0:00:17.710,0:00:19.423 Goldegg Castle 0:00:32.064,0:00:35.296 food sovereignty 0:00:38.287,0:00:46.356 The goal of the forum for food sovereignty is to strengthen the movement and to connect all the people working on food sovereignty 0:00:46.381,0:00:55.761 and to invent new strategies and ideas on how to reach a world that has food sovereignty implemented. 0:01:04.180,0:01:09.690 Half a year before the forum started people met in the different regions of austria... 0:01:09.796,0:01:18.916 ...to network and prepare the topics for the forum. 0:01:20.694,0:01:26.414 Food sovereignty has a lot to do with regional networks and with autonomy. 0:01:26.633,0:01:35.976 This System, the value chain should be as fair and just as possible, for humans and nature. 0:01:35.976,0:01:38.301 And this is hard indeed. 0:01:38.321,0:01:40.325 But we try it! 0:01:40.978,0:01:49.748 My connection to food sovereignty in everyday life is that I obtain my food from alternative distribution systems. 0:01:50.008,0:01:58.171 ... that humans have the right to decide on their own how they produce their food. 0:01:58.722,0:02:07.534 ... get one step closer to self sufficency and vegetable growing, at least to know where the food is coming from. To know where they are grown. 0:02:07.534,0:02:16.760 To know under what conditions they are grown. To know about the working conditions, ideally directly connect to the people, to know the biological cycles. 0:02:16.850,0:02:22.580 In my opinion all humanity has a right to healthy food. 0:02:22.642,0:02:39.421 It is very meaningfull, it is for me a political vision, a path to the future. In genaral, this means a democrtization of the agrarian and food system. 0:02:39.421,0:02:52.830 That the people that are concerned with the system can also make decisions and design der food system. 0:02:59.870,0:03:07.001 The first global forum for food sovereignty, Nyéléni, took place in Mali in 2007. 0:03:07.265,0:03:22.033 From there on there have been several forums in different regions. One of them was in Krems, Austria, the Nyéléni Europe Forum 2011. 0:03:22.033,0:03:32.285 After that there where forums on the national level, like this one in Goldegg, the Nyéléni Austria Forum 0:03:32.285,0:03:41.985 with the goal to identify alliances, strategies and networks needed in austria to achieve food sovereignty. 0:03:43.559,0:04:00.600 This Forum was organized by different organisations and activists, notably Attac (AgrarAttac), ÖBV - Via Campesina Austria, and FIAN, an international human rights organization for the right to adequate food, 0:04:00.620,0:04:11.515 and many many others like foodcoops, the csa movement, developmental policy NGOs and activists. 0:04:13.268,0:04:15.589 We work on different topics: 0:04:15.604,0:04:25.559 Change the way how food is produced. On organic agriculture, agroecology and many other topics. 0:04:25.559,0:04:36.102 We work on food distribution systems. Foodcoops, community supported agiculture, 0:04:36.112,0:04:41.162 on work and social conditions in agriculture, 0:04:41.169,0:04:51.637 on acess to land, how is it possible to gain access to land and the tenure of the commons like water and the soil. 0:04:51.686,0:04:56.826 And the political framework for agriculture. 0:05:00.649,0:05:07.079 We are "Aktion Naschkatze", a mobile communal-kitchen domiciled in Vienna. 0:05:07.097,0:05:11.217 We are cooking vegan and mainly ecological grown food. 0:05:11.224,0:05:16.864 Also it is important to us, to cook food with short transportation ways 0:05:16.864,0:05:20.866 and from known origins, which we want to support. 0:05:20.866,0:05:27.678 That's how we are practising food sovereignity. 0:05:27.698,0:05:39.732 Since several years we are cooking for various meetings, panels and political actions wich we declare as worthy of support. 0:05:40.728,0:05:47.758 This year our biggest event is the "Nyeleni Forum for Food Souvereignity". 0:05:47.788,0:05:54.378 The last 4 days we provided warm meals three times a day for more than 200 people. 0:06:03.480,0:06:18.040 Because my health is directly affected by what I eat, I want to participate in definig what I am eating. 0:06:18.093,0:06:27.243 In my opinion, the linkage between the right of access to public places, urban gardening and food souvereignity is given through the common need of democratic control. 0:06:27.293,0:06:35.000 That's how we can make essential corrections in the current system. 0:06:37.110,0:06:42.810 I got connected to the topic of food souvereignity through my working in managing board of the ÖBV. 0:06:42.856,0:06:50.636 I already participated in the "European Nyeleni Forum" two years ago in Krems 0:06:50.636,0:07:04.876 What impresses me the most on this forum, is the harmonic way of living together with a lot of mainly young people, but also older people of course from different professions. 0:07:04.876,0:07:09.796 The topic and the targed of the forum itself are of course difficult ones, 0:07:09.796,0:07:21.716 because finding solutions to change social values - as we intend to do - can not be done easily in a few days. 0:07:21.746,0:07:30.075 But there are a lot of small actions to focus the public awareness on social wrongs, which we are trying to solve. 0:07:30.803,0:07:37.183 The organisation concept of the forum is constituted by the regional groups, which held meetings before the forum 0:07:37.203,0:07:43.073 and afterwards we focused the first two days at the forum on general main-issues. 0:07:43.073,0:07:50.713 Now we are trying to bring these main-issues on a regional scale. 0:07:50.713,0:08:00.943 Therefore people are helding plenars in the regional groups again, to discuss which issues they can implement in their regions. 0:08:04.515,0:08:07.575 In Austria a lot of farms are given up. 0:08:07.575,0:08:14.215 According to the last agrar-structure-analysis of 2010, 0:08:14.215,0:08:21.789 more than 40.000 farms stopped their economic activities since the year 2000. 0:08:21.789,0:08:26.239 This is a huge number for such a small country like Austria. 0:08:26.258,0:08:29.538 Nowadays there are about 170.000 farms left, 0:08:29.541,0:08:37.701 what means that the society could face some serious problems if this trend prolongs. 0:08:37.745,0:08:44.286 So, how do the abandoning farmers find people to continue cultivating their farms, how do the right partners meet? 0:08:44.286,0:08:47.436 Some assistance is needed! 0:08:47.436,0:09:01.226 For the people who want to get into agriculture as well as for the farmers, who don't have a transferee for their farms. 0:09:01.251,0:09:14.641 Of course we are aware of the fact, that farm transfers to newcomers and entrepreneur is not a solution for all of the abandoned farms, but it could be one for at least some of them. 0:09:28.922,0:09:34.535 The situation of harvest workers in Austria is that these people are mainly migrants from Europe 0:09:34.545,0:09:40.115 who come just for short periods of the year - the labour peaks in the agriculture - to Austria 0:09:40.125,0:09:43.551 to work here usually with contract. 0:09:43.561,0:09:49.321 It exists a specially negotiated collective agreement for them, but it is often avoided. 0:09:49.356,0:10:05.256 What additionaly complicates the situation is that due to the short working period and the changing people it is difficult to built up a unionised and collective organisation. 0:10:05.299,0:10:16.549 In order to bring the question about wagework into the forum in a productive way, we invited a unionist from the PRO-GE. 0:10:16.566,0:10:27.396 There is a so called harvest worker campaign starting this year from the production union (PRO-GE) and the compartment of agriculturam workers, 0:10:27.446,0:10:39.910 with the aim to support self-organisation and to make companies abide by the legal working conditions. 0:10:39.976,0:10:51.256 The Forum for Food Sovereignty supports this campaign so far as we are working together and started an exchange of experience between the union and the forum. 0:10:51.362,0:11:07.072 On the one hand this helps us learning more about unions work and on the other side it helps the union to better understand fields of the agricultural policy where maybe they do not have much experiences yet. 0:11:14.609,0:11:23.259 My access in the theme food started as a consumer. When I came to Vienna to study, I had to take care of myself. 0:11:23.268,0:11:31.786 Shortly I found out that I have a stronger interest in food but I'm not happy with the supply offered in the supermarkets. 0:11:31.786,0:11:39.236 So I started to unite together with others to a buying syndicate, also called Food Coop. 0:11:39.256,0:11:42.876 I made this for years and liked it very well. 0:11:42.906,0:11:48.543 I had everything I need. I consumed very good and local products. 0:11:48.553,0:11:54.773 Then it came to my mind that this is quite good for me but it doesn't helps the majority. 0:11:54.799,0:12:01.443 So I started to be engaged in food sovereignty. 0:12:01.453,0:12:04.605 Food is not a commodity, food is a right! 0:12:04.625,0:12:10.265 Every human should have the right to adeduate and healthy food! 0:12:23.466,0:12:34.086 Due to the multiple crisis: the nutrition-, climate- and financial crisis, the pressure on land as a resource increased extremely in the global south 0:12:34.090,0:12:45.279 because a lot of investors don't want to invest on the financial markets any more and are now investing their money direct in land. 0:12:45.289,0:12:52.859 As a result the access to land for peasants is getting more and more difficult in many countries. 0:12:52.859,0:13:00.101 It led to eviction processes or to delay of agrarian reforms 0:13:00.101,0:13:17.421 and a variety of farmers lost their access to land. landless for whom it is now even more difficult to get access to land to produce food. 0:13:17.437,0:13:34.597 We see that the root of these problems is also lying in europe, in the form of our climate policy, our trade policy and our agricultural policy 0:13:34.623,0:13:41.663 and that is why it is so important that this forum is taking place and that we are thinking together 0:13:41.694,0:13:59.024 and that we also have to work on the political circumstances in order to improve the life situation, the human rights situation of peasants, of natives, of persons that live and work on the countryside. 0:13:59.484,0:14:14.977 And now the point is that we bring together all the ideas, initiatives, actions that we develope in the forum, to continue them, to implement them 0:14:14.977,0:14:18.737 and thus streingthen the movement of food sovereignty!