Saweedas Sawasdee kha! View from Piew of Voint, Point of View Last time we already talked about the origins of Phali and Sukhreep Today we're going to talk about the origin of another important monkey in Ramakien This guy, Hanuman! Of course, our story is from the same book, that is The Ramakien script, written by King Rama I Now if you wanna know where is this cute plush come from, Or why I was doing a lot of wordplay at the beginning, watch the part near the end of this video. There might be something special at the end. If you're ready to learn about the birth of Hanuman, let's get started! In the origin story of Hanuman, it all started with Ishvara. Calm down, let's not tell him off yet. This time Ishvara did not recklessly give out blessings. But this time, he thought of Swaha, who was cursed by her own mother to stand on one foot, her hands still and her mouth open at the foot of the Chakravala mountain From last time when we talked about the birth of Phali and Sukhreep, Ishvara took pity on Swaha, thinking "Well, she has long been cursed. I should do something to end her curse. More importantly, soon Vishnu will have to incarnate into an avatar to eliminate the Yakshas. I should bring a piece of my might into the human realm, and let it be Vishnu's soldier. But Ishvara did not use the same way as Indra or Surya, because if he employed the same way, his wife would be angry. Ishvara summoned Vayu. Vayu, the god of wind, came to Ishvara. When he came, Ishvara said, "Vayu, I feel pity for Swaha as she has been cursed to stay at the foot of the Chakravala mountain. I will give you a portion of my power and some of my weapons for you to shove them into the mouth of Swaha. After that, she will get pregnant. Once pregnant, although it is because of my possessions, you must be the father of the child. Then the woman will be cured from the curse, and she will give birth to Vishnu's soldier." All the magical artifacts put into her mouth are the diamond club, which will become Hanuman's spine, like this here, which enables him to fly. Something like that. Not only that. Ishvara also provided him with the Surakanta Trishula The Trishula will become his body and limbs. It will become the most important weapon of Hanuman, because once it becomes his body, it is inside always. Whenever he has no weapons, or is unarmed, no weapons on hand whatsoever, he still can drag the Trishula out of his chest, and use it as a weapon to fight enemies. The last weapon Ishavara gave Vayu was the Ratna Chakra. The chakra will become Hanuman's head. In other words, his whole body is made of weapons, so it is not a surprise that he is so powerful, more than any other monkeys, in fact. Moreover, Ishvara also said, "During Swaha's pregnancy, you must protect her." Not only did Vayu have to be the father, he also had to prevent her from danger during that time. After he received all the orders, Vayu flew down to Earth and put all the artefacts in Swaha's mouth, and stayed to protect her. Time flies. Hanuman's birthday came. Do you wanna know what day it is? Hanuman's birthday is. Tuesday on the third month of the Year of the Tiger. If you want to wish him a happy birthday, that's the date. So the birthday came. Hanuman was born. Since he was so powerful, he did not come out normally. Not out the usual way, but out of his mother's mouth, like, leaped and flew out of there. He was extraordinary since birth. He was a white monkey, as you can see here. More importantly, Hanuman was not like baby Hanuman, or anything like that. He was born, and then transformed into a 16-year-old monkey. He suddenly grew. No need to waste time raising him. And it wasn't like, "Hold me, mom!" He flew into the sky and floated with an aura around him for quite a while. That scene is like a great opening scene, because while he was there, he was radiant, super radiant. And that's not it. He also has earrings with him from birth. And his fur that seems white, is not the fluffy kind you usually see, but it's all diamond. We're going to say it's "fur that's diamond," and not the shorter "diamond fur" (*pubic hair in Thai). The fur is made of diamond. If we think about it, diamond is the strongest gemstone in the world. Nothing can cut diamonds, except diamonds themselves. So it is expected that no weapons in the future would do him any harm. Slashing him? *Crank* It's diamond! A lot of people think that this is the real form of Hanuman, a normal monkey, right? But when he was born, he showed his real form. He is actually a quadricephalic, octomanous monkey. That is, he has four heads and eight hands. So he is another weird creature in the story. More importantly, he has a special power of summoning stars and moons as he yawns. When he yawns, there are stars and moons moving out of his mouth. He is an extraordinary monkey. After showing his might for some time, he flew back to his mother. As he saw his mother, and Vayu, he took Swaha to be his mother, and Vayu to be his father. Vayu, as he saw Hanuman, gave him his name. "Very well, little monkey. Ishvara has ordered me to name you Hanuman Chanyasmara, so you will be called Hanuman from now on." Vayu then took him as his son, and give him a part of his power, and blessed him with the ability to defeat enemies regardless of where they come from. Swaha, who witnessed her son's power, felt a sudden love for him, brought him into her arms, fed him with milk, and said, "I'm sorry. I cannot raise you, but I want you to have Vayu take you in, and consider him your father. Also, nobody will notice that you have earrings and that your fur is diamond, no one. If someone notices these, that someone is an avatar of Vishnu. Submit yourself before him and be his soldier." Hanuman listened to this and agreed. After this event, everybody went their separate ways. We have no idea where Swaha went. Vayu went back to Heaven. As for Hanuman, he played in the forest. Obviously, one day, Hanuman discovered a garden. Sounds familiar? Stumbled upon a beautiful garden. It must belong to someone. And does Hanuman love the environment? No! Hanuman was a monkey, a naughty one at that. He was a naughty monkey with mighty power. So he dashed into the garden, gathered fruits, breaking twigs and all that. Basically, he messed it up. Someone who didn't care about the environment naturally gets punished. That garden belongs to Parvati, the wife of Ishvara. She's really powerful, so Hanuman is in real trouble. It's Hanuman's bad day, because Parvati saw her garden destroyed by him. As she saw it, she got furious. "You lowly monkey, why did you do this out of the blue, destroying my whole garden! Do you know how long I've been taking care of it!?" She was so angry and didn't know what else to do, so she cursed. "Well, you're strong right? Let's see how strong you are when your powers are halved." Upon hearing this, Hanuman panicked. He was like, "Aw, I suddenly got cursed." So he hurried to apologize to Parvati. This is a good example, unlike Ravana, who provoked even more and got severely punished. Hanuman apologized, saying "I'm so sorry. I've been a bad boy. I'm but a child. I thought this was a forest. Didn't think it belongs to anyone. What should I do? I don't want my powers halved." Parvati was a kind person, so as she listened, she was like, "Okay, I won't be angry anymore, but I already cursed. I can't take it back. What should I do? Okay, let's say, as you're going to be Vishnu's soldier in the future, if you see his avatar, and once he stroked you from head to tail, let all your powers be returned. I'm gonna go now. Goodbye." Like that, Hanuman had to play in the forest with his powers halved like that for a while. Until one day, Vayu in Heaven missed his son, thinkking "I left him on Earth. I have no idea how he's doing now. He should have some lessons." So he flew down and brought him to Vishnu. "Remember, Ishvara? It's Swaha's son. The one born of your stuff put into her mouth. So you have to raise him!" And so Ishvara took Hanuman him and teach him lessons, transformation, prayers and whatnot, spellcasting, all that. He got taught directly from Ishvara himself. A while passed. Hanuman graduated, and Ishvara got tired of looking after him, so he called Phali and Sukreep, and introduce Hanuman to them. "Hello Phali, Sukhreep. Remember your sister? The one who told your father you're a mistress's son and got you cursed." No, actually he didn't say that because that would cause conflict. Let's just say he said, "Remember Swaha, your sister? This is her son. I took her in and taught him things. I saw that you don't have any children. Take him in as your nephew, so you have someone to work for you in the city. I'll also give you another monkey, Chomphuphan. This one I created myself. From what, you ask? From my scurf. A little pathetic, but he's good at many things. He taught him since he was young. Let him be your stepson." Phali and Sukhreep brought both monkeys to their city from that point on. And that's the end of the episode of Hunuman's origin. He's probably the most important monkey in the story. But wait, this video is not over yet. A lot of you may still wonder, from the beginning, Why did I switch my words' vowels? And why am I carrying this Hanuman plush? This plush belongs to Holen--Hellow, who gave me this plush. It's really cute. Moreover, it's not any ordinary Hanuman plush. This guy is already cute enough when hugged right? But it can also transform! See this at the back? I turned it so many times. There's a zip here. If we open it like this, open its head and take its brain out. Oops no. Not like in the news with the monkey brain at a Chinese dinner. If you recognize the reference, you're pretty old by the way. Anyway if we take the brain out like this, We'll see the head of another Hanuman! It's all wimpy so it's hard to see, but if we ... if we shake the beads down here. It'll turn into a very cool Hanuman neck pillow! Which can also bite us like this. Hanuman can cover our eyes, yay! Cool, right? If you want one, there's an activity for you to play to get this for free on the Point of View page. Follow it on Facebook! For others who feel like, "I never get any of these freebies. No matter how many times I play I never get the prize. And there's only one of these!" If you want to buy one for yourself, you can buy it on the Holen website or Facebook page, as shown here. If you put in the promo code "holenview" you're going to get a 10% discount for all merchandise in the website. Ah, "all" implies that there's more than neck pillows. If you don't like plush toys, but you're still a fan of Hanuman. You love Hanuman and want Hanuman on everything. Holen has a lot of Hanuman merchandise for you, including a Hanuman blindfold, you can use it when you travel, or you can get a Hanuman keychain, small and cute. There's also a Hanuman tea cup. There's also Ravana here. You can sip tea from it. See? Or you can pour a coffee shot into it. If you're not contented with a small cup, but still want a cup, Holen has a large one for you. Hanuman mug! Let me unpack this and show it to you. Here, Hanuman mug. You can take it to your office. Very cute. So, you can buy it. The link is below. If you're going to buy it, don't forget to use the promo code. "holenview" gives you a 10% discount. If you like this video, hit Like to support me and Share to invite your friends to watch. If you don't want to miss my new videos, hit Subscribe. Don't forget to click the mini bell button too, so it notifies you every time I upload a new video. See you next time. Bye-bye! Sawasdee kha! There's another Hanuman waiting for you. Don't forget to play the game! I really want to give this out. It's really cute. It fits right in my hand. Its size is perfect. When you go out it's convenient. You can hang it around your neck. Don't miss out! Goodbye!