00:00:00.120 --> 00:00:04.520
Hi everyone, this is X-Raym,
for the 6th part of our ReaScript tutorial.
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Imagine that we want our previous
transformation to be applied
00:00:09.809 --> 00:00:14.320
on items in time selection
rather than on selected one
00:00:14.359 --> 00:00:19.399
I clean that... car we will start
where we stopped.
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In order to get items in time selection,
00:00:25.000 --> 00:00:31.399
I will search in the doc how to get
this time selection.
00:00:38.759 --> 00:00:41.759
I take the second function, as it is
more complete.
00:00:41.799 --> 00:00:43.959
I paste it here.
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I clean up a bit before
renaming the variables.
00:00:52.039 --> 00:00:54.479
I add = here...
00:00:54.520 --> 00:00:59.240
Current project is 0
00:00:59.640 --> 00:01:03.799
Set means that you can define new
values, or get the actual ones.
00:01:03.840 --> 00:01:08.920
It expect a bolean value, so I writte false
(for Get.)
00:01:09.000 --> 00:01:11.159
I don't want to define a new selection.
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IsLoop is false too,
as I want the Time selection.
00:01:17.519 --> 00:01:19.359
For Loop, it would be true.
00:01:19.400 --> 00:01:25.000
Here I put 0 cause it needs a number,
and here too.
00:01:25.040 --> 00:01:30.080
And here I set false.
00:01:30.159 --> 00:01:33.159
GetSet_LoopTimeRange2 returns two values
00:01:33.239 --> 00:01:39.919
I name the first start_time,
and the second end_time.
00:01:39.959 --> 00:01:47.959
Reacap: I use GetSet_LoopTimeRange2 to get
start and end time of the time selection
00:01:52.079 --> 00:01:56.079
without setting new value.
00:01:56.120 --> 00:02:01.640
And here I have to set 0 because this function
expect number as 4th and 5th argument,
00:02:01.719 --> 00:02:05.640
but it will have no influence on
the returned values.
00:02:05.680 --> 00:02:11.240
If there is no time selection,
start_time and end_time will be equal.
00:02:11.280 --> 00:02:13.719
So, I will add a conditions.
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If start_time is different than end_time
00:02:20.400 --> 00:02:23.800
in other words, if there
is a time selection,
00:02:23.840 --> 00:02:26.280
then, run the following part.
00:02:26.319 --> 00:02:30.879
Now I will have to get the items
that are in time selection.
00:02:30.960 --> 00:02:34.879
I will first put a function to count
the number of items in the project.
00:02:42.240 --> 00:02:45.840
00:02:48.360 --> 00:02:54.640
I name my variable count_items, I paste
this. I set 0 for current project.
00:02:54.680 --> 00:02:56.599
I create a loop.
00:02:59.479 --> 00:03:04.159
For i = 0, count_items - 1,
- 1 because we start i at 0
00:03:04.199 --> 00:03:12.199
Reaper. SetMedialtemlnfo_Value()
00:03:14.960 --> 00:03:22.080
as third parameters, I set the new value,
which is item_mouse_fadeout
00:03:23.840 --> 00:03:31.360
We will create the variable item,
00:03:33.360 --> 00:03:41.040
and to get an item based on is index
in the project, it is GetMedialtem
00:03:46.520 --> 00:03:54.520
project is 0, and inddex integer is i,
our incrementation variable.
00:03:56.400 --> 00:04:04.400
I will add else to display a message
if there is no time selection.
00:04:07.319 --> 00:04:10.596
As you can see, if
start_time is different than
00:04:10.597 --> 00:04:13.599
end_time aka, if there
is a time selection,
00:04:13.639 --> 00:04:18.240
all this get executed, else a message
will be displayed in the console.
00:04:18.319 --> 00:04:23.079
If delete the time selection and
put the mouse under no item
00:04:23.319 --> 00:04:25.719
A message told me that I don't have
any item under the mouse.
00:04:25.759 --> 00:04:32.680
If I execute the script over an item, but
without time selection, a message will warn me.
00:04:33.319 --> 00:04:37.800
If I make a time selection, and that
I run the script hover an item.
00:04:37.879 --> 00:04:45.879
It works. However, at this time, I didn't make any
conditions to check if the item is in time selection or not,
00:04:46.879 --> 00:04:50.360
to check if we modify its
fade-out length value or not.
00:04:50.439 --> 00:04:54.319
As you can see, the script has an effect
an all items, in time selection or not.
00:04:54.360 --> 00:04:58.291
I will have to get the items
position and its length and
00:04:58.292 --> 00:05:02.360
add a new conditions, before
modify their fade-out length.
00:05:05.040 --> 00:05:07.520
Item_pos =
00:05:08.240 --> 00:05:10.360
I copy that.
00:05:12.079 --> 00:05:18.959
The position is "D_POSITION.
It is not
00:05:19.680 --> 00:05:25.879
I duplicate and I rename it to item_length
00:05:26.439 --> 00:05:30.879
length parameter is "D_LENGTH"...
00:05:30.959 --> 00:05:35.000
This parameters value can be find in
the doc at GetMedialtemlnfo_Value
00:05:35.040 --> 00:05:36.800
here are "D_POSITION"
and "D_LENGTH"
00:05:36.879 --> 00:05:41.800
There is not Item End parameter, so I will
create a small calculation...
00:05:41.839 --> 00:05:49.839
item_end = item_pos + item_len
00:05:51.240 --> 00:05:57.360
Now I have to check that item start (item
pos) and item end are in the time selection
00:05:57.399 --> 00:06:00.239
I will write the following condition:
00:06:00.319 --> 00:06:08.319
I prepare the room...
00:06:11.040 --> 00:06:19.040
If... item position is after than
time selection start...
00:06:24.560 --> 00:06:32.560
and that item position is before than
time selection end...
00:06:34.839 --> 00:06:41.679
I put that bewteen parenthis as all that
should be compared to another possibilities...
00:06:41.720 --> 00:06:43.920
OR (of if)
00:06:47.439 --> 00:06:55.439
item end is after time selection start,
and before end of time selection
00:07:13.319 --> 00:07:18.360
Then run the set fade-out length function.
00:07:18.439 --> 00:07:22.613
It is a complicated condition,
but we only try to find ways
00:07:22.614 --> 00:07:26.439
to see if an item is inside
the time selection or not.
00:07:30.160 --> 00:07:33.360
Let's analyse the function.
It tells the following thing:
00:07:33.439 --> 00:07:41.439
if item position is after time selection
start and below time selection end,
00:07:43.519 --> 00:07:47.680
it means that if the item position is between
here and here, the set functions is executed.
00:07:47.720 --> 00:07:53.120
Indeed, the item belong to the
time selection.
00:07:53.160 --> 00:07:57.287
2nd conditions: or if the item end
is after time selection start
00:07:57.288 --> 00:08:01.160
and before time selection end,
the set function is executed.
00:08:07.120 --> 00:08:10.360
There is a 3rd case.
00:08:12.040 --> 00:08:20.040
If item start is before time selection start
and item end is after time selection end,
00:08:26.720 --> 00:08:31.680
I will add this other condition...
00:08:31.759 --> 00:08:39.759
If item pos is before time selection start,
and if item end is after time selection end
00:08:51.639 --> 00:08:58.520
I put in place the third case described...
00:08:59.360 --> 00:09:06.000
If item is at time selection start, end,
all over, or outside
00:09:07.600 --> 00:09:09.560
I set fades.
00:09:10.120 --> 00:09:13.200
And I run this script, from this item.
00:09:13.240 --> 00:09:15.480
As you can see, all happend
as expected (item under mouse
00:09:15.481 --> 00:09:17.762
(fade-out length get propagated
to item in time selection).
00:09:17.840 --> 00:09:22.920
In the next video, we will see how to
get items according to selected tracks,
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and we will continue to develop our script
in order to learn new functions. See ya!