0:00:09.639,0:00:12.160 people of god good morning here we are 0:00:12.160,0:00:15.519 in the nation of South Africa symbolized 0:00:15.519,0:00:17.520 by the flag of this beautiful and 0:00:17.520,0:00:18.880 wonderful 0:00:18.880,0:00:21.519 country God has given us the grace to 0:00:21.519,0:00:24.840 step in the land of South Africa that's 0:00:24.840,0:00:28.720 why we are here to pray for this nation 0:00:28.720,0:00:31.160 we have to pray as God instruct us to 0:00:31.160,0:00:34.760 pray the the scripture say pray for the 0:00:34.760,0:00:37.000 Peace of the nation where you are for 0:00:37.000,0:00:40.520 his progress people of God the Bible 0:00:40.520,0:00:42.920 says in the book of Psalm ask me and I 0:00:42.920,0:00:45.559 will give the nation to inheritance 0:00:45.559,0:00:48.440 today we are here to pray for this 0:00:48.440,0:00:50.800 country everything good needs prayer the 0:00:50.800,0:00:53.760 Bible says righteousness exalt a 0:00:53.760,0:00:57.480 nation why are we praying the scripture 0:00:57.480,0:01:00.840 says every country all the ation of the 0:01:00.840,0:01:02.800 of the earth as the book of Isaiah 0:01:02.800,0:01:06.040 chapter 4 say are like a drop bucket in 0:01:06.040,0:01:08.920 the hand of the most high God we believe 0:01:08.920,0:01:11.479 that Jesus has come to change life to 0:01:11.479,0:01:13.759 change Nations and to change the whole 0:01:13.759,0:01:17.799 world 2 Corinthians chapter 4:3 says it 0:01:17.799,0:01:21.759 is written I believe therefore I speak 0:01:21.759,0:01:24.320 we believe in God's Mighty intervention 0:01:24.320,0:01:26.159 that's why we are here to 0:01:26.159,0:01:29.280 pray we believe in the goodness of God 0:01:29.280,0:01:32.079 who redeem Nations that's why we here to 0:01:32.079,0:01:34.880 pray we are praying to the Father the 0:01:34.880,0:01:38.119 creator of Heaven and the Earth we pray 0:01:38.119,0:01:40.759 for his goodness for this wonderful land 0:01:40.759,0:01:44.719 believing that God will hear us remember 0:01:44.719,0:01:46.640 what the scripture says in that book of 0:01:46.640,0:01:48.640 2 Chronicles 0:01:48.640,0:01:52.240 7:14 God said If my 0:01:52.240,0:01:57.439 people seek my face humble thems and 0:01:57.439,0:02:00.000 pray to me I will hear and I will will 0:02:00.000,0:02:03.560 heal the land every nation of this Earth 0:02:03.560,0:02:06.360 has a challenge but glory be to God God 0:02:06.360,0:02:07.640 Almighty is greater than all the 0:02:07.640,0:02:11.239 challenges May face because we believe 0:02:11.239,0:02:14.440 in the name of Jesus we believe in his 0:02:14.440,0:02:16.640 Redemptive power we believe the all the 0:02:16.640,0:02:18.879 nations are in the hand of the Lord 0:02:18.879,0:02:21.160 that's why we are praying today please 0:02:21.160,0:02:23.720 anywhere you are join me in 0:02:23.720,0:02:26.360 prayer I am not South African but it 0:02:26.360,0:02:29.120 doesn't matter the Bible says any land 0:02:29.120,0:02:31.599 you are pray for the Peace of the 0:02:31.599,0:02:33.239 land 0:02:33.239,0:02:36.080 Jeremiah said in the book of Jeremiah to 0:02:36.080,0:02:38.239 those who Exile in the land of Babylon 0:02:38.239,0:02:39.879 the Lord say pray for the king of 0:02:39.879,0:02:42.159 Babylon pray for the nation pray for the 0:02:42.159,0:02:44.239 prosperity of the nation we are here to 0:02:44.239,0:02:47.239 pray we believe with all our heart that 0:02:47.239,0:02:49.959 God can change the faith of our nation 0:02:49.959,0:02:52.239 God can bless a nation redeem a nation 0:02:52.239,0:02:53.959 and open the flag Gates of Heaven on 0:02:53.959,0:02:57.280 this earth that is why join us to prayer 0:02:57.280,0:03:00.040 today and we believe that the Lord will 0:03:00.040,0:03:00.920 hear 0:03:00.920,0:03:04.840 us what happens when God hear us the 0:03:04.840,0:03:06.599 scripture says in the book of 1 John 0:03:06.599,0:03:10.319 chapter 5 start reading from verse 12 to 0:03:10.319,0:03:14.040 verse 14 we know if God Almighty hear us 0:03:14.040,0:03:16.360 we know that whatever we ask we have the 0:03:16.360,0:03:18.440 petition 0:03:18.440,0:03:22.799 Hallelujah prayer changes Life Changes 0:03:22.799,0:03:25.360 Nation by the power of the almighty God 0:03:25.360,0:03:27.959 we believe today that if you pray the 0:03:27.959,0:03:30.040 Lord will redeem the land God will bless 0:03:30.040,0:03:32.879 the land today in the name of Jesus so 0:03:32.879,0:03:36.400 by faith we bring the nation the whole 0:03:36.400,0:03:40.599 nation and its people and its leaders to 0:03:40.599,0:03:42.799 the presence of God Almighty because we 0:03:42.799,0:03:44.920 believe you pray the Bible says if you 0:03:44.920,0:03:47.120 approach any situation by faith there's 0:03:47.120,0:03:50.200 no limit to what you can achieve some 0:03:50.200,0:03:52.720 may say can we pray for a nation yes it 0:03:52.720,0:03:56.879 is biblical we believe that God can 0:03:56.879,0:04:00.680 bless and restore the glory of a Nation 0:04:00.680,0:04:04.400 God said If my people humble themselves 0:04:04.400,0:04:06.640 I will redeem them and bring them back 0:04:06.640,0:04:08.840 to the place of prosperity that's why we 0:04:08.840,0:04:10.760 are praying today to the god of Abraham 0:04:10.760,0:04:13.360 to the god of Isaac to the god of Jacob 0:04:13.360,0:04:15.879 that his mighty hand intervention will 0:04:15.879,0:04:18.799 come to this place this to restore the 0:04:18.799,0:04:21.840 glory of this nation to restore the 0:04:21.840,0:04:24.560 Peace of this nation his prosperity in 0:04:24.560,0:04:26.880 all area and the people of the 0:04:26.880,0:04:30.600 land no matter the ethnicity no matter 0:04:30.600,0:04:32.639 they raise their color today will come 0:04:32.639,0:04:36.080 together with same mind blessed by God 0:04:36.080,0:04:39.120 to make this nation a light to many 0:04:39.120,0:04:42.199 Nation an example of what God can do 0:04:42.199,0:04:44.120 when a nation come together with one 0:04:44.120,0:04:46.680 heart one mind blessing will overflow in 0:04:46.680,0:04:49.440 the name of Jesus right now join me in 0:04:49.440,0:04:52.400 prayer father we thank 0:04:52.400,0:04:54.880 you you never ask us to pray for 0:04:54.880,0:04:57.320 anything that is not sanctioned by the 0:04:57.320,0:05:00.199 scriptures you said we should pray 0:05:00.199,0:05:02.520 for the Peace of the land we may find 0:05:02.520,0:05:05.120 ourselves in in obedience to your word 0:05:05.120,0:05:07.360 we are praying for the peace for the 0:05:07.360,0:05:09.360 wealth for the security and the 0:05:09.360,0:05:12.680 prosperity of the nation of South Africa 0:05:12.680,0:05:14.560 we believe in you the creator of Heaven 0:05:14.560,0:05:17.199 and Earth that by a word you created the 0:05:17.199,0:05:18.919 heavens the Sea and the ocean and the 0:05:18.919,0:05:21.960 Beautiful c nation we see today and we 0:05:21.960,0:05:24.440 believe by faith in the name of Jesus 0:05:24.440,0:05:26.000 your word can change situation and bring 0:05:26.000,0:05:26.800 your 0:05:26.800,0:05:31.360 blessings Lord I pray I stretch my 0:05:31.360,0:05:35.319 hand to the north to the South to the 0:05:35.319,0:05:39.080 east to the west and said as you said to 0:05:39.080,0:05:42.639 Abraham look around 0:05:42.639,0:05:45.479 you let your Mighty hand rest upon this 0:05:45.479,0:05:48.000 nation in the mighty name of 0:05:48.000,0:05:52.080 Jesus father I pray from today by faith 0:05:52.080,0:05:55.160 in the name of Jesus redeem this land 0:05:55.160,0:05:57.720 redeem this land from Darkness redeem 0:05:57.720,0:05:59.919 this land from failure redeem the this 0:05:59.919,0:06:03.520 land from trouble redeem this land today 0:06:03.520,0:06:06.360 and I pray let your light 0:06:06.360,0:06:09.840 come and dispel every shade of darkness 0:06:09.840,0:06:11.639 in the name of 0:06:11.639,0:06:15.919 Jesus we pray for the Blessed the land 0:06:15.919,0:06:18.800 bless the land bless this land redeem 0:06:18.800,0:06:21.080 the land in the name of Jesus by the 0:06:21.080,0:06:23.160 sprinkling of the blood of Jesus we 0:06:23.160,0:06:26.160 believe every curse be broken today in 0:06:26.160,0:06:28.560 the name of Jesus 0:06:28.560,0:06:32.000 Christ Lord when Noah was born they call 0:06:32.000,0:06:36.120 him Noah they said Noah he will save us 0:06:36.120,0:06:38.759 from the curse of the land that's the 0:06:38.759,0:06:40.120 meaning of that 0:06:40.120,0:06:43.720 name today we 0:06:43.720,0:06:46.840 believe by faith in the name of 0:06:46.840,0:06:50.479 Jesus that this land today you will heal 0:06:50.479,0:06:52.759 this land father heal this land today in 0:06:52.759,0:06:55.360 the name of Jesus heal this nation today 0:06:55.360,0:06:58.080 in the name of Jesus remove all barrier 0:06:58.080,0:07:00.360 in the name of Jesus Christ 0:07:00.360,0:07:02.960 father Break Every curse break every 0:07:02.960,0:07:04.639 Spirit of division be broken in the name 0:07:04.639,0:07:06.720 of Jesus 0:07:06.720,0:07:09.599 Christ father We Believe let your Mighty 0:07:09.599,0:07:11.240 hand come upon this 0:07:11.240,0:07:15.039 nation Let Your Light begin to shine in 0:07:15.039,0:07:16.520 the name of 0:07:16.520,0:07:20.599 Jesus let your favor your mercy begin to 0:07:20.599,0:07:23.680 speak for the land begin to speak every 0:07:23.680,0:07:26.000 section of this land receive grace and 0:07:26.000,0:07:28.440 mercy from heaven in the name of Jesus 0:07:28.440,0:07:30.800 Grace from heaven Grace from Heaven 0:07:30.800,0:07:34.160 Grace from heaven in the name of Jesus 0:07:34.160,0:07:36.680 speak to the Four Winds to bring the ray 0:07:36.680,0:07:38.360 to bring prosperity to the land in the 0:07:38.360,0:07:40.800 name of Jesus bless this nation bless 0:07:40.800,0:07:42.919 this nation bless this land with 0:07:42.919,0:07:45.280 security with peace in the name of Jesus 0:07:45.280,0:07:46.919 in the name of Jesus in the name of 0:07:46.919,0:07:48.240 Jesus 0:07:48.240,0:07:50.800 Christ you granted peace to Solomon to 0:07:50.800,0:07:52.960 build the temple father Grant peace to 0:07:52.960,0:07:56.120 this nation I say peace to the nation of 0:07:56.120,0:07:57.840 South Africa to the north to the South 0:07:57.840,0:07:59.159 to the east to the West in the name of 0:07:59.159,0:08:02.000 Jesus peace of God peace of Heaven peace 0:08:02.000,0:08:04.400 in the name of Jesus 0:08:04.400,0:08:07.840 Christ Lord we commit all the leaders of 0:08:07.840,0:08:10.440 this nation whoever you are irrespective 0:08:10.440,0:08:13.000 of the political party we pray Lord in 0:08:13.000,0:08:15.639 the name of Jesus you touch them visit 0:08:15.639,0:08:17.560 them in your name visit them in your 0:08:17.560,0:08:20.680 power in the name of 0:08:22.000,0:08:25.800 Jesus we pray Lord today that favor and 0:08:25.800,0:08:28.080 mercy begin to speak today in the name 0:08:28.080,0:08:30.840 of Jesus Christ father I pray Holy 0:08:30.840,0:08:34.000 Spirit descend on This Nation descend 0:08:34.000,0:08:37.599 blow a new wind of 0:08:37.640,0:08:42.440 Grace a wind of Grace Upon This Nation 0:08:42.440,0:08:45.279 speak to the element to be favor to give 0:08:45.279,0:08:47.640 favor to this nation to the ocean to the 0:08:47.640,0:08:50.760 sea to the land favor and mercy favor 0:08:50.760,0:08:53.000 and mercy favor and mercy to speak 0:08:53.000,0:08:55.360 prosperity of this nation prosperity of 0:08:55.360,0:08:57.320 this nation prosperity in the name of 0:08:57.320,0:09:00.680 Jesus Christ 0:09:02.320,0:09:06.040 Lord every L you blessed is blessed 0:09:06.040,0:09:09.240 indeed blessed in his fruit be blessed 0:09:09.240,0:09:11.959 in his mineral be blessed be blessed be 0:09:11.959,0:09:16.399 blessed be blessed in the name of Jesus 0:09:16.399,0:09:20.040 Christ Lord we pray for every leader and 0:09:20.040,0:09:22.920 for the people give them the same heart 0:09:22.920,0:09:25.560 give them the same mind under the same 0:09:25.560,0:09:28.959 flag in the name of Jesus let the favor 0:09:28.959,0:09:31.160 of the most high God and the rising of 0:09:31.160,0:09:34.200 the sun illumin this country with Grace 0:09:34.200,0:09:38.040 Grace Grace from God grace from you 0:09:38.040,0:09:41.399 Mercy from you peace from God prosperity 0:09:41.399,0:09:43.040 in the name of Jesus in the name of 0:09:43.040,0:09:46.440 Jesus in the name of Jesus 0:09:47.560,0:09:50.519 Christ Lord the hearts of all rulers are 0:09:50.519,0:09:52.800 in your hand father we commit all the 0:09:52.800,0:09:55.480 rulers of this nation give them the same 0:09:55.480,0:09:59.680 heart a Same Heart a pure heart to rule 0:09:59.680,0:10:01.959 in righteousness in the mighty name of 0:10:01.959,0:10:03.800 Jesus 0:10:03.800,0:10:06.440 Christ Lord I pray against all the 0:10:06.440,0:10:08.959 principality of Darkness that stand 0:10:08.959,0:10:11.120 against the progress of this nation all 0:10:11.120,0:10:13.240 the princip of Darkness Spirit of 0:10:13.240,0:10:14.920 killing stealing destruction we bind 0:10:14.920,0:10:17.760 them in the heaven in the name of Jesus 0:10:17.760,0:10:21.399 Christ Lord every principality Spirit of 0:10:21.399,0:10:23.959 killing stealing destruction to Bring 0:10:23.959,0:10:26.839 Havoc we bind them in the name of Jesus 0:10:26.839,0:10:29.040 in the heavens on the earth under the 0:10:29.040,0:10:32.079 Earth in the name of Jesus Christ by the 0:10:32.079,0:10:34.279 sprinkling of the blood of Jesus this 0:10:34.279,0:10:36.880 nation be redeemed the land be redeemed 0:10:36.880,0:10:39.000 be redeemed be redeemed in the name of 0:10:39.000,0:10:41.079 Jesus restore the glory of this nation 0:10:41.079,0:10:42.920 Lord restore the glory of this nation 0:10:42.920,0:10:44.680 Lord restore the glory of this nation 0:10:44.680,0:10:47.120 Lord restore the glory of this nation in 0:10:47.120,0:10:49.600 the mighty name of Jesus Christ in the 0:10:49.600,0:10:52.680 blood of Jesus we sprinkle the precious 0:10:52.680,0:10:55.240 blood on this land father forgive the 0:10:55.240,0:10:58.600 sin of the land forgive forgive the past 0:10:58.600,0:11:02.000 be over the P be over the P be over in 0:11:02.000,0:11:06.240 the name of Jesus father bring a new era 0:11:06.240,0:11:10.000 of this nation a new era with peace with 0:11:10.000,0:11:13.079 peace with joy with prosperity with 0:11:13.079,0:11:15.720 development in the name of Jesus make 0:11:15.720,0:11:17.440 this nation to shine around all the 0:11:17.440,0:11:18.880 nation of this Earth in the name of 0:11:18.880,0:11:22.200 Jesus let this nation become an example 0:11:22.200,0:11:25.120 an example an example under the banner 0:11:25.120,0:11:27.639 of Love of righteousness to all nations 0:11:27.639,0:11:29.839 in the name of Jesus in the name of 0:11:29.839,0:11:33.240 Jesus in the name of Jesus 0:11:34.200,0:11:37.839 Christ Lord you are the lord of the 0:11:37.839,0:11:40.959 rain father I pray shower the rain from 0:11:40.959,0:11:43.880 heaven in this land let this land never 0:11:43.880,0:11:46.959 thirst in the name of Jesus let the land 0:11:46.959,0:11:49.040 never thirst in the name of Jesus the 0:11:49.040,0:11:53.040 land never thirst in the name of Jesus 0:11:57.040,0:12:01.600 Christ father I pray Inspire the leaders 0:12:01.600,0:12:05.360 Inspire those who lead in politics in 0:12:05.360,0:12:07.560 economics all the vital area of this 0:12:07.560,0:12:10.320 nation Inspire them with new ideas from 0:12:10.320,0:12:13.600 Heaven Inspire them Lord in the mighty 0:12:13.600,0:12:16.279 name of Jesus let them prosper in their 0:12:16.279,0:12:18.720 undertakings let them Prosper Prosper 0:12:18.720,0:12:21.079 Prosper prosper in the mighty name of 0:12:21.079,0:12:24.160 Jesus I pray the infrastructure of this 0:12:24.160,0:12:27.000 nation be rebuilt be prospered in the 0:12:27.000,0:12:29.320 name of Jesus give them the same heart 0:12:29.320,0:12:32.920 say mind Lord in the name of 0:12:32.920,0:12:36.120 Jesus shelter them Lord Under The Shadow 0:12:36.120,0:12:37.279 of Your 0:12:37.279,0:12:39.720 Mercy shelter This Nation Under The 0:12:39.720,0:12:42.800 Shadow of Your Grace shelter this nation 0:12:42.800,0:12:44.639 under the shadow of your 0:12:44.639,0:12:48.760 protection Lord any plan of Satan of the 0:12:48.760,0:12:51.920 evil one be cancelled in the name of 0:12:51.920,0:12:54.839 Jesus any plan of Darkness against this 0:12:54.839,0:12:57.519 nation be cancelled in the name of Jesus 0:12:57.519,0:12:59.680 be cancelled in the name of Jesus be 0:12:59.680,0:13:02.320 cancelled in the name of Jesus Christ 0:13:02.320,0:13:04.959 any plan of division be canceled in the 0:13:04.959,0:13:07.399 name of Jesus any plan of Destruction be 0:13:07.399,0:13:10.199 canceled in the name of Jesus 0:13:10.199,0:13:13.000 Christ any Spirit of corruption Lord be 0:13:13.000,0:13:15.040 bound in the Heavenly Realms in the name 0:13:15.040,0:13:17.360 of Jesus Christ stir the hearts of these 0:13:17.360,0:13:19.959 people stir the mind for good governance 0:13:19.959,0:13:21.519 stir the mind to do what is right in 0:13:21.519,0:13:24.920 your sight in the name of Jesus 0:13:26.160,0:13:29.399 Christ Lord give the nation one heart 0:13:29.399,0:13:32.600 give the nation one mind one heart one 0:13:32.600,0:13:36.240 mind in the name of 0:13:36.959,0:13:40.600 Jesus bless them in every area of Life 0:13:40.600,0:13:42.680 bless them in every area of their life 0:13:42.680,0:13:45.360 in the name of Jesus Christ bless them 0:13:45.360,0:13:47.279 in the economy bless them in the 0:13:47.279,0:13:49.760 government bless them bless them bless 0:13:49.760,0:13:51.680 them bless them in Jesus name father I'm 0:13:51.680,0:13:53.880 praying for the Youth of this nation a 0:13:53.880,0:13:56.759 new generation a new generation a new 0:13:56.759,0:13:59.120 generation started by your spirit in the 0:13:59.120,0:14:01.399 the name of Jesus under the same flag to 0:14:01.399,0:14:04.279 live together one same heart and mind 0:14:04.279,0:14:06.680 for prosperous way for prosperity in the 0:14:06.680,0:14:08.680 name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in 0:14:08.680,0:14:11.079 the name of Jesus Christ let your light 0:14:11.079,0:14:13.120 shine on This Nation let your light 0:14:13.120,0:14:15.320 shine on this flag give favor to this 0:14:15.320,0:14:18.000 nation among the nation favor favor and 0:14:18.000,0:14:21.519 mercy in the name of Jesus 0:14:23.560,0:14:27.639 Christ Lord bless them with intelligence 0:14:27.639,0:14:30.240 bless those working in RK search bless 0:14:30.240,0:14:32.160 them to find something special in this 0:14:32.160,0:14:35.480 nation in the name of Jesus let them 0:14:35.480,0:14:38.160 discover new things new resources for 0:14:38.160,0:14:40.199 this nation in the name of Jesus in the 0:14:40.199,0:14:42.320 name of Jesus in the mighty name of 0:14:42.320,0:14:44.600 Jesus Christ let there be peace let 0:14:44.600,0:14:47.040 there be prosperity in the name of Jesus 0:14:47.040,0:14:49.240 let there be light in the name of Jesus 0:14:49.240,0:14:52.440 let there be progress progress progress 0:14:52.440,0:14:54.880 progress in the name of Jesus 0:14:54.880,0:14:58.279 Christ Lord we bring this flag by faith 0:14:58.279,0:15:00.079 in the name of Jesus before the throne 0:15:00.079,0:15:00.800 of 0:15:00.800,0:15:04.040 grace Lord redeem this flag redeem this 0:15:04.040,0:15:06.480 nation bless this nation in the name of 0:15:06.480,0:15:08.720 Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name 0:15:08.720,0:15:10.880 of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the 0:15:10.880,0:15:12.440 name of Jesus 0:15:12.440,0:15:15.360 Christ Lord let your eyes of mercy be 0:15:15.360,0:15:18.000 upon here this land stretch forth your 0:15:18.000,0:15:21.320 Mighty hand to protect to bless to 0:15:21.320,0:15:23.880 redeem and to restore I pray for 0:15:23.880,0:15:26.880 restoration restoration restoration of 0:15:26.880,0:15:29.319 the glory of this nation restoration 0:15:29.319,0:15:31.720 restoration of the glory of this nation 0:15:31.720,0:15:33.680 you have said Lord the glory of this 0:15:33.680,0:15:35.279 nation shall be better than before 0:15:35.279,0:15:37.440 father We Believe In The Name of Jesus 0:15:37.440,0:15:40.680 restore this nation in glory in power in 0:15:40.680,0:15:43.880 honor in prosperity in peace in unity in 0:15:43.880,0:15:45.880 the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus 0:15:45.880,0:15:47.839 in the name of Jesus in the mighty name 0:15:47.839,0:15:50.720 of Jesus Christ we 0:15:51.000,0:15:54.880 pray let there be peace let there be 0:15:54.880,0:15:57.880 Prosperity Let There Be breakthrough let 0:15:57.880,0:16:01.079 there be light Let There Be progress 0:16:01.079,0:16:03.800 progress Lift This Nation up Lord and 0:16:03.800,0:16:06.360 make it shine among the nations in the 0:16:06.360,0:16:08.920 mighty name of Jesus Christ in the 0:16:08.920,0:16:11.120 mighty name of Jesus Christ in the 0:16:11.120,0:16:14.480 mighty name of Jesus Christ in Jesus 0:16:14.480,0:16:16.600 Christ 0:16:16.600,0:16:19.160 name touch the heart of every person 0:16:19.160,0:16:23.720 Lord Jesus use the people use every 0:16:23.720,0:16:26.839 person in this country Lord to be 0:16:26.839,0:16:29.440 prosperous in the mighty name of Jesus 0:16:29.440,0:16:31.399 in the mighty name of Jesus touch their 0:16:31.399,0:16:33.759 heart touch their mind touch their soul 0:16:33.759,0:16:36.079 let they be future for the young future 0:16:36.079,0:16:38.240 future future for the you Feature 0:16:38.240,0:16:40.800 Feature A good feature good feature in 0:16:40.800,0:16:43.199 the name of Jesus Christ thank you 0:16:43.199,0:16:45.240 Father for hearing our prayer thank you 0:16:45.240,0:16:47.040 for restoring this nation thank you for 0:16:47.040,0:16:49.519 blessing this nation for new ideas new 0:16:49.519,0:16:51.440 Prosperity a new error a new 0:16:51.440,0:16:53.519 breakthrough for this nation in the name 0:16:53.519,0:16:56.160 of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus 0:16:56.160,0:16:58.480 Christ in the mighty name of Jesus South 0:16:58.480,0:17:01.680 Africa be blessed be redeemed be 0:17:01.680,0:17:04.400 protected in the name of Jesus we pray 0:17:04.400,0:17:08.199 amen amen amen Amen in Jesus name thank 0:17:08.199,0:17:09.079 you 0:17:09.079,0:17:12.559 Lord thank you Jesus thank you Lord we 0:17:12.559,0:17:16.240 believe you have heard we believe you 0:17:16.240,0:17:18.400 Reign let your Mighty Grace rest upon 0:17:18.400,0:17:20.679 this nation father we pray in the name 0:17:20.679,0:17:22.640 of Jesus Christ in the blood of Jesus 0:17:22.640,0:17:24.839 Christ in the power of your spirit let 0:17:24.839,0:17:26.600 the Holy Spirit descend on This Nation 0:17:26.600,0:17:29.640 Lord descend on This Nation touch the 0:17:29.640,0:17:31.720 heart of the body of Christ in this 0:17:31.720,0:17:33.679 nation in the name of Jesus your 0:17:33.679,0:17:35.679 visitation your visitation your 0:17:35.679,0:17:37.600 visitation on the believer your 0:17:37.600,0:17:39.880 visitation and your light Jesus you are 0:17:39.880,0:17:42.440 the light of the world John 8:12 let 0:17:42.440,0:17:44.880 your light shine in this nation in the 0:17:44.880,0:17:48.039 name of Jesus in the name of Jesus 0:17:48.039,0:17:50.880 revive strengthen all the body of Christ 0:17:50.880,0:17:53.120 in this nation in the name of Jesus in 0:17:53.120,0:17:55.320 the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus 0:17:55.320,0:17:57.960 in the name of Jesus Christ amen thank 0:17:57.960,0:17:59.360 you Lord 0:17:59.360,0:18:01.880 thank you Jesus thank you Holy Spirit in 0:18:01.880,0:18:05.720 Jesus name amen