Hi everyone, thanks for tuning into this video.
My name's India Harville,
and I'm asking for money for
an upcoming mixed abilities dance training
I'm doing with Danceability.
Mixed abilities dance is an art form
that includes all types of people
inside of the world of dance.
From people who are Deaf,
to people who are blind,
to anyone with any kind of disability.
So it's an amazing experience
where everyone can be included.
About 6 years ago
I was diagnosed with something called
Complex Migraines.
My migraines are a little more intense
than the average migraine,
and they include seizures, paralysis,
and other tough neurological symptoms.
Before that, I loved dancing.
It was my favourite thing to do in the world.
And once I got sick, I couldn't do it.
And all I wanted to do
was get back to dancing.
And then I got a wheelchair.
And I started going to classes in a wheelchair,
and that was awesome.
I was finally back in the classroom.
But it didn't always work in some classes.
Some classes weren't made for a dancer
who was using a wheelchair.
And so, I had to find places where I could dance
in my chair, and out of my chair.
And that's when I discovered
mixed abilities dance.
I've had a wonderful time dancing with all kinds
of dancers in the mixed abilities community.
Deaf folks, blind folks, you name it.
I'm actually in a company
that does mixed abilities dance.
So take a peek at this clip
of our work in progress.
So here are all the details.
There are 2 parts to this training.
One's in May, one's in December,
both are in Austin Texas.
Danceability -the company sponsoring the training-
already gave me a scholarship for
half the tuition. WOOHOO!! YES!
So that's halfway there.
Now I need to raise $6,000
to cover all of my other expenses.
Now I need to raise the other $900 for tuition;
then I'll also need 2 round trip tickets to Texas;
I'll need to rent a car and be able to
keep my wheelchair with me;
I'll need housing while I'm there;
I'll also need to make sure I can keep my
very strict paleo diet that supports my health;
and I'll need some money for my attendants
who help me get ready to travel
and who help me
when I come home from traveling.
Cause traveling is still very hard on my body.
Any contribution you can make
will help so much.
Because without your support, I won't be able
to make this trip happen.
So thank you for watching this video,
and have a great day.