Title: America's downgrade started August 5th 2011 Title: America defaults January 4th 2015 Some people saw disaster, they saw opportunity. Title: America declares bankruptcy March 3rd 2016 Do you find this shocking, the way we live? Title: A generation born into slums by the year 2040 Title: Willing to do any job outsourced by the east ...and to survive some of them have to do jobs that no one in China would do. Title: Human Spam I make money at this job by mentioning products, mentioning brands... I love Timbucks! To Cheng Sao. ...United Mutual Funds... ...Bayview Crest Hospital... ...Quinninellisol, Ributin... I mean basically, I do work... ...it's just not the work they're paying me to do. Title: Digital Janitor You know when you go in-world and signs and stuff are blurred out for copyright reasons? I'm the guy who does that. Title: Silk Gatherers See, what he's using there is called the Claw... He'll use that to grab the goss. See, told ya Harry, good haul today... Our whole family got screwed over when the cloud was repossessed, I mean... all of our data was there, all of it. Network, legal, authenticators... our parents had to start from scratch. Bag it, man! Title: Baby Makers I am very aware that we are very lucky to have any work in robotics, living in the west. There is a market for refurbished babies but you don't get that much for them and it's not, technically, legal. So Karen will just salvage what she can for projects. We don't plan on making babies forever, that's not the plan. I mean maybe if we could afford to move to the east it would make a difference... Title: In the future, jobs suck in a whole new way The Cantonese slang for the indigenous North Americans is "ghosts". And these days, they are more in danger of being invisible to us than ever before. Title: Ghosts With Shit Jobs