(Bell) (Spanish) Why do the sisters have more precepts than the brothers? Is it because women in our society have any special problems? Don't you believe, Thay, that men at least as many special precepts? (English) Dear Thay, I do not understand why sisters need more precepts than brothers. If it is because women have special problems, don't you think that brothers would need at least the same number of specific precepts? I agree with you. (Laughter) But you should know that the brothers did not impose these precepts on the sisters. The sisters wanted to have more precepts of their own accord. (Sister Pine) Could we have a Spanish translator? That is truly what happened. It is not the Buddha who wanted the sisters to have more precepts than the brothers. It is because, living in the Bhikshuni community, the sisters found out they should have special precepts. And that is why they have added a number of precepts. It is not true that the brothers or the Buddha imposed these precepts on them. And if the sisters want to remove them, they are welcome to do so. But they do not want to. They think that they are better off with these precepts. Thank you. (Bell)