people of god good morning here we are
in the nation of South Africa symbolized
by the flag of this beautiful and
country God has given us the grace to
step in the land of South Africa that's
why we are here to pray for this nation
we have to pray as God instruct us to
pray the the scripture say pray for the
Peace of the nation where you are for
his progress people of God the Bible
says in the book of Psalm ask me and I
will give the nation to inheritance
today we are here to pray for this
country everything good needs prayer the
Bible says righteousness exalt a
nation why are we praying the scripture
says every country all the ation of the
of the earth as the book of Isaiah
chapter 4 say are like a drop bucket in
the hand of the most high God we believe
that Jesus has come to change life to
change Nations and to change the whole
world 2 Corinthians chapter 4:3 says it
is written I believe therefore I speak
we believe in God's Mighty intervention
that's why we are here to
pray we believe in the goodness of God
who redeem Nations that's why we here to
pray we are praying to the Father the
creator of Heaven and the Earth we pray
for his goodness for this wonderful land
believing that God will hear us remember
what the scripture says in that book of
2 Chronicles
7:14 God said If my
people seek my face humble thems and
pray to me I will hear and I will will
heal the land every nation of this Earth
has a challenge but glory be to God God
Almighty is greater than all the
challenges May face because we believe
in the name of Jesus we believe in his
Redemptive power we believe the all the
nations are in the hand of the Lord
that's why we are praying today please
anywhere you are join me in
prayer I am not South African but it
doesn't matter the Bible says any land
you are pray for the Peace of the
Jeremiah said in the book of Jeremiah to
those who Exile in the land of Babylon
the Lord say pray for the king of
Babylon pray for the nation pray for the
prosperity of the nation we are here to
pray we believe with all our heart that
God can change the faith of our nation
God can bless a nation redeem a nation
and open the flag Gates of Heaven on
this earth that is why join us to prayer
today and we believe that the Lord will
us what happens when God hear us the
scripture says in the book of 1 John
chapter 5 start reading from verse 12 to
verse 14 we know if God Almighty hear us
we know that whatever we ask we have the
Hallelujah prayer changes Life Changes
Nation by the power of the almighty God
we believe today that if you pray the
Lord will redeem the land God will bless
the land today in the name of Jesus so
by faith we bring the nation the whole
nation and its people and its leaders to
the presence of God Almighty because we
believe you pray the Bible says if you
approach any situation by faith there's
no limit to what you can achieve some
may say can we pray for a nation yes it
is biblical we believe that God can
bless and restore the glory of a Nation
God said If my people humble themselves
I will redeem them and bring them back
to the place of prosperity that's why we
are praying today to the god of Abraham
to the god of Isaac to the god of Jacob
that his mighty hand intervention will
come to this place this to restore the
glory of this nation to restore the
Peace of this nation his prosperity in
all area and the people of the
land no matter the ethnicity no matter
they raise their color today will come
together with same mind blessed by God
to make this nation a light to many
Nation an example of what God can do
when a nation come together with one
heart one mind blessing will overflow in
the name of Jesus right now join me in
prayer father we thank
you you never ask us to pray for
anything that is not sanctioned by the
scriptures you said we should pray
for the Peace of the land we may find
ourselves in in obedience to your word
we are praying for the peace for the
wealth for the security and the
prosperity of the nation of South Africa
we believe in you the creator of Heaven
and Earth that by a word you created the
heavens the Sea and the ocean and the
Beautiful c nation we see today and we
believe by faith in the name of Jesus
your word can change situation and bring
blessings Lord I pray I stretch my
hand to the north to the South to the
east to the west and said as you said to
Abraham look around
you let your Mighty hand rest upon this
nation in the mighty name of
Jesus father I pray from today by faith
in the name of Jesus redeem this land
redeem this land from Darkness redeem
this land from failure redeem the this
land from trouble redeem this land today
and I pray let your light
come and dispel every shade of darkness
in the name of
Jesus we pray for the Blessed the land
bless the land bless this land redeem
the land in the name of Jesus by the
sprinkling of the blood of Jesus we
believe every curse be broken today in
the name of Jesus
Christ Lord when Noah was born they call
him Noah they said Noah he will save us
from the curse of the land that's the
meaning of that
name today we
believe by faith in the name of
Jesus that this land today you will heal
this land father heal this land today in
the name of Jesus heal this nation today
in the name of Jesus remove all barrier
in the name of Jesus Christ
father Break Every curse break every
Spirit of division be broken in the name
of Jesus
Christ father We Believe let your Mighty
hand come upon this
nation Let Your Light begin to shine in
the name of
Jesus let your favor your mercy begin to
speak for the land begin to speak every
section of this land receive grace and
mercy from heaven in the name of Jesus
Grace from heaven Grace from Heaven
Grace from heaven in the name of Jesus
speak to the Four Winds to bring the ray
to bring prosperity to the land in the
name of Jesus bless this nation bless
this nation bless this land with
security with peace in the name of Jesus
in the name of Jesus in the name of
Christ you granted peace to Solomon to
build the temple father Grant peace to
this nation I say peace to the nation of
South Africa to the north to the South
to the east to the West in the name of
Jesus peace of God peace of Heaven peace
in the name of Jesus
Christ Lord we commit all the leaders of
this nation whoever you are irrespective
of the political party we pray Lord in
the name of Jesus you touch them visit
them in your name visit them in your
power in the name of
Jesus we pray Lord today that favor and
mercy begin to speak today in the name
of Jesus Christ father I pray Holy
Spirit descend on This Nation descend
blow a new wind of
Grace a wind of Grace Upon This Nation
speak to the element to be favor to give
favor to this nation to the ocean to the
sea to the land favor and mercy favor
and mercy favor and mercy to speak
prosperity of this nation prosperity of
this nation prosperity in the name of
Jesus Christ
Lord every L you blessed is blessed
indeed blessed in his fruit be blessed
in his mineral be blessed be blessed be
blessed be blessed in the name of Jesus
Christ Lord we pray for every leader and
for the people give them the same heart
give them the same mind under the same
flag in the name of Jesus let the favor
of the most high God and the rising of
the sun illumin this country with Grace
Grace Grace from God grace from you
Mercy from you peace from God prosperity
in the name of Jesus in the name of
Jesus in the name of Jesus
Christ Lord the hearts of all rulers are
in your hand father we commit all the
rulers of this nation give them the same
heart a Same Heart a pure heart to rule
in righteousness in the mighty name of
Christ Lord I pray against all the
principality of Darkness that stand
against the progress of this nation all
the princip of Darkness Spirit of
killing stealing destruction we bind
them in the heaven in the name of Jesus
Christ Lord every principality Spirit of
killing stealing destruction to Bring
Havoc we bind them in the name of Jesus
in the heavens on the earth under the
Earth in the name of Jesus Christ by the
sprinkling of the blood of Jesus this
nation be redeemed the land be redeemed
be redeemed be redeemed in the name of
Jesus restore the glory of this nation
Lord restore the glory of this nation
Lord restore the glory of this nation
Lord restore the glory of this nation in
the mighty name of Jesus Christ in the
blood of Jesus we sprinkle the precious
blood on this land father forgive the
sin of the land forgive forgive the past
be over the P be over the P be over in
the name of Jesus father bring a new era
of this nation a new era with peace with
peace with joy with prosperity with
development in the name of Jesus make
this nation to shine around all the
nation of this Earth in the name of
Jesus let this nation become an example
an example an example under the banner
of Love of righteousness to all nations
in the name of Jesus in the name of
Jesus in the name of Jesus
Christ Lord you are the lord of the
rain father I pray shower the rain from
heaven in this land let this land never
thirst in the name of Jesus let the land
never thirst in the name of Jesus the
land never thirst in the name of Jesus
Christ father I pray Inspire the leaders
Inspire those who lead in politics in
economics all the vital area of this
nation Inspire them with new ideas from
Heaven Inspire them Lord in the mighty
name of Jesus let them prosper in their
undertakings let them Prosper Prosper
Prosper prosper in the mighty name of
Jesus I pray the infrastructure of this
nation be rebuilt be prospered in the
name of Jesus give them the same heart
say mind Lord in the name of
Jesus shelter them Lord Under The Shadow
of Your
Mercy shelter This Nation Under The
Shadow of Your Grace shelter this nation
under the shadow of your
protection Lord any plan of Satan of the
evil one be cancelled in the name of
Jesus any plan of Darkness against this
nation be cancelled in the name of Jesus
be cancelled in the name of Jesus be
cancelled in the name of Jesus Christ
any plan of division be canceled in the
name of Jesus any plan of Destruction be
canceled in the name of Jesus
Christ any Spirit of corruption Lord be
bound in the Heavenly Realms in the name
of Jesus Christ stir the hearts of these
people stir the mind for good governance
stir the mind to do what is right in
your sight in the name of Jesus
Christ Lord give the nation one heart
give the nation one mind one heart one
mind in the name of
Jesus bless them in every area of Life
bless them in every area of their life
in the name of Jesus Christ bless them
in the economy bless them in the
government bless them bless them bless
them bless them in Jesus name father I'm
praying for the Youth of this nation a
new generation a new generation a new
generation started by your spirit in the
the name of Jesus under the same flag to
live together one same heart and mind
for prosperous way for prosperity in the
name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in
the name of Jesus Christ let your light
shine on This Nation let your light
shine on this flag give favor to this
nation among the nation favor favor and
mercy in the name of Jesus
Christ Lord bless them with intelligence
bless those working in RK search bless
them to find something special in this
nation in the name of Jesus let them
discover new things new resources for
this nation in the name of Jesus in the
name of Jesus in the mighty name of
Jesus Christ let there be peace let
there be prosperity in the name of Jesus
let there be light in the name of Jesus
let there be progress progress progress
progress in the name of Jesus
Christ Lord we bring this flag by faith
in the name of Jesus before the throne
grace Lord redeem this flag redeem this
nation bless this nation in the name of
Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name
of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the
name of Jesus
Christ Lord let your eyes of mercy be
upon here this land stretch forth your
Mighty hand to protect to bless to
redeem and to restore I pray for
restoration restoration restoration of
the glory of this nation restoration
restoration of the glory of this nation
you have said Lord the glory of this
nation shall be better than before
father We Believe In The Name of Jesus
restore this nation in glory in power in
honor in prosperity in peace in unity in
the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus
in the name of Jesus in the mighty name
of Jesus Christ we
pray let there be peace let there be
Prosperity Let There Be breakthrough let
there be light Let There Be progress
progress Lift This Nation up Lord and
make it shine among the nations in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ in Jesus
name touch the heart of every person
Lord Jesus use the people use every
person in this country Lord to be
prosperous in the mighty name of Jesus
in the mighty name of Jesus touch their
heart touch their mind touch their soul
let they be future for the young future
future future for the you Feature
Feature A good feature good feature in
the name of Jesus Christ thank you
Father for hearing our prayer thank you
for restoring this nation thank you for
blessing this nation for new ideas new
Prosperity a new error a new
breakthrough for this nation in the name
of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus
Christ in the mighty name of Jesus South
Africa be blessed be redeemed be
protected in the name of Jesus we pray
amen amen amen Amen in Jesus name thank
Lord thank you Jesus thank you Lord we
believe you have heard we believe you
Reign let your Mighty Grace rest upon
this nation father we pray in the name
of Jesus Christ in the blood of Jesus
Christ in the power of your spirit let
the Holy Spirit descend on This Nation
Lord descend on This Nation touch the
heart of the body of Christ in this
nation in the name of Jesus your
visitation your visitation your
visitation on the believer your
visitation and your light Jesus you are
the light of the world John 8:12 let
your light shine in this nation in the
name of Jesus in the name of Jesus
revive strengthen all the body of Christ
in this nation in the name of Jesus in
the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus
in the name of Jesus Christ amen thank
you Lord
thank you Jesus thank you Holy Spirit in
Jesus name amen