[Mara Montalbano] It's this cop's job to keep the British Prime Minister safe, and, while he's at it, help her cat stay dry. [Classical music.] Larry is the resident cat and 'mouser in chief' at 10 Downing street in London. He mostly wanders around outside, greets the guests, and helps the guards keep watch over the place. He enjoys the occasional back rub. But, not from everyone. But when rain starts to fall, Larry heads home, and since 10 Downing doesn't have a pet door, he has to wait for someone to let him inside. He gets lucky when visitors show up, or leave; but, on this day, the officer standing watch took pity on this kitty, and knocked for him. [Upbeat music.] Others have done it in the past, and it just seems like it comes with the territory on this job. Larry was adopted from a rescue shelter, by former Prime Minster David Cameron, in 2011. And he stayed behind when Cameron left office. These days, Larry is roommates with Theresa May, and seems to enjoy 'photo-bombing' her, as she negotiates Britain's exit from the European Union. While his country is trying to get out, Larry just wants to get in. [Upbeat music.] For InsideEdition.com, I'm Mara Montalbano.