1 00:00:00,353 --> 00:00:04,913 The Book Sprints facilitator is in the room to guide the group 2 00:00:04,913 --> 00:00:08,433 through the very strenuous process of producing a book in 5 days. 3 00:00:08,433 --> 00:00:13,853 Our role is primarily to mediate discussion, build consensus with the group 4 00:00:13,853 --> 00:00:18,882 and try to preempt any barriers to collaboration that might occur 5 00:00:18,882 --> 00:00:24,051 when you have a group of 15 different people with different opinions trying to write a book together. 6 00:00:24,051 --> 00:00:31,029 And we're also managing the entire production team remotely. 7 00:00:31,029 --> 00:00:35,029 All ensuring that we get the book done in 5 days.