tool to be used by other types of users. Transcription is a great opportunity for people who have vision problems to find employment. I really hope to see this happen. Using AI to generate subtitles and captions, you know, that has been on the rise for the last few years and there has been a lot of humor and a lot of mistakes, and that definitely highlights how important people are to the process of language in any form. I'm hoping that the way that we treat people, and the way how we put their experience first, and their abilities first, will be noticed and that that would inspire other people to say that it's not impossible to do that. [language] subtitles by [your name]