0:00:00.840,0:00:06.799 I am honored to be here with you today 0:00:04.120,0:00:08.360 my presentation will focus on the need 0:00:06.799,0:00:11.719 for language 0:00:08.360,0:00:16.639 digitization and why accelerating 0:00:11.719,0:00:16.639 implementations is vital to indigenous 0:00:17.000,0:00:21.840 communities we take language technology 0:00:19.600,0:00:24.480 for granted as it is part of our 0:00:21.840,0:00:27.800 everyday life and we don't realize the 0:00:24.480,0:00:30.720 vast effort required in digitizing an 0:00:27.800,0:00:33.239 indigenous language with a unique 0:00:30.720,0:00:34.680 script what exactly is involved in 0:00:33.239,0:00:37.000 digitizing a 0:00:34.680,0:00:39.360 language I would like to share how 0:00:37.000,0:00:41.920 translation Commons created the language 0:00:39.360,0:00:43.879 digitization initiative to help 0:00:41.920,0:00:45.480 communities who want the benefits of 0:00:43.879,0:00:47.680 language 0:00:45.480,0:00:49.960 digitization there are many components 0:00:47.680,0:00:52.480 to this initiative including the 0:00:49.960,0:00:54.879 enabling of indigenous communities to 0:00:52.480,0:00:56.359 pursue and manage the digitization 0:00:54.879,0:00:59.039 process 0:00:56.359,0:01:01.879 themselves as a volunteer community of 0:00:59.039,0:01:04.799 language techn ologists we came together 0:01:01.879,0:01:07.560 with a vision to enable all languages 0:01:04.799,0:01:10.960 access to the internet and its benefits 0:01:07.560,0:01:14.119 by creating free resources tools and 0:01:10.960,0:01:17.159 training for indigenous 0:01:14.119,0:01:20.119 communities our Advisory Board is a team 0:01:17.159,0:01:22.400 of language technology experts who have 0:01:20.119,0:01:24.159 worked with indigenous communities in 0:01:22.400,0:01:26.840 many different areas of the world 0:01:24.159,0:01:29.520 throughout their careers our team 0:01:26.840,0:01:31.880 consists of computer engineers linguists 0:01:29.520,0:01:34.399 termin technology experts keyboard 0:01:31.880,0:01:37.240 creators Unicode Specialists and 0:01:34.399,0:01:38.960 language professionals all of whom come 0:01:37.240,0:01:41.640 together because of a passion for 0:01:38.960,0:01:44.640 supporting linguistic diversity and the 0:01:41.640,0:01:48.000 indigenous languages of the 0:01:44.640,0:01:50.119 world here are some basic steps that 0:01:48.000,0:01:52.360 indigenous languages will have to do in 0:01:50.119,0:01:54.040 order to reach the level of automation 0:01:52.360,0:01:57.640 of the main digital 0:01:54.040,0:01:59.880 languages this is a complex and lengthy 0:01:57.640,0:02:02.799 process involving multiple organiz 0:01:59.880,0:02:05.399 ganizations and people first they need 0:02:02.799,0:02:07.520 to enable their script online and to 0:02:05.399,0:02:10.399 create enough content to be able to 0:02:07.520,0:02:13.319 leverage existing language Technologies 0:02:10.399,0:02:16.680 by applying to Unicode creating fonts 0:02:13.319,0:02:19.640 and keyboards and Gathering basic data 0:02:16.680,0:02:22.120 sets by using these Technologies they 0:02:19.640,0:02:24.560 also increase the digital content which 0:02:22.120,0:02:26.280 improves their digital experience and 0:02:24.560,0:02:29.400 accuracy of the 0:02:26.280,0:02:32.040 applications to be precise all the big 0:02:29.400,0:02:34.480 and small small tech companies can only 0:02:32.040,0:02:37.200 add a language and script on their 0:02:34.480,0:02:40.159 applications once all of these initial 0:02:37.200,0:02:41.720 steps are completed and they pull data 0:02:40.159,0:02:44.480 from 0:02:41.720,0:02:46.239 Unicode in this workflow we have 0:02:44.480,0:02:48.560 captured the dependencies and 0:02:46.239,0:02:51.720 complexities of language 0:02:48.560,0:02:53.720 digitization the line is straight only 0:02:51.720,0:02:55.599 for purposes of illustration in 0:02:53.720,0:02:56.680 capturing the distinct efforts needed 0:02:55.599,0:02:59.040 for each 0:02:56.680,0:03:02.319 discipline each language in the world 0:02:59.040,0:03:04.920 has a different digital footprint even 0:03:02.319,0:03:07.400 some of the top 100 languages are not 0:03:04.920,0:03:10.799 fully represented in the entire language 0:03:07.400,0:03:13.640 technology workflow shown here it is a 0:03:10.799,0:03:16.519 complex and multi-stakeholder journey 0:03:13.640,0:03:19.319 for any language to be fully developed 0:03:16.519,0:03:21.360 digitally we need font designs and input 0:03:19.319,0:03:24.239 methods so thousands of endangered 0:03:21.360,0:03:26.120 languages can start this journey we need 0:03:24.239,0:03:29.319 educational material to increase the 0:03:26.120,0:03:31.360 digital content we need data sets so 0:03:29.319,0:03:34.400 most languages can have functional 0:03:31.360,0:03:37.200 automation support in applications and 0:03:34.400,0:03:39.439 we need properly trained linguists so 0:03:37.200,0:03:41.840 knowledge will be shared and cultural 0:03:39.439,0:03:44.599 Treasures Will 0:03:41.840,0:03:46.720 Survive multi-stakeholder Partnerships 0:03:44.599,0:03:48.840 are very important and particularly 0:03:46.720,0:03:51.760 partnering with language professional 0:03:48.840,0:03:54.360 experts our expertise will help build 0:03:51.760,0:03:57.360 the language technology tools which in 0:03:54.360,0:04:00.159 turn will facilitate the adoption of the 0:03:57.360,0:04:01.720 new Languages by the tech industry who 0:04:00.159,0:04:04.120 will Implement them in their 0:04:01.720,0:04:06.840 applications and 0:04:04.120,0:04:11.599 products I would like to demonstrate how 0:04:06.840,0:04:14.239 we translated the iil and idil partner 0:04:11.599,0:04:16.680 requirements into Global scalable 0:04:14.239,0:04:18.959 projects with actionable 0:04:16.680,0:04:22.280 deliverables these projects can be 0:04:18.959,0:04:25.680 grouped in four broad categories events 0:04:22.280,0:04:28.320 we have created in person and online 0:04:25.680,0:04:31.400 free resources designed to help 0:04:28.320,0:04:34.560 indigenous communities and members tools 0:04:31.400,0:04:37.000 we created such as keyboards and finally 0:04:34.560,0:04:39.320 our expert consultation and guidance 0:04:37.000,0:04:44.400 through the digitization 0:04:39.320,0:04:47.800 process during 2019 we created over 35 0:04:44.400,0:04:50.759 iil events in universities around the 0:04:47.800,0:04:52.880 world it seems like hard work but we 0:04:50.759,0:04:56.160 created a scalable framework to 0:04:52.880,0:04:58.720 accomplish this first we brought 0:04:56.160,0:05:00.479 together a team of six interns who 0:04:58.720,0:05:02.880 gathered information on language 0:05:00.479,0:05:06.199 departments in universities around the 0:05:02.880,0:05:08.600 world then we created guidelines of what 0:05:06.199,0:05:10.800 and how each Professor could create 0:05:08.600,0:05:13.639 different events to promote and create 0:05:10.800,0:05:16.919 Awareness on local indigenous 0:05:13.639,0:05:18.960 languages next we created lists of 0:05:16.919,0:05:21.440 resources that the professors and 0:05:18.960,0:05:24.639 students could use during their 0:05:21.440,0:05:28.400 events we added examples of different 0:05:24.639,0:05:30.800 types of events and we provided support 0:05:28.400,0:05:34.919 by our centralized volunteer 0:05:30.800,0:05:37.880 team we reached out to 650 universities 0:05:34.919,0:05:42.520 of which 60 professors created events 0:05:37.880,0:05:45.199 which we uploaded on the UNESCO iil 0:05:42.520,0:05:48.680 website following the success of the 0:05:45.199,0:05:51.000 2019 event creation campaign UNESCO 0:05:48.680,0:05:55.039 asked us to keep the professor Community 0:05:51.000,0:05:58.120 engaged until the onset of ID in 0:05:55.039,0:06:00.039 2022 during monthly meetings we shared 0:05:58.120,0:06:03.039 knowledge and projects created ating 0:06:00.039,0:06:05.639 many video resources all available on 0:06:03.039,0:06:08.639 the translation Commons YouTube 0:06:05.639,0:06:11.240 channel the community of practice 0:06:08.639,0:06:14.560 evolved into a very active steering 0:06:11.240,0:06:18.080 committee for online events organized 0:06:14.560,0:06:20.599 jointly by idil and translation 0:06:18.080,0:06:23.840 comment we take the opportunity to 0:06:20.599,0:06:26.479 celebrate various International days and 0:06:23.840,0:06:28.319 during each event we draw attention to 0:06:26.479,0:06:30.720 the issues faced by indigenous 0:06:28.319,0:06:34.000 communities that are relevant to the 0:06:30.720,0:06:36.440 subject of the international day I would 0:06:34.000,0:06:39.560 like to invite you to join us on any of 0:06:36.440,0:06:42.560 the upcoming events and share your 0:06:39.560,0:06:45.120 work in breaking down the language 0:06:42.560,0:06:48.080 digitization process we're able to 0:06:45.120,0:06:50.440 create resources for each step these 0:06:48.080,0:06:52.520 resources vary from documents video 0:06:50.440,0:06:55.520 presentations by experts training 0:06:52.520,0:06:57.879 workshops and educational material we 0:06:55.520,0:07:01.360 are also creating templates and tools 0:06:57.879,0:07:04.639 such as keyboards and reposit 0:07:01.360,0:07:08.000 technology we created the document zero 0:07:04.639,0:07:10.919 to digital capturing information never 0:07:08.000,0:07:14.120 documented before on how when language 0:07:10.919,0:07:17.039 gets digitized this is the first of many 0:07:14.120,0:07:19.440 guidelines helping communities navigate 0:07:17.039,0:07:22.080 step by step the basic elements of 0:07:19.440,0:07:24.840 digitizing their 0:07:22.080,0:07:27.039 languages our expert advisers and 0:07:24.840,0:07:29.479 volunteers continue to create new 0:07:27.039,0:07:31.479 guidelines to cover all aspects of langu 0:07:29.479,0:07:33.520 language technology for the benefit of 0:07:31.479,0:07:36.840 indigenous 0:07:33.520,0:07:39.879 communities we offer keyboard creation 0:07:36.840,0:07:43.280 to communities that don't have one this 0:07:39.879,0:07:45.240 service is volunteer based and free the 0:07:43.280,0:07:48.000 keyboard creation project is a 0:07:45.240,0:07:50.159 collaboration with each Community 0:07:48.000,0:07:52.919 ensuring that the design reflects the 0:07:50.159,0:07:56.159 language and culture our keyboard 0:07:52.919,0:07:58.440 experts from industry and Academia guide 0:07:56.159,0:08:00.159 the community members in collecting 0:07:58.440,0:08:02.639 language requirements 0:08:00.159,0:08:04.879 and provide training on keyboard 0:08:02.639,0:08:07.800 implementation the resulting keyboards 0:08:04.879,0:08:10.240 are open source and publicly available 0:08:07.800,0:08:12.919 under creative 0:08:10.240,0:08:14.919 license the team has worked and created 0:08:12.919,0:08:18.400 multiple keyboards for communities 0:08:14.919,0:08:21.720 around the world here are some of them 0:08:18.400,0:08:24.240 these keyboards are virtual not physical 0:08:21.720,0:08:26.440 on desktop computers they replace the 0:08:24.240,0:08:28.440 characters generated by the physical 0:08:26.440,0:08:31.120 keyboard with the desired 0:08:28.440,0:08:34.519 characters on mobile devices the 0:08:31.120,0:08:34.519 onscreen keyboard is 0:08:34.560,0:08:40.200 replaced we assisted the sunu war 0:08:37.080,0:08:42.719 language community in creating a Unicode 0:08:40.200,0:08:45.720 proposal for their script encoding which 0:08:42.719,0:08:47.839 has been approved we prototype their 0:08:45.720,0:08:50.959 keyboard and now we're working together 0:08:47.839,0:08:53.120 to create Unicode fonts and do a final 0:08:50.959,0:08:56.000 push to get the big computer companies 0:08:53.120,0:08:58.560 and platforms to include the sunow war 0:08:56.000,0:09:01.720 script on the company's defaults list of 0:08:58.560,0:09:04.480 scripts offered to their 0:09:01.720,0:09:06.560 customers I hope I have shared with you 0:09:04.480,0:09:08.480 the urgency to accelerate 0:09:06.560,0:09:10.600 implementations and the need for 0:09:08.480,0:09:12.760 multistakeholder Partnerships between 0:09:10.600,0:09:15.320 indigenous communities national 0:09:12.760,0:09:16.040 government agencies industry Academia 0:09:15.320,0:09:18.600 and 0:09:16.040,0:09:21.040 nonprofits we are always available to 0:09:18.600,0:09:25.760 help and share please feel free to 0:09:21.040,0:09:25.760 contact us thank you