[COSTCO SUBS PRESENTS] [Previously unaired footage] We're making Taiwanese shaved ice. -If we prepare it now, we can eat it tomorrow. -Perfect! Let's do it. [Ingredients for Taiwanese shaved ice (3 servings)] These are mung beans. Understood. I've never seen those before. Can you buy them in Japan? You can. I bought them at Kaldi. I've already soaked them. -You have to soak them in water? -Yeah. Would you like to try it? Yes, please. You don't normally eat them raw. It's different from what you'd expect, right? It tastes really bad. These are tapioca pearls. They're so popular now. You put them in hot water... -And they get bigger? -Yeah, you have to boil them. First off, let's make the syrup for Taiwanese shaved ice. Got it. The syrup used for Taiwanese shaved ice has a jasmine fragrance. I'm adding sugar to the pan... [Syrup: Add 400g each of sugar and water,] [and turn on the heat.] About 300g? -It doesn't have to be exact. -I thought so. Just go by instinct. I'm gonna slowly heat this up. Until it's dissolved. [Syrup: Add jasmin tea leaves] Let's add in the jasmin tea leaves... [and let them give off flavor.] You just put them in like that? Really? [Then take them out.] You don't have to put on the heat now. Oh, okay. Or the fragrance will evaporate. -I'm going to cook these as well. -You have to cook those too? [Ingredient 1: Mung beans] Just add as much water as you want. [Simmer soaked mung beans on high heat] The same amount? So that it covers the beans? [and skim off scum] There'll be a lot of scum floating on top. -I'm good at skimming off scum. -You are? -I'm really good at it. -Go ahead, then. -We've let them simmer for a while. -Yeah, quite a bit. Now we're gonna put them in water once again. So, for the last step we will... We're gonna add sugar and we'll... ... cook the beans with sugar. We'll spread them out. [After simmering for ~10 min, drain beans and put them in water] Like this. [Add two tablespoons of sugar and cook on medium heat.] About two tablespoons. We're gonna let this simmer for a bit. -So this... -It's gonna be good. -I'm gonna drain them. -Are they done? [After coming to a boil, drain the beans and let them cool down.] -I got it, I got it. -I'm okay. These are done. We'll let them cool down... ... and then put them in the fridge. -Let's cook the tapioca! -Let's cook the tapioca! [Ingredient 2: Tapioca] Will they get bigger? Not so much? I'm not sure. [Add tapioca and water in a pan. Let simmer and rinse with water.] -This is really good! -Is it? I'm glad. -Look at this. -It's different from what I thought. It looks delicious, though. How are the tapioca looking? They're looking more and more like tapioca. Yes! -Really? -Yes! Just so-so. That stuff turns into tapioca eventually. -Is that enough? -Yeah, let's drain them. And rinse them with water. It's tapi! -There's no spillage. -Yeah, they're just right. -It's all done! -It is. That's great. [Let the ingredients cool down] It's all cooled down now. [and put them in the fridge.] Let's refrigerate them. I'm so gonna spill and break all of this. You're gonna be fine. It's hot in here! Can you take care of the papaya? I'll cut the pineapple. Thanks. Oh, sorry. [Ingredient 3: Fruit - Remove seeds from papaya, cut into julienne slices.] [Cut pineapple and kiwis into bite-sized pieces.] Wow, that looks so tropical! -Hey there! -Yeah, doesn't it? Can I give you a job? How about the kiwis? I'll peel the kiwis! -Thank you. -Thanks. -Should I use this one? -Yeah. The way you're holding it... I've never had papaya like this before. -Let's eat! -Yeah, let's eat. This is great.. -Wow! This is so cool! -So cool! You're good at this! It's super cold. You're out of ice. Looks like it. -Do you want all of the ingredients? -Yes please. [Finish: Top shaved ice with fruit, mung beans and grass jelly and pour jasmine syrup] I'll dish up the grass jelly. Is it okay to mix it? -What is this? Jelly? -It's jelly. -I've never seen this before. -It looks peculiar. -And what are these beans? -Those are mung beans. I've never seen those before either. If you like it, feel free to get seconds. -It's gonna be good for sure. -Bon appétit. -Do you want to say it in Taiwanese? -Let's say it in Taiwanese. -That's "kai dong." -"Kai dong." That pineapple is a good one. The tapioca is so good! -The pineapple is delicious. -It is! It's really sweet, but the beans balance it out nicely. -The tapioca is delicious. -It's all about the balance. Got it. You're supposed to eat it all together, right? I'm full. That was a whole meal. -It was really good. -Yeah. It's filling. I'm full. So, Shohei... Why did you lose your tooth? -Why did I lose my tooth? -How did you lose it? My front teeth... Which one should I tell you about? -There's two? -Did you lose both? I have a story about the right one and one about the left. Let's go for left. Now I really want to know about the right one. Sorry, go on! Did you lose two? -Just the first one... -Ah, okay. Gotcha. When I was in second grade, we went to some hotel in Izu. And my parents would play smartball at night. Do you know smartball? It's like a big version of pinball. That's what we were doing. So we won a prize and I got excited. This is where the smartball place was And here's the hotel. And there was a hill, since it was at the shore. This is the sea. Like this... I was so excited. I started running and I ran around the hotel. And I came 'round to the entrance. It must've been a pretty good hotel. Since it was so well cleaned. The door. The door was very clean. I thought, "Hey, there's nothing there!" I ran towards it, but then I noticed there was something right here. I saw a line here... And I should've stopped there, but I was so excited, I thought it was an automatic door and that it would open. But it wouldn't. It was like this. I hit it like "bam!" That tooth had just grown, but it was completely smashed. Oh, ouch! It just got smashed out. -Just the one? -Yeah, that was just one. So I lost one tooth at that time. The other one broke in two. That happened... when I was in high school. I was talking with friends. So my friend's girlfriend... You know... Kaela Kimura was really popular at that time. And she wanted to have the same haircut. A bob? Yeah, a bob cut. But that kind of failed. Her head looked like a dick. Seriously. It looked like a dick. For real. I laughed about it for a whole day. -Now I can't wear a bob anymore! -His girlfriend... -Kaori has a bob cut too! -No, no, that one was just a fail! Hers was a fail. It looked like this... You've said it three times now! So he was kind of bragging to me about her. When we were changing in the locker room. But I said, "I know you're really in love with her, but..." "Doesn't her head look like a dick?" -And he was like "You jerk!" -That was to be expected. And he threw his deodorant bottle at me. It spun around in the air. And my tooth broke. So you got a denture for that one? -No, that's this one. -Oh, that one? The other front tooth?! Wait a sec. What about the denture? -Yeah, but the one with the denture... -It just got chipped. Oh, because of that? -It got smashed, so it's completely gone. -Oh, I see. Your tooth... Sometimes you give it a rest, don't you? When I asked him what was with his tooth he said, "It's taking a break." Sometimes you say "It's relaxing in the bath." I only put it in for formal situations. -How about casual situations? -I don't need it for casual situations. I don't really need it. You mean your front tooth? -You'd feel bad for the stump. -Right. I wear it in formal situations. Like weddings and stuff. Or at funerals. Yeah. That's how it is. Even though you're an actor! I also wear it when I have an audition. -Because it's a formal situation. -Right. [Translated & Timed by mrschap] [Reviewed by koma]