0:00:00.000,0:00:15.160 <Essence of Friendship Is Equality> 0:00:15.160,0:00:18.923 (Questioner) I want to thank you[br]for your helpful Dharma Talks. 0:00:18.923,0:00:20.376 (Sunim) Sure. 0:00:20.376,0:00:25.557 (Questioner) My question is, when I'm with[br]my friends and talk to them, 0:00:25.557,0:00:29.041 there is a lack of reaction,[br]which brings the mood down. 0:00:29.041,0:00:31.581 Then, the conversation gets boring. 0:00:31.581,0:00:34.611 I try hard to get along, [br]but the more I try, 0:00:34.611,0:00:37.165 the more timid [br]and withdrawn I get. 0:00:37.165,0:00:40.505 Now, instead of going out [br]to meet people, 0:00:40.505,0:00:44.100 I prefer to spend time[br]alone at home. 0:00:44.100,0:00:48.980 The more I try to talk with people,[br]I feel more withdrawn. 0:00:48.980,0:00:51.471 I don't know how to go[br]about this. 0:00:51.471,0:00:53.988 That's my concern right now[br]and the question for you. 0:00:53.988,0:00:57.150 (Sunim) Why do you[br]feel withdrawn? 0:00:57.150,0:01:01.567 (Questioner) Just happens...[br]When the response gets tepid, 0:01:01.567,0:01:08.250 I feel like they are indifferent[br]to whatever I am saying. 0:01:08.250,0:01:16.540 And I think, "Why am I doing this?"[br]I feel deflated and insignificant. 0:01:16.540,0:01:20.558 (Sunim) So, you feel discouraged[br]according to people's reactions? 0:01:20.558,0:01:21.942 (Questioner) Yes. 0:01:21.942,0:01:24.953 (Sunim) But they don't have[br]any obligation to respond. 0:01:24.953,0:01:27.472 (Questioner) They don't.[br]But if they don't react 0:01:27.472,0:01:30.640 as I expected, then[br]I feel dispirited. 0:01:30.680,0:01:33.725 (Sunim) Isn't it normal?[br](Questioner) Yes, I agree. 0:01:33.725,0:01:36.981 (Sunim) If you think that is normal,[br]you shouldn't feel discouraged. 0:01:36.981,0:01:43.248 But rather you expect,[br]"If I speak, you should respond." 0:01:43.248,0:01:47.020 If that expectation isn't met, [br]then you feel discouraged. 0:01:47.020,0:01:50.878 Whether to respond or not,[br]is their choice. 0:01:50.878,0:01:54.778 If you don't expect any,[br]no need to feel discouraged. 0:01:54.778,0:01:57.320 Speak your piece[br]and be done. 0:01:57.320,0:01:59.994 They are not required[br]to show reactions. 0:01:59.994,0:02:04.392 If you have to force energetic [br]reactions out of friends, 0:02:04.392,0:02:06.312 those are not [br]true friends. 0:02:06.312,0:02:10.495 Tthat is not a good way[br]to build friendships. 0:02:10.495,0:02:13.930 (Questioner) I find myself[br]separated from the rest of the 0:02:13.930,0:02:16.940 people while others [br]are enjoying themselves. 0:02:16.940,0:02:20.480 (Sunim) Why? I have a[br]friend who hardly talks. 0:02:20.480,0:02:24.377 Whenever we're together,[br]he stays quiet but smiles. 0:02:24.377,0:02:29.566 He just says yes here [br]and there with smile, 0:02:29.566,0:02:32.906 and mingles with [br]the group very well. 0:02:32.906,0:02:37.893 You either want to be[br]a leader in control, 0:02:37.893,0:02:41.790 or desire to be the most popular[br]person in the group. 0:02:41.790,0:02:46.741 That is not being a friend.[br]You let your friends have 0:02:46.741,0:02:49.750 fun, listen, agree and[br]smile, that's a friend. 0:02:49.750,0:02:55.955 That's all you need to do.[br]Why do you want to talk so much? 0:02:55.955,0:03:06.690 What reason is there to always [br]take the lead amongst friends? 0:03:06.690,0:03:09.699 (Questioner) Not so much the [br]leadership but more of 0:03:09.699,0:03:13.582 a life of the party.... 0:03:13.582,0:03:16.038 (Sunim) Why should you be [br]the center of the party? 0:03:16.038,0:03:18.202 (Audience Laughter) 0:03:18.202,0:03:20.906 (Sunim) Trying to be the life[br]of the party means you want 0:03:20.906,0:03:23.595 to have the control of your[br]get togethers, it's the same, 0:03:23.595,0:03:28.734 Only difference is you [br]are mixing in some English. 0:03:28.734,0:03:31.439 (Audience Laughter) 0:03:31.439,0:03:34.852 You have to let go of that desire.[br]Amongst friends, you should not 0:03:34.852,0:03:41.714 have to practice or think of[br]what to say before you meet. 0:03:41.714,0:03:47.437 Do you? If you have [br]something to say, say it. 0:03:47.437,0:03:51.882 Or you can listen to [br]others and smile. 0:03:51.882,0:03:54.237 Between friends, one does[br]not have to lead. 0:03:54.237,0:03:59.680 Seeking to lead, control, or [br]gain popularity, friendships suffer. 0:03:59.680,0:04:02.740 Friendship is about equality, [br]that's what friendship is. 0:04:02.740,0:04:05.205 Not drinking doesn't make you [br]any less of a friend. 0:04:05.205,0:04:07.540 It's a lie to say otherwise [br]to a drinking buddy. 0:04:07.540,0:04:10.641 Even if you don't touch a drop, [br]as long as you're paying for it, 0:04:10.641,0:04:13.846 they're happy, right? [br](Audience laughter) 0:04:13.846,0:04:17.397 You can go to those gatherings [br]anytime and pay for the drinks 0:04:17.397,0:04:20.050 without having to drink yourself.[br] 0:04:20.050,0:04:23.080 But thinking that [br]not being able to drink 0:04:23.080,0:04:26.670 makes someone a bad friend [br]is completely wrong. 0:04:26.670,0:04:29.460 Just as there are friends [br]who smoke even if you don't. 0:04:29.460,0:04:31.430 There used to be [br]many who smoked. 0:04:31.430,0:04:37.158 If someone wants to smoke [br]and you don't mind, 0:04:37.158,0:04:40.530 you can light their cigarette [br]for them without smoking yourself. 0:04:40.530,0:04:44.350 The questioner has[br]the wrong mindset. 0:04:44.350,0:04:47.410 Friendship should be [br]based on equality. 0:04:47.410,0:04:49.530 The essence of friendship[br]is equality. 0:04:49.530,0:04:54.465 Whether you're a senator[br]or holding a high position, 0:04:54.465,0:05:00.622 flaunting wealth or status to [br]friends breeds resentment. 0:05:00.622,0:05:06.080 Friendship is rooted in equality, [br]so letting go of such notions 0:05:06.080,0:05:10.165 would resolve any issues.[br]It's unnecessary to sulk alone 0:05:10.165,0:05:13.320 in a corner all day.[br]If you don't feel like speaking, 0:05:13.320,0:05:16.421 simply make eye [br]contact and stay silent. 0:05:16.421,0:05:24.314 Always nodding along [br]and speaking if asked. 0:05:24.314,0:05:27.025 Is this difficult to do? 0:05:27.025,0:05:29.827 (Questioner) You're right, thank you. 0:05:29.827,0:05:33.035 (Sunim) Sure.[br](Audience Applause)