If myomectomy is going to be decided for a woman she needs to be prepared for the surgery which includes keeping her NPO overnight securing the IV line, catheterization, and preparing two units of cross matched blood and taking prophylactic antibiotics and the patient is going to the operating theater and put on the table then after the patient is put on general anesthesia, the abdomen is going to be cleaned cleansed with antiseptic solutions, preferably with chlorhexidine or saline and povidone iodine so the surgical site which is to be cleaned with antiseptic solutions includes the area of the between the z sternum up to the mid thigh of the patient then after cleansing with antiseptic solutions the next step is to drape in four quadrants with sterile drapes using these sterile drapes, or with the one single fenestrated drape the abdomen is going to be draped for this surgery an abdominal set and importantany ?? or cautery is needed to decrease ?hemostasis? so after securing that all the needed materials are available, then one can start the surgery