WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:13.850 preroll music 00:00:13.850 --> 00:00:18.720 Vasilios: Hello, everyone, thanks for coming today. I'm going to introduce the ultrasound 00:00:18.720 --> 00:00:24.500 ecosystem, which is an exotic and kind of little known ecosystem. So I would like to 00:00:24.500 --> 00:00:29.820 start with a short story about the product, which is also our motivation for 00:00:29.820 --> 00:00:39.870 this work. So some time ago, there was a product that worked in the ultrasound 00:00:39.870 --> 00:00:44.450 spectrum that cannot be perceived by humans. And the product was actually an 00:00:44.450 --> 00:00:50.700 interesting idea. It was very promising and everything, but it also had a fatal 00:00:50.700 --> 00:00:56.730 flaw. So now that I've done this introduction, I would like to tell you 00:00:56.730 --> 00:01:01.350 more about the story of the product and how it came to be and what was it? What 00:01:01.350 --> 00:01:08.150 was its lifecycle. So 2012, a company called SilverPush was a startup in 00:01:08.150 --> 00:01:14.810 India. It was founded there and they had this ultrasound device tracking product. 00:01:14.810 --> 00:01:18.770 I'll go more into the technical details later. So for a couple of years, they were 00:01:18.770 --> 00:01:26.789 working on that product. And it wasn't until 2014 that they basically got some 00:01:26.789 --> 00:01:32.769 serious funding from a venture center or other angel investors for millions. So in 00:01:32.769 --> 00:01:38.840 2014, they also got a few months after they got funded. They also got some press 00:01:38.840 --> 00:01:44.940 coverage about the product and they got some pretty good reviews on their 00:01:44.940 --> 00:01:49.260 newspapers and articles about what the product could do. And at the same time, 00:01:49.260 --> 00:01:52.950 they were doing what most of the companies are doing, like publishing patents about 00:01:52.950 --> 00:02:00.029 their technology and everything. So things later started to go like year after year 00:02:00.029 --> 00:02:06.499 and half maybe started to go not that well for them. The security community noticed 00:02:06.499 --> 00:02:10.759 and there was some press coverage about the product that was not so positive 00:02:10.759 --> 00:02:19.250 anymore. So this is one of the very first emails that appear on the Web regarding 00:02:19.250 --> 00:02:24.709 the product. So it's from a W3C working group. So a researcher there is 00:02:24.709 --> 00:02:31.220 basically. Notifying the other members of the group that, OK, there is this product, 00:02:31.220 --> 00:02:36.349 maybe there are transparency issues, and certainly the users are not aware of 00:02:36.349 --> 00:02:42.489 what exactly is going on there. So let's keep an eye on it. And so this was a very 00:02:42.489 --> 00:02:48.370 one of the very first things published about the product from the privacy and 00:02:48.370 --> 00:02:54.470 security perspective. So what happened then was the press took notice and they 00:02:54.470 --> 00:03:01.379 got all those headlines urging users to be very careful. And, oh, this is a this is 00:03:01.379 --> 00:03:08.769 evil, take care. People are eavesdropping on you and stuff. So, of course, this led 00:03:08.769 --> 00:03:14.950 also on the FTC to take action. They organized a workshop on cross device tracking 00:03:14.950 --> 00:03:22.060 in general, I think, and they made specific mentions for ultrasound cross device tracking 00:03:22.060 --> 00:03:28.170 don't worry if you're not familiar with this terms, I'm going to define everything later. So 00:03:28.170 --> 00:03:33.390 what basically they were saying is transparency issues. How do how do we 00:03:33.390 --> 00:03:39.860 protect ourselves? How is that thing working? So, then the users, of course, 00:03:39.860 --> 00:03:43.689 started to react. And there were like many people who were unhappy, they were 00:03:43.689 --> 00:03:48.430 complaining, what is this? I don't want that thing. So people were actually 00:03:48.430 --> 00:03:53.479 suggesting solutions and the solutions that were making sense. And of course, you 00:03:53.479 --> 00:04:01.260 have always the users that are completely immune to what you have there. So what 00:04:01.260 --> 00:04:10.549 happened then is like five months after the FTC took much more serious action 00:04:10.549 --> 00:04:16.000 regarding this specific product. So it sent a letter to all the developers. And 00:04:16.000 --> 00:04:19.780 the letter was essentially saying, you know, you're using this framework in 00:04:19.780 --> 00:04:27.160 Europe. We've seen it in Google Play store. It's not enough that you are asking 00:04:27.160 --> 00:04:31.380 for the microphone permission. You should let the users know that you are tracking 00:04:31.380 --> 00:04:36.330 them if you are doing so. Otherwise, you are violating rule X, Y, Z, and you're not 00:04:36.330 --> 00:04:42.590 allowed to do that. So this was pretty serious, I would say. And what happened 00:04:42.590 --> 00:04:46.610 next is basically the company withdrew from the US market and said, you know, we 00:04:46.610 --> 00:04:51.040 have nothing to do with the U.S. market and this product is not active there. You 00:04:51.040 --> 00:04:57.320 shouldn't be concerned. So end of story like the product is not out there in the 00:04:57.320 --> 00:05:03.660 US at least anymore. Are we safe? So it seemed to us that it was assumed that this 00:05:03.660 --> 00:05:10.030 was an isolated security incident. And to be fair, very little became known about 00:05:10.030 --> 00:05:15.090 the technology. At this point. The press moved on to other hot topics at the time, 00:05:15.090 --> 00:05:20.950 people went quiet, like if people are not using it, it's fine. So everyone 00:05:20.950 --> 00:05:25.840 seemed happy. But we're curious people. So we had lots of questions that were not 00:05:25.840 --> 00:05:35.040 answered. So our main questions was like why they were using ultrasounds. We'll see 00:05:35.040 --> 00:05:41.620 that what they are doing, you can do with our technologies, how such frameworks 00:05:41.620 --> 00:05:47.120 work. We had no idea there was no coverage or nothing about it. The technical, 00:05:47.120 --> 00:05:53.340 technically speaking, out there, are there other such products there? Because we were 00:05:53.340 --> 00:05:59.410 aware of one. Everyone on all the articles was referring to that one product, but we 00:05:59.410 --> 00:06:03.210 were not sure if there are others doing the same thing. And of course, we were 00:06:03.210 --> 00:06:07.870 looking for a report about the whole ecosystem and how it works. And there was 00:06:07.870 --> 00:06:13.290 nothing. So what do you do then if if there are no technical resources? 00:06:13.290 --> 00:06:19.740 Basically, we decided to do our own research and come up with this report that 00:06:19.740 --> 00:06:24.980 we were lacking. So we're done with motivation so far. We were pretty pumped 00:06:24.980 --> 00:06:29.891 up about looking into it. OK, what's there? The rest of the presentation will 00:06:29.891 --> 00:06:34.010 go as follows. Like first I'm going to introduce ultrasound tracking and other 00:06:34.010 --> 00:06:40.620 terminology, then I'm going to go on with the attack details. And indeed, we have an 00:06:40.620 --> 00:06:47.610 attack again against the Tor browser. Then we're doing a formal security analysis of 00:06:47.610 --> 00:06:53.350 the ecosystem and try to pinpoint the things that went wrong. And then we'll try 00:06:53.350 --> 00:07:00.470 to introduce our countermeasures and advocate for proper practices. So to begin 00:07:00.470 --> 00:07:06.940 with, I'm Vasilis. I've done this work with other curious people. These are 00:07:06.940 --> 00:07:13.440 line:1 showing how Yanick Fratantonio, Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni Vigna from UCSB and also 00:07:13.440 --> 00:07:19.280 line:1 Federico Maggi from Polytechnical Damilola. Let's now start with the 00:07:19.280 --> 00:07:26.340 ecosystem, so apparently ultrasounds are used in a lot of places and they can be 00:07:26.340 --> 00:07:30.920 utilized for different purposes, some of them are cross device tracking that are 00:07:30.920 --> 00:07:36.770 referred already to audience analytics, synchronized content, proximity, marketing 00:07:36.770 --> 00:07:41.460 and device pairing. You can do some other things, but you will see them later. So to 00:07:41.460 --> 00:07:48.920 begin with what cross device tracking is, cross device tracking is basically the holy 00:07:48.920 --> 00:07:53.630 grail for marketers right now because you're using your multiple devices 00:07:53.630 --> 00:07:57.990 smartphone, laptop, computer, maybe your TV and to them, your appear as different 00:07:57.990 --> 00:08:02.330 people. And they all want to be able to link to link those devices to know that 00:08:02.330 --> 00:08:06.920 you're the same person so that they can build their profiles more accurately. So, 00:08:06.920 --> 00:08:13.300 for instance, if you're watching an ad on the TV, they want to be able to know that 00:08:13.300 --> 00:08:19.720 it's you so that they can push relevant ads from your smartphone or follow up ads. 00:08:19.720 --> 00:08:27.860 Um. So this is employed by major advertising networks, and there are two 00:08:27.860 --> 00:08:32.780 ways to do it, either deterministically or probabilistically, that deterministic 00:08:32.780 --> 00:08:38.780 approach is much more reliable. You get 100 percent accuracy and works as follows. 00:08:38.780 --> 00:08:43.200 If you are Facebook, the users are heavily incentivized to log in from all their 00:08:43.200 --> 00:08:49.220 devices. So what happens is that. You can immediately know that, OK, this user has 00:08:49.220 --> 00:08:55.191 these three devices and I can put relevant content to all of them. However, if you 00:08:55.191 --> 00:08:58.910 are not Facebook or Google you, it's much more unlikely that the users would want to 00:08:58.910 --> 00:09:03.580 log into your platform from their different devices. So you have to look for 00:09:03.580 --> 00:09:09.970 alternatives. And one tool to come up with those alternatives are ultrasound beacons. 00:09:09.970 --> 00:09:18.480 So, um, ultrasound tracking products are using ultrasound because they may sound 00:09:18.480 --> 00:09:22.590 exotic, but basically there they are. What they are doing is they are encoding a 00:09:22.590 --> 00:09:29.460 sequence of symbols, um, in a very high frequency that it's inaudible by humans. 00:09:29.460 --> 00:09:35.520 That's the first key feature. The second one is they can be emitted by most commercial 00:09:35.520 --> 00:09:39.400 speakers and they can be captured by most commercial microphones, for instance, 00:09:39.400 --> 00:09:48.620 found on your smartphone. So the technical details are the following. I know there 00:09:48.620 --> 00:09:54.380 are a lot of experts in these kinds of things here, so I'm averaging out what how 00:09:54.380 --> 00:09:57.590 the companies are doing it right now. I'm not saying that this is the best way to do 00:09:57.590 --> 00:10:01.520 it, but this is more or less what they're doing. Of course, they have patents, so 00:10:01.520 --> 00:10:06.230 each one of them is doing a slightly different thing so they don't overlap. 00:10:06.230 --> 00:10:13.330 They're using the near ultrasound spectrum between the eight eight kilohertz and 20 00:10:13.330 --> 00:10:18.940 kilohertz, which is inaudible by usually by adults. They divide it in smaller 00:10:18.940 --> 00:10:27.380 chunks. So if you divide it in chunks that have size of 75 Hertz, you get 26, about 26 00:10:27.380 --> 00:10:33.920 chunks, and then you can assign letter of the alphabet on each one of them. And then 00:10:33.920 --> 00:10:38.109 what they are doing is usually within four to five seconds. They emit sequences of 00:10:38.109 --> 00:10:45.410 characters. Usually they contain for four to six characters in there, and they use 00:10:45.410 --> 00:10:51.670 it to incorporate a unique ID corresponding to their source, they attach 00:10:51.670 --> 00:10:56.710 the beacon to. So there is no ultrasound beacon standard, as I said previously, but 00:10:56.710 --> 00:11:00.450 there are lots of patents, so each one of them is doing a slightly different thing. 00:11:00.450 --> 00:11:06.350 But this is a basic principle. We did some experiments and we found out that within 00:11:06.350 --> 00:11:13.880 seven meters, you get pretty good accuracy in low error rate. So of course, this depends 00:11:13.880 --> 00:11:20.250 exactly how you encode things. But with applications found on Google Play, this 00:11:20.250 --> 00:11:24.990 worked up to seven meters. Um, we couldn't find computer speakers that were not able 00:11:24.990 --> 00:11:33.310 to emit near ultrasound frequencies and work with this technology and.. we this is 00:11:33.310 --> 00:11:36.590 pretty known for this kind of frequencies, they cannot penetrate through physical 00:11:36.590 --> 00:11:41.000 objects, but this is not a problem for their purposes. And we did some 00:11:41.000 --> 00:11:46.720 experiments with our research assistant and we can say that they are audible by 00:11:46.720 --> 00:11:54.420 animals. So if you combine cross device tracking and ultrasound because you get 00:11:54.420 --> 00:12:02.350 ultrasound cross device tracking. So now what you can do with this and this is this is a 00:12:02.350 --> 00:12:07.320 pretty good idea, actually, because it offers high accuracy, you don't ask the 00:12:07.320 --> 00:12:16.720 users to log in, which is very high, very demanding thing to ask for. You can embed 00:12:16.720 --> 00:12:22.860 those beacons in websites or TV ads, and this technology, however, requires some 00:12:22.860 --> 00:12:26.210 sort of sophisticated backend infrastructure. We're going to see more 00:12:26.210 --> 00:12:30.260 about it later. And you also need the network of publishers who are willing to 00:12:30.260 --> 00:12:36.740 incorporate incorporate beacons in their content, whatever this content is. And 00:12:36.740 --> 00:12:41.250 then, of course, you need an ultrasound cross device tracking framework that is going 00:12:41.250 --> 00:12:47.080 to run on the user's mobile device, a smartphone. So these frameworks are 00:12:47.080 --> 00:12:52.680 essentially and as the advertising SDK is the key that the developers can use to display 00:12:52.680 --> 00:12:57.060 ads on their free apps. So it's not that the developers are going to incorporate 00:12:57.060 --> 00:13:04.491 the ultrasound framework is going to incorporate an advertising SDK with 00:13:04.491 --> 00:13:09.610 varying degrees of understanding of what it does. So here is how ultrasound cross device 00:13:09.610 --> 00:13:15.740 tracking works. On step one, basically, we have the advertising client. He just wants 00:13:15.740 --> 00:13:20.200 to advertise, advertises his products. He goes to the ultrasound cross device 00:13:20.200 --> 00:13:25.250 tracking provider who has the infrastructure set up, set up a campaign, 00:13:25.250 --> 00:13:31.610 and they provide their associates a unique ultrasound because with this campaign and 00:13:31.610 --> 00:13:37.660 then pushes this become to content publishers to incorporate them 00:13:37.660 --> 00:13:43.860 incorporated into their content, depending on what the advertiser advertising client 00:13:43.860 --> 00:13:49.270 is trying to achieve. So this is step three or step for a user is basically 00:13:49.270 --> 00:13:56.950 accessing all of those content providers either. This is a TV ad or a website on 00:13:56.950 --> 00:14:03.030 the Internet and one this once this content is loaded or displayed by your TV. 00:14:03.030 --> 00:14:08.010 At the same time, the device, the devices speakers are emitting the ultrasounds. And 00:14:08.010 --> 00:14:13.580 if you have the ultrasound cross device tracking framework on your phone, which is usually 00:14:13.580 --> 00:14:18.910 listening on the background, then it picks up the ultrasound and on step six, it 00:14:18.910 --> 00:14:25.060 submits it back to the service provider, which now knows that, OK, this guy has 00:14:25.060 --> 00:14:31.700 watched this DVR or whatever it is, and I'm going to add this to his profile and 00:14:31.700 --> 00:14:38.220 push our target dates back to his device. So, of course, by doing this, they're just 00:14:38.220 --> 00:14:45.900 trying to improve, improve their conversion rate and get more customers. 00:14:45.900 --> 00:14:52.970 Another use of ultrasounds currently in practice is proximity marketing, so venues 00:14:52.970 --> 00:14:59.380 basically set up multiple, multiple ultrasound meters. This is kind of fancy 00:14:59.380 --> 00:15:05.350 name for speakers and this is kind of the nice thing about the ultrasound. You just 00:15:05.350 --> 00:15:11.470 need speakers. So they put this in multiple locations in their venue, either 00:15:11.470 --> 00:15:18.320 a supermarket or a stadium, for instance, and then there is a customer up. If you're 00:15:18.320 --> 00:15:23.310 a supermarket, there is a supermarket up. If you're an NBA team, which will see 00:15:23.310 --> 00:15:29.730 later, you have this fun application that the fans of your team can download 00:15:29.730 --> 00:15:35.080 and install on their smartphones. And then once this app, this happens, listing on 00:15:35.080 --> 00:15:40.550 the background and it picks up the ultrasound and submits them back to the 00:15:40.550 --> 00:15:47.660 company. So the main purpose of using is this is basically to study in user 00:15:47.660 --> 00:15:55.220 behavior, in user behavior, provide real time notifications like, OK, you are in 00:15:55.220 --> 00:15:59.610 this aisle on the supermarket, but if you just walk two meters down, you're going to 00:15:59.610 --> 00:16:06.170 see this product in discount. Or the third point, which kind of incentivizes the 00:16:06.170 --> 00:16:11.240 users more, is basically you're offering reward points for users visiting your 00:16:11.240 --> 00:16:17.600 store. And actually there is a product doing exactly that on the market. So some 00:16:17.600 --> 00:16:23.830 other uses are device pairing. And this basically relies on the fact that 00:16:23.830 --> 00:16:29.029 ultrasounds do not penetrate through objects. So if you have a small TV, say, 00:16:29.029 --> 00:16:36.810 with or Chromecast, for instance, they can emit random PIN through ultrasound. Your 00:16:36.810 --> 00:16:40.700 device picks it up and submits it back to the device through the Internet. And now 00:16:40.700 --> 00:16:44.410 you've proved that you are on the same physical location with the with Chromecast 00:16:44.410 --> 00:16:51.320 or whatever your TV is. Also, Google recently acquired sleek login. They are 00:16:51.320 --> 00:16:55.770 also using ultrasounds for authentication. It's not entirely clear what their product 00:16:55.770 --> 00:17:00.120 is about, though. And also you have audience measurement and analytics. So 00:17:00.120 --> 00:17:07.240 what they are doing is basically if you're if you incorporate multiple beacons in the 00:17:07.240 --> 00:17:12.169 night, then you can basically track the reactions and the behavior of the users of 00:17:12.169 --> 00:17:17.559 it, of the audience in the sense that first, you know, how many people have 00:17:17.559 --> 00:17:21.470 watched your ad a second, you know what happened. So if they show it's Sanderlin 00:17:21.470 --> 00:17:26.709 between and this, so they submit only the first beacon of the two, if you have two, 00:17:26.709 --> 00:17:34.389 then you also track their behavior. OK, so we've seen all these technologies and then 00:17:34.389 --> 00:17:40.779 we started wondering how secure is that thing? Like, OK, what security measures 00:17:40.779 --> 00:17:46.470 are there applied by companies and everything? So I'm going to immediately 00:17:46.470 --> 00:17:51.369 start with the exploitation of the technology. So to do that, we just need 00:17:51.369 --> 00:17:59.470 the computer with speakers and the Tor browser and the smartphone with an ultrasound app 00:17:59.470 --> 00:18:03.000 and a state level advisory. I'm going to say more about the state level advisory 00:18:03.000 --> 00:18:11.679 later, but just keep in mind that it's on the Tor threat model, so. I have a 00:18:11.679 --> 00:18:15.059 video of the attack. I'm going to stop it, I'm going to pose it in different places 00:18:15.059 --> 00:18:24.669 to explain some more stuff. Yeah, OK, so I'm going to set up the scene before that. 00:18:24.669 --> 00:18:28.019 So let's make the assumption that we have a whistle blower that wants to leak some 00:18:28.019 --> 00:18:34.189 documents to a journalist, but he doesn't know that the journalist is working with 00:18:34.189 --> 00:18:38.699 the government and his main intent is basically to deanonymize him. So the 00:18:38.699 --> 00:18:42.559 journalist does the following, asks the whistleblower to upload the documents to a 00:18:42.559 --> 00:18:48.360 Tor hidden service or a website that he owns. And the whistleblower basically thinking 00:18:48.360 --> 00:18:55.340 that he's safe to do that through Tor loads the page. So now I'm having I have the 00:18:55.340 --> 00:19:07.279 demo, which is exactly that implements exactly that scenario. So the whistle 00:19:07.279 --> 00:19:12.970 blower opens the Tor browser, so the setup is the following, we have the phone next to 00:19:12.970 --> 00:19:16.780 the computer. This can be up to seven meters away, but for practical purposes, 00:19:16.780 --> 00:19:21.169 it has to be next to the computer. So we have the Tor browser. What are we going to do 00:19:21.169 --> 00:19:28.749 first? For the purpose of the demo, we use them smart for listening framework that's 00:19:28.749 --> 00:19:36.529 visible to the.. to the user. This is basically the demo(?). Those apps, ultrasound 00:19:36.529 --> 00:19:40.929 cross device tracking apps run in the background, so now we're setting set it on listening 00:19:40.929 --> 00:19:46.280 mode so that it starts listening. Of course, in normal framework, the user 00:19:46.280 --> 00:19:52.570 doesn't have to do that part. But we want to show that. We want to show that what's 00:19:52.570 --> 00:20:02.570 happening. So now the whistleblower is going to load the innocuous were paid, 00:20:02.570 --> 00:20:12.980 suggested by the journalist and see what happens to. OK, now we've loaded the page 00:20:12.980 --> 00:20:20.319 and the phone is listening in reality in the background, so let's see what happens. 00:20:30.589 --> 00:20:36.320 OK, this is looks pretty bad. We have lots of information about the user visiting our 00:20:36.320 --> 00:20:43.700 hidden service. I assume you already have some clues about how this happened, what the 00:20:43.700 --> 00:20:54.850 information that we have is the following. First of all. We have his IP address, 00:20:54.850 --> 00:21:02.070 phone number. Don't call this phone number, because this isn't right. The ID 00:21:02.070 --> 00:21:10.859 is he may end his Google account email. So this is enough to say and his location, of 00:21:10.859 --> 00:21:15.389 course, and this is enough to say that we essentially deanonymized him, even if we 00:21:15.389 --> 00:21:22.340 had the IP address, that would have been enough. So before I explain exactly how 00:21:22.340 --> 00:21:26.169 the attacked work, I'm going to introduce some tools that the attackers have at 00:21:26.169 --> 00:21:32.320 their disposal. The first one is a Bitcoin injection. So what you can essentially do 00:21:32.320 --> 00:21:37.229 is basically craft your own ultrasound beacons and push them to devices, 00:21:37.229 --> 00:21:40.809 listening for beacons, and then their devices are going to treat them like valid 00:21:40.809 --> 00:21:45.160 beacons and submit them back to the company's backend. And then the same 00:21:45.160 --> 00:21:49.989 things. Basically, you can also replace ultrasound beacons, meaning that you can 00:21:49.989 --> 00:21:55.320 capture them from virus location. And this is actually happening on the wild at a 00:21:55.320 --> 00:22:04.309 large scale for a specific application. And then once you capture those beacons, 00:22:04.309 --> 00:22:11.429 you can replace them back to the company's back end through the user's devices to 00:22:11.429 --> 00:22:16.990 give you a clue. There is a company that incentivizes users to visit stores by 00:22:16.990 --> 00:22:22.720 providing them offers and end points when they are visiting stores and people are 00:22:22.720 --> 00:22:27.660 capturing the beacons and are replaying them back to their devices from home. So they 00:22:27.660 --> 00:22:30.580 are selling the beacons through the Internet so that they don't have to go to 00:22:30.580 --> 00:22:39.559 the actual stores. OK, the problem here is basically that the framework is handling 00:22:39.559 --> 00:22:43.000 every beacon. It doesn't have a way to distinguish between the valid and 00:22:43.000 --> 00:22:48.050 maliciously crafted beacons. And my favorite tool for the attackers is basically a beacon 00:22:48.050 --> 00:22:55.350 line:1 trap, which is a code snippet that once you loaded, you basically reproduce 00:22:55.350 --> 00:23:01.679 one or more inaudible beacons that the attacker chose to. So this can happen in 00:23:01.679 --> 00:23:06.759 lots of ways on the demo. I use the first one. So you build a website and you have 00:23:06.759 --> 00:23:12.189 some JavaScript there just playing the ultrasounds from the back. What else you can 00:23:12.189 --> 00:23:17.769 do is basically start crosseyed scripting vulnerability. Just exploit it on any 00:23:17.769 --> 00:23:22.929 random website and then you can inject beacons to the visitors of this website 00:23:22.929 --> 00:23:30.249 or a man-in-the-middle attacks just adding or javascript snippet on that 00:23:30.249 --> 00:23:37.779 user's traffic or they send an audio message to the to the victim. So how did 00:23:37.779 --> 00:23:41.830 Tor deanonymization attack work? It's the following. So first the adversary needs to 00:23:41.830 --> 00:23:50.049 set up, set up a campaign, and then once he captures the the beacon associated with 00:23:50.049 --> 00:23:55.540 that campaign, he builds a beacon trap and essentially on step three lures, the user 00:23:55.540 --> 00:24:00.789 to visit it. This is what the journalist basically did for the whistleblower on our 00:24:00.789 --> 00:24:05.840 scenario. Then the user loads the resource. He has no idea this is possible. 00:24:05.840 --> 00:24:12.440 And she slapped him amidst the ultrasound, beacon. If you if your smartphone has such a 00:24:12.440 --> 00:24:17.460 framework, it's going to pick it up and submit it back to the provider and I don't 00:24:17.460 --> 00:24:22.179 know about you, but when I'm using Tor, I'm not connecting my phone through to the 00:24:22.179 --> 00:24:25.509 Internet, through the Tor network. My phone is connected through my normal Wi- 00:24:25.509 --> 00:24:34.039 Fi. So now the ultrasound service provider knows that the you know, this smartphone 00:24:34.039 --> 00:24:37.690 device omitted that specific beacon. And then I step seven, basically the 00:24:37.690 --> 00:24:42.809 line:1 adversary, which is state level adversary. Can simply subpoena the provider for the 00:24:42.809 --> 00:24:48.509 AP or other identifiers, which from what we've seen, they collect plenty of them. 00:24:48.509 --> 00:24:54.519 OK, so the first two elements, we have them already like the Tor browser 00:24:54.519 --> 00:25:02.919 computer, which biggest fine smartphone with ultrasound tracking enabled 00:25:02.919 --> 00:25:08.330 framework. Fine. What about the state level adversity? So we didn't have a state 00:25:08.330 --> 00:25:13.090 level adversity handy. So what we did is basically we redirected the 00:25:13.090 --> 00:25:18.540 traffic from step six to the advertized backend. And I want to stress a point 00:25:18.540 --> 00:25:28.600 here. This is not. A long, long shot assumption. So what we've seen in October 00:25:28.600 --> 00:25:33.179 is the following. I don't know how many of you realize, but AT&T was running a spy 00:25:33.179 --> 00:25:41.029 line:1 program, a thing called Hammesfahr, and it was providing paid access to governments 00:25:41.029 --> 00:25:45.269 only with an administrative subpoena, which is not doesn't even need to be 00:25:45.269 --> 00:25:50.789 obtained by it's ads. So it's pretty easy for them to get access to this kind of 00:25:50.789 --> 00:25:55.520 data. Especially we're talking about an IP address. It's not it's very easy for them 00:25:55.520 --> 00:26:01.570 to get it. So we also came up with some more attacks. First one is profile, 00:26:01.570 --> 00:26:07.710 corruption. Advertisers really like to build profiles about you, your interests 00:26:07.710 --> 00:26:15.210 and your behavior. So what you are basically doing is you can inject beacons 00:26:15.210 --> 00:26:21.209 to other people or even to your own phone and then you can malform their profile. 00:26:21.209 --> 00:26:28.309 Exactly. The impact of this attack depends on how the backend of the advertising 00:26:28.309 --> 00:26:33.039 company and the infrastructure works, but the attack is definitely possible. And 00:26:33.039 --> 00:26:40.169 then there is information leakage attack were works under a similar assumption. You 00:26:40.169 --> 00:26:44.510 can replay Beacon's eavesdrop and replay because your own phone to make your 00:26:44.510 --> 00:26:49.519 profile similar to that of the victims. And then based on how recommendation 00:26:49.519 --> 00:26:56.299 systems work, you're very likely to get similar arts and similar content with that 00:26:56.299 --> 00:27:01.019 of the victims. So of course, this also depends about exactly how the 00:27:01.019 --> 00:27:07.369 recommendation system is implemented, but it's definitely possible. OK, so we've 00:27:07.369 --> 00:27:11.539 seen certain things that makes us think that, OK, the ecosystem is not very 00:27:11.539 --> 00:27:19.409 secure. Um, we try to find out exactly why this happened. So we did a security 00:27:19.409 --> 00:27:24.580 evaluation or we came up with four points. The first one is that we came up with we 00:27:24.580 --> 00:27:31.749 realized that the threat model is inaccurate, that ultrasound, because none 00:27:31.749 --> 00:27:39.130 of the implementations we've seen had any security features. Um, they also violated 00:27:39.130 --> 00:27:44.149 the fundamental security principle and they lacked transparency when it comes 00:27:44.149 --> 00:27:49.269 when it came to user interface. So let's go through them one by one. So inaccurate 00:27:49.269 --> 00:27:52.999 and model. Basically what they do is basically they rely on the fact that 00:27:52.999 --> 00:27:58.360 ultrasounds cannot penetrate the walls and they travel up to seven meters reliably. 00:27:58.360 --> 00:28:05.559 However, as I said, as a matter of fact, they also assume that you cannot capture 00:28:05.559 --> 00:28:10.870 and replay because because of that, that's the reason, um, what what's happening in 00:28:10.870 --> 00:28:15.029 practice, that you can get really close using beacon traps. So their assumption 00:28:15.029 --> 00:28:21.800 is not that accurate. Um, also, the security capabilities of beacons are 00:28:21.800 --> 00:28:30.129 heavily constrained by the low bandwidth the channel is has the limited time that 00:28:30.129 --> 00:28:33.580 you have to reach the users. So if someone is in a supermarket, he's not going to 00:28:33.580 --> 00:28:37.170 stop somewhere for a very long time. So you have limited time and a noisy 00:28:37.170 --> 00:28:42.440 environment. So you want a very low error rate. And adding crypto to the beacons 00:28:42.440 --> 00:28:49.139 it may not be a good idea, but it also results. This also results in replay in 00:28:49.139 --> 00:28:54.259 injection attacks being possible. Um, we also hear the violation of the privilege 00:28:54.259 --> 00:28:59.849 of, uh, sorry, the principle of least privilege. So what happens is basically all these 00:28:59.849 --> 00:29:05.110 apps need full access to the microphone. And based on the way it works, it's 00:29:05.110 --> 00:29:10.489 completely unnecessary for them to gain access to the audible frequencies. 00:29:10.489 --> 00:29:14.669 However, even if they want to, there's no way to gain access only to the ultrasound 00:29:14.669 --> 00:29:20.530 spectrum, both in Android and iOS. You have to gain either access to the whole 00:29:20.530 --> 00:29:26.629 spectrum or no access at all. So this, of course, results in the first malicious 00:29:26.629 --> 00:29:32.229 developers can at any time start using their access to the microphone. And of 00:29:32.229 --> 00:29:38.520 course, all the benign ultrasound enabled apps are perceived by as malicious by the 00:29:38.520 --> 00:29:45.399 users. And this actually will say more about it later. So lack of transparency is 00:29:45.399 --> 00:29:51.259 inclose. This is a bad combination with what exactly we've seen previously, 00:29:51.259 --> 00:29:55.919 because it that we've observed large discrepancies between apps when it comes 00:29:55.919 --> 00:30:00.879 to informing the users and also lots of discrepancies when it comes to providing 00:30:00.879 --> 00:30:06.110 opt out options. And there is a conflict of interest there, because if you're a 00:30:06.110 --> 00:30:12.600 framework developer, developer, you want to advise for proper practices for your 00:30:12.600 --> 00:30:17.960 customers, but you are not you're not going to enforce them or kind of blackmail 00:30:17.960 --> 00:30:22.499 them. Either you do it properly or you're not using my framework. So there is a 00:30:22.499 --> 00:30:27.190 conflict of interest there. So what happened because of a lack of 00:30:27.190 --> 00:30:33.289 transparency is the following. Signals 360 is one of those frameworks. An NBA team 00:30:33.289 --> 00:30:39.500 started using this in May. And then a few months after there is a sue and someone 00:30:39.500 --> 00:30:43.839 claims, you know, that thing is listening in the background. And what's interesting 00:30:43.839 --> 00:30:49.220 is on the claim, what they are saying is, OK, I gave permission through the Android 00:30:49.220 --> 00:30:54.119 permission system for them to access the microphone, but it was not explained to me 00:30:54.119 --> 00:30:58.840 exactly what they were doing. And this is in close ties with what the FTC was saying 00:30:58.840 --> 00:31:08.740 in the letter a few months ago. Also, again, the same story, um, football team 00:31:08.740 --> 00:31:14.340 starts using such a framework a few months after people are complaining that they are 00:31:14.340 --> 00:31:21.679 being eavesdropped on. Um, I think what happened here is that. When the team was 00:31:21.679 --> 00:31:25.749 playing a match, the application started listening for ultrasounds, but not all 00:31:25.749 --> 00:31:29.560 your fans are going to be in the stadium, so you end up listening for ultrasounds in 00:31:29.560 --> 00:31:37.029 a church and other places. So, yeah, people were also pissed. Um, OK, just to 00:31:37.029 --> 00:31:41.989 put it into perspective how prevalent these technologies are, the ecosystem is 00:31:41.989 --> 00:31:48.000 growing. Even though that one company withdrew. There are other companies in the 00:31:48.000 --> 00:31:54.899 ecosystem are coming up with new products as well. So the number of users is 00:31:54.899 --> 00:32:00.110 relatively low, but it's also very hard to estimate right now. We could find around 00:32:00.110 --> 00:32:05.269 10 companies offering ultrasound related products and the majority of them is 00:32:05.269 --> 00:32:09.780 gathered around proximity marketing. There was only one company doing ultrasound 00:32:09.780 --> 00:32:16.590 cross device tracking. At least we found one. Um, and this is mainly due to 00:32:16.590 --> 00:32:21.290 infrastructure complexity. It's not easy to do all those things. And secondly, I 00:32:21.290 --> 00:32:26.140 also believe that the whole backslash from the security community is incentivized 00:32:26.140 --> 00:32:32.599 other companies from joining because they don't want a tarnished reputation. OK, so 00:32:32.599 --> 00:32:36.919 we have this situation right now. Companies are using ultrasound. What are 00:32:36.919 --> 00:32:48.340 we going to do? So this was our initial idea. This is what we thought first. But 00:32:48.340 --> 00:32:54.950 we want to fix things. So we tried to come up with certain steps that we need to take 00:32:54.950 --> 00:33:02.019 to actually fix that thing and make it usable, but not dangerous. Um, so we 00:33:02.019 --> 00:33:07.240 listed what's wrong with it. We did it already. We we developed some quick fixes 00:33:07.240 --> 00:33:12.330 that I'm going to present later and medium term solutions as well. And then we 00:33:12.330 --> 00:33:16.830 started advocating for a long term changes that are going to make the ecosystem 00:33:16.830 --> 00:33:23.650 reliable. And we need the involvement from the community there. Definitely. So. We 00:33:23.650 --> 00:33:29.519 developed some short and medium term solutions, um, the first one is a browser 00:33:29.519 --> 00:33:37.890 extension, our browser extension basically does the following is based on HTML5, the 00:33:37.890 --> 00:33:45.899 line:1 Web audio API. Um, it filters all audio sources and places a filter between the 00:33:45.899 --> 00:33:51.280 audio source and the destination on the Web page and filters out ultrasounds. To 00:33:51.280 --> 00:33:55.489 do that, we use a heisel filter that attenuates all frequencies above 18kHz 00:33:55.489 --> 00:34:04.539 line:1 and it works pretty reliably. And we leave all audible frequencies, intact. 00:34:04.539 --> 00:34:10.060 But it's not going to work with obsolete legacy technologies such as 00:34:10.060 --> 00:34:16.789 flash. OK, we also have an adroit permission, I think this somewhat more 00:34:16.789 --> 00:34:22.980 medium term solution, what we did is we developed a unique developed parts for the 00:34:22.980 --> 00:34:28.810 Android permission system. This allows for fine grained control over the audio channel, 00:34:28.810 --> 00:34:35.099 basically separates the permission needed for listening to audible sound and the 00:34:35.099 --> 00:34:39.750 permission needed for listening to the ultrasound spectrum. So at least we force the 00:34:39.750 --> 00:34:44.559 applications to specifically declare that they are going to listen to four 00:34:44.559 --> 00:34:49.399 ultrasounds. And of course, users can, on the latest Android versions, can also 00:34:49.399 --> 00:34:54.369 disable this permission and it can act as an opt out option if the app is not 00:34:54.369 --> 00:35:02.899 providing it. We also initiated discussion on the Turbo Tracker, but, um, we have, 00:35:02.899 --> 00:35:09.380 um, we are advocating for some long term solutions, so we really need some 00:35:09.380 --> 00:35:15.650 standardization here. Um, let's agree on ultrasound to confirm that and decide what 00:35:15.650 --> 00:35:20.440 security features can be there. I mean, we need to figure out what's technically 00:35:20.440 --> 00:35:25.410 possible there because it's not clear. And then once we have a standard, we can start 00:35:25.410 --> 00:35:32.109 building some APIs. And the APIs are very nice idea because, um, they will work as 00:35:32.109 --> 00:35:37.250 the Bluetooth APIs work, meaning that they will provide some methods to discover, 00:35:37.250 --> 00:35:42.240 process, generate and emit the sound beacons through a new API related 00:35:42.240 --> 00:35:48.809 permission. And this means that we will stop having overprivileged apps. We won't 00:35:48.809 --> 00:35:54.310 need access to the microphone anymore, which is a huge problem right now. And of 00:35:54.310 --> 00:35:58.700 course, the applications will not be considered spying anymore. And there is 00:35:58.700 --> 00:36:03.630 also another problem that we found out while we were playing with those shops. 00:36:03.630 --> 00:36:08.240 Um, if you have a framework listening through the microphone, other apps cannot 00:36:08.240 --> 00:36:12.289 access it. So we are trying to open the camera app to record the video on the app. 00:36:12.289 --> 00:36:17.320 Camera app was crashing because the framework was locking the access to the 00:36:17.320 --> 00:36:22.349 microphone. Now we may have some developers from frameworks saying, you 00:36:22.349 --> 00:36:26.020 know, I'm not going to use your API. I'm going to keep asking for access to the 00:36:26.020 --> 00:36:34.090 microphone. But we can force them to use this API if we somehow, um, by default 00:36:34.090 --> 00:36:38.750 filter out the ultrasound frequencies from the microphone and 00:36:38.750 --> 00:36:44.640 provide the way to the user to enable them on a pure application basis from his 00:36:44.640 --> 00:36:56.200 phone. OK, so. Here's what we did, um, we analyzed them, multiple ultrasound 00:36:56.200 --> 00:37:00.329 tracking technologies, we saw what what's out there in the real world and reverse 00:37:00.329 --> 00:37:08.500 engineered such frameworks. We identified, um, quite a few security shortcomings. We 00:37:08.500 --> 00:37:16.150 introduced our attacks and proposed some, um, usable countermeasures. Um, and 00:37:16.150 --> 00:37:21.580 hopefully we initiated the discussion about standardizing ultrasound because, 00:37:21.580 --> 00:37:27.539 um, but there are still things left to do. So for the application developers, please, 00:37:27.539 --> 00:37:32.880 um, explicitly notify the users about what your app is doing. Many of them would 00:37:32.880 --> 00:37:41.150 appreciate to know that. Um, also, we need to improve transparency in the data 00:37:41.150 --> 00:37:47.150 collection process because they collecting lots of data and very few information were 00:37:47.150 --> 00:37:52.010 available about what kind of data they framework's collect. Um, we also think 00:37:52.010 --> 00:37:57.010 it's a good idea to have an opt in option if it's not too much to ask, at least an 00:37:57.010 --> 00:38:07.910 opt out and standard security practices, um, as always. So framework providers 00:38:07.910 --> 00:38:13.730 basically need to make sure that the developers inform the users and also make 00:38:13.730 --> 00:38:21.030 sure that the users consent regularly to listening for because like it's not enough 00:38:21.030 --> 00:38:25.809 if you consent once and then a month after the app is still listening for ultrasound beacons 00:38:25.809 --> 00:38:33.170 you have to periodically ask the user if it's still okay to do that. Um. Ideally, every time 00:38:33.170 --> 00:38:39.619 you are going to listen and then, of course, we need to work on standardizing 00:38:39.619 --> 00:38:43.930 ultrasound because this is going to be a long process and then building the 00:38:43.930 --> 00:38:48.430 specialized, specialized API. Hopefully this is going to be easier once we have a 00:38:48.430 --> 00:38:56.960 standard and see what kind of authentication mechanisms can we have in 00:38:56.960 --> 00:39:03.989 this kind of constrained transmission channel. So.. 00:39:03.989 --> 00:39:17.149 applause 00:39:17.149 --> 00:39:21.229 Herald: Thank you Vasilios. If you have any questions, please do line up at the four 00:39:21.229 --> 00:39:26.679 microphones here in the walkways and the first question will be the front 00:39:26.679 --> 00:39:30.959 microphone here. Mic: Hello and thank you for your 00:39:30.959 --> 00:39:35.240 presentation. And I have a couple of questions to ask that are technical and 00:39:35.240 --> 00:39:41.070 they are very related. First of all, do you think that blocking out in our system 00:39:41.070 --> 00:39:47.799 level the high frequencies for either microphone or the speakers as well, a 00:39:47.799 --> 00:39:53.070 something that is technically feasible and will not put a very high latency in the 00:39:53.070 --> 00:39:56.750 processing? Vasilios: So we did that through the 00:39:56.750 --> 00:39:59.350 permission. You are talking about the smartphone right? 00:39:59.350 --> 00:40:03.850 Mic: Yeah, basically, because you have to have a real time sound and microphone 00:40:03.850 --> 00:40:06.769 feedback. Vasilios: So we did that with the 00:40:06.769 --> 00:40:14.179 permission. And I think it's not it's not to resource demanding, if that's 00:40:14.179 --> 00:40:17.219 your question. So it's definitely possible to do that. 00:40:17.219 --> 00:40:21.820 Mic: And the second part is, so there is a new market maybe for some 00:40:21.820 --> 00:40:28.170 companies producing and microphones and speakers that explicitly block out 00:40:28.170 --> 00:40:33.860 ultrasounds, right? Vasilios: Possibly. Possibly. Um, I'm not 00:40:33.860 --> 00:40:38.690 sure if you can do this from the application level. We developed parts for 00:40:38.690 --> 00:40:43.869 the Android system. I think our first approach back then was basically try to 00:40:43.869 --> 00:40:48.130 build an app to do that from the application, from the user land. And 00:40:48.130 --> 00:40:53.100 basically, I'm not sure if you can I doubt actually an Android if you can filter out 00:40:53.100 --> 00:40:58.569 ultrasounds. But from a browser, we have our extension. It works on Chrome. You can 00:40:58.569 --> 00:41:04.250 easily use our code to do the same thing on the Firefox. 00:41:04.250 --> 00:41:06.600 Mic: Thanks. Herald: The next question is from the 00:41:06.600 --> 00:41:10.460 front right microphone. Mic: Thank you for your talk. I have a 00:41:10.460 --> 00:41:15.220 question about the attack requirements against the whistleblower using Tor. 00:41:15.220 --> 00:41:23.730 I'm curious, the attacker has access to the app on the smartphone and also access 00:41:23.730 --> 00:41:32.790 to the smartphone microphone. Wouldn't the attacker then be able to just listen in on 00:41:32.790 --> 00:41:37.340 the conversation of the whistleblower and thereby identify him? 00:41:37.340 --> 00:41:40.670 Vasilios: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. It's a major problem. The problem is that 00:41:40.670 --> 00:41:47.760 they have access to the microphone. So this is very this is very real and it's 00:41:47.760 --> 00:41:52.870 not going to be resolved even if we had access only to the ultrasound spectrum. 00:41:52.870 --> 00:41:57.359 What we're saying is basically, if we only had access to the ultrasound spectrum, 00:41:57.359 --> 00:42:04.820 you're still uhm you are still vulnerable to these attacks unless you incorporate 00:42:04.820 --> 00:42:10.420 some crypto mechanisms that prevent these things from happening. Is this your 00:42:10.420 --> 00:42:15.900 question or? Mic: Um, well, I can still pull off the 00:42:15.900 --> 00:42:19.350 same attack if I don't use ultrasound right? 00:42:19.350 --> 00:42:21.540 Vasilios: Through the audible spectrum? Mic: Yes, 00:42:21.540 --> 00:42:28.990 Vasilios: You can absolutely do. There is one company doing tracking in the audible 00:42:28.990 --> 00:42:35.560 spectrum. This is much harder to mitigate. We're looking into it about ways, but 00:42:35.560 --> 00:42:39.109 there are so many ways to incorporate beacons in the audible spectrum. The thing 00:42:39.109 --> 00:42:47.240 is that there is not much of an ecosystem in this area right now that so you don't 00:42:47.240 --> 00:42:52.640 have lots of frameworks are there as many as you have for ultrasounds. 00:42:52.640 --> 00:42:56.219 Mic: Thank you. Herald: Our next question will be from 00:42:56.219 --> 00:43:01.349 the Internet via our signal angel Signal Angel: $Username is asking, have 00:43:01.349 --> 00:43:08.170 you heard about exploiting parricide ultrasound emiters like IC component's? 00:43:08.170 --> 00:43:10.230 Vasilios: Can you please repeat the question? 00:43:10.230 --> 00:43:14.600 Signal Angel: Yes, sure. The question is, can you use other components on the main 00:43:14.600 --> 00:43:23.740 board or maybe the hard disk to emit ultrasounds and then broadcast the beacon 00:43:23.740 --> 00:43:28.960 via this? Vailios: Uh. So that's a very that's a 00:43:28.960 --> 00:43:35.450 very good question. The answer is I don't know, possibly, and it's very scary. Um, 00:43:35.450 --> 00:43:42.489 hopefully not, but I doubt it. I think there should be a way to do it. Um, maybe 00:43:42.489 --> 00:43:47.200 the problem is that you cannot do this completely in a completely inaudible way. 00:43:47.200 --> 00:43:51.760 Like you may be able to meet ultrasounds, but you will also emit some sort of sound 00:43:51.760 --> 00:43:58.010 in the audible spectrum so that the user will know that something is going on. 00:43:58.010 --> 00:44:02.520 Herald: The next question from the left microphone. 00:44:02.520 --> 00:44:06.559 Mic: Thank you for your talk and especially thanks for the research. So, 00:44:06.559 --> 00:44:12.919 uh, do you know of any framework's or, uh, STKs that cash the beacon's they find? 00:44:12.919 --> 00:44:17.760 Because for my use case, I my phone was mostly offline. I just make it online when 00:44:17.760 --> 00:44:21.950 I have to check something. So I'm not that concerned. But 00:44:21.950 --> 00:44:24.660 you do you know, if they like cash the beacons and and submit them later 00:44:24.660 --> 00:44:32.250 something like this. Of course they do. I'm not surprised, unfortunately. Yeah. 00:44:32.250 --> 00:44:39.450 Thanks. Next question from the rear. Right. Oh, what is the data rate? You can 00:44:39.450 --> 00:44:44.119 send in the ultrasound. Very good question. And it's totally relevant to the 00:44:44.119 --> 00:44:51.250 cryptographic mechanisms we want to incorporate from our experiments. Um, in 00:44:51.250 --> 00:44:58.480 four seconds you can basically send like five to six alphabet characters if you're 00:44:58.480 --> 00:45:04.500 willing to kind of reduce the range a lot less in less than seven meters, you may be 00:45:04.500 --> 00:45:11.970 able to send more. But the standard is not very robust in this sense. But these 00:45:11.970 --> 00:45:16.260 experiments were done with this kind of naive encoding that most of the companies 00:45:16.260 --> 00:45:22.930 are using. So if you do the encoding in a very smart way, possibly you can increase 00:45:22.930 --> 00:45:29.329 that. And a small second part, what's the energy consumption on the phone if that is 00:45:29.329 --> 00:45:35.110 running all the time? Wouldn't I detect that? So it's not, uh, it's not good. We 00:45:35.110 --> 00:45:38.890 saw that it was draining the battery and actually in the comments, I don't know if 00:45:38.890 --> 00:45:44.500 I had that comment here. Some people were complaining that, um, I tried and it was 00:45:44.500 --> 00:45:53.029 draining my battery. And, um, there is an impact. Absolutely. Amazon and Google Nest 00:45:53.029 --> 00:45:57.710 and all the other parts, aren't you more worried about that? You know, the always 00:45:57.710 --> 00:46:02.400 listening thing from Google and Amazon and everyone is coming up with some something 00:46:02.400 --> 00:46:10.130 like that that's always on. And so that it's kind of strange because a user's 00:46:10.130 --> 00:46:18.369 consent. But at the same time, they don't completely understand. So there is a gray 00:46:18.369 --> 00:46:22.670 line there, like you can say that the users, OK, you consented to that up, 00:46:22.670 --> 00:46:28.549 starting with your with your phone and listening on the background. But at the 00:46:28.549 --> 00:46:34.869 same time, the users don't have the best understanding. Always. Thank you. Next 00:46:34.869 --> 00:46:39.430 question from the front left microphone first. Thank you for the talk. I would be 00:46:39.430 --> 00:46:43.809 interested in how you selected your real world applications and how many you found 00:46:43.809 --> 00:46:51.119 that already use such a framework. So what was the first part of the question, how 00:46:51.119 --> 00:46:56.790 you selected your real world applications from the marketplace staff if you had any. 00:46:56.790 --> 00:47:04.109 So we're trying to do a systematic scan of the whole market, but it's not easy. So we 00:47:04.109 --> 00:47:09.440 not able to do that. There are resources on the Internet. Luckily, the companies 00:47:09.440 --> 00:47:15.710 need to advertise their product. So they basically publish press releases saying, 00:47:15.710 --> 00:47:22.000 you know, this NBA team started using our product. We did some sort of scanning 00:47:22.000 --> 00:47:27.890 through alternative datasets, but definitely we don't have an exhaustive 00:47:27.890 --> 00:47:33.049 list of applications. What I can say, though, is that there are applications 00:47:33.049 --> 00:47:40.250 with. Using such frameworks with nearly up to, if I remember correctly, up to one 00:47:40.250 --> 00:47:49.160 million installations. One notable example, OK, I'm not entirely sure what I 00:47:49.160 --> 00:47:55.380 wanted, but up to a million we definitely saw. OK, thanks. Do we have more questions 00:47:55.380 --> 00:48:02.500 from the Internet? Yes, E.F. is asking, is he aware of or are you aware sorry? Are 00:48:02.500 --> 00:48:05.569 you aware of any framework available by Google or Apple? In other words, how do we 00:48:05.569 --> 00:48:11.960 know that it's not, for instance, seriously snitching on us? How do we know 00:48:11.960 --> 00:48:19.910 that it's not true? It's not serious. Some maybe Aleksa snitching on us. We don't. I 00:48:19.910 --> 00:48:24.160 think that's a that's a very large discussion. Right. So is the same problem 00:48:24.160 --> 00:48:34.059 that these companies are having? Because if I go back here, basically the users are 00:48:34.059 --> 00:48:43.690 accusing them of eavesdropping. Especially here from reverse engineering those 00:48:43.690 --> 00:48:49.869 frameworks, we couldn't find any such activity, but again, it's very hard to 00:48:49.869 --> 00:48:54.259 convince the users that you are listening to the ultrasound spectrum. You if you're 00:48:54.259 --> 00:48:59.769 accessing the whole audible frequencies through the microphone, you're going to or 00:48:59.769 --> 00:49:04.119 you will always find yourself in this position. So I guess it's the same problem 00:49:04.119 --> 00:49:09.339 that Alexa has from Amazon. But in this case, you can actually solve it by 00:49:09.339 --> 00:49:15.410 constraining the spectrum that you gain access to. Next question from the front 00:49:15.410 --> 00:49:21.069 left microphone, please. Has anybody done an audible demonstration off these beacons 00:49:21.069 --> 00:49:26.230 bypassed by transposing them down an octave or two, I think might be useful for 00:49:26.230 --> 00:49:34.089 for or your talk to something like that. So you mean a demo, but using audible 00:49:34.089 --> 00:49:40.630 frequencies? Essentially, there is this one company, but they are being pretty to 00:49:40.630 --> 00:49:44.869 all of these companies are being pretty secretive with their technology. So they 00:49:44.869 --> 00:49:51.430 publish what's needed for marketing purposes like accuracy sometimes remains 00:49:51.430 --> 00:49:57.390 very limited technical details. But apart from these, you have to get your hands on 00:49:57.390 --> 00:50:04.829 the framework somehow and analyze it yourself. So in this kind of overview we 00:50:04.829 --> 00:50:08.130 need for the ecosystem, we had to do everything by ourselves. There was no 00:50:08.130 --> 00:50:15.789 resources out there were very limited, um, or recording it and playing it down and 00:50:15.789 --> 00:50:23.290 transposing it yourself, if you know where as a beacon of. Possibly I'm not I'm not 00:50:23.290 --> 00:50:31.779 entirely sure you could. Yeah. Another question from our signal, angel mestas, 00:50:31.779 --> 00:50:37.789 again asking, um, would it be possible, even if you have a low pass filter to use, 00:50:37.789 --> 00:50:44.810 uh, for instance, the cost effect and high cost effect to transmit the beacon via 00:50:44.810 --> 00:50:53.900 ultrasound, but in a regime which is as free for the app? So it's basically the 00:50:53.900 --> 00:50:59.799 question, can I somehow, via Aliasing USA address on signal to make a normal signal 00:50:59.799 --> 00:51:08.319 out of it? Possibly, I don't know. I think you are much more creative than I am, so 00:51:08.319 --> 00:51:16.819 maybe I should add more bullet points on this controversialist here. Apparently, 00:51:16.819 --> 00:51:23.150 there are many more ways to do this, possibly like hardware missions. This one 00:51:23.150 --> 00:51:29.619 sounds like a good idea, too. So next question from the real right microphone. I 00:51:29.619 --> 00:51:33.559 apologize if you explain the story they didn't understand, but is is sort of 00:51:33.559 --> 00:51:38.819 drowning out the signals, like jamming. They just broadcasting white noise in that 00:51:38.819 --> 00:51:43.810 spectrum, an effective countermeasure. And as a follow up, if it is, would it 00:51:43.810 --> 00:51:56.750 terrorize my dog? So absolutely, it's effective. I mean, this it works up to 00:51:56.750 --> 00:52:01.770 seven meters, but we're not saying it's not fragile, so you can do that, but it's 00:52:01.770 --> 00:52:05.829 noise pollution. And my dog, I don't think it was happy. I did it for a very limited 00:52:05.829 --> 00:52:10.280 time. I could see her ears moving, but I don't think she would appreciate it if I 00:52:10.280 --> 00:52:16.720 had the device at home doing this all the time. Do we have any more questions from 00:52:16.720 --> 00:52:22.460 the Internet? Yes, EULEX is asking to what extent could we use these for our own 00:52:22.460 --> 00:52:26.559 needs? For example, people in repressive situations, for example, activists could 00:52:26.559 --> 00:52:30.630 use it to transmit secret encrypted messages. Are there any efforts in this 00:52:30.630 --> 00:52:40.829 area? Yes, there are. People are developing ultrasound modems. I think 00:52:40.829 --> 00:52:51.030 there is even a tag on it. And yes, of course there is. So I would say, yes, I'm 00:52:51.030 --> 00:52:57.029 not entirely sure about the capabilities of this channel in terms of bandwidth, but 00:52:57.029 --> 00:53:01.890 this is why we we are not advocating to kill the technology just to make it secure 00:53:01.890 --> 00:53:06.900 and know its limitations. So you can do good stuff with it. And this is what we 00:53:06.900 --> 00:53:13.720 want. Next question from the Rio, right? Yeah, I'm wondering if you could transfer 00:53:13.720 --> 00:53:19.859 that technique from the ultrasound range also to the Audible Range, for example, by 00:53:19.859 --> 00:53:26.550 using watermarks, audio, watermarks, and then, well, your permission thingy with 00:53:26.550 --> 00:53:31.740 the ultrasound permissions would be ineffective and you could also track the 00:53:31.740 --> 00:53:37.810 user. How about this? Is it possible audio watermarks in the audible spectrum? Yeah, 00:53:37.810 --> 00:53:42.900 it's absolutely possible. Um, our countermeasures are not effective against 00:53:42.900 --> 00:53:50.490 this. Um, it's just that there is from our research, just one company doing this. Uh, 00:53:50.490 --> 00:53:57.119 so this one, um, I think technically it's a bit more challenging to do that. 00:53:57.119 --> 00:54:02.809 Instead, they're just admitting they are doing it in a very basic way. So 00:54:02.809 --> 00:54:08.480 hopefully, um, if there is a clear way to do it through ultrasounds, they are not 00:54:08.480 --> 00:54:15.400 going to reside reside in the audible spectrum. But our countermeasures are not 00:54:15.400 --> 00:54:22.640 effective against the audible. Um. Watermarks. Yeah, thanks, next question 00:54:22.640 --> 00:54:28.960 from the front left microphone. I've heard that I don't think it's very credible, but 00:54:28.960 --> 00:54:34.079 I've heard that there is some sound on this sub sound spectrum. There were some 00:54:34.079 --> 00:54:40.700 experiments showing that they can influence our mood, the mood of humans. Is 00:54:40.700 --> 00:54:47.900 there any relevant information about how ultrasounds could affect us? So without 00:54:47.900 --> 00:54:54.580 being an expert in this particular area? I've read similar articles when I was 00:54:54.580 --> 00:54:59.190 looking into it. I can tell you it's very annoying, especially if you're listening 00:54:59.190 --> 00:55:05.680 to it through headphones. You cannot really hear the sound, but you can if 00:55:05.680 --> 00:55:11.599 you're using headphones, you can feel the pressure. So if I don't know what kind of 00:55:11.599 --> 00:55:19.809 medical condition you may develop, but you won't be very sane after. Do we have any 00:55:19.809 --> 00:55:27.289 more questions? Yes. One further question, um, would it be possible to, um, use a 00:55:27.289 --> 00:55:33.999 charming solution to get rid of the signals? Yes, but you you're going to 00:55:33.999 --> 00:55:38.450 follow the you know, it's going to result in noise pollution, but if you are being 00:55:38.450 --> 00:55:46.690 paranoid about it, yes, it's and it's, I think, a straightforward thing to do. Any 00:55:46.690 --> 00:55:53.330 more questions? One more on the front left microphone. Know, you said that physical 00:55:53.330 --> 00:55:59.049 objects will block the ultrasound. How solid do the physical objects need to be? 00:55:59.049 --> 00:56:04.680 So, for example, does my pocket block the ultrasound and thus prevent my phone to 00:56:04.680 --> 00:56:11.579 call the environment and vice versa? OK, well, that's a good question. I don't 00:56:11.579 --> 00:56:16.529 think that clothes can actually do that unless it's very thick. Thin girls 00:56:16.529 --> 00:56:27.190 definitely block it. Um. Thick glass, I would say it reduce the transmission rate, 00:56:27.190 --> 00:56:35.559 the signal to noise ratio by a lot, but it could go through it, so. You need 00:56:35.559 --> 00:56:42.690 something quite concrete, metal. I don't think it goes through it. So are there any 00:56:42.690 --> 00:56:48.160 more? Doesn't look like it, maybe, maybe one more sorry. Oh, good signal, good bye. 00:56:48.160 --> 00:57:02.350 Kitty is asking, could you name or compile a list of tracking programs and apps? So. 00:57:02.350 --> 00:57:07.410 That's a good question. We're trying to make an exhaustive list and try to resolve 00:57:07.410 --> 00:57:16.529 this in a systematic way. I've already listed two Macenta frameworks. One is the 00:57:16.529 --> 00:57:20.160 Silverbush one three actually. One is the Silver Paswan. There is another one used 00:57:20.160 --> 00:57:32.940 by single 360. So developed the signal 360, and then there is a listener one. 00:57:32.940 --> 00:57:39.609 These are very popular. Um, and then its developer is incorporating them into their 00:57:39.609 --> 00:57:48.749 applications in different ways, offering varying levels of transparency for the 00:57:48.749 --> 00:57:54.339 users. So it's better if you start knowing what the frameworks are and then trying to 00:57:54.339 --> 00:57:59.039 find the applications using them, because you know what? You're looking in the code 00:57:59.039 --> 00:58:06.280 and you can develop some queries and enabling you to access an ability to to 00:58:06.280 --> 00:58:13.509 track which applications are using them. What what we observed for Silverbush is 00:58:13.509 --> 00:58:18.820 basically after the company announced that they are moving out of the US and because 00:58:18.820 --> 00:58:24.390 of the whole backslash, maybe even before that, um, companies started to drop the 00:58:24.390 --> 00:58:30.109 framework. So all their versions had the framework, but they are not using it 00:58:30.109 --> 00:58:52.549 anymore. I think that's it. Thank you very much, Vasilios Lovelady's. 00:58:52.549 --> 00:59:02.932 Subtitles created by c3subtitles.de in the year 2021. Join, and help us!