0:00:00.531,0:00:02.791 It's six o'clock in the morning, 0:00:02.791,0:00:04.577 pitch black outside. 0:00:04.871,0:00:08.180 My 14-year-old son[br]is fast asleep in his bed, 0:00:08.180,0:00:11.491 sleeping the reckless,[br]deep sleep of a teenager. 0:00:12.045,0:00:16.331 I flip on the light and physically shake[br]the poor boy awake, 0:00:16.331,0:00:17.485 because I know that, 0:00:17.485,0:00:19.028 like ripping off a Band-Aid, 0:00:19.028,0:00:21.168 it's better to get it over with quickly. 0:00:21.168,0:00:22.171 (Laughter) 0:00:22.431,0:00:26.954 I have a friend who yells "fire"[br]just to rouse her sleeping teen. 0:00:27.253,0:00:29.333 And another who got so fed up 0:00:29.333,0:00:32.106 that she had to dump cold water[br]on her son's head 0:00:32.106,0:00:34.081 just to get him out of bed. 0:00:34.862,0:00:36.630 Sound brutal ... 0:00:36.630,0:00:38.731 but perhaps familiar? 0:00:39.805,0:00:42.728 Every morning I ask myself, 0:00:42.728,0:00:44.355 "How can I -- 0:00:44.355,0:00:46.174 knowing what I know, 0:00:46.174,0:00:48.668 and doing what I do for a living -- 0:00:48.668,0:00:50.893 be doing this to my own son?" 0:00:51.294,0:00:52.523 You see, 0:00:52.523,0:00:54.392 I'm a sleep researcher. 0:00:54.392,0:00:56.061 (Laughter) 0:00:56.583,0:00:58.479 So I know far too much about sleep, 0:00:58.479,0:01:00.593 and the consequences of sleep loss. 0:01:01.019,0:01:05.267 I know that I'm depriving my son[br]of the sleep he desparately needs 0:01:05.267,0:01:07.361 as a rapidly growing teenager. 0:01:07.658,0:01:09.816 I also know that by waking him up 0:01:09.816,0:01:14.588 hours before his natural[br]biological clock tells him he's ready, 0:01:14.588,0:01:17.669 I'm literally robbing him[br]of his dreams -- 0:01:17.669,0:01:23.320 the type of sleep most associated[br]with learning, memory consolidation 0:01:23.320,0:01:25.830 and emotional processing. 0:01:26.057,0:01:28.971 But it's not just my kid[br]that's being deprived of sleep. 0:01:30.022,0:01:33.772 Sleep deprivation among[br]American teenagers is an epidemic. 0:01:34.605,0:01:39.163 Only about one in 10 gets[br]the eight to 10 hours of sleep per night 0:01:39.163,0:01:42.080 recommended by sleep scientists[br]and pediatricians. 0:01:43.478,0:01:45.094 If you're thinking to yourself, 0:01:45.094,0:01:46.654 "Phew, we're doing good, 0:01:46.654,0:01:48.694 my kid's getting eight hours," 0:01:48.694,0:01:49.839 remember, 0:01:49.839,0:01:53.382 eight hours is the minimum[br]recommendation ... 0:01:53.382,0:01:55.027 you're barely passing. 0:01:55.335,0:01:58.264 Eight hours is kind of like[br]getting a C on your report card. 0:01:59.122,0:02:02.886 There are many factors[br]contributing to this epidemic, 0:02:02.886,0:02:07.478 but a major factor preventing teens[br]from getting the sleep they need 0:02:07.478,0:02:10.054 is actually a matter of public policy. 0:02:10.309,0:02:14.574 Not hormones, social lives or Snapchat. 0:02:15.644,0:02:16.945 Across the country, 0:02:16.945,0:02:21.969 many schools are starting[br]around 7:30 a.m. or earlier, 0:02:21.969,0:02:26.098 despite the fact that major[br]medical organizations recommend 0:02:26.098,0:02:30.738 that middle and high school[br]start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. 0:02:31.336,0:02:35.485 These early start policies have[br]a direct effect on how much -- 0:02:35.485,0:02:40.114 or really how little sleep[br]American teenagers are getting. 0:02:40.784,0:02:44.844 They're also pitting[br]teenagers and their parents 0:02:44.844,0:02:48.618 in a fundamentally unwinnable fight[br]against their own bodies. 0:02:49.582,0:02:51.515 Around the time of puberty, 0:02:51.515,0:02:55.286 teenagers experience a delay[br]in their biological clock, 0:02:55.286,0:02:59.397 which determines when we feel most awake[br]and when we feel most sleepy. 0:02:59.731,0:03:03.859 This is driven in part by a shift[br]in the release of the hormone melatonin. 0:03:04.231,0:03:09.870 Teenagers' bodies wait to start releasing[br]melatonin until around 11 p.m., 0:03:09.870,0:03:13.957 which is two hours later than what[br]we see in adults or younger children. 0:03:16.049,0:03:22.185 This means that waking a teenager up[br]at 6 a.m. is the biological equivalent 0:03:22.185,0:03:25.600 of waking an adult up at 4 a.m. 0:03:26.095,0:03:30.078 On the unfortunate days when[br]I have to wake up at 4 a.m., 0:03:30.078,0:03:31.524 I'm a zombie. 0:03:31.524,0:03:33.217 Functionally useless. 0:03:33.217,0:03:34.936 I can't think straight, 0:03:34.936,0:03:36.376 I'm irritable 0:03:36.376,0:03:39.997 and I probably shouldn't be driving a car, 0:03:39.997,0:03:44.151 but this is how many American[br]teenagers feel every single school day. 0:03:44.497,0:03:46.437 In fact, many of the -- 0:03:46.437,0:03:47.595 shall we say, 0:03:47.595,0:03:51.999 unpleasant characteristics that we[br]chalk up to being a teenagers -- 0:03:51.999,0:03:55.555 moodiness, irritability,[br]laziness, depression -- 0:03:55.555,0:03:58.750 could be a product[br]of chronic sleep deprivation. 0:03:59.243,0:04:02.172 For many teens battling[br]chronic sleep loss, 0:04:02.172,0:04:07.689 their go-to strategy to compensate[br]is consuming large quantities of caffeine 0:04:07.689,0:04:09.882 in the form of venti frappucinnos, 0:04:09.882,0:04:11.733 or energy drinks and shots. 0:04:12.381,0:04:13.742 So essentially, 0:04:13.742,0:04:19.316 we've got an entire population[br]of tired but wired youth. 0:04:21.874,0:04:25.569 Advocates of sleep-friendly[br]start times know 0:04:25.569,0:04:29.255 that adolescence is a period[br]of dramatic brain development, 0:04:29.255,0:04:31.147 particularly in the parts of the brain 0:04:31.147,0:04:34.761 that are responsible for those higher[br]order thinking processes, 0:04:34.761,0:04:38.895 including reasoning, problem-solving[br]and good judgment. 0:04:39.422,0:04:40.471 In other words, 0:04:40.471,0:04:42.840 the very type of brain activity[br]that's responsible 0:04:42.840,0:04:47.330 for reining in those impulsive[br]and often risky behaviors 0:04:47.330,0:04:50.394 that are so characteristic of adolescence 0:04:50.394,0:04:54.292 and that are so terrifying[br]to us parents of teenagers. 0:04:54.690,0:04:56.835 They know that like the rest of us, 0:04:56.835,0:04:59.308 when teenagers don't[br]get the sleep they need, 0:04:59.308,0:05:02.489 their brains, their bodies[br]and behaviors suffer 0:05:02.489,0:05:05.084 with both immediate and lasting effects. 0:05:05.382,0:05:07.333 They can't concentrate, 0:05:07.333,0:05:09.376 their attention plummets 0:05:09.376,0:05:13.418 and many will even show[br]behavioral signs that mimic ADHD. 0:05:14.623,0:05:19.066 But the consequences of teen sleep loss[br]go well beyond the classroom, 0:05:19.066,0:05:22.793 sadly contributing to many[br]of the mental health problems 0:05:22.793,0:05:25.440 that skyrocket during adolescence, 0:05:25.440,0:05:27.380 including substance use, 0:05:27.380,0:05:29.961 depression and suicide. 0:05:30.589,0:05:33.912 In our work with teens from LA [br]Unified School District, 0:05:33.912,0:05:36.092 we found that teens with sleep problems 0:05:36.092,0:05:40.626 were 55 percent more likely[br]to have used alcohol in the past month. 0:05:41.354,0:05:45.270 In another study with over[br]30,000 high school students, 0:05:45.270,0:05:48.989 they found that for each[br]hour of lost sleep, 0:05:48.989,0:05:53.658 there was a 38 percent increase[br]in feeling sad or hopeless, 0:05:53.658,0:05:57.421 and a 58 percent increase[br]in teen suicide attempts. 0:05:58.764,0:06:01.262 And if that's not enough, 0:06:01.262,0:06:03.850 teens who skip out on sleep[br]are at increased risk 0:06:03.850,0:06:07.756 for a host of physical health problems[br]that plague our country, 0:06:07.756,0:06:12.043 including obesity,[br]heart disease and diabetes. 0:06:12.998,0:06:16.010 Then there's the risk of putting[br]a sleep-deprived teen, 0:06:16.010,0:06:18.582 with a newly minted driver's license, 0:06:18.582,0:06:20.232 behind the wheel. 0:06:20.474,0:06:25.102 Studies have shown that getting five hours[br]or less of sleep per night 0:06:25.102,0:06:30.706 is the equivalent of driving with a blood[br]alcohol content above the legal limit. 0:06:36.473,0:06:39.055 Advocates of sleep-friendly start times, 0:06:39.190,0:06:41.094 and researchers in this area, 0:06:41.261,0:06:44.036 have produced tremendous science, 0:06:44.208,0:06:46.867 showing the tremendous benefits[br]of later start times. 0:06:47.191,0:06:49.523 The findings are unequivocal, 0:06:49.687,0:06:51.215 and as a sleep scientist, 0:06:51.386,0:06:54.205 I rarely get to speak[br]with that kind of certainty. 0:06:55.408,0:06:58.916 Teens from districts with later[br]start times get more sleep. 0:06:59.292,0:07:02.815 To the naysayers who may think[br]that if schools start later, 0:07:02.992,0:07:05.265 teens will just stay up later, 0:07:05.457,0:07:06.493 the truth is, 0:07:06.698,0:07:08.442 their bedtimes stay the same, 0:07:08.609,0:07:10.659 but their wake-up times get extended, 0:07:10.860,0:07:13.084 resulting in more sleep. 0:07:13.641,0:07:15.978 They're more likely to show up for school; 0:07:16.154,0:07:19.948 school absences dropped[br]by 25 percent in one district. 0:07:20.112,0:07:22.402 And they're less likely to dropout. 0:07:22.625,0:07:25.789 Not surprisingly, they do[br]better academically. 0:07:26.042,0:07:30.044 So this has real implications[br]for reducing the achievement gap. 0:07:30.881,0:07:33.460 Standardized test scores[br]in math and reading 0:07:33.621,0:07:36.528 go up by two to three percentage points. 0:07:36.731,0:07:42.189 That's as powerful as reducing class sizes[br]by one-third fewer students, 0:07:42.352,0:07:45.383 or replacing a so-so teacher[br]in the classroom 0:07:45.562,0:07:47.763 with a truly outstanding one. 0:07:48.711,0:07:51.262 Their mental and physical health improves, 0:07:51.449,0:07:53.544 and even their families are happier. 0:07:53.736,0:07:58.462 I mean, who wouldn't enjoy a little[br]more pleasantness from our teens, 0:07:58.596,0:08:00.829 and a little less crankiness? 0:08:01.316,0:08:03.232 Even their communities are safer 0:08:03.393,0:08:05.745 because car crash rates go down -- 0:08:05.909,0:08:08.706 a 70 percent reduction in one district. 0:08:09.774,0:08:12.090 Given these tremendous benefits, 0:08:12.256,0:08:13.497 you might think, 0:08:13.675,0:08:15.742 well, this is a no-brainer, right? 0:08:16.195,0:08:20.188 So why have we as a society[br]failed to heed this call? 0:08:21.897,0:08:26.263 Often the argument against later[br]start times goes something like this: 0:08:26.391,0:08:28.643 "Why should we delay[br]start times for teenagers? 0:08:28.814,0:08:31.714 We need to toughen them up[br]so they're ready for the real world!" 0:08:32.487,0:08:35.316 But that's like saying to the parent[br]of a two-year-old, 0:08:35.498,0:08:36.931 "Don't let Johnny nap, 0:08:37.099,0:08:39.121 or he won't be ready for kindergarten." 0:08:39.487,0:08:40.747 (Laughter) 0:08:42.143,0:08:45.732 Delaying start times also presents[br]many logistical challenges. 0:08:46.017,0:08:48.389 Not just for students and their families, 0:08:48.591,0:08:50.830 but for communities as a whole. 0:08:51.033,0:08:52.484 Updating bus routes, 0:08:52.648,0:08:54.224 increased transportation costs, 0:08:54.743,0:08:56.000 impact on sports, 0:08:56.215,0:08:58.286 care before or after school. 0:08:58.580,0:09:03.134 These are the same concerns that come up[br]in district after district, 0:09:03.275,0:09:05.107 time and again around the country 0:09:05.287,0:09:07.308 as school start times are debated. 0:09:08.267,0:09:10.925 And they're legitimate concerns, 0:09:11.091,0:09:13.834 but these are problems[br]we have to work through. 0:09:14.393,0:09:20.230 They're not valid excuses for failing[br]to do the right thing for our children, 0:09:20.361,0:09:24.816 which is to start middle and high schools[br]no earlier than 8:30 a.m. 0:09:26.006,0:09:27.885 And in districts around the country, 0:09:28.049,0:09:28.722 big and small, 0:09:28.948,0:09:30.569 who have made this change, 0:09:30.751,0:09:34.434 they found that these fears[br]are often unfounded, 0:09:34.599,0:09:38.852 and far outweighed by the tremendous[br]benefits for student health 0:09:39.028,0:09:40.586 and performance, 0:09:40.802,0:09:43.620 and our collective public safety. 0:09:44.537,0:09:46.226 So tomorrow morning, 0:09:46.437,0:09:51.083 when coincidentally we get to set[br]our clocks back by an hour, 0:09:52.037,0:09:56.512 and you get that delicious[br]extra hour of sleep, 0:09:57.548,0:10:00.385 and they day seems a little longer, 0:10:00.513,0:10:03.137 and a little more full of hope, 0:10:03.265,0:10:07.105 think about the tremendous power of sleep. 0:10:07.833,0:10:10.471 And think about what a gift it would be 0:10:10.663,0:10:14.486 for our children to be able[br]to wake up naturally, 0:10:14.645,0:10:16.939 in harmony with their own biology. 0:10:17.695,0:10:18.950 Thank you, 0:10:18.950,0:10:19.929 and pleasant dreams.