658 00:26:24,720 --> 00:26:27,020 就我还挺喜欢的 Actually I kind of like her! 659 00:26:30,320 --> 00:26:31,500 太好了 Amazing! 660 00:26:31,500 --> 00:26:33,760 我最想看的画面出现了 This is the scene I most wanted to happen! 661 00:26:35,520 --> 00:26:36,960 行 挺好的 Sure. That's nice. 662 00:26:37,700 --> 00:26:39,960 那个她 So, she loves baked sweet potatoes 664 00:26:39,960 --> 00:26:42,100 你可以没事给她买俩烤白薯吃 If you have time, you should buy her some as a snack. 665 00:26:42,100 --> 00:26:43,020 就外面那个 The ones they sell on the streets? 666 00:26:43,020 --> 00:26:44,020 对 Correct. 667 00:26:44,480 --> 00:26:45,060 大爷卖的那个 The one sold by uncle???? 668 00:26:45,060 --> 00:26:46,260 插在那个 Plug in that???? 669 00:26:46,260 --> 00:26:47,360 就那个 对 That's right. 670 00:26:50,020 --> 00:26:51,940 我没谈过恋爱 你知道吗 哥 So I've never dated anyone. 671 00:26:52,260 --> 00:26:52,960 真的假的 Are you for real? 672 00:26:52,960 --> 00:26:54,460 真的 我从来没谈过恋爱 Yes really. I've never dated anyone. 673 00:26:56,860 --> 00:26:58,500 也说不上来 Don't know what to say about it. You know? I just... 675 00:26:58,960 --> 00:27:03,280 那种 I can't explain it. I've just never dated at all. 678 00:27:12,700 --> 00:27:14,380 这位少年太嫩了 This youth is too inexperienced. 679 00:27:14,380 --> 00:27:15,000 太少年 Too youthful! 680 00:27:15,000 --> 00:27:17,000 孙世睿能有什么坏心思 What bad intentions can Didi have? 681 00:27:17,000 --> 00:27:17,840 孙世睿 Didi! 682 00:27:17,840 --> 00:27:19,420 这不玩人少年呢吗 -So we found the youthful guy? -Correct. 684 00:27:19,420 --> 00:27:20,520 有点没意思了 That's kind of lame. 685 00:27:20,520 --> 00:27:22,760 王天奇太过分了 Wang Tianqi is too much! 686 00:27:30,500 --> 00:27:33,580 你今天有工作吗 -Do you have work today? -Yes, I'm leaving after breakfast. 688 00:27:34,580 --> 00:27:36,400 平时有去试着运动什么的 Normally, do you like to exercise? 689 00:27:35,840 --> 00:27:36,400 玩一玩 For fun? 690 00:27:37,980 --> 00:27:39,940 不会 -Not really. -Not at all? 692 00:27:41,140 --> 00:27:44,140 会打球类的东西 I can play games with balls, like ping pong and badminton. 694 00:27:44,360 --> 00:27:45,820 但不是打的很好 But I'm not very good at either. 695 00:27:46,940 --> 00:27:53,260 那你平常不会上那种 Have you been to classes that involve dancing? 698 00:27:53,260 --> 00:27:54,120 有 I have. 699 00:27:54,640 --> 00:27:55,900 那你跳的是什么舞种 What kind of dancing? 700 00:27:58,340 --> 00:28:00.780 我是挺喜欢 I actually like the dancing that boy bands do. 702 00:28:00,940 --> 00:28:02,420 男团舞 Boy bands? 703 00:28:02,420 --> 00:28:05,860 音乐节奏比较快那种 The ones where the beat is faster and there are a lot of moves. 705 00:28:05,860 --> 00:28:07,900 就感觉记起来 It's easy to to forget the moves too sometimes. 707 00:28:08,500 --> 00:28:10,220 你有拍过这种视频吗 Have you ever filmed any of the dances? 708 00:28:10,980 --> 00:28:13,060 没拍过 但是我也快拍了 I haven't, but I was going to film one soon. 709 00:28:13,060 --> 00:28:14,240 因为我觉得挺有意思 I find it pretty interesting. 710 00:28:14,860 --> 00:28:17,160 期待你的舞 那个视频 Looking forward to your dance video! 711 00:28:23,680 --> 00:28:24,360 早安 Good morning. 712 00:28:25,420 --> 00:28:26,040 早 Morning. 713 00:28:31,320 --> 00:28:32,220 区别对待 Look at the difference. 714 00:28:32,220 --> 00:28:34,680 你看吴嘉雯跟他聊的时候 Carmon was so happy when she was chatting with Didi. 716 00:28:35,260 --> 00:28:37,320 李行哥一来 As soon as Hao walked in, her face changed. 718 00:28:37,680 --> 00:28:40,580 他俩又没有吵架 They didn't fight, why is it like this. 720 00:28:40,580 --> 00:28:42,100 她给人拒绝了 -She refused him. -Rejected him. 722 00:28:42,100 --> 00:28:43,940 对 她能不尴尬吗 How can you it not be awkward for her? 723 00:28:43,940 --> 00:28:44,980 还好 It's alright. 724 00:28:52,720 --> 00:28:55,440 你一般工作的话 When you're working, what do you usually work on? 726 00:28:55,440 --> 00:28:56,240 很忙吗 Are you really busy? 727 00:28:56,240 --> 00:28:58,680 我现在还在运营自己的品牌 I'm still working on my own brand right now. 728 00:28:59,120 --> 00:29:03,320 那可能回去的话 I'll keep working on improving my products. 730 00:29:03,320 --> 00:29:08,020 然后还有之后一些活动的 And I'll also work on event planning and the like. 732 00:29:09,560 --> 00:29:13,000 你们今天出门吗 -Are you both going out today? -I'll be in class. 734 00:29:19,120 --> 00:29:23,660 吴嘉雯呢 -Carmon? -I'm going to work. 736 00:29:28,440 --> 00:29:31,800 那你们做设计的话 When you're designing, are you more focused on appearance? 738 00:29:31,800 --> 00:29:33,340 还是质量 还是什么 Or qualify? 739 00:29:34,400 --> 00:29:36,880 我们是都要了 We need both. 740 00:29:36,880 --> 00:29:39,720 就是视觉跟那个产品的细节 The vision of the product as well as the details are both necessary. 742 00:29:39,960 --> 00:29:42,960 反正就是我们方方面面 We basically have to think about every aspect of it. 744 00:29:42,960 --> 00:29:44,680 那还挺复杂的 That sounds pretty complicated 745 00:29:45,480 --> 00:29:47,760 我现在也是大致说了一下而已 I'm just giving you an overview of it all. 746 00:29:48,640 --> 00:29:50,320 我听你们在聊设计是不是 I hear you two talking about design right? 747 00:29:51,280 --> 00:29:53,120 你怎么对设计这么感兴趣 Why are you so interested in design? 748 00:29:53,120 --> 00:29:54,520 我大学是有这门课的 My university has a design course. 749 00:29:54,720 --> 00:29:55,960 还讲了一些别的 It also talked about something else 750 00:29:55,960 --> 00:29:56,960 但是我不太懂 But i don't know much about it. 751 00:29:58,600 --> 00:29:59,880 之前不是很感兴趣 I wasn't very interested before. 752 00:30:02,240 --> 00:30:03,860 我时间差不多 我先走了 It's about that time. I'm going to head out. 753 00:30:03,860 --> 00:30:04,960 上课去了 Going to class? 754 00:30:04,960 --> 00:30:05,920 再见 -Bye! -Bye. 756 00:30:43,800 --> 00:30:45,200 我也差不多了 I'm almost done eating too. 757 00:30:50,140 --> 00:30:51,720 我有事情想跟你说 I have something to tell you. 758 00:30:57,580 --> 00:31:03,040 我觉得就是那个 I feel like it's a little awkward between us. 761 00:31:04,940 --> 00:31:09,160 但 But, that's not the state I want us to be in. 763 00:31:09,680 --> 00:31:13,060 然后 Also, these past few days, since Didi has moved in 765 00:31:14,060 --> 00:31:19,100 我这两天跟他接触 I've interacted with him and I can feel he has a lot of 768 00:31:19,100 --> 00:31:20,100 热情和感染力 enthusiasm and youthful energy. 769 00:31:20,100 --> 00:31:27,220 然后 And I can see what you meant when we talked in the park. 772 00:31:27,220 --> 00:31:35,020 就是 It's ok though. I think they are very enthusiastic. 777 00:31:35,020 --> 00:31:39,700 我也很想就是能够 I also really want to be able to have that kind of energy. 779 00:31:42,460 --> 00:31:43,780 为了 For..for us. 781 00:31:54,040 --> 00:31:55,840 没事 你去上班吧 No worries, you should go to work. 782 00:31:59,720 --> 00:32:00,680 好 Okay. 783 00:32:01,400 --> 00:32:02,700 不要尴尬 Don't be awkward, ok? 784 00:32:07,960 --> 00:32:09,560 那我去上班了 So I'm going to head out to work now. 785 00:32:09,560 --> 00:32:11,000 晚上见 -See you tonight. -See you tonight. 787 00:32:11,560 --> 00:32:16,160 等一下 -Hold on -I'll clean it up. 789 00:32:16,640 --> 00:32:20,440 没关系 -Don't worry about it. -Okay, thank you. 791 00:32:20,640 --> 00:32:21,460 拜拜 Bye bye 792 00:32:35,700 --> 00:32:36,520 少年感这事 More on this youthful feeling. 793 00:32:36,520 --> 00:32:38,620 又总结出一个什么叫少年感 We've found another example of this youthful energy. 794 00:32:38,940 --> 00:32:40,400 就是吃完东西不收盘子 It's finishing your food and leaving your plate. 795 00:32:40,400 --> 00:32:41,560 就是少年感 That's youthful energy. 796 00:32:42,800 --> 00:32:44,060 刚刚他们吃早餐我就看了 Just now when they were eating breakfast 797 00:32:45,020 --> 00:32:46,340 他就说我上课了 就走了 he said he needed to leave for class and just left! 798 00:32:46,340 --> 00:32:47,220 东西就留那了 His plate was just left there. 799 00:32:47,220 --> 00:32:49,560 然后李行跟吴嘉雯 Then when Hao and Carmon talked about not being awkward 801 00:32:49,560 --> 00:32:52,140 李行说的是 Hao said, you ahead, I'll clean it up. 803 00:32:52,920 --> 00:32:54,920 成熟就应该被辜负吗 Does maturity mean you get let down? 804 00:32:54,920 --> 00:32:56,560 成熟就应该收拾盘子吗 Does maturity mean you have to clean up the dishes? 805 00:32:56,560 --> 00:32:59,000 成熟真的常常被辜负的 Maturity is often taken for granted! 806 00:33:00,120 --> 00:33:03,780 不要做成熟人 Don't be the mature one. So no one can let you down! 808 00:33:03,780 --> 00:33:05,020 但这个也是 But this also shows, in my opinion how girls who are mature know 809 00:33:05,020 --> 00:33:08,900 我觉得女孩成熟以后就知道 they should pick mature ones. 811 00:33:08,900 --> 00:33:12,200 女孩成熟了以后 When a girl matures, she also learns not to be the mature one 813 00:33:12,200 --> 00:33:13,740 会被辜负的 so she's not the one let down. 814 00:33:13,980 --> 00:33:16,700 因为你想得太全 Because you think too much for the other person 816 00:33:16,700 --> 00:33:19,400 就像吴嘉雯之前跟陈晓伟 just like Carmon did with Binshen. Same situation. 818 00:33:19,500 --> 00:33:22,900 你都为他想好了 You take care of everything for him, so he just leaves his dishes. 820 00:33:22,900 --> 00:33:25,900 人家就是一句姐姐 He then calls you his big sister, and treats you like a big sister. 822 00:33:26,700 --> 00:33:28,800 短期内你这样讲的话 In the short term, it feels like being the mature one means 823 00:33:28,800 --> 00:33:30,560 肯定是成熟好像是被辜负 being the one who is let down. 824 00:33:30,560 --> 00:33:34,540 但是长期来看 But in the long run, the mature ones live a more content life. 827 00:33:34,540 --> 00:33:36,020 更好 -It's better. -Is Hao content? 829 00:33:36,020 --> 00:33:38,900 他只是想跟这个女生谈恋爱 He just wants to date this girl so right now, he's not content. 831 00:33:38,900 --> 00:33:40,640 但他不会一直想跟这个女生 But he won't always be trying to date this girl. 833 00:33:40,640 --> 00:33:41,980 把李行哥的微信推给你一个 Lets get Haos weChat number for you? 834 00:33:41,980 --> 00:33:43,800 你怎么每一个都要推给我 Why do you want to give me every guys weChat? 835 00:33:43,800 --> 00:33:44,800 我也是 I mean... 836 00:33:44,800 --> 00:33:46,380 他怕你不舒心 He's afraid you're not content! 837 00:33:46,920 --> 00:33:49,200 我感觉你能让他舒心 I feel like you can make him content. 838 00:33:49,200 --> 00:33:52,340 怕你被辜负 He's afraid of you being let down and thinks you need someone like Hao. 839 840 00:33:52,340 --> 00:33:53,400 可以 Okay deal. 841 00:33:53,400 --> 00:33:55,860 除了孙世睿不行 Except for Didi, feel free to connect me with any of the others. 843 00:33:56,160 --> 00:33:58,560 孙世睿不行了 -Why not Didi? -Just like that, Didi's out? 845 00:33:58,560 --> 00:34:01,920 因为他比我弟还小 He's younger than my brother, so I can't do that. 847 00:34:01,920 --> 00:34:03,080 有点下不去手了 Like you can't picture it. 848 00:34:05,400 --> 00:34:07,040 来我们看看后面怎么样 Let us watch what happens next. 849 00:34:12,179 --> 00:34:14,480 上剧场了 -We're in the theater. -Is this the audition? 851 00:34:14,480 --> 00:34:14,840 对 Correct. 852 00:34:15,219 --> 00:34:17,400 我太想看面试这段了 I'm too excited for this audition segment. 853 00:34:18,020 --> 00:34:21,580 今天天气真的很好 The weather is really nice today Uncle Jiang. 855 00:34:21,580 --> 00:34:25,179 这个寻人启示 This missing person flyer, you really posted it? 857 00:34:26,300 --> 00:34:27,500 真的 Really? 858 00:34:27,500 --> 00:34:29,820 我第一次认识 This is the first time I've met someone who posted a missing person flyer. 860 00:34:34,060 --> 00:34:35,460 就是常来的那个韩先生 So it's Mr. Han who comes to visit you often? 861 00:34:36,060 --> 00:34:38,340 那江太太知道这件事吗 Does Mrs. Jiang know about this? 862 00:34:39,100 --> 00:34:42,540 可是 -But... -Okay, you can come in. 864 00:34:43,480 --> 00:34:51,520 好 -Okay. -Please come in. 866 00:34:55,620 --> 00:34:56,580 欢迎 Welcome! 867 00:34:56,880 --> 00:34:59,700 这是赖声川的夫人丁乃竺 This is Lai Shengchuan’s wife Ding Naizhu. 868 00:35:00,060 --> 00:35:01,760 老师好 -Hello teacher. -Hello there. 870 00:35:02,820 --> 00:35:04,120 丁老师好 杨老师好 Hello teacher Ding, hello teacher Yang. 871 00:35:06,280 --> 00:35:08,600 你要不要自我介绍一下 -Why don't you introduce yourself? -Sure. 873 00:35:09,040 --> 00:35:11,920 我是褚梦娜 My name is Chu Mengna. I'm 22 years old. 875 00:35:11,920 --> 00:35:13,600 现在就读于东华大学 I'm studying at Donghua University majoring in Film and Tv performance. 877 00:35:14,600 --> 00:35:16,080 是一名大三的学生 I'm a third year student. 878 00:35:16,760 --> 00:35:17,960 你学表演多久了 How long have you been studying acting? 879 00:35:18,680 --> 00:35:20,600 就是上大学三年 -Just the three years in college. -For three years now. 881 00:35:20,600 --> 00:35:22,440 对 今年大三 第三年了 Correct. I'm in my third year, a junior now. 882 00:35:22,960 --> 00:35:25,960 台词都背下来了吗 Did you memorize all the lines? Good. 884 00:35:25,960 --> 00:35:26,880 那就开始 Ok, you can begin. 885 00:35:26,880 --> 00:35:30,040 好 -Okay. -Try to relax. 887 00:35:30,040 --> 00:35:30,880 好 -Okay. -Try to relax. 889 00:35:31,200 --> 00:35:31,560 好的 Okay. 890 00:35:31,560 --> 00:35:33,000 未来你若走这个行业 If you go into this industry in the future, 891 00:35:33,000 --> 00:35:35,360 可能经常要接受这个试演的 you may often go through this audition process. 892 00:35:35,360 --> 00:35:36,840 就是这工作的一部分 It's a part of the job. 893 00:35:37,080 --> 00:35:38,480 来 试试看 -Alright. Try it out. -Okay. 895 00:35:45,360 --> 00:35:47,800 我可以从门外进来这样开始吗 Can I start from outside the door? 896 00:35:47,800 --> 00:35:48,880 都可以 -Yes you can. -Okay. 898 00:35:48,880 --> 00:35:50,760 你选择你最舒服的方式 You can pick whatever is comfortable for you. 899 00:35:50,760 --> 00:35:51,840 好吗 -Alright. -Okay. 901 00:35:52,760 --> 00:35:54,520 杨老师 可以吗 -Teacher Yang, is that okay? -Yes. 903 00:35:58,280 --> 00:35:59,020 加油 You can do it. 904 00:36:12,180 --> 00:36:14,660 你醒了 睡得好不好 You're awake. Did you sleep well? 905 00:36:17,260 --> 00:36:18,460 你已经有报纸了 You already have a newspaper? 906 00:36:20,140 --> 00:36:22,060 来 江伯伯 我们吃药了 Here Uncle Jiang, it's time to take your medicine. 907 00:36:23,940 --> 00:36:26,820 又是这个红色药丸子 This red pill again... 908 00:36:28,140 --> 00:36:31,620 今天天气不错 The weather is nice today, we should go for a walk. 910 00:36:38,420 --> 00:36:41,300 吃了这个药 Taking this medicine is very good for your health. 912 00:36:42,960 --> 00:36:44,960 今天天气真的很好 The weather is really good today. 913 00:36:46,160 --> 00:36:48,420 今天天气是不错 The weather is pretty nice today. 914 HELP 00:36:51,120 --> 00:36:55,140 自友人处得知 Heard from a friend that you have returned to Taiwan. 916 00:36:55,500 --> 00:36:58,940 盼见报后 速来与我晤面 Please contact me as soon as you see this. 917 00:36:59,340 --> 00:37:03,660 长庚医院1120病房江滨柳 Jiangbin Liu, Ward 1120 Chang Gung Hospital 918 00:37:05,380 --> 00:37:06,500 她是你什么人 Who is she to you? 919 00:37:06,500 --> 00:37:07,620 你跟我讲好不好 Can you tell me? 920 00:37:10,300 --> 00:37:13,220 你们 It must not be an ordinary relationship between you two, right? 922 00:37:13,980 --> 00:37:14,820 怎么回事 What happened? 923 00:37:14,820 --> 00:37:15,740 你跟我讲一讲 You can tell me. 924 00:37:18,100 --> 00:37:20,380 你今年多大了 -How old are you? -Eighteen. 926 00:37:20,780 --> 00:37:22,060 那你不会懂的 Then you won't understand. 927 00:37:22,820 --> 00:37:24,940 你都没说 我怎么会懂 You didn't even explain. How would I understand? 928 00:37:24,940 --> 00:37:25,660 你讲 Just tell me. 929 00:37:25,660 --> 00:37:27,540 你讲一讲 我会懂的 Once you tell me, I'll understand. 930 00:37:29,020 --> 00:37:30,100 讲嘛 Just say it. 931 00:37:32,420 --> 00:37:34,580 跟你说了你不会懂的 I told you you won't understand. 932 00:37:35,940 --> 00:37:37,720 你干嘛这个样子 Why are you acting this way? 933 00:37:38,660 --> 00:37:41,040 那你为什么到今天才找她呢 Then why did you wait until today to look for her? 934 00:37:43,180 --> 00:37:47,580 我委托我一个同乡 老韩 I asked my old neighbor, Han, to go back to our hometown 935 00:37:50,300 --> 00:37:51,940 让他去 to ask about her. 937 00:37:53,140 --> 00:37:54,740 就是那个常来的韩先生 The Mr. Han who comes here often? 938 00:37:58,260 --> 00:38:01,020 你说她看了报纸会不会来 Do you think she will come after seeing it in the newspaper? 939 00:38:02,300 --> 00:38:05,040 这都过了这么长时间了 It's been so long already, I think she definitely won't- 941 00:38:06,740 --> 00:38:08,820 她肯定会来的 I mean she will definitely come. 942 00:38:08,820 --> 00:38:11,260 因为这样才够意思 Because that's what she should do! 943 00:38:11,260 --> 00:38:11,860 对不对 Am I right? 944 00:38:19,740 --> 00:38:21,180 谢谢 谢谢老师 Thank you. Thank you teacher. 945 00:38:21,180 --> 00:38:21,700 没事 No problem. 946 00:38:22,980 --> 00:38:25,020 有一 I think I forgot a small part, right? 948 00:38:25,020 --> 00:38:26,460 对 -Yes. -I'm sorry. 950 00:38:27,020 --> 00:38:28,460 谢谢 谢谢老师 Thank you! Thank you teacher 951 00:38:29,740 --> 00:38:32,300 我听说你有在上剧场 I heard you saw this play in the theater. Right? 953 00:38:32,300 --> 00:38:33,460 对 I did. 954 00:38:34,020 --> 00:38:36,300 这次是因为陈建斌陈老师 This time because of Chen Jianbin, [panelist] Teacher Chen 955 00:38:36,300 --> 00:38:41,060 他跟我打了个电话 called me and mentioned that you like acting very much. 958 00:38:41,060 --> 00:38:45,660 然后你有个梦想 And that you have a dream to embark on this path in the future. 960 00:38:46,340 --> 00:38:47,660 我听了也很感动 When I heard, I was touched. 961 00:38:48,260 --> 00:38:50,340 我们对于所有剧场爱好者 We are grateful for all theater lovers. 962 00:38:50,340 --> 00:38:51,620 我们都特别的感动 We are all very moved that you were a fan of our play. 963 00:38:52,580 --> 00:38:54,560 那我觉得你很有潜力 Also, I think you have potential. 964 00:38:55,740 --> 00:38:57,340 确实有点出乎我的意料 You exceeded my expectations. 965 00:38:58,340 --> 00:39:00,180 当然中间有几个地方 -Of course there were a few areas -Yes. 967 00:39:00,180 --> 00:39:00,900 这个是要磨的 That need to be more polished. 968 00:39:00,900 --> 00:39:02,420 这个是也要跟演员之间 These areas you'll need to work on when working with actors. 969 00:39:02,420 --> 00:39:04,940 做一个磨合 这是难免的 It's a normal process. 970 00:39:05,380 --> 00:39:10,340 所以我觉得 So I think if you continue to study and work hard. 973 00:39:10,620 --> 00:39:13,160 你是有前途的 You have a promising future in this industry. 975 00:39:15,580 --> 00:39:17,260 谢谢 谢谢老师 Thank you! thank you teacher! 976 00:39:17,580 --> 00:39:17,900 谢谢 Thank you! 977 00:39:17,900 --> 00:39:18,380 加油 You can do it! 978 00:39:18,380 --> 00:39:19,980 加油 谢谢老师 Thank you teacher! 979 00:39:21,540 --> 00:39:22,140 谢谢 Thank you. 980 00:39:24,740 --> 00:39:26,320 好 Great. Bye. 982 00:39:27,540 --> 00:39:28,220 谢谢 Thank you! 983 00:39:28,340 --> 00:39:29,340 这也太开心了 This is such good news. 984 00:39:29,340 --> 00:39:31,280 这几句话对她太重要了 These few words are so important to her. 985 00:39:31,280 --> 00:39:32,140 太重要了 So very important. 986 00:39:57,820 --> 00:39:59,940 先掌声再次给陈老师 Once again round of applause for Teacher Chen. 987 00:39:59,940 --> 00:40:01,340 陈老师 Teacher Chen! 988 00:40:01,340 --> 00:40:04,100 掌声给这个 Lets also applaud Teacher Lai and Teacher Ding. 991 00:40:04,320 --> 00:40:04,860 乃竺老师 And Teacher Naizhu. 992 00:40:04,860 --> 00:40:08,040 丁老师这几句话 These words from Teacher Ding, for a young actor, 994 00:40:08,040 --> 00:40:09,340 太重要了 are so important. 995 00:40:09,340 --> 00:40:12,900 我觉得就算褚梦娜 I think even if Nana doesn't get this role, these words 998 00:40:13,220 --> 00:40:15,060 我想 够她用十年的 I think, will last her ten years. 999 00:40:15,060 --> 00:40:15,720 对 Definitely. 1000 00:40:15,720 --> 00:40:18,460 每天晚上睡不着觉 When she can't sleep at night, experiences a hardship, 1002 00:40:18,460 --> 00:40:20,700 再被她老师骂了 when her teacher scolds her again, She will be able to endure it. 1004 00:40:20,700 --> 00:40:21,020 对 Yes. 1005 00:40:21,020 --> 00:40:22,040 尤其是在这种 Especially in this setting when you aren't receiving recognition yet, 1006 00:40:22,040 --> 00:40:26,760 得不到外面人认可的时候 approval from someone influential in film or other industry people, 1009 00:40:26,760 --> 00:40:29,260. 说的这几句话 verbally will help her persevere. 1011 00:40:29,260 --> 00:40:31,120 特别重要的一个动力 Super important type of motivation. 1012 00:40:31,360 --> 00:40:33,520 我觉得主要是陈老师给了一个 I think it was mainly Teacher Chen who gave her the surprise. 1014 00:40:33,520 --> 00:40:34,160 对 Yes. 1015 00:40:34,160 --> 00:40:36,080 给了褚梦娜一个天降的惊喜 Gave Nana a surprise from heaven. 1016 00:40:36,080 --> 00:40:38,820 可以说是 I mean, do you know how wonderful you are? 1018 00:40:40,540 --> 00:40:43,140 陈老师 Teacher Chen, can you critique her audition? 1020 00:40:43,140 --> 00:40:44,240 你觉得她合格吗 Do you think she is qualified? 1021 00:40:44,240 --> 00:40:45,360 我觉得还可以 I think it's pretty good. 1022 00:40:45,360 --> 00:40:46,740 我觉得很惊喜 I think it was surprising. 1023 00:40:47,060 --> 00:40:49,460 因为我们一直这么看她 Because we always see her on screen and she feels very familiar. 1025 00:40:49,460 --> 00:40:53,420 没想到她演戏的时候 I didn't expect to believe that she was that character, 1028 00:40:53,420 --> 00:40:54,160 不是褚梦娜 and not Nana. 1029 00:40:54,160 --> 00:40:56,100 而且因为她没有排练过 Also she's never rehearsed before. 1030 00:40:56,100 --> 00:40:56,500 对 Correct. 1031 00:40:56,500 --> 00:41:00,500 她这是去试演 She went to try out and went straight into acting with the other actor. 1033 00:41:00,500 --> 00:41:04,440 如果经过排练 If she rehearses and gets some pointers from, for example, Teacher lai, 1036 00:41:04,440 --> 00:41:07,360 我觉得她一定能 I think she can play this character well. 1038 00:41:08,440 --> 00:41:09,140 太好了 That's really great. 1039 00:41:09,140 --> 00:41:11,880 又有一段话 More words of praise that she can hold onto. 1041 00:41:12,540 --> 00:41:13,900 陈老师给了肯定 Teacher Chen just gave his approval. 1042 00:41:13,900 --> 00:41:17,460 那我也来 Well then I will also say I think Nana is very good and has lots of potential. 1045 00:41:18,860 --> 00:41:21,260 我这段不值钱 My words aren't worth as much, but here you go, anyway! 1047 00:41:21,260 --> 00:41:22,340 来自观众的评价 Yours are comments from the audience. 1048 00:41:22,340 --> 00:41:24,120 来自观众 很不错 Yes, the audience. Very good. 1049 00:41:24,240 --> 00:41:27,900. 我那个刚看到她去 While watching her act, I thought of something that happened to me. 1052 00:41:27,900 --> 00:41:31,040 我演过一次音乐剧 I was in a musical once, I was a supporting actress. 1054 00:41:31,520 --> 00:41:32,380 懂 Right. 1055 00:41:32,380 --> 00:41:34,560 就是非常具备可替代性 The role was very easily replaceable. 1056 00:41:34,560 --> 00:41:37,200 然后就是A角在台上跳的时候 The lead actress was on stage and I was standing in a corner off-stage. 1059 00:41:38,480 --> 00:41:41,000 然后看着一个镜子 I was looking into a mirror and knew that I wasn't as good as the lead. 1061 00:41:41,000 --> 00:41:44,000 我自己心里头明白 I knew that in my heart, but I also wanted to stand on stage. 1063 00:41:44,260 --> 00:41:45,480 我记得我演的那一天 I remember the day I was acting on stage, 1064 00:41:45,480 --> 00:41:47,680 因为我彩排的机会太少了 because my opportunities to be on stage were so limited, 1065 00:41:47,680 --> 00:41:51,320 我在台上演出当时 while I was standing off stage, I was hit on the forehead by a prop. 1067 00:41:51,320 --> 00:41:54,060 直接起了一个大脓包 There was a big bump on my forehead, filled with blood. 1069 00:41:54,060 --> 00:41:56,700 我都吓哭了 I was scared and started crying, but I still went on stage. 1071 00:41:56,700 --> 00:41:58,400 那个时候没有人知道 At that time, no one knew my name. 1073 00:41:58,400 --> 00:42:01,940 别人只知道 People only knew that I was a side character in this musical. 1076 00:42:02,240 --> 00:42:05,840 我演完了也就结束了 When my small part was over, there was no applause for me. 1078 00:42:05,840 --> 00:42:06,680 曾可妮 我喜欢你 No one was like, "Zeng Keni, I adore you!" 1079 00:42:06,680 --> 00:42:08,580 没有人知道我是谁 No one knew who I was. 1080 00:42:08,580 --> 00:42:11,680 但是我就觉得好幸福 But I just felt so lucky, so happy. 108 00:42:11,680 --> 00:42:13,940 我觉得我就喜欢 I realized I just liked the feeling of standing on that stage. 1084 00:42:14,080 --> 00:42:16,380 所以因为感恩 So your gratitude made you feel lucky. 1086 00:42:16,980 --> 00:42:18,620 我觉得你说得特别好 I think you said it so well. 1087 00:42:21,040 --> 00:42:22,420 我想想我的机遇 I'm thinking about my own lucky break. 1088 00:42:23,040 --> 00:42:25,360 我好像没有什么机遇 I guess I haven't really had lucky breaks. 1089 00:42:25,360 --> 00:42:29,360 就是我在做每一个事情的时候 When I'm working on something, I'm very much in the present. 1091 00:42:30,600 --> 00:42:33,680 我就说脱口秀了就是 Like when I'm on a talk show, I only think about how do I perform on this show. 1093 00:42:33,680 --> 00:42:36,520 然后这场演完就演完了 When that show is over, there's the next show. 1095 00:42:36,520 --> 00:42:40,980 也没有觉得 I never felt like there was one important opportunity. 1098 00:42:40,980 --> 00:42:45,520 我一定要怎么样 Like I have to perform well because this represents something big for my career. 1101 00:42:45,520 --> 00:42:48,040 没有那种长远的考虑 Not thinking about the long term. Just- 1103 00:42:48,040 --> 00:42:49,760 你就是没梦想 You just didn't have a dream. 1104 00:42:49,760 --> 00:42:50,980 不知道要往哪走 Not clear about what the future held, 1105 00:42:50,980 --> 00:42:52,860 但我就觉得这场演出我得演好 but I would focus on doing well in each performance. 1106 00:42:52,860 --> 00:42:54,480 因为这场演出不演好很难受 Because I would feel bad if I didn't do well in the performance. 1107 00:42:54,480 --> 00:42:56,260 没梦想 但是有责任感 So no dream, but a sense of responsibility. 1108 00:42:56,260 --> 00:42:57,180 也是一个好的出路 That's also a good way to handle it. 1109 HELP 00:42:57,180 --> 00:42:57,920 敬畏之心 1110 00:42:58,080 --> 00:43:00,880 其实我觉得杨笠说的是真的 Actually, I think what Yang Li said is true. 1111 00:43:00,880 --> 00:43:04,680 因为你回头看 It's only when you look back that you see which opportunity was a lucky break. 1114 00:43:04,680 --> 00:43:08,300 但是你往前走的时候 But when moving forward in life, every day holds important opportunities. 1117 00:43:08,300 --> 00:43:08,580 对 That's true. 1118 00:43:08,580 --> 00:43:10,020 因为如果你不把自己 Because if you don't- 1119 00:43:10,020 --> 00:43:10,400 当然 of course 1120 00:43:10,400 --> 00:43:12,080 准备好的话 prepare yourself, when the lucky break arrives and you don't catch it, 1122 00:43:12,080 --> 00:43:14,060 你抓不住 它就不是一个机遇 then it's not your lucky break. 1123 00:43:14,060 --> 00:43:17,500 所以紫棋回头看的话 So if Ziqi looks back, were there any lucky breaks? 1125 00:43:18,100 --> 00:43:20,640 可能是我前几年 It might've been few years ago when I participated in a variety show 1127 00:43:24,000 --> 00:43:25,220 然后唱《泡沫》 and sang my song, "bubble." 1128 00:43:25,700 --> 00:43:27,020 然后被大家认知了 After that, people started recognizing me. 1130 00:43:27,020 --> 00:43:34,200 其实会有那么几个 There were a few of those performances that gave me name recognition. 1133 00:43:34,200 --> 00:43:41,600 但是其实我回想 But actually, looking back on the day I sang "bubble," 1136 00:43:41,600 --> 00:43:43,120 一百次《泡沫》了 it was already the hundredth time I had sane "bubble." 1137 00:43:43,520 --> 00:43:46,160 对于当时的我来说 For me at the time, that was nothing special. 1139 00:43:46,160 --> 00:43:47,840 它是我每天在做的事 It was what I was doing every day. 1140 00:43:47,840 --> 00:43:49,300 机遇就是坚持 Opportunity is persistence. 1141 00:43:50,020 --> 00:43:51,100 机遇就是感恩 Opportunity is gratitude. 1142 00:43:51,100 --> 00:43:52,280 机遇就是坚持 Opportunity is persistence. 1143 00:43:52,280 --> 00:43:53,760 那我是机遇就是没有梦想 So for me, opportunity is no dreams. 1144 00:43:53,760 --> 00:43:56,500 机遇就是做好当下 Opportunity is doing well in the moment. 1146 00:43:56,500 --> 00:43:58,240 给你们总结得很好 I think I summarized all of your experiences well. 1147 00:43:58,240 --> 00:43:58,660 大勋 Daxun? 1148 00:43:59,160 --> 00:44:01,200 我觉得比较关键就是 I think a key moment for me was when I was still at film school. 1150 00:44:01,200 --> 00:44:03,060 然后遇上一个导演选演员 I met a director who was casting actors for a movie called "Mao Anying." 1152 00:44:04,480 --> 00:44:05,660 让我演毛岸青 He let me play "Mao Anqing." 1153 00:44:06,160 --> 00:44:07,820 然后那个导演叫刘毅然导演 The director was named Liu Yiran. 1154 00:44:09,420 --> 00:44:10,380 真的吗 -Really? -Really. 1156 00:44:10,620 --> 00:44:13,800 我上大学 I was in college, and they wanted me because they said I seemed sincere. 1158 00:44:13,960 --> 00:44:15,840 少年感强 Lots of youthfulness! 1159 00:44:16,460 --> 00:44:20,280 你真有欺骗性 Clearly you are deceived them. 1161 00:44:20,280 --> 00:44:24,100 我那个时候没拍过戏 Back then, I never acted in anything and didn't know how to act. 1163 00:44:24,100 --> 00:44:26,180 其实就是我觉得导演很包容 Actually, I think the director was very patient. 1164 00:44:27,300 --> 00:44:30,300 我印象比较深的是 One moment that stuck out was a scene where I had to say goodbye to my brother. 1166 00:44:30,880 --> 00:44:32,640 那火车不是走了吗 The train is about to leave and I'm watching the train. 1168 00:44:32,640 --> 00:44:35,160 我就追着那火车然后哭 As it's leaving, I start chasing it and crying. 1169 00:44:35,160 --> 00:44:37,340 就是那个 那样的戏 It was that kind of scene. 1170 00:44:37,340 --> 00:44:40,200 然后我们那导演给了一个 Then our director gave me a close-up shot. 1172 00:44:40,640 --> 00:44:42,480 就拍近景的时候 -While I had my close-up- -You ran outside of the frame? 1174 00:44:42,480 --> 00:44:43,680 然后我跑出画了 I ran outside of the frame. 1175 00:44:44,220 --> 00:44:45,740 我一开始一点概念都没有 At first I had no idea what was wrong. 1176 00:44:46,160 --> 00:44:49,840 就是当时所有人都很慌 Everyone seemed panicked at the time, but I didn't understand why. 1178 00:44:50,160 --> 00:44:52,920 然后导演就捧着那个机器 Then the director held camera and started following me. 1180 00:44:54,140 --> 00:44:56,040 后来我完事了之后 After we finished filming, I apologized to the director. 1182 00:44:56,040 --> 00:44:57,660 我说我也不太知道 I said I didn't really know how I did. 1184 00:44:57,660 --> 00:44:59,520 然后导演说挺好的 Then the director said it was pretty good. 1185 00:44:59,780 --> 00:45:03,080 所以我就觉得我演戏 So I feel like in acting, I was encouraged step by step. 1187 00:45:03,360 --> 00:45:05,860 就是一步一步 Just little by little, the people who I met I guess were- 1189 00:45:06,220 --> 00:45:07,220 温柔的 -Warm. -Yes, warm. 1191 00:45:07,220 --> 00:45:11,500 然后也比较严厉 They were also firm. I feel pretty lucky. 1193 00:45:12,020 --> 00:45:16,640 对 Right, so the first TV series I starred in was called: 1196 00:45:16,200 --> 00:45:17,560 《我亲爱的祖国》 "My Beloved Homeland" 1197 00:45:17,840 --> 00:45:20,980 讲这个钱学森他们的 It was about this Qian Xuesen and was directed by Liu Yiran. 1199 00:45:22,060 --> 00:45:24,160 所以我们俩是师兄弟 So we actually are brothers. 1200 00:45:25,120 --> 00:45:26,080 很有缘分 It's fate. 1201 00:45:26,080 --> 00:45:27,700 这句话终于从陈老师嘴里 This sentence is finally coming from Teacher Chen's mouth. 1202 00:45:27,700 --> 00:45:28,560 说出来了 He said it. 1203 00:45:32,240 --> 00:45:34,720 总结一下 So to summarize, a lucky break means being directed by Liu Yiran. 1205 00:45:35,680 --> 00:45:37,660 好吧 Alright, let's take a look at the next part. 1207 00:45:47,500 --> 00:45:48,540 真的在打 They're really playing. 1208 00:45:49,340 --> 00:45:50,080 完了 Bad shot. 1209 00:45:51,280 --> 00:45:53,040 你发吧 打五个 You start, five shots each. 1210 00:45:53,040 --> 00:45:54,900 三局两胜 行吗 -Let's do three rounds, two to win? -Sure. 1212 00:46:02,940 --> 00:46:03,940 有点火药味 Smells like gunpowder. 1213 00:46:26,920 --> 00:46:27,880 他根本打不过 He can't beat him. 1214 00:46:27,880 --> 00:46:29,920 他是CUBA的 -He's from CUBA! -A professional. 1216 00:46:30,280 --> 00:46:31,560 直接就“屠”掉了 Just end it already. 1217 00:46:35,400 --> 00:46:40,200 还来吗 -You want to play again? -One more . 1219 00:46:40,720 --> 00:46:42,060 那你先发 Why don't you serve. 1220 00:46:44,280 --> 00:46:45,500 你歇会 Rest a little. 1221 00:46:45,500 --> 00:46:46,540 体能也不行 His endurance isn't good. 1222 00:46:47,120 --> 00:46:47,920 没事 来吧 No problem, let's go. 1223 00:46:59,120 --> 00:47:00,020 我再扔一个 Let me shoot one more. 1224 00:47:12,000 --> 00:47:15,760 可以 哥 你打的 -Bro, you're pretty good. -Not at all, just casual. 1227 00:47:15,760 --> 00:47:18,280 我觉得你在篮球爱好者里面 I think amongst basketball fans, you're pretty good. 1229 00:47:19,600 --> 00:47:20,660 谢谢 Thank you. 1230 00:47:21,500 --> 00:47:24,480 你们训练平时 Normally, how often do you all train? 1232 00:47:24,480 --> 00:47:27,440 看集不集训了 It depends on if we're in training camp. 1234 00:47:27,440 --> 00:47:28,400 每天都要练 If we are then we train everyday. 1235 00:47:28,400 --> 00:47:30,120 这是谁回来了 Who just got home? 1236 00:47:35,160 --> 00:47:36,460 你好 -Hello there. -Hello. 1238 00:47:36,740 --> 00:47:39,220 你们这装扮像是 You're both dressed as if- 1239 00:47:39,660 --> 00:47:42,380 我们刚刚 -We've been- -Just chatting a bit. 1241 00:47:42,660 --> 00:47:43,660 切磋了一下 Just shooting the breeze. 1242 00:47:43,860 --> 00:47:45,080 你们也打篮球了 Did you guys also play basketball together? 1243 00:47:45,380 --> 00:47:47,860 我们也 -We also- -What do you mean did we also play? 1245 00:47:47,860 --> 00:47:52,020 因为我不是 -Because you know, we also played.. -Just yesterday. 1248 00:47:52,460 --> 00:47:54,660 怎么样 How did it go? Who won? 1250 00:47:55,180 --> 00:47:56,660 我好像不用问 Actually I don't even need to ask, of course Didi won right? 1253 00:47:58,160 --> 00:47:59,580 我今天运气比较好 I just got really lucky today. 1254 00:47:59,580 --> 00:48:03,460 就 A couple of shots I got in on accident, ya know? 1257 00:48:03,460 --> 00:48:05,300 小胜 -A small win. -You're too humble. 1259 00:48:05,300 --> 00:48:06,220 险胜 I barely won. 1260 00:48:06,220 --> 00:48:09,420 吃点东西吗 Here, eat something. I bought some dessert. 1262 00:48:10,680 --> 00:48:12,400 你们为什么突然要打篮球 Why do you two suddenly want to play basketball? 1263 00:48:12,680 --> 00:48:15,920 就 I mean, it's a hobby for us both right? 1265 00:48:15,920 --> 00:48:17,620 就说下午出去“干”一架 This afternoon we just wanted to shoot a match. 1266 00:48:18,720 --> 00:48:19,740 “干”一架 Yes, shoot a match. 1267 00:48:20,340 --> 00:48:22,840 他不行 He can't, I know his playing ability. 1269 00:48:23,480 --> 00:48:24,360 你怎么知道的 How would you know? 1270 00:48:24,360 --> 00:48:28,680 我当时跟你打的时候 When I played against you, I saw that your accuracy was terrible. 1273 00:48:28,680 --> 00:48:32,200 三不沾 是不是 -0 for 3, right? -What 0 for 3... 1275 00:48:32,200 --> 00:48:34,800 他下午进了好多 He played pretty well this afternoon, he made a bunch of shots. 1278 00:48:34,800 --> 00:48:36,480 他下午五个进了三个 I think you made three out of five right? 1279 00:48:36,480 --> 00:48:38,480 你肯定让他是不是 -You for sure let him off easy. - No, I didn't. 1281 00:48:38,480 --> 00:48:39,600 我很认真 I was very serious. 1282 00:48:39,600 --> 00:48:42,360 你是不是欺负人家 Are you picking on him to get your way? And he's afraid of you? 1284 00:48:42,840 --> 00:48:44,720 没有 -No no no. -Why would I pick on him? 1286 00:48:46,080 --> 00:48:49,160 所以买这么多 Did you buy these desserts today because there's something to celebrate? 1289 00:48:49,160 --> 00:48:51,460 还是有什么特别高兴的事情 Or is there just happy news? Share it with us. 1291 00:48:51,920 --> 00:48:53,480 我那天跟天奇讲了 I told Tianqi the other day. 1292 00:48:53,920 --> 00:48:55,320 你知道的 我跟你说了 You know already, I told you about it. 1293 00:48:56,000 --> 00:48:57,840 不知道 -Nope, I don't know. -You do know! 1295 00:48:58,320 --> 00:48:01,440 不知道 -Don't know. -What terrible memory. 1297 00:49:01,440 --> 00:49:06,560 就是今天我去那个 Today I went to...it was kind of an audition. 1299 00:49:06,960 --> 00:49:10,320 然后我不知道你知不知道 Not sure if you're familiar, do you watch plays normally? 1301 00:49:10,960 --> 00:49:12,080 偶尔 Occasionally. 1302 00:49:12,080 --> 00:49:17,000 对 然后就是有一个 Right, so there's this incredible teacher named Lai Shengchuan. 1305 00:49:17,400 --> 00:49:19,720 然后就突然 Out of the blue, I get a call from him. 1307 00:49:19,720 --> 00:49:22,260 然后让我去面试 He asked me to go in for an audition and I went today. 1309 00:49:22,260 --> 00:49:27,600 然后特别 It was so great, especially because I got to meet Ding Naizhu, a teacher. 1312 00:49:27,600 --> 00:49:29,440 对 就是现在的一个负责人 She's one of the producers in charge right now. 1313 00:49:29,440 --> 00:49:31,320 就是行业大佬那种感觉 是吧 So it feels like an industry giant, right? 1314 00:49:31,680 --> 00:49:33,040 对 特别厉害的 Yes. She's super impressive. 1315 00:49:33,040 --> 00:49:35,680 然后今天让我去试戏 They let me go in to try acting a part. 1316 00:49:35,680 --> 00:49:38,100 你还记得我跟你说 Do you remember which role I said I was trying out? 1318 00:49:39,900 --> 00:49:40,540 不记得了 Don't remember. 1319 00:49:40,920 --> 00:49:41,840 别一问三不知 Don't like not know any of the answers. 1320 00:49:41,840 --> 00:49:42,840 问就是不知道 I just don't know. 1321 00:49:43,880 --> 00:49:46,320 算了 不跟你讲 Forget it, I won't tell you. I'll tell Didi. 1323 00:49:46,320 --> 00:49:50,220 然后 So, they had me try a scene, from this play- 1327 00:49:50,220 --> 00:49:52,100 还很巧的 Coincidentally, we saw together so he knows, he just won't say. 1330 00:49:54,060 --> 00:49:56,380 我去试了一个 I went to try the role of a young nurse. 1332 00:49:56,380 --> 00:50:00,320 然后你知道跟我搭戏的 Then you know who acted with me? It's an actor who's also amazing. 1335 00:50:00,320 --> 00:50:01,800 就是现在在演这个角色的 He's was acting in the role opposite me in the audition. 1336 00:50:01,800 --> 00:50:05,740 那个老师 This actor, who is officially performing on stage right now 1339 00:50:05,740 --> 00:50:07,020 然后跟我来搭戏 To be acting opposite me... 1340 00:50:07,020 --> 00:50:08,580 你知道是一种什么样的概念吗 Do you know what kind of difference that is? 1341 00:50:08,580 --> 00:50:10,780 就是你是在试戏 So you are like a trainee and he's already in the role, right? 1344 00:50:10,780 --> 00:50:11,540 对 Correct. 1345 00:50:11,540 --> 00:50:12,780 那是挺好的 That's pretty good. 1346 00:50:12,780 --> 00:50:15,060 他已经是很厉害 He's already amazing, like a mature actor. 1348 00:50:15,060 --> 00:50:17,320 但是我只是一个学生 对吧 And I'm just a student, you know. 1349 00:50:17,320 --> 00:50:19,740 就是有一种圆梦的感觉 It's the feeling that I'm fulfilling a dream. 1350 00:50:19,740 --> 00:50:24,880 就是我到现在为止这个结果 Actually your experience today is similar to my own situation. 1354 00:50:24,880 --> 00:50:26,360 他又相似了 He found another similarity! 1355 00:50:26,360 --> 00:50:29,000 因为我打 Because playing for CUBA has always been a dream of mine. 1358 00:50:29,000 --> 00:50:31,320 但是我去年其实 But last year, when I first joined the team, I wasn't very optimistic about my place. 1361 00:50:33,240 --> 00:50:35,840 其实我这一年都是很 Actually this past year has been- 1362 00:50:36,280 --> 00:50:38,000 你俩聊 我吃完了 You two keep talking, I'm done eating. 1363 00:50:39,160 --> 00:50:41,640 你再吃一个 -Have one more. -No more. 1365 00:50:41,640 --> 00:50:42,600 你怎么了 What happened? 1366 00:50:43,080 --> 00:50:43,760 脚疼 Does your foot hurt? 1367 00:50:43,760 --> 00:50:44,660 歇会去 Gonna rest a little. 1368 00:50:57,060 --> 00:50:59,580 你把人家放那了 You squeezed him out of the conversation, how could Tianqi say anything else. 1370 00:50:59,580 --> 00:51:01,480 你告诉我这天怎么聊下去 Tell me how that conversation could have continued. 1371 00:51:01,480 --> 00:51:03,340 他为什么就突然生气了 Why did he suddenly get angry? 1372 00:51:03,340 --> 00:51:04,920 他是不是吃醋了 Is he jealous? 1373 00:51:04,920 --> 00:51:06,860 王天奇就是求仁得仁 Tianqi is always looking to be coddled. 1374 00:51:06,860 --> 00:51:09,800 这就是他想要的 This is what he wants. He just wants to be a little angry. 1376 00:51:10,320 --> 00:51:11,880 不是今天战就是明天战 Either a little tiff today or a tiff tomorrow. 1377 00:51:11,880 --> 00:51:14,480 他就要要这个劲 He just wants that dynamic. He wants the result. 1379 00:51:14,480 --> 00:51:16,400 要的就是 哥就是这样 Like, I just want it this way. 1380 00:51:16,400 --> 00:51:17,460 刺激是吗 Is that stimulating? 1381 00:51:17,460 --> 00:51:20,220 我就让你褚梦娜 I need to have you, Nana, coddle me. 1383 00:51:20,220 --> 00:51:21,080 对 Yes. 1384 00:51:21,080 --> 00:51:23,540 你别跟别人唠嗑 Don't connect with others. Yes. Coddle me! 1386 00:51:25,500 --> 00:51:26,360 喜欢我 Like me! 1387 00:51:26,360 --> 00:51:30,080 而且我得让这个男生看出来 And I have to let this guy see, that this girl is coddling me. 1389 00:51:30,080 --> 00:51:32,060 我站起来她就得跟我走 When I get up, she has to follow me. 1390 00:51:32,340 --> 00:51:33,960 她就不跟你唠了 是吧 So she won't chat with you anymore, right? 1391 00:51:33,960 --> 00:51:34,660 对 Correct. 1392 00:51:34,660 --> 00:51:36,240 你们打篮球算什么 So what if you played basketball together? 1393 00:51:36,240 --> 00:51:37,860 她最后得哄我 In the end, she has to coddle me! 1394 00:51:38,140 --> 00:51:40,560 所以接下来会怎么发展 So how will this scene develop? 1395 00:51:40,700 --> 00:51:42,040 也许褚梦娜会来哄他 Maybe Nana will coddle him. 1396 00:51:42,040 --> 00:51:44,220 他就很开心 和好如初 He'll then be very happy. As if nothing happened. 1397 00:51:45,400 --> 00:51:46,020 我们不知道 We don't know for sure. 1398 00:51:46,020 --> 00:51:47,340 我们猜猜看好吧 Let's take a guess. 1399 00:51:47,620 --> 00:51:49,640 那我们就《同一屋檐下》 Ok, Shanghai Share Life, see you next time!