0:00:15.112,0:00:17.156 5 LITERACIES SCRIPT NetSmart: 0:00:17.176,0:00:22.913 How to Thrive Online by Howard Rheingold 0:00:23.533,0:00:26.189 Howard Rheingold is a tech guru who teaches[br] 0:00:26.189,0:00:27.768 at Stanford University. 0:00:28.178,0:00:30.308 In his excellent book Net Smart, 0:00:31.094,0:00:34.695 he proposes five literacies that help you thrive online.[br] 0:00:35.419,0:00:37.899 As you move up through these literacies,[br] 0:00:37.899,0:00:40.011 and improve your abilities in each[br] 0:00:40.028,0:00:43.108 of these five areas, you become more Net Smart,[br] 0:00:44.051,0:00:45.901 which Rheingold says is[br] 0:00:46.086,0:00:47.896 “learning to use social media[br] 0:00:47.963,0:00:49.693 intelligently, humanely 0:00:49.719,0:00:52.019 , and above all mindfully." 0:00:53.552,0:00:55.212 The Bronze Medal ideas[br] 0:00:55.384,0:00:58.674 begins with literacies 3, 4 and 5. 0:00:59.439,0:01:01.459 Net smart users PARTICIPATE, 0:01:01.459,0:01:02.619 COLLABORATE 0:01:02.619,0:01:04.331 , and are NETWORK SMART. 0:01:04.464,0:01:06.614 They PARTICIPATE (Literacy #3): 0:01:07.202,0:01:08.892 Net Smart Users are active 0:01:08.892,0:01:10.292 online participants. 0:01:10.386,0:01:14.265 They blog, they comment on blogs, tweet 0:01:14.275,0:01:16.745 and organize online learning communities, 0:01:16.745,0:01:18.053 to name a few. 0:01:18.053,0:01:21.156 Don’t just sit back and be a passive consumer. 0:01:21.752,0:01:23.832 They COLLABORATE (Literacy #4): 0:01:24.582,0:01:28.922 Collective intelligence is in digital communities 0:01:28.922,0:01:30.732 and forums where we share 0:01:30.744,0:01:32.834 and argue and learn together. 0:01:32.886,0:01:35.386 Research at MIT’s[br]‘Center for Collective Intelligence’[br] 0:01:35.420,0:01:37.460 found the smartest groups took[br] 0:01:37.460,0:01:38.670 turns at sharing 0:01:38.670,0:01:41.683 and were the most sensitive to social cues. 0:01:41.683,0:01:43.473 [br]Also, the smartest groups were 0:01:43.473,0:01:45.053 collectively smarter 0:01:45.053,0:01:49.408 than the "smartest" person on the team.