0:00:01.020,0:00:05.778 [Intro Music] 0:00:07.682,0:00:10.430 Pain & Sympathy 0:00:11.178,0:00:19.220 [Choral music and sound of oxygen mask] 0:00:19.407,0:00:21.758 [Choral Music] 0:00:22.290,0:00:25.857 History of the Main Complaint 0:00:26.128,0:00:28.060 [choral music] 0:00:29.165,0:00:32.406 In the activity of making work 0:00:33.567,0:00:36.397 there's a sense that if you spend a day 0:00:36.397,0:00:37.397 or two days drawing 0:00:38.304,0:00:40.160 an object or an image 0:00:40.615,0:00:42.761 there is a sympathy toward that object, 0:00:42.761,0:00:44.899 embodied in the human labor of making the drawing 0:00:45.858,0:00:49.010 [choral music] 0:00:49.587,0:00:53.757 and for me there is something in the dedication 0:00:53.780,0:00:58.860 to the image whether it's Jericho painting guillotined heads 0:00:59.573,0:01:01.350 it's a shocking image 0:01:01.350,0:01:02.802 but there is something about the hours 0:01:02.802,0:01:05.949 of physically studying those heads and painting them 0:01:05.980,0:01:09.333 that becomes a compassionate act for me 0:01:09.333,0:01:11.171 even though on the one hand you can say 0:01:11.171,0:01:13.472 that is very cold bloodedly and ghoulishly looking at 0:01:13.472,0:01:15.679 disaster or using other peoples’ pain 0:01:15.679,0:01:17.193 as raw material for the work. 0:01:17.301,0:01:30.645 [choral music] 0:01:30.805,0:01:33.235 [sound of baseball bat hitting] 0:01:33.321,0:01:33.844 [choral music] 0:01:34.014,0:01:40.984 [Choral music and sounds of punches] 0:01:40.984,0:01:44.279 [cardiac monitor beep] 0:01:45.213,0:01:49.065 [choral music, cardiac monitor beep and sound of punches] 0:01:49.387,0:01:50.593 I mean naturally every artist does this 0:01:50.593,0:01:54.053 use other peoples pain as well as their own as raw material 0:01:54.053,0:01:57.858 so there is a kind of, if not a vampirishness 0:01:57.858,0:02:00.776 certainly an appropriation of other people’s distress 0:02:00.802,0:02:03.423 in the activity of being a writer or an artist. 0:02:03.669,0:02:06.905 But there is also something in the activity of both 0:02:06.905,0:02:09.318 contemplating, depicting, and spending the time with it 0:02:09.448,0:02:12.603 which I hope, as an artist, redeems the activity 0:02:12.735,0:02:15.971 from one of simply exploitation and abuse. 0:02:16.218,0:02:19.246 [choral music] 0:02:20.341,0:02:21.942 [sound of a car crashing] 0:02:22.095,0:02:28.100 [sound of telephone ringing] 0:02:29.551,0:02:40.314 [cardiac monitor beep] 0:02:49.683,0:02:53.830 [exit music]