Europe? I want Europe, but still I sometimes get desperate about it and just now the French European Commissioner for domestic affairs, M. Barnier wants to facilitate the privatisation of public water supply. Water is still a common good, a good for everybody, but that shall be changed. Multinational corporations are already standing in line, this is a business worth billions of dollars and double-digit return percentages. However, Mr Barnier says that we should not be afraid about the water getting more expensive or worse because it will all be regulated by the market. The market? Hey, water is life, it is a human right, it is a common good and common property and property entails obligations, at least it says so in the German "Grundgesetz" (= German Basic Law) and using this property shall also happen to public benefit, this is also in the "Grundgesetz". And if water is no longer public property, but property of multinational corporations, then we can all guess whom a market-listed corporation might feel obliged to, to the common well-being or to the well-being of its stockholders and of the markets. 80% of Europeans do not want privatised water supply, but still they want a Europe without frontiers and without wars and Nazi-shit, they want peace, they want food, they want water and they want to piss off this water on the toilet, they want jobs, good jobs, and on Sunday, Europeans would like to relax in the sunshine, play checkers while cultivating their prejudices, and listen, if Europe fails, it won´t fail because of the Euro neither because the European citizens are fed up with it, it might simply fail because Europeans are fed up with non-democratically elected EU Commissionners who, during their visits to knocking shops in Brussels are bought by lobbyists who tell them the markets will fix anything. One moment! I want Europe, I adore Europe and it is great that there are now European citizens´ initiatives and now there is one initiative who wants to prevent exactly that, privatisation of water supplies. They need one million online signatures until autumn, it will not prevent privatisation completely but at least it would mean that the EU Commission would have to discuss this topic again. So now I wanted to show the Internet address of this initiative here, at the bottom of the screen, but our internal lawyers said that serious public broadcasting stations like ours must not show private or foreign Internet addresses. This is neither censorship nor bad will, there are laws about this, but no problem for me, because there is no problem for public broadcasting stations when you show cars in the picture. The problem is solved now! Cheers! As to water.