1 00:00:19,004 --> 00:00:24,218 Everybody's really been looking forward to the new video from Lumpy and the Lumpettes 2 00:00:24,218 --> 00:00:31,200 Even Lumpy! 3 00:00:31,200 --> 00:00:33,390 Russell's a huge fan! 4 00:00:33,390 --> 00:00:37,907 He can't wait to tell all his friends about it! 5 00:00:37,907 --> 00:00:43,073 Hey, Russell! You didn't create that video! You just copied someone else's content. 6 00:00:43,073 --> 00:00:48,502 Uploading someone else's content without permission could get you into a lot of trouble -- 7 00:00:48,502 --> 00:00:54,428 -- it may be copyright infringement. 8 00:00:54,428 --> 00:00:57,260 Copyright is a form of protection for original works of authorship 9 00:00:57,260 --> 00:00:58,398 including literary, 10 00:00:58,398 --> 00:00:59,313 dramatic, 11 00:00:59,313 --> 00:01:00,488 musical, 12 00:01:00,488 --> 00:01:01,463 graphic, 13 00:01:01,463 --> 00:01:05,470 and audiovisual creations. 14 00:01:05,470 --> 00:01:10,682 Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed or publicly displayed 15 00:01:10,682 --> 00:01:16,548 without the permission of the copyright holder or the legal right to do so. 16 00:01:16,548 --> 00:01:22,238 Even though YouTube is a free site, you can get in serious trouble for copyright infringement 17 00:01:22,238 --> 00:01:23,606 You can be sued -- 18 00:01:23,606 --> 00:01:27,261 -- and found liable for monetary damages. 19 00:01:27,261 --> 00:01:30,013 You could lose your booty! 20 00:01:30,013 --> 00:01:35,457 Or worse, you could lose your YouTube account! 21 00:01:35,457 --> 00:01:37,779 You only get a few chances. 22 00:01:37,779 --> 00:01:42,743 If YouTube receives a valid notification of alleged copyright infringement from a copyright holder 23 00:01:42,743 --> 00:01:46,835 for one of your videos, the video will be removed in accordance with the law. 24 00:01:46,835 --> 00:01:51,303 You'll be notified via email and in your account, 25 00:01:51,303 --> 00:01:54,172 and you'll get a strike. 26 00:01:54,172 --> 00:01:56,975 If YouTube finds you're a repeat offender -- 27 00:01:56,975 --> 00:02:02,714 -- you'll get banned for life! 28 00:02:02,714 --> 00:02:15,906 Here's an idea: why not make your own video? 29 00:02:15,906 --> 00:02:19,148 Uh oh! You're making a video of Lumpy's live performance of his song, 30 00:02:19,148 --> 00:02:21,502 which is still protected by copyright. 31 00:02:21,502 --> 00:02:29,944 You still may not be able to upload it without permission. 32 00:02:29,944 --> 00:02:35,167 Oh, Russell. Your reuse of Lumpy's content is clever, but did you get permission for it? 33 00:02:35,167 --> 00:02:40,005 Mashups or remixes of content may also require permission from the original copyright owner, 34 00:02:40,005 --> 00:02:43,004 depending on whether or not the use is a "fair use." 35 00:02:43,004 --> 00:02:48,182 In the United States, copyright law allows for the fair use of copyrighted material under certain limited circumstances without prior permission from the owner. 36 00:02:48,182 --> 00:02:54,126 Under the law, determinations of fair use take into account the purpose and character of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount and substantiality of the work 37 00:02:54,126 --> 00:02:57,574 used in relation to the work as a whole, and the effect of the use upon the potential market for the copyrighted work. 38 00:02:57,574 --> 00:03:00,837 Other jurisdictions may have similar copyright provisions protecting fair use or fair dealing. 39 00:03:00,837 --> 00:03:06,990 If you are uncertain as to whether a specific use qualifies as a fair use, you should consult a qualified copyright attorney. 40 00:03:06,990 --> 00:03:14,397 If someone copies your work after you've posted it, you have the right to take it down. 41 00:03:14,397 --> 00:03:21,480 YouTube provides tools for rights holders to control the use of their content. 42 00:03:21,480 --> 00:03:26,959 If someone takes down your video by mistake, or as the result of a misidentification of the material to be removed, 43 00:03:26,959 --> 00:03:29,475 there's a counter-notification process for that. 44 00:03:29,475 --> 00:03:35,017 You can send YouTube a notice that there was an error. 45 00:03:35,017 --> 00:03:35,848 But be careful... 46 00:03:35,848 --> 00:03:40,056 If you misuse the process, you could end up in court. 47 00:03:40,056 --> 00:03:50,113 And then you would get in a lot of trouble! That's how the law works. 48 00:03:50,113 --> 00:03:55,961 That's more like it! By singing an original song, you're creating your own content. 49 00:03:55,961 --> 00:03:59,841 When you make an original video, you're the owner of your own copyright, and... 50 00:03:59,841 --> 00:04:03,020 ...you have the right to post it to YouTube. 51 00:04:03,020 --> 00:04:08,152 Original content is what makes YouTube interesting. Start creating your own, and who knows? 52 00:04:08,152 --> 00:04:11,504 Your video could explode! 53 00:04:11,504 --> 00:04:16,542 [BOOM!] 54 00:04:16,542 --> 00:04:21,046 If you're still unsure about copyright issues, YouTube has some resources as a starting point. 55 00:04:21,046 --> 99:59:59,999 For more information, click the link for "Copyright" at the bottom of every page.